The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3515: The bubble burst

In Wei State, in Daliang City, people began to take to the streets and factories as before, but today is a little different, because many people are in a hurry, and they seem to have something urgent to do.

"What's the matter today? Why everyone seems to have trouble. Don't come to eat breakfast anymore." A worker said while eating a fried dough stick. He also drank a sip of soy milk. This kind of breakfast is comfortable. I ate another fried dough stick. The country of Yan has grown a lot of soybeans in the northeast, where the oil is very abundant. There are also many rapeseeds in the south, and the oil is very abundant. In addition to these, there are also imported palm oil abroad. I heard that the stuff is very much in the food. It's delicious, but it's too expensive. After all, the thing is imported. They can't afford such a thing for a month's salary.

"I know some. They seem to be the Real Estate Bureau. They change the property rights." the boss said.

"Haha, buy a house again." The worker shook his head and said. They can’t afford to buy such a house. Their monthly salary is less than 50 yuan, and the house price, a square meter, has risen by one hundred and fifty yuan. If the house price is renovated, it will even rise to several hundred yuan. There is also a high-priced house of 1,000 yuan, such a house, they can not afford a month's salary, but just like this, the house price of beams keeps rising, and more and more people are proud of owning a beamed house. For example, some people from Qin, Zhao, and South Korea borrowed a lot of money from banks, pushing up such housing prices, from tens of yuan, to hundreds of yuan, and then to thousands. Locals rarely buy houses because they can't afford them. Those who can afford houses are from outsiders. They have capital, and the amount of capital is very large. They concentrate a lot of money here, and house prices naturally rise.

But I don’t know when it started. It’s like summer. Housing prices stopped rising, and then there were some corrections, although they also picked up. This led many people to repurchase a lot of high-priced houses, and many speculators from Qin State. Selling the house in their hands is a burden for them. Now they have let go. And those who are anxious to get rid of are those South Korean, Zhao Guo real estate speculators, they are waiting for higher prices, but unfortunately they have not appeared.

"It doesn't seem to be. They are selling the house in a hurry. You see, they are holding small books." The boss saw those anxious people running over.

"Yes, it's a bit weird. Normally, they go with money. What happened today?" The worker asked curiously. For him, it didn't make any difference at all, because he didn't have a house. He couldn't afford to buy a house at all. For him, coal is the most important thing.

In the real estate bureau, there are anxious people everywhere, and they line up in long lines. They have to sell their house, otherwise, big problems will arise.

"Do you know any news?" A Korean asked one of his companions. He found a man who took over, a factory owner from Wei State. He opened a factory in Qi State and wanted to have a big beam. Because this is a symbol of his status, it happens that he has one, sold to that factory, and they need to register for the change of property rights as soon as possible, otherwise, they will be in a very bad state.

"I know something. The news is that Qin’s bank is tightening money. They refuse to tilt more funds in the direction of our purchase of real estate. If this is the case, more people will not be able to get funds, and they will not be able to get funds. We won’t buy a house. In this case, our situation will be even worse. Therefore, the situation is still not good for us. In order to solve this problem, the only way is to find a way to solve these problems as soon as possible. "The only way to ensure the safety of your money." The companion said. The Koreans have realized the danger. By doing this, the bank is equivalent to releasing a dangerous signal. They decided to ensure their safety and get rid of the house in their hands as soon as possible. This is a hot potato.

This is the beginning of the awful beginning of Daliang real estate, and it was also when the real estate bubble burst. Although real estate looks beautiful, it is very dangerous.

"We have not yet started registering for property tax, and there are a large number of people selling properties in their hands. In this way, our tax collection situation will become very unfavorable." An assistant reported to Chen Yu.

