Aijigang, Zhong Limei’s infantry battalion turned out to be the first Chu army to arrive. The South Korean army stationed an infantry company and a Shazhou cavalry battalion here. The local merchant group also organized two commercial infantry battalions. In this case, the Central Plains armed forces here have initially reached the organization of a regiment. Unfortunately, there is still no unified command here. But the arrival of Chu Jun only made Chu's business group happy, and then it was gone.

"Sir, we are on the west side of the defensive circle. There is no commanding height. We can only dig trenches on the spot. However, there is still a lack of water here. This is not an easy task for us." Report to Zhong Limei. Their condition is not very good. It is not suitable for a large-scale garrison army, and the water source is relatively scarce. Although they only rely on a sea, the water there is not drinkable at all. They can only rely on the delivery of logistical supplies, and the number of troops has increased a lot, which makes their situation even worse.

"Yeah. All of these made our soldiers tolerate. We will solve it." Zhong Limei said. He has no way to solve this problem well. It needs to be solved by the logistics department, but he is only a major battalion commander, and many problems are still not well controlled. He does not understand the surrounding situation, so keep going. , Naturally it is very bad for him.

"What are those Koreans doing? I see them constantly surveying and mapping. What do they want to do?" Zhong Limei asked curiously.

"Sir, based on our investigation, I don't know if it's right or not. Some people say that they are conducting pre-war reconnaissance, but this kind of reconnaissance situation is too obvious. We can all see it." The captain said.

"But they are indeed recruiting locals. They conduct limited military reconnaissance. We see it as a must for them. Some people say that they are only surveying and mapping maps. It looks like it, but it seems that they are constantly planning. What. It doesn't look like that." the captain said.

"What are the Koreans doing?" Zhong Limei asked patiently.

"Well, there is the last saying that they are going to dig a canal. We don’t know how the situation is. Anyway, they want to connect the sea here and the sea in the north. In this way, our merchant ships can directly Go over, reach the north and sell silk to buyers in the north. Trade can be further increased." said the captain.

"Canal? My goodness. These Koreans can really think about it." Zhong Limei said, shaking his head.

"Yes, sir, digging a canal requires a lot of national power to do this. It is no less than building a railway. If it were me, in such a place, it would be better to build a railway. Excavation. The canal is too unacceptable," the captain said.

"Yeah. But think about it. If there is a canal, our march will be easier. Entering from the canal, we can directly land and fight. However, the time, energy, and financial resources will be amazingly increased. . We simply don't have the ability to conduct such operations." Zhong Limei said.

"Yes, sir. It's too far away from the mainland. Although you can use merchant ships to solve the problem, it is a huge expense. We think the mainland may not agree with their approach." The captain said.

"Who knows, but once that canal exists, this place will become a key strategic location. It seems that Koreans want to compete for such a position." Zhong Limei said.

"Yes." The captain nodded.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"I asked you to come here urgently to let you see this." As soon as he said, he took out a map, but that map looked a little rough, or that most of the map was sketched.

"This is a report submitted by the Koreans. They want to build a canal on the Aiji Peninsula. They say so." Fan Zeng said.

"This is a map I found. According to the report, there is a bigger sea in the north, which can connect with Loma and other countries. They are the most powerful consumers of silk. We can be there. Expand the market. Most of our silks are transferred by these lovers. They are transported by camels to some of their ports, and then transported by ships. They make more profits. And they also treat us. Taxation. Not all markets are liberalized." Fan Zeng said.

"Prime Minister, do the Koreans intend to build a canal here?" Chen Ping has been in charge of the project recently. They are planning to build a steel bridge. Through the connection of the steel bridge, the train can directly enter the Wuyue area through the bridge. In that case, there is no need to transfer ships and let the train reach the Wuyue area by boat. This will greatly increase the development of the Wuyue area. , Especially a series of inland resources, manpower, and minerals will be connected. Chen Ping has been in charge of such things, so he can instantly recognize the engineering drawings.

"Yes. That's right. That's what the Korean people think. They want to build a canal so that they can connect the sea in the south and the north. In this way, our merchant ships can go directly. This is for us. Very important. Because this is for us to expand trade, but the ownership of this canal has not been resolved yet." Fan Zeng said.

