The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3497: Reach an agreement

Soliciting bribes is a means, and the Shazhou cavalry can get the benefits they want, and naturally they also actively bribes. And Captain Yang Fang got these bribes frankly.

"Every officer has a reason to come here to make a fortune, because those people will take their spoils to share with our officers, and get back the supplies that they should get. Such an approach seems very bureaucratic, but everyone Do it all. If you don’t do this, everyone will see you as sick. If you do, it will be extremely detrimental to you. Therefore, the only way to do this is to actively do this, otherwise, everyone will Isolate you." Captain Yang Fang wrote in his notebook. There are many such things, but no one cares about them. Everyone is allowed to do so. Only in this way can everyone have common interests for development.

More and more people in love have gathered here, their homes have been destroyed, and all people have been caught here. They cry and grieve, but they are useless. Their destiny waits in fear, consumes, and they I don't know what kind of disaster awaits them next, which will have a great impact on them.

South of the peninsula. Biancheng Port, South Korea, and Chu’s pressure made the southern government very embarrassed. They are just a fishing port. It is normal to have some small-scale trade. However, after the cruiser stopped in, everything changed. It's not normal.

"We must stop for another seventy-two hours." Colonel Goguryeo said solemnly. He must relax more time for his warship. Without this much time, it is difficult to repair the warship. At the same time, they hope that more reinforcements will arrive and destroy the destroyers outside. But this possibility, Qi Guo's consultant thinks, is not great.

"We are also willing to provide seventy-two hours, but the problem is that outside pirates, Chu people, Koreans, they do not agree. If we continue to do this, the situation will have severe consequences for us, and we will be Treated as an enemy, pirates will ransack all of us. Killing all of us is too great a loss. We can’t afford such a great loss.” The other party said.

"We can still take it easy. Twelve hours is fine, right." Colonel Goguryeo retreated. If they didn’t leave, they would give South Korea and Chu the truth. In that case, Koreans and Chu would be able to seize their warships without waiting for them to go out. Not only that, but the pirates also threatened to looting the border city port. For them, it is an unacceptable result.

"We can do very few things. But we are helpless. If you insist on staying, I'm sorry, we will take some necessary measures. We can't watch the pirates kill all of us and stay for seventy-two hours. It is the result of our best efforts. Otherwise, the destroyers outside would have already entered. We can't resist them at all." The official threatened.

At this point, the Koguryo navy can only nod, and the relationship between North and South is not very good. With such a result, they should be very satisfied. but. Their warships may really be irresistible.

"How is it?" Adviser Qi asked the Colonel Goguryeo.

"Very bad, the other side refused to make any concessions. Our situation is very unfavorable. It seems that we must find a way to destroy the warship. This is Changbai Mountain, a Koguryo-class warship." The colonel said helplessly.

"In our navy. There is such a rumor that the Goguryeo class is the most unlucky warship. In other words, as long as it is linked to the two names of Goguryeo and Changbai Mountain, there will always be unlucky things." The colonel said helplessly. He looked at the sea, maybe that was their home.

"The earliest frigates, two frigates were sunk. They are Goguryeo, Changbai Mountain, and before, the Koguryo battleship was the same, he ran into a mine unluckily, there is no one alive, our navy said, look, this It's the Koguryo battleship, as long as it is next to this name, there is no good thing." The colonel said.

"Now, the same is true, this thing is difficult to do. We can't let the other party capture such a warship." The colonel said pessimistically. The telegram has clearly told them that there is no reinforcement, but the warship cannot fall into the enemy's hands. The Admiralty has not clearly told him how to deal with it. However, the requirement of the order is that the warship cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the pirates. The only way is Sinking. But if you do. The chance caused him to lose a battleship, and if he returned, he would go to a military court. Many people will be implicated. The seafarers are very pessimistic and very excited. They complain about the name of the battleship. After all, this is the Koguryo battleship and the Changbai Mountain battleship. They are all unfortunate names, but the Admiralty still uses this. name.

Seventy-two hours will be here soon. The locals were exaggerated by the newspapers. This is the result of propaganda by the Koreans and Chu people. The locals all came to observe the final fate of this battleship. Even Qin's reporters hurried over. They wanted to know whether the final fate of the warship was captured or sank. Nobody knows. They gather here as if watching curious affairs.

The Changbai Mountain cruiser slowly sailed out of the port. Because the bow of the ship broke a big hole and could not be repaired, the warship could only come out slowly. His speed was very slow, only five knots. There were already three assault-class destroyers in the distance. Waiting for the other party. Their guns have been aimed at each other, and once they enter the war zone, a big battle cannot be avoided.

"Will there be war?" the locals asked curiously. Everyone shook their heads. They just watched the battleship slowly leave. Maybe this battleship will fight to the end. When the battleship was far away from the port, some small boats got off the battleship, and some people were desperately leaving here.

"It seems that they are going to sink themselves." A Qin country reporter shook his head and said. The other person on the side quickly turned on the camera to shoot.

"Boom." There was an explosion from a distance, followed by continuous explosions, some were dull, some were crisp, and the turret was also blown up. It seems that they can no longer avoid such a result. Soon, the warship sank to the bottom of the sea. The pirate destroyers rushed over in annoyance, because they lost the siege of a cruiser, or got a cruiser, they could only salvage some fragments to satisfy their hope of research.

