The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3292: Korea United Nations

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"What did the intelligence department do, it's just a huge shame that such a city has only been discovered until now." Han Shu looked at the telegram dissatisfied. A person in charge of the Intelligence Department could not explain. It's already unforgivable to happen like this. They knew that they couldn't hide it, and they couldn't hide it. The above is extremely concerned about this war in Patriotic countries.

"My lord, this is mainly due to a serious shortage of our manpower. Only such an effect can be achieved. There is no other way." The intelligence chief explained.

"Okay. I didn't criticize you too much, it's just that you should learn your lesson when something like this happens." Han Shu said.

"Yes. Lord, we will learn our lesson." The person in charge said.

"But you are doing a good job, and being able to find such a problem shows that you have done a lot of work. This information is very useful to us, so you can give it a first-class medal." Han Shu rewarded.

"Xie Wang," the person in charge thanked. Then Han Shu waved to the other party to go down. The South Korean side also got the piece of information they most wanted. This information will be enough to change the development of the entire war. Immediately, Han Shu was forwarded to Zhao Guo. South Korea still needs the balance of Zhao Guoren, but for a city fighting in coastal areas, his significance has exceeded the other's capital.

Zhao Guo, Li Mu's staff. Li Mu was watching the situation on the sand table. He watched motionlessly, but his head came up with many ways that could not solve this problem. For the coalition forces who had to go deep into the enemy to fight and travel thousands of miles to come to Ireland. It is said that this approach is very risky, and, going deep behind the enemy line, it is easy to cause large-scale casualties. This is the loss that Li Mu and the coalition forces absolutely cannot bear, but without going deep, there is no way to solve this problem. This makes Li Mu feel very distressed, because he has no good way to solve it.

Lee Zuoche suggested to use the air force, but the local climate conditions were not mastered at all, even if it was possible, but there was a desert. Who knows if there is a large-scale sandstorm? It is said that the South Korean army was fighting in Seth. I have encountered it. Fortunately, they were delayed by a day due to the maintenance of the airship, and the sandstorm suddenly struck over. At that time, there was still a weather test and suddenly encountered a sandstorm. Fortunately, it did not take off at the time. Otherwise, the airship bombing team that South Korea had finally established would be completely reimbursed. After thinking about it, I felt very scared. If Zhao Guo were to invest in such airpower operations, he would need to go deep within five hundred miles of the opponent and then drop a bomb. Once he encounters bad weather conditions, Li Mu dare not even think about it.

Moreover, their logistics transportation cannot support such a demand. The air force needs to transport a lot of materials. First of all, the consumption of fuel and bombs is very large. The second logistical maintenance is to add personnel expenses and so on. These are large numbers. In the end, the goal of the State of Zhao is to occupy more colonies, not to invest more in this war. This is where Li Mu feels very helpless.

But if you don't do this, the battle will be meaningless.

"Sir. A new telegram from South Korea." Li Zuoche found Li Mu and handed a telegram to the other party at this time.

"Yeah." Li Mu temporarily retracted his mind and looked at the telegram.

"It seems that things have changed." Li Mu passed the telegram to Li Zuoche as he said.

"Look, South Korea has discovered a new city nearby. This city has a canal connecting to the north. Unfortunately, this canal has not been opened up. Due to long-term repairs, there have been big problems, but fortunately recently A repair is relatively recent. If we can get through this main road, we can directly connect to the north. This is a good thing for us. At the same time, we have to attack such a city and let them launch a larger scale. The offensive was achieved, and the goal of besieging a little bit and hitting the opponent's reinforcements." Li Mu had a very good idea in an instant.

"It's just that we just lay down such a stronghold, sir, I also think this is good enough for us." Li Zuoche said.

"Yes." Li Mu said

"In this case, our command problem can be greatly solved. However, the next problem is the problem of the Koreans. They want to control this canal, and the control of this canal has great strategic significance for them. I'm afraid, Chu people are not willing to give up such a place." Li Mu said with a smile.

Zhao Guo. Inside a coal research institute in Handan.

"Boom." A string of flames rushed out quickly.

"Look, this is the coal tar that I invented. It is the same as gasoline. Gasoline is extracted from petroleum, while coal tar is extracted from coal. In this way, the lack of fuel in our country can It's over very well," said a researcher.