"Prime Minister, this matter should be more cautious, think about it, this canal is very important, it is very important to us. If the construction of this canal is successful, it will become a new strategic point, who can Control this point, whoever can control everything." Chen Ping said.

"I know, but the construction of this canal is also very expensive. It is no less than a railway. If the calculation of the engineering quantity is not accurate, it is possible to double it. Think about it. With the ability of our Chu State, It is still impossible to solve such a problem, because our financial ability is also difficult to do such a thing." Fan Zeng said.

"Yeah. I think the same is true for Koreans. This is a canal. We have to dig all the places. Moreover, our ships are increasing improperly. From a future perspective, this canal must be dug very wide. Yes. In this case, the project volume may exceed four railway projects of the same scale." Chen Ping calculated initially.

"Yes, the Koreans cannot undertake such a large project, so they need to find us to do it together. You must know that the Koreans and ours have the largest number of troops, and the Koreans will continue to increase their strength. We can also do it. At this point, and both of us need trade, if we leave trade, the situation will be very bad for us. This is what we should be concerned about." Fan Zeng said.

"If the construction of this canal is successful, there will be great controversies. The first is the dispute between the Koreans and us. The investment in this canal is very long and the scale of funds is large. If either of the two parties withdraws, it will cause serious disasters. The second is that the construction period is very long and the cost is very long. In the middle, if there is no common interest alliance, it is difficult to achieve such a thing, because once it stops, the disaster may stop completely. Finally, this position is very high. Importantly, the Koreans will definitely occupy this place. At that time, what about our profits? We also need this question. What will happen if the diplomatic relations between the two sides change?" Chen Ping asked.

"This plan should be handed over to the parliament for their consideration. We should not respond in a hurry. After all, South Korea still needs careful consideration. The war against Patriotic countries has not yet begun." Chen Ping suggested.

"Yeah. That's right, let's not be too anxious, wait and see. The situation will change a lot." Fan Zeng said.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The amount of work on this canal is huge, and the most important thing is that we don't know the total amount of this canal. It is still difficult to complete with our family's financial capacity alone." Zhang Liang said to Han Shu.

"The Chu country may not agree to it. Even if it does, there will be disputes. You must know that the Chu people will not give up such a key principle. Controlling here can control all trade with the north." Han Shu said.

"But Majesty, we need them to do this. This is a help for us. Without the help of Chu, our situation may not have reached such a result." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. So, we have to give the Chu country enough benefits to let them participate, but we have to control this channel. Absolutely not. This is our red line and the final bottom line. The bottom line is absolutely unbreakable. "Han Shu said solemnly.

"Yes, but I think that harmony is not enough, because it also requires a lot of labor, and the use of machinery is not enough. And we still can't do this, the project is extremely large. It also takes a lot of time, we need the local government If this war can defeat the other side, it will definitely be a huge victory for us." Zhang Liang said.

"It's not our purpose, the purpose of fighting is to talk. It is to let the people of love let go of their market and let them help us build the canal. We still give them some of the benefits of the canal. But they must control the canal." Han Shu said.

"We will do this." Zhang Liang said.

"But we must find a way to draw the local government in. We need more labor resources to do such a thing." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. Yes, this is the purpose of the fight." Han Shu said.

South Korean War Department. The War Department is responding tensely to the future war of Patriotic States.

"We need to form a big threat to solve the Aiji countries, but most of our troops are infantry, artillery, and cavalry. They rely very heavily on logistics. The most important thing is whether Aiji countries will be in our country. Here is a decisive battle with us. If the decisive battle is best with us, we can encircle each other at once, just like we did in Port Seth.” A lieutenant colonel introduced.

The South Korean Army has encountered a problem. They have to deal with threats from several countries. They first have to deal with this war again, but the situation in this war is different. Their opponents are unresponsive, their enemies are unwilling to fight them, and they must fight in depth, that is to say. They must reach the enemy's hinterland in order to resolve the war.

"I think we have to go deep into their hinterland to fight, but in that case our logistics supplies are very difficult. If they can't threaten their capital, everything will become the worst thing." said a colonel.

