Within Barristan. Rusa Fortress, this is a very important transportation route. Through this, you can enter more Stan countries to the north, and you can reach the territory of Seth when you go south, and you must pass through here for hundreds of miles nearby. , Two important commercial passages pass through here. This is also the source of important commercial tax revenue for Barristan. A large number of smuggling commercial activities are gathered here. For some countries in the north, taking this place means that they control An important transportation route, as well as more commercial taxes.

Chen Jin and his party finally arrived here. This is the destination of their trip. At the Fortress of Russa, Lieutenant Bacher came with him. He was a young freedman officer promoted by the new army of Seth. He understood the Central Plains dialect and was good at talking. He was a very good young man.

"It is the people of Union Stan who are at war with Barristan. They are made up of 17 Stan states. They are the largest among northern Stan. I will not translate the specific country. In short, the name is very long, and It's hard to remember." Lieutenant Batchel introduced to Chen Jin. Along the way, they kept talking, discussing, and introducing relevant topics, and it was these discussions that gave Chen Jin a better understanding of Northern Stein. In fact, there is a power vacuum zone between Lower Asia and the Kingdom of Seth, and the ethnic composition in this area is very complicated, including Persians, Seth, Jews, and various non-Ki people. Of course, Chen Jin doesn’t know what non-basic people are, but they are all people of different nationalities. Here is a grassland area, and further north, there is a river passing there. Irrigation produces a developed agriculture, and there is also a very developed business. , Because they are next to Asia, and across the Mediterranean, it's Silas. Then there is Loma. In short, those places are still far away, and Chen Jin also has a vague concept, and the Fortress of Rusa is one of the important gates that open all commercial channels. A large number of camel teams. The horse team passed here, but now, everything has stopped. If the Seth people want to control this place, they must support Barristan's independent actions, and if the Northern Alliance Stan is controlled, the situation will be very bad, because they will control this commercial channel. Collect a lot of commercial taxes, and these taxes are an important way to improve Seth. none of them. King Seth has been eyeing here.

"We will provide them with a large number of arms and weapons, about 5,000 new rifles, in addition to twelve machine guns, and six 37 guns. Our assistance to them is essential, and what we get is their independent Attach to us." Bacher said. Chen Jin nodded. He didn’t know much about politics, but what he knew was that the Kingdom of Seth still had a lot to pay. For example, they sent more than one hundred officers, a sergeant advisory group, and they The officers and sergeants who are familiar with the war are formed. They not only teach Barristan soldiers how to operate these weapons, but also teach them to make tactical innovations, because their situation is indeed not good. The group of people who arrived at Rusa, Barristan fortress, inspected the forward positions before they could rest. As a result, it was very bad.

Russa's defenses became weak, even though they had sufficient strength. Here, Barristan gathered more than 6,000 troops, which is a very large force. For them, more militiamen continue to come here.

They dug the trench, but it was just a trench. The two sides of the trench were not reinforced, and the angle of the trench was also very problematic. They did not maximize the geometry of the shooting angle. Through some translations and conversations of Bacher, Chen Jin knew that they were already very advanced. Because after suffering a lot of losses, they knew the meaning of trenches, because they had never known to dig trenches before, and the offensive formations were extremely loose.

"They are using cold weapons to conduct wars with hot weapons. There is no technology in such wars." Lieutenant Batchel said to him. Isn't it the case with Seth's new army before? You know, Seth’s new army never digs trenches before, and the level of trench digging and construction fortifications is no different from the trenches dug by Barristan soldiers.

