Over the Suez Canal. The Dada seaplane is flying slowly. His flying speed is only more than two hundred kilometers per hour. This speed seems to be slow but it is much faster by the airship, but the price is also very high. The Dada plane can only fly with two bombs weighing one kilogram. The bomb's killing effect is very limited. The most important thing is that this one-way bombing mission means that after the bombing, his plane will land on the northern section of the Suez Canal, where the situation is very bad. It is said that there are quite a lot of Carthaginians there. Facing such a situation, he really doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Damn Carthaginians." The pilot of the Dada was called Handa, a flying lieutenant. He was forced to perform such a task because his task was to conduct reconnaissance, patrol, and provide some contact. It is not his project to bomb any, or one-way bombing mission, but now he is forced to perform such a mission by the officer.

The Dada is a reduced version of the Qin sparrow reconnaissance plane. The Qin people converted a part of the low-horsepower engine to the sparrow machine, and then sold it to the Koreans, and then sold the disassembled engine to Zhao Guoren, or South Korean Naval Air Force. They do too much of this kind of money-making business. But the Koreans had to accept this, because they needed airplanes such as sparrow reconnaissance planes. The airships were inefficient. The Koreans also developed their own reconnaissance planes, but the effect was not very good. There are still some problems. First of all, their stability. The performance is not as good as the sparrow aircraft. Fortunately, after the introduction, South Korea finally solved some of the sparrow engines and the appearance problems. South Korea can already imitate the related aircraft.

Dada, because when the engine takes off, it will make a Dada sound. This sound is very loud and the noise is difficult to control. Therefore, Handa named it Dada. This is the origin of the Dada. The sparrow machine has great advantages. First of all, his requirements for take-off and landing are not very high. The improved version of the sparrow machine in Qin State uses aluminum alloy skins, and its take-off and landing distance exceeds two One hundred meters, of course, can take off within one hundred and fifty meters under special conditions, which requires the pilot's superb flying skills to support. Such an aircraft can act as a liaison aircraft and a reconnaissance aircraft. The Korean version of the sparrow machine uses another type of skin, aluminum alloy, which is too expensive for them. This material can only be used in large aircraft, and light sparrow aircraft can only use linen as the skin of the aircraft. This way, the weight of the aircraft is reduced a lot, which makes his short take-off and landing an advantage, plus With the pontoon and some small changes, the Sparrow became the best liaison aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft, but it was too reluctant to let him perform the bombing mission. Handa feels very disgusted with the order given by his chief. It can be said that he feels very annoyed, but for him, he can only accept it, not accept it. Because it is related to his promotion.

The plane quickly reached the station of No. 3 Speedboat Squadron along the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal has become the best reference point. In this way, he can reduce the trouble caused by the wrong direction, and the target is easy to find, and his height is not high. After all, the threat to them can be zero.

They have been surrounded for a long time in the station of the third squadron. The days of the siege were boring, boring, and a little scared of low morale, but they still had to insist, the Marine Corps soldiers were fine to say, and the navy personnel had become hysterical because of the **** siege, and they had been angry many times for no reason. If they don't get rid of the siege, they really will collapse. This collapse is the worst thing for them.

"Buzzing." There was a buzzing sound from the sky. Some Marines closed their eyes and calmed down. This could well suppress their imitated emotions and also save them more physical energy.

"Damn it. There are mosquitoes at this time. Damn it." A soldier cursed. In his opinion, mosquitoes affect morale far more than those **** Carthaginians.

"No, **** it, no, this is our plane." A navy sergeant shook his head and said at this time. He looked up at the sky, and he saw the result he hoped to see all at once. An airplane and an airplane were in their sky. This was the best result.

"The plane, it's our plane, it's our aviation soldiers who came to save us." The sergeant shouted loudly. When other people heard this, they looked up, and it turned out that an airplane was hovering over their heads, and the altitude had been reduced a lot, and it was still decreasing.

"Reinforcement. Reinforcement is here." The South Korean soldiers shouted excitedly. For several days, they did not see their reinforcements. Now the aviation troops appeared on top of their heads, which has already explained the problem. This is a very good result, they finally have someone to rescue them. At the same time, there were also Carthaginians. They finally saw the plane, but they didn’t know what it was, but they knew it was Korean flying chess. They didn’t know how the Koreans did this. However, judging from flying into the sky, they think Koreans are very powerful. After repeated aiming, the Dada in the sky finally dropped two bombs, and then he started looking for a place to land. After all, his fuel gauge is close to a very low position.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. They learned that they could still be shot down with a gun, but the distance was too high. They couldn't attack each other at all.

"Boom. Boom." The explosion came, which surprised the Carthaginians. They didn't expect that what they dropped would explode. They really didn't expect this. Many Carthaginians fled here in panic. They really didn't know what else the eagle in the sky would do.

Seth, the king’s office. The king transformed his palace into a large office. Here, there is his staff and his cabinet. King Seth imitated the government system of the State of Zhao and established the name of the cabinet. In fact, the king is the head of State of Seth, and he appointed the chief minister, which is equivalent to the position of prime minister and prime minister. Then came the ministers of various departments. This is equivalent to various ministers. After all, Seth still has his own cultural heritage.

In terms of military affairs, the more mature General Staff Headquarters has been established. At the same time, he has also established two special departments, the Navy Department and the War Department. The Navy Department is currently only a framework. In fact, the Navy Department is equivalent to maritime trade and transportation. Ministry, because they are mainly responsible for the transportation of equipment from the Zhao country, arms, weapons and equipment. The main army of Seth is mainly the army, and the army plays a key role. Therefore, the War Department is the main army of Seth. After all, Seth is an important land power.

"His Majesty, the situation in Barristan is not too bad. They barely maintained the current situation. They established a preliminary line of defense in the Rusa area. The deterioration of the situation has been effectively controlled. However, when they counterattack It’s still far. We still need to provide more support." The Secretary of the Army handed a telegram to His