The situation is obvious. South Korea, and the future coalition forces, if they want to achieve great results, they must occupy the capital of the other side and have their soldiers close to the city. Only in this way can they completely end the war. But by looking at their distance, you can see that there are situations like this. How far away. There is no means of transportation to get there directly, and they must travel hundreds of miles to fight deep behind enemy lines. Who knows what kind of situation will be encountered there. In addition, they have no official roads, which makes their combat extremely difficult.

"Perhaps we can use air combat to solve this problem, but the problem is that we need to send ground troops out of here. How to solve this problem is really very difficult for us." An officer said. . Faced with such a difficult problem, some military officers boldly imagined that they could use air superiority to achieve this.

"In this case, the amount of money spent will further increase. This is not what we want to see, and it is difficult for us to deal with the supply situation thousands of miles away." The Secretary of the Army thought about it and said, shaking his head. Although this plan is very good, they have not had such combat experience in bombing and transportation. The people of Qin had such combat experience, but it was based on their extensive reconnaissance at that time, which was very easy for them. , But for Koreans, it's a bit embarrassing.

"Anyway? We can give it a try. At the very least, if there is a problem, we will think of a way to solve it. This may be a relatively safe solution for us." The Secretary of the Army thought about it and wanted to solve it. Only by quickly occupying the other side’s capital and threatening the other’s survival can this problem be solved, but they suddenly discovered that Paiji Country does not have such conditions. First, they are far away from the other’s capital, which makes it difficult for them to accept. Secondly, there is no passage to the other side's capital. Rail, road, and ship transportation are all impossible, which is not as good as the Eight-Power Allied Forces in Chinese history and other situations. At that time, the distance was not too far at least. Later, there were railways that could be used. They could directly reach the other side’s capital, but now they could not use anything, which caused a big difficulty in marching.

How to force each other. Become a big problem. This is a problem that the War Department must resolve.

Qin State, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"The Ministry of Transport's plan is quite good, at least they can solve this plan well." Meng Yi said.

"But the cost of relying on railways is still very high. The most important thing is that I am worried about the reaction of the Karachi people. They will increase taxes on our oil. You must know that the Koreans have not completely controlled this country. The country still has a certain degree of independence, I heard. Recently, the South Korean Navy will sell some warships to the other side. In this case, the other side’s independence will be even stronger. If our oil is imported from there, it will definitely increase tax expenses. The same is true for Mr. Shi. Only then can it be transported to us and set up a series of oil refineries in the border area. But when the oil reaches us, the cost has increased a lot. This is very bad for our cost control. This will Seriously affect our development." Shang Wen said, shaking his head. Obviously, Shang Wen is still conservatively estimating this plan, and he is not too optimistic about this plan.

"Relying on cheap sea transportation can still help us, but it takes a longer period of time. It takes too long to reach us from Port Seth. But most of them are cheap sea transportation. But most of our oil supply is Relying on South Korea for imports, this is still a relatively large threat to us." Meng Yi said.

"Well, we can try to talk to them, or let the people of Yueshi and Karachi talk about it. If the price of oil they can transport is relatively low, it will be good for further depressing South Korea's oil supply. , But if we can’t solve this problem well, there is nothing we can do.” Meng Yi said.

"Well. It seems that it can only be so. The fundamental problem is that we must have our own oil producing area, only in this way can we completely solve our problems." Shang Wen said.

Dawan, inside the barracks of the 2nd Infantry Division.

"Why do we have to abolish us? Why? We fought for this country. Could it be that this country doesn't want us if it doesn't want us?" The Dawan soldiers who retreated from the Siberian nation haven't had a good rest yet, or are they Said that when they had not adjusted from the situation of foreign operations, they immediately received a notice of the abolition of their establishment. This makes it difficult for many soldiers to accept. They have a feeling of being abandoned by this country.

"Calm down, calm down." The officer stopped loudly. In fact, they are even more dissatisfied, but they are officers, they may still be well placed, but they must first control their soldiers.

"Sir, the country cannot treat us like this. Didn't we just fail to win?" the soldiers said aggrievedly.

"Listen to me, the country did not abandon you, no. It really did not abandon you, just for you to find a better way out, and the war is not over yet." The officer explained. The soldiers looked at the officer in confusion, they didn't understand why they did this.

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