This is a tragic warship. In this way, he expressed the indomitable fighting spirit of Goguryeo. Their captain and the colonel also sank to the bottom of the sea with the warship. Perhaps, only by doing this can he guarantee his final honor. He can avoid going to a military court, and he can continue to maintain his military honor, which is a very good practice. In this way, the Goguryeos had no cruisers of their own, and their warships were in an absolutely unfavorable situation.

Qingcheng, South Korea. The undersecretary of the navy stood outside the naval port and looked at the sea.

"It's a pity that we can still get a cruiser. We didn't expect it to sink like this. It's a pity." Said the navy deputy with some regret.

"Sir, in this way, Goguryeo's naval power will be greatly weakened. We should take advantage of the victory and launch a larger-scale attack so that they can obtain an official national title." A naval officer on the side said.

"No. The new war will continue. Take a look. The people of Qi will build more cruisers and destroyers. We can't help it." The navy deputy said, shaking his head. This is just a beginning, not an end.

Qi State, Ministry of the Navy. When Minister Qi State Navy saw such a report, he just nodded. Obviously he already knew the result. Then he continued to work. Goguryeo will need more warships, and they must come up with larger warships to meet the opponent's needs. Everything is just the beginning.

In Port Seth, in Zhang You’s private villa, he hopes to watch the oil field sleep. Perhaps only then can he become quiet. He himself said that I sleep on the world’s greatest wealth every day. It’s nothing, it’s just money. That's it.

"The Karachi affairs must be handled as soon as possible. We can't wait, nor can the people of Qin State." Zhang You said to his men.

"The Yue army stays on the border line. This shows that the people of the Qin nation have allowed the Yue government to exercise great restraint. If this restraint goes out of control, they will attack the Karachi people. Therefore, Karachi must stabilize. If necessary, we will also They can change their wishes." Zhang You said.

"Chairman, the key now lies in Karachi's stability. The Qin people will definitely solve the problem of Yueshi, but if we don't solve the Karachi problem, everything will become very passive." His subordinates said.

"Therefore, we must keep them in contact as soon as possible. If necessary, use force. This is the last resort. We don't have much patience." Zhang You said. They must complete the oil delivery from here as soon as possible. Zhang Yidao's competitive advantage is too great. They keep reducing some prices to suppress them. This hurt their business conditions. Although oil is still very profitable, their profit margins are declining. The main reason is that Zhang Yidao's oil extraction situation is much better than theirs.

Karachi port area, here is a peace zone, because the Koreans are here, and each faction has its own armed forces. They all have their own interests, and none of them can fight against the Koreans. The Koreans will give them the most severe blow. The only way is to prevent such things from happening. Therefore, all armed forces will not actively attack the Koreans’ peace zone. , This is a buffer zone for everyone.

"We all understand your request. This will cause a great loss of our rights and interests." said a representative of the liberal party. He looked at the tea cup in his hand and said blankly.

"Well, but your current situation is difficult to change. Unless there is a huge force involved, and we can do this, the power of the royal family can no longer do this. Their power is huddled in the royal city. The nobles and the royal family are If they are separated, they will not gather together. Therefore, they are scattered in power. The party sees very little limitations, and those nobles with huge resources. They try to maintain their situation. I It's hard to imagine what else they can do under such circumstances. Can they continue to do it? I feel very skeptical about such things." Zhang You's representative, Zhang Song sees Said to the other party. His eyes were so fierce that they made the other person feel desperate. And the current situation is indeed the case, those nobles are trying to unite more forces. They give seats to some parliamentarians to ensure that they obey their orders. Under such circumstances, the interests of businessmen have been greatly divided. If they continue, it will be difficult for them to carry out large-scale reforms, and Karachi will become very beneficial to them. This makes the businessman extremely unwilling.

In fact, Zhang Song also reluctantly chose these businessmen. They are all liberal parties. They are eager to establish a country with a legal parliament. Most of the parliament is composed of businessmen, so that their interests can be fully guaranteed. But this kind of thing can be thought about, and it seems difficult to do it. The reason is that the power of businessmen is still relatively weak, and they cannot change everything, but this is an opportunity. If they miss it, they will lose the opportunity completely. This opportunity, they will become the object of taxation, the country, the government once again take away all of their high profits. This is something that merchants must never allow to reappear.

"What can we get?" Thinking of this, the other party asked. Since they are destined to lose something, they can't get these things back anyway. It's better to make some exchanges, because they can only get more if they control the power. s things.

"The regime, this country, and your government. You can get the entire parliament. We only have the right to trade. Then you build a large number of oil pipelines and are not allowed to levy any taxes on them. This is our support for you. You can Get weapons, if necessary, we can provide some fire support." Zhang Song said.

"How to get fire support?" the other party asked.

"We have received the support of the South Korean Navy. They can provide bombardment with large-caliber naval guns, and you can also get artillery. According to what I know, your artillery is not operated by humans, and the ammunition is not sufficient. Said, it is very advantageous, because there are only rifles, machine guns, and a small amount of artillery in the city, but you have such an advantage, and the situation will be controlled all at once." Zhang Song said. The opponent nodded. This is a good choice, so that they can attack.

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