This is an era of change. Although the Central and Western regions are equipped with a considerable number of hot weapons, from flintlocks, smoothbore guns, to advanced bolt-action rifles, as well as pistols, submachine guns, and machine guns, their tactical thinking and combat The mode has not changed much. They will still follow the cold weapon combat mode. The soldiers of the Alliance Stan on the opposite side will maintain a dense formation to charge, while the Barristan soldiers who are on the defensive side can only be passive. Standing and fighting back, they later discovered that digging trenches can effectively avoid the bombardment of those large-caliber artillery, because the soldiers of the Alliance Stan on the opposite side are also constantly innovating their tactics. They finally discovered that the effect of the bombardment of the artillery is It was amazing. They used artillery for bombardment. The effect of this bombardment was quite amazing. The Barristan army without any defense was defeated by the bombardment. No army could sustain it under such bombardment. Combat power, this is absolutely impossible, that's how it is.

Chen Jin continued to inspect and found a lot of problems. First of all, the frontline urinates and urinates at will, which will increase their chance of infection on the battlefield. Because they don’t have a good logistical guarantee system, and there are no field hospitals for treatment. Gunshot wounds are simply the biggest disaster for them. People who are injured cannot survive unless they recover themselves. Injury means Half of his life was withstood. This is very dangerous.

Secondly, the soldier's familiarity with weapons, and the extremely lack of maintenance, he checked the opponent's weapons, although they were very backward. Flintlock, this rifle is no longer produced in China. Such old-fashioned rifles can only be found in the small workshops of Mengla or Yueshi, Karachi, but the market is very low, and few people buy them. They think this rifle has too many shortcomings, and it is an antique weapon. But Barristan soldiers are still in use. This is such a weapon, one in five people on average. But the five people are very backward in the maintenance of the weapons.

The flintstone needs to be replaced in time, otherwise, it will not sound at the critical moment. In fact, it is true. Many soldiers cannot fire their rifles when they fire. The gunpowder residue in the musket is not only cleaned up. This is very dangerous, because it is very easy to cause blasting accidents, and their guns There are also many problems. For example, after the bullets cannot be fired, they cannot repair the rifle in time. As a result, their weapons are larger and smaller.

This is not the worst, the worst is that their tactics are very backward. They didn't even know what the intention of concentrated firepower was. They were shooting indiscriminately, and many soldiers were even afraid of gunfire. When shooting, some people even closed their eyes and shot. Although this is a flintlock rifle, such an operation will make them unable to shoot the rifle at all. In fact, they kill very few people, and most of them kill the enemy by luck, which means that their condition is very good. Not good.

"Their situation is very bad. We need to reform their tactics. There are many, many problems. Their logistical supplies are also extremely backward. If they fight a cold weapon battle, they may still have a chance to win. I It's about chance, but if it's really hot weapon combat, my goodness." In the subsequent summary, Chen Jin said this to Lieutenant Batchel.

Barristan’s situation is very bad, but their arms trade suddenly opened up a market.

Seth, Babylon, the king was very excited to receive the second larger order. Barristan joined Seth and became a state. Although there was a certain degree of autonomy, they left most of the taxes to them. , Which means that a large part of the financial difficulties have been resolved.

"We must also open more commercial channels, especially arms. We should let the Northern Alliance Stan pay attention to Asia Minor and other places instead of ours. We will provide them with weapons and let them understand that we will not be right. They pose a great threat." said the king. If you want to open more commercial channels, the only way is to gain the trust of Alliance Stan and let them open trade channels. However, the prerequisite for solving this problem is that the status of both parties must be equal. This must allow Seth Country to help Barristan beat the opponent. Only then will they realize it. Their route to the south will not work.

"In this case, we need to fight with them, because only in a fight can we solve the negotiation problems. We will win a greater victory and the other party is in a passive situation. Then they will consider negotiating with us. "Zhao Rui suggested. The king nodded and agreed with this view. However, Barristan’s power is still very weak. They need to accumulate and need to change. Therefore, a defensive operation is inevitable. This gives them a larger operating space. After all, Barristan seems to have difficulty turning into a tough combat army at once. This requires a process, and sending more advisory groups can speed up this maturity process, which requires them to solve all the problems. Barristan must fight a longer defensive operation. Strengthen one's offensive ability by consuming the opponent's vitality.

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