"Boom." The last aerial bomb exploded as the aviation unit dropped. The entire Aiji fortress area fell into a brief calm.

"Damn it, those fortresses still haven't been blown up." Judas reached with his telescope. He saw through the smoke what he was least willing to consider. The aerial bombs of the aviation soldiers did not accurately drop on the other side, but changed the surrounding area. Most of the bombs exploded in the surrounding area, and some of them hit the fortress area, but did not cause much damage. This made Judas very annoyed, or rather, very restless because of his anxiety.

"Let me see." Yang Fang raised his binoculars and it looked like this was indeed the case, but there was no way. Because the bombing of the aviation force really cannot achieve the effect of completely destroying the fortress.

"Huh. It seems we must find another way." Judas said discouragedly. There is no other way. The situation of the war is like this. Their weapons are not cannons. At this time, although the airships can carry larger aerial bombs, most of them are conventional bombs. The bombs are generally small, and their power is naturally greatly affected. Not only that, but bombs. The accuracy is also difficult to guarantee, although the airship can be suspended in the air, and Aijiren does not have anti-aircraft guns, in this case. The threat they receive is naturally small, but this does not guarantee that the bomb can be accurately thrown on the enemy's head. They also need large-scale group bombing to ensure such a bombing effect. But this is the problem they are encountering. Large-scale bombing still cannot completely eliminate this fortress. This still requires coalition infantry to rush up. This is the thing they are most reluctant to do.

"Sir. Look, something strange happened before." A sergeant of Yang Fang exclaimed in surprise. The two quickly picked up the binoculars to check the situation. They saw an unexpected scene when the Aiji soldier raised his hands and surrendered under the white flag.

"Haha, what does this mean?" Judas asked Yang Fang. Yang Fang also shook his head helplessly. He didn't understand why, but he knew one thing, that is, the bombing still had a certain effect, at least they The bombing caused a great shock to the opponent. A conventional bomb, about 20 kilograms of bomb, is equivalent to the bombardment of a 150-mm artillery. This bombardment is quite amazing. Aiji had never withstood such a heavy bombardment, and naturally they couldn't bear the pressure and surrendered. The threat of death is for them. It is simply the biggest threat.

"Okay. Finally there is a result. If we can bomb the other party's capital once, then the situation will become a lot easier." Yang Fang suggested. And Judas nodded, he seemed to agree to do so. After all, they don't want to fight for a long time. The bombs thrown are very expensive. If they continue to waste on these fortresses, they will go crazy.

Inside a secret military port in the west of Jeju Island. The defense here is extremely tight. An infantry battalion formed by Jeju Island is defending here. Their task is to defend the surrounding area. No one can enter, except those holding special passes. No one can approach. Jeju does not know what happened, but their mission is a secret weapon.

"How? How far can we go?" a Korean captain asked an engineer who climbed up from the submarine.

"It's not very far. We went about five nautical miles, and the engine stopped. There was no way, the battery was consumed too fast, and we spent two hours underwater, and the oxygen consumption was very large. We were almost because This is suffocating, so I suggest that we should continue to add more oxygen cylinders. Add more batteries." The engineer suggested.

"In this case, our submarine will sink." The captain knew very well that in this way, the weight of the materials added by the submarine might get the submarine down.

"I know that the only solution is to get one of three torpedoes. In this case, we may still have some opportunities." The engineer said.

"That's it, I can't guarantee that they will have a certain combat capability. After all, we got there and then returned quickly. The ghost knows how long we can stay in that place." The engineer said helplessly. Submarine technology is still not very mature, its scale is not very large, and many technologies are not very stable, for example, battery charging technology, the battery power can only guarantee 75% of the original power, if the speed If they speed up, their situation may become very bad, the consumption of electricity will become very large, and the oxygen equipment will not function well under the water. They are facing the possibility of suffocation at any time, and the danger of sailors. The solution is to reduce the number of people driving the submarine. From the first eight people to five people, they now plan to reduce it to three people, or two people. Because only in this way, the submarine can play its combat capabilities, after all, they need to lie in the dark for a period of time. This is the secret weapon of the South Korean Navy against the opponent's main battleship.

South Korea has decided to put such an immature weapon into actual combat, because only such a weapon can effectively play its due combat role. This is a powerful secret weapon, because many people in this world still do not know.

State of Zhao, Handan. In the Office of the Secretary of the Army.

"I have already told the Prime Minister about this matter, but the Prime Minister firmly opposed such a matter. He believed that it would have a great influence, for example, to annoy the people of Qin. They would not agree to do this. I urge you to find another place to build such a base, which is also good." The Secretary of the Army said to some arms dealers in the State of Zhao.

Zhao’s arms dealers began to pay attention to the importance of overseas markets. They decided to establish some branch factories in other places. In this way, the radiation range of their products would become very large, and at least they would be able to greatly satisfy their needs. Conditions, Seth, Persians, these are important customers in the arms market, and their demand is extremely strong. In addition, there are some countries in the north. Although they don't know what they are called, they know that these countries have a great demand for arms. Therefore, it is necessary for Zhao Guo to establish a branch there. In order to assemble and produce some arms and weapons there, this can reduce a lot of expenses and costs. This is the idea of ​​arms dealers, and doing so can increase a larger share.

"But we need there. Rest in peace seems to be the most suitable place. The environment there is relatively stable, with the help of the people of Qin. Not only that, but we have explored it. There are richer resources and suitable for building factories, and in other areas. , Is not very suitable for this. The situation in Seth is extremely chaotic, as is the Persians, they are extremely armed, and the situation is difficult to control." An arms dealer said.

"And established there, we can carry out large-scale transportation through the port, in this way, we can radiate the entire region of the far west, where the market demand is extremely large. This allows us to greatly squeeze most of South Korea. Market share. This is extremely beneficial to us." Arms dealers said.

"I don't have any way to do this. I know your situation may be better. This can bring a lot of market profits. But the problem is that the prime minister is not willing to provoke the people of Qin for this, and the people of Qin are involved. It will become extremely troublesome. This is a situation that the prime minister tried to avoid." The other party said helplessly. He also thinks, and he also knows that this can bring a lot of benefits, but the problem is that they can't do this, which involves the surrounding strategic security issues.

"Well, well, we can think of other ways." The arms dealers looked at each other helplessly. The Secretary of the Army’s attitude made them very disappointed. In their opinion, this is a very good opportunity to expand their market share. However, this does not seem to work.

"We must find other ways to solve this problem, and we must build factories there." Some arms dealers said. They are really unwilling to give up such a project.

"I know this too, but the question is, what should we do?" the other party said helplessly.

"Perhaps we should unite with the people of Qin, perhaps they can hope to do so, but the conditions of the people of Qin are relatively harsh, which is very unfavorable to us. I think we should find another way." Other people said one after another.

"I have a way. We can help them build a machine factory to process some parts, and then transport these parts separately, and assemble those firearms in some key areas. We just invest in the machine factory and we don't do other things. "Said an arms dealer.

"If this is the case, we can also invest in some chemical plants. After all, the materials there are relatively cheap, which is also very beneficial to us. I believe this should be acceptable to us." Other people said one after another. . Originally, arms have a close relationship with these factories. Some factories can switch to producing these arms industrial products when they are mobilized. After all, they have similarities, and the production lines can easily be transferred to this.

"Well, this is a good way." In desperation, they agreed. After all, they are unwilling to lose a newly acquired market, which will cost them a lot. They are unwilling to do so, which is like killing them. It is difficult for them to accept such a fact.

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