The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3367: Execution of members of the royal family

Rest in peace, Zhao Xi is hosting representatives from Qin State Bank. If they feel good, they will represent Qin State Bank to invest in the northern Caspian Sea. This will have great significance for them. However, Qin State Bank representatives still have some concerns.

"The security situation in the north is very safe for our Sabbath government. The threat to the Persians has been reduced to a minimum." Zhao Xi assured.

"But we still heard that there are some tenacious Persians who have stayed. They decided to fight to the end. I don't know if this kind of thing will happen." A bank representative asked suspiciously. After all, they were engaged in investment. . For oil investment, if the oil is not extracted, but because of these Persians, the oil extraction cannot be carried out, the bank losses will become extremely alarming. This is definitely not good news for them.

"This. We have sent troops to eliminate them. They are not a concern. Really. In addition, we have an absolute advantage in that area. The threat they pose to us is not great. Don't worry, we will keep there at least three. There are more than one infantry division, and there are also a large number of militias. Their combat effectiveness is still very strong. The living environment of those Persians is very bad and they cannot survive. If this is the case, they will not pose a great threat to us. "The other party promised. Although Zhao Xi’s guarantees are very numerous and seem very convincing, the representatives of Qin State Bank are still very worried about this. After all, they are looking at the risk control of investment, even though the demand for oil has caused the current price of oil to rise. It is very powerful, and the scale of profit is still extremely large. However, they must see the risks in this. Such risks will still lead to their investment failure. They must control the risks. And the guarantee of the rest government is not enough to make They dispelled such concerns. This is an investment, and it cannot disappear with a few words.

Qi State. In Laizhou Port, the Koguryo Navy held a simple ceremony. Welcome their two new warships to join the Navy sequence. They are the Changbai Mountain and the Koguryo frigate. They are equipped with six rapid-fire guns. It can provide power at a speed of 18 knots. With a cruising speed of twelve knots, they can sail more than three thousand five hundred nautical miles. This is a good voyage. The two frigates will **** ten Koguryo merchant ships out of here. They carried a large amount of cargo to reach the port of Goguryeo in the north. This is their first **** mission.

"I think Goguryeo is too anxious. Their navy is still unable to form combat effectiveness, and they are some novices, how could they control such a warship?" a navy colonel asked worriedly the navy deputy. Originally, the Goguryeo people planned to hold some grand ceremonies to welcome these new warships into the sequence of the Goguryeo Navy, but seeing that the new warships of the Qi State Navy were larger than them, they felt a little inferior and naturally gave up. However, this does not prevent them from doing some extreme things. For example, they decided to put these warships directly into the escort. The Qi State Navy transferred more than forty naval personnel to teach them how to fight and how to use these warships. They don't know anything. The Koguryo Navy is at best a fleet composed of novice navy, which is useless to them.

"Perhaps, Goguryeo can't delay it. This is their own rule, and we have no way." The Navy Deputy Commander told the other party helplessly.

"I think, at this point, you should be more aware of this point than I am. Goguryeo is all dependent on their ore exports, coal, copper mines, gold mines, etc. These ore can bring them great profits. They The government of China relies on this to operate, and if they leave these things, it will be difficult for them to operate. Therefore, they don’t seem to be in a hurry anymore,” said the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"Yes, sir, but our navy personnel are equivalent to helping them fight. This is for us." The navy colonel said with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, they will pay this fee. Our Naval Academy will train them a large number of naval officers and non-commissioned officers, and they will play their own role." said the navy deputy.

Goguryeo does lack naval personnel who can be established at once. Their naval personnel has expanded from more than 300 to more than 700, which has more than doubled in size, but they still have difficulty in exerting the strength that the navy should have. They must also have their own naval officers and noncommissioned officers. This is what the Koguryo Navy lacks, and their naval personnel have very low combat qualities.

Inside the boiler cabin of Changbai Mountain. A sergeant of the Qi State Navy ordered seven Goguryeo naval personnel to keep adding coal to their boilers. They were sweating. The temperature here is very high. It is summer again and the weather is even hotter, which makes them unbearable. Such a high temperature.