"However, I think we should calculate the cost. If a large amount of oil enters, our cost advantage may not be able to compete with our opponents. After all, we still need to process it once. In terms of oil, they only need to process and refine it once." Said his assistant worriedly.

"Coal tar itself is a by-product. You know? This is for us. It's not about adding a process at all, but trying to find a way to gather all these things together. But this kind of fuel has not been used yet. Places, I want to promote it. It will take some time." The researcher said.

Zhao's navy has always used coal, because they have enough coal. Therefore, in terms of ship power, their research efforts have not been very large. They have coal, and then research other, obviously is not an effective means of promotion, because there is no such need. On the contrary, South Korea has such research needs, because they lack enough coal to burn, which has to pay some attention to the use of other fuels.

In South Korea, their research has also made some breakthroughs. They found a cheap fuel. Heavy oil, but this kind of heavy oil damages the combustion chamber and parts very seriously. Moreover, heavy oil is extremely viscous, and sometimes it is difficult to ignite directly when ignited. However, his burning value is relatively large and needs to be pre-heated when used, but his major advantage is. cheap. Cheap. And can meet their needs.

"Let's give it a try. What I know is that on Zhangyi Island, we have enough of these things, but it is more troublesome to mine, we only mine occasionally. Such fuel." The researcher said. South Korean ships lacked enough coal, which forced them to find a way to transfer to some new fuels. For example, heavy oil, this fuel is cheaper than coal, and the calorific value of combustion is relatively large, but the problem is that the exploitation of heavy oil and its reserves are relatively small. If this supplement can be strengthened, it will be very beneficial to them.

"Well, you will come up with a plan as soon as possible. I will let the above use as soon as possible to promote heavy oil. Currently we are too short of enough fuel." A person in charge said.

The lack of sufficient fuel has to be anchored at the port, which has largely affected the development of South Korea’s shipping industry.

Qin State. The opinions of the Securities Commission finally formed a preliminary view. They believed that crude oil should be treated with caution, and they demanded the use of higher-quality crude oil instead of crude oil. Because the weight of the fuel contained in it is different.

Inside Shang Wen's office. Shang Wen is also considering this issue.

"Qin’s demand for fuel is becoming greater and greater. This is like a huge demand for blood. Our industrial demand is becoming greater and greater. I heard that in some important steel sectors, fuel oil is also used. The effect of steel is better than that of coal. It is basically equivalent to electric arc, and only a few people can master this technology." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"But our oil supply is seriously inadequate. In this regard, we are very short of sufficient materials to guarantee. If commercial crude oil is used, they are worried that it will have a great impact on our technology at the beginning, because the fuel The price will increase. In that case, what should we do?" Meng Yi said.

"You know. There is a shortage of fuel in many places. The increase in the price of fuel is very detrimental to our technological development. People will not like the increase in fuel prices. If that is the case, we will not be able to bear such a situation. "Meng Yi said.

"Well, but we should also see that the increase in fuel prices allows us to pay more attention to efficient use, which is also a new improvement for technology. What we should also notice is the emergence of crude oil futures. It allows us to mobilize more resources from all parties. For example, the previous demand for iron ore, copper ore, and various ore, as well as the price impact of wheat and various agricultural products, we all adjust through the market to achieve our The advantage of this is that we can get a variety of material demand, although the initial impact is great, for example, the price may rise, but you have also seen it. After the price fluctuates, it will return to Normally, this is what we need most." Shang Wen said.

"At the same time, raising the price of fuel is also a challenge for technology. We can use fuel more reasonably. When they expand the scale of mining and our needs are met, all problems can be solved well. ." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. I think, I understand." Meng Yi said.

"In this case, we have to approve the listing of the original futures?" Uncle Meng Yi said.

"Yes, they must be approved for listing. This has a great impact on us. If we don't do this, other countries will do the same, for example, South Korea. We have also listed cotton before, but our cotton is more. It is used to make propellant and gunpowder for bullets, but the Koreans use it to make clothes. I think they will also consider this issue." Shang Wen said.

"Well. Well, in that case, it can only be done. Maybe South Korea will also come up with a new futures." Meng Yi said.