"Well, I know, it's still going to be done according to the plan, and taxation is definitely a feasible thing, otherwise, we can't do anything." Chen Yu said. Wei needs to do a lot of things, such as reorganizing its armaments, and expanding the colony. These are all important links in the development of Wei's economy. Because Wei needs to increase fiscal revenue, only in this way can we do such a thing, and levying real estate tax is an imperative result. Without such a result, it is impossible to increase Wei’s fiscal revenue. But doing so It also brings a lot of trouble. The trouble is that it will make house prices fall a lot, because if the tax increases, their burden will increase. Perhaps it is because of the over-sensitivity of the bank, or some people deliberately leaked the news. Under such circumstances, some people have already let go of their house prices, and they even lowered some house prices. Instalment payment is also accepted. In their opinion, this method is good for them, thinking that they have sold the house.

All kinds of unfavorable factors have caused this situation to happen, and this situation is very unfavorable, which will inevitably lead to the formation of disasters.

The navy of Qi, Laizhou, and Goguryeo continue to make preparations, but peace negotiations are still in progress. Jeju pirates have established a country. Before the official war begins, it is necessary for the two sides to sit down and have a discussion. The problem can be resolved peacefully. The result is out. After all, a considerable number of people still don't want to see a war, and a war will only hurt more people.

"At such a price, we might as well build more warships. Give them tolls. Is this bullying us and no one in Goguryeo?" Outside the negotiation room, some Goguryeo naval officers yelled that they thought the Jeju pirates were pirates. It was they who established the country and they were still pirates. They even opened their mouths. They asked for 200,000 gold coins every year. This is a very large sum of money, and the Jeju pirates even did this. The Goguryeo Navy was very annoyed, so they decided to fight back and let the other party know how good they were. The Goguryeo Navy decided to teach Jeju pirates severely.

The peace talks could not go on at all, because Goguryeo believed that the Jeju pirates had no sincerity. Instead of giving them a lot of gold coins every year, it was better to use these gold coins to build more warships and fight them against them. This is the thinking of all Koguryo naval personnel.

Chu State, Ministry of the Navy. Xiang Liang looked at the report in his hand.

"Look, the development of the situation is still very helpful to us. At least many countries have noticed the importance of warships. The Southern Peninsula government, they think they should also buy some warships, such as frigates, destroyers, and a cruiser. Wait, there is also the direction of Wadao. They did some business with the people of Qi and wanted to buy some second-hand warships to strengthen their waters. It's just a joke. Now there are no second-hand warships to sell to them." Xiang Liang laughed Speaking of.

"Sir, maybe we can wait until the war is over. After all, after the war, there will be a large number of warships, the defeated countries, and the victorious countries, they will get some warships injured, we can take the opportunity to buy some back and sell them. "A lieutenant colonel reported.

"Well, I have a great idea, but I have a better way. I think we can sell some of our warships to them, so that we can earn some foreign exchange. Of course. We can also build some The modification is given to them by merchant ships. After all, what they need is only some low-strength warships, and we can meet their needs.” Xiang Liang said with a smile.

The arms sales of the Navy Shipyard made Xiang Liang very happy. In this way, the Chu Navy could speed up their replacement of new warships. At present, they need this kind of speed to do this kind of thing. Without this kind of thing, it will be difficult for them to proceed. Therefore, they need to do this kind of thing.

"Well, but what I am worried about is that if we do this, we will completely wipe out the arms and weapons of the State of Chu. After all, weapons, like products, require a certain degree of credibility. If our warships do not have such credibility. If you think about it, this will cause us a lot of harm. This kind of harm will make us extremely miserable. We should not do this. At least we cannot have such a situation.” The navy officer said To.

Xiang Liang’s idea is to be shoddy. After all, they did it themselves, but the result of doing so is that they will cause a lot of losses. This loss is that they will be in a very unfavorable state in the future arms sales. This state will make them extremely cruel. This cruelty is the situation they least want to see. After all, Chu is not yet a strong industrial country. They still need a lot of military orders to increase their industrial power and lose Such an opportunity is to lose the best time to develop industry. But Xiang Liang obviously wouldn't think about it this way. Because what they need is more naval military expenses, as for other things, they are not what they can consider. These are not things they can do. This is Xiang Liang's idea. Lose future benefits in exchange for current benefits.

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