"This is the boiler cabin. If you choose here, you must love it here, and you must love everything here, just like loving your women." Navy Sergeant Qi said with a sip of tea. The temperature here is very high. It is difficult for ordinary people to bear it here. It is also the hardest place on all warships. But there must be someone here to take on such a task, otherwise, it will be difficult for them to continue working. This is a place to provide motivation.

"Sir, I want to ask a question." A Goguryeo Navy Private asked curiously. He poured a cup of tea carefully. They are responsible for learning. Many key places are trained by Qi State navy personnel. Officers must study comprehensively. They have to pass examinations to get promoted. The same is true for them. They all speak the Central Plains dialect. Not only that, but also They must be eager to learn. They can read and write. In this case, they have the best comprehension ability, of course. Their salaries are also much higher than the salaries of ordinary soldiers in the Army, usually five times. The officer will be higher. They are technical services, and this is their superiority. It is also their honor to be able to enter here.

"Let's talk. I want to hear it." Sergeant Qi State Navy said. Their treatment is very high. The Goguryeo side gave them great treatment upgrades. For example, they had drinks at a meal, but the Goguryeo soldiers didn't have any, and they ate at the same table as the officers. They were treated like officers. The navy is a place with strict hierarchy. , The soldiers in the boiler compartment of Goguryeo can only cook for themselves.

"If, I said, if, we are under the entire battleship, if the battleship is sunk, how do we escape? Can we leave our posts?" The soldier asked worriedly at this time. The sergeant looked at each other, he didn't expect the other party to ask such a question.

"This." The privates were a little nervous when the opponent looked at them. In fact, every naval officer was worried about this. If the warship sinks, the people on it say that they can immediately escape and jump into the sea, but they are in the sea. At the bottom, their situation must be very bad.

"If something like this happens, if you dare to run, I will dare to have someone shoot you. I do what I say. Everyone must do this." The Navy Sergeant said harshly.

"You are a deserter's behavior. Maybe I should throw you into the sea now. Only in this way can you know the benefits of staying on a warship." The navy sergeant said seriously.

"Everyone gives him all the work." The Navy Sergeant ordered. After all, the Koguryo Navy is a newly established service, and many naval personnel are naturally afraid. After all, many of them are transferred from the army. Once let them fall into the sea, they will have difficulties of this kind, after all, this is not the kind of situation they can bear, which will cause serious consequences to them.

Qingcheng, South Korea. Inside the Naval Research Institute. The torpedo team improved their torpedo. They installed the gyroscope used by the torpedo, so that the torpedo can maintain a straight line, but the torpedo still needs to be fixed in depth. Because they use torpedoes with compressed gas engines, this torpedo’s shortcomings are just that, but the range of the torpedo still cannot be increased. The maximum range can only reach 500 meters. Beyond this distance, combat efficiency may be lost. This is their current The only thing that can be done.

"This is the request of the Chu State Navy. They hope to be able to install our new torpedoes on their warships. In this way, their warships can pose a threat to large warships. Of course. Their speed is not that fast. If so. If they can withstand the fierce attack of the opponent, they can do this." A navy colonel found the team leader and said.

"Why is it our torpedo?" The team leader asked such a question curiously. He thought that Chu also had the ability to develop its own torpedoes. Why should they use their torpedoes? If such torpedoes are used, once they are dissected, The secret of the entire torpedo will not be preserved.

"I also want to ask such a question, but this is an order. The Navy Department has reached a secret agreement with the Chu State Navy Department. The Chu State will give us more financial support and they will buy such weapons. Data. Of course, we will also produce some key technologies. This is also a new compensation for us. This plan has been supported by the Navy Department, and we are all very satisfied with this." said the navy colonel. The technical shortcomings of the Chu State Navy restricted them from doing more things, but this did not prevent them from doing other things, for example, they could do more things to solve such problems. Among them is the introduction of advanced technology. The introduction of such technology can accelerate the development of Chu navy technology, which is a huge stage of progress for the Chu navy.

"What I am worried about is our technology, our technology will be leaked out." The team leader said.

"The Admiralty will get full profits. Don't worry about that. Besides, for weapons such as torpedoes, he needs an opportunity, an opportunity for actual combat to prove its usefulness. If it cannot play such a role, No one would use such a weapon. I think you should understand this. Therefore, I think this is a very important opportunity for us. In this regard, I personally think I fully agree with such a thing. That's how things are. In this way, we can solve many, many problems." said the navy colonel.