On the Korean side, Qin State Bank, Bank of Korea, and the Korean government made a series of adjustments. They finally reached a preliminary adjustment plan. At 20%, Qin State Capital suddenly occupied 100% of the shares of the Central Bank of Korea. Twenty percent, which is a large proportion, but after the Korean government granted the Bank of Korea the investment privileges in railways and oil, the Bank of Korea only let go. This is because the Bank of Korea clearly believes that the government's purpose in doing so is to allow them to effectively compete with Qin State Bank, thereby making their capital efficiency more efficient. It's alive for them. It is also a good thing, but the Bank of Korea still thinks they are not doing well enough. Because they let Qin State Capital in. Qin State Capital is like their army, a group of tiger wolves. In the face of tiger wolves, they may not have the power to resist. But the South Korean government is not inactive. They have given Korean banks the ability to invest, and the banks’ risks have further increased. They will act as a new investment force to pursue higher economic benefits and directly participate in economic activities. This is for South Korean capital. It is indeed a big challenge. In the face of such a challenge, the Bank of Korea still feels a lot of pressure.

"There is pressure, there is motivation. Only in order to make them develop better, if they can lie down and make money, I don't need them." Han Shu looked at the report and said.

"Let’s deal with this matter like this. The next step is to issue more banknotes. We have to solve this problem. Don’t look at Qin’s people occupying only 20%, but our plate has expanded a lot, and South Korea has to join more. With more colonies, it will be more troublesome to control." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

"My lord, we can adopt some federal state methods to allow Korea to effectively control these colonies. Our control over the colonies is still very weak." Zhang Liang proposed at this time.

"Well. You used to talk about the country, and I also know it. But how to control it? We have to find a way. The Qin country’s federal state method is very good. But in that case, the local councillors need to be promoted. We can promote our Korean parliamentarians, but among those parliamentarians there are some conservative local parliamentarians. They are locals. If they are included in our central assembly, our parliamentarians will definitely oppose it, and the voice of opposition is the loudest. , We simply can't provoke so many congressmen." Han Shu said distressedly.

"My lord, there is no need to do this. We just need to unite them. Let them obey our command. As for the local councillors, it is enough to keep them in charge. Although they have no channels for promotion. They can be effective. To control the locals, as long as they listen to things like us, this is a very important opportunity for us." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. You are right. We do need it. I think our country name should be changed, for example, the United Nations in South Korea?" Han Shu said.

"It doesn't sound good, the name is not so good, Han United Nations?" Han Shu went on to say another name.

"My lord, I think we should join in autonomy and give them a certain degree of independence. For example, the United Autonomous State of South Korea?" Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. Autonomy. It feels bad." Han Shu shook his head and said at this time.

"Think about it, self-government. They govern by themselves. This shows that our power in South Korea is still very scattered. This is not a good thing for us. A scattered country is of great use to us. This is the worst thing for us." Han Shu shook his head and said.

"I think it’s better to listen to the United Nations. South Korea’s United Nations. In this case, South Korea is leading and other countries are led, so that we can highlight our own role in South Korea. This is the most beneficial result for us in South Korea. If we don’t highlight such results, then we won’t make any sense.” Han Shu said.

"This. Okay." Zhang Liang could only agree to this. In fact, autonomy is more about letting the local economy develop and allowing the colonial economy to have a greater recovery. In this case, Zhang Liang thinks this is the best way to change the name later. Because the restoration of the colonial economy is of great help to the development of South Korea’s economy, Han Shu places too much emphasis on South Korea’s leadership. He believes that South Korea should not lose such leadership. Losing leadership will make them go to the colony. Control, Han Shu has always emphasized this kind of ability improvement, so he rejected Zhang Liang's proposal. In this way, the South Korean United Nations proposed. of course. Such a proposal first solicits the opinions of the public. In fact, it is to build momentum. But the South Korean people's views on this are still relatively positive.

"I think this United Nations should be established. What kind of country is South Korea? Why can we occupy so many colonies. And if they can not do this, it is not because our national ability is strong, so we should Leaders, control them." The Korean people looked at the newspaper and commented.

"Yeah. But in this case, are we in Korea too much trouble." A Korean said worriedly.

"Big. This is still big. The colony we occupy is not as many as the people of Chu. The people of Chu are occupying one piece at a time. They will never refuse to come. As long as it is land, they will keep occupying it. This is for us. Say. It’s not a big deal. Look at our situation. There are only a few colonies. The United Nations is still small. I think it should be called the United Kingdom. This sounds good." A Korean said with a grin.

"Well. I think we should add a big character. Unfortunately, the number of our colonies is still too small." The Korean said dissatisfiedly.

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