"A weapon needs to go through war to prove its power. If it cannot be proved, then it will not have the value of continuing to invest. This is a very clear truth. I hope you can understand this truth. The Admiralty does not I will wait patiently for you to come up with the results of the research. In that case, it will be too costly and time-consuming." said the navy colonel. Regarding weapons like torpedoes, the Admiralty’s view is that this is an extremely immature weapon that will not bring great effects. In their view, this is a very costly project. They decided , To give the other party a provable opportunity, this is also a new opportunity they give, in this case, they can get rid of the project, if it is good, they will get more financial support, if it is not good If they do, they will not get sufficient financial support, so they can get rid of such a project, because there is no use, no one will use a useless project to solve such a thing.

"Okay. I understand what you mean." The other side nodded and understood. At this moment. He finally understood what the other party thought. Their project has become a burden to the entire Admiralty. If they do not seize this opportunity, the entire torpedo team will be cancelled.

"But I think we have developed some experimental torpedoes. We have the opportunity to invest in them, maybe we can exert such power." The team leader said.

"Well. Whatever, as long as you do very well, it's fine." said the navy colonel. Soon he was going to see another place. That is another project.

The South Korean Navy received a very good project from the Qin State Navy, a float, a seaplane equipped with a float, the principle is very simple, but the South Korean Navy has equipped such equipment. With the increase in the range of artillery, they also need some aircraft to provide some operational reference. Aircraft can provide such missions, and they can also carry out reconnaissance activities. This is the best weapon for them. However, some naval officers believe that the seaplane is a burden because it is more troublesome to recycle. In the combat state, the released seaplane takes time, which will put the warship in a stationary state, and this state will make their warships become targets. At the same time, the recovery of these seaplanes will also become a problem, because the seaplane needs to let the warship stay when it is landed. In combat, this will pose a very serious threat to the warship, because it may be more difficult to shoot at moving targets. , But a stationary target will make their battleship a live target. The only option for the battleship at this time is to abandon its seaplane. In this case, the seaplane is a tasteless one.

Therefore, naval officers are very uninterested in such weapons, or in other words, his role is very small, because the aircraft carries fewer combat weapons. It is difficult to play a big role. For them, this is the biggest disaster. Therefore, naval officers are not interested in seaplanes. They still think that they can be equipped with more powerful artillery as the main core. After all, this is how the navy operates. Cannon doctrine still has a large market, and airplanes are still unable to reach the stage of history due to various shortcomings. After all, they still lack some necessary factors. These factors are indispensable. If they are missing, it will inevitably bring extremely serious consequences.

In a deserted town in the south of Zhanpu. Zhang Ke looked at a report written by Zhanpu people. These reports are written by senior generals, and this is their letter of allegiance. They agreed to the requirements of the Bangla Army, unconditionally chose to surrender, and accepted the South Korean reorganization, but the senior generals did not surrender the Zhanpu royal family. This made Zhang Ke very confused, because it was a security hazard. Although the Zhanpu royal family had completely lost the ability to call, their prestige was wiped out, and the army abandoned their royal family because they were really disappointing. If it weren't for them to do such a thing, maybe they still have a chance. but. Everyone opposes him. Allegiance to the royal family will be opposed by all the Champus, who are now living under the leadership of the Koreans.

"According to the report. The Zhanpu royal family has been secretly executed. According to our interrogation records, the results of our own investigation show that the royal family was indeed secretly executed. We found their bodies in a forest, and more than those were executed. More than two hundred people. The number is quite large." The Chief of Staff reported.

"We have enough reasons to believe in such things, and the royal family no longer poses a great threat to us. For them, there is no longer such a threat to us. What we need to do is to solve the next thing. Question." said the chief of staff.

Zhang Ke nodded. As for why those high-ranking generals executed the royal family members, Zhang Ke could not get a good reason. The only explanation is that they are afraid of retaliation. After all, the royal family is their superiors, and the generals are their superiors who betrayed them collectively. Such things have become a stain in their lives, or the existence of the royal family makes it difficult for them to face the next things. They have to show their loyalty and eliminate their own psychological factors. Under such circumstances, they have chosen themselves. The thing they were most willing to face was also the thing they could do best. They directly executed the royal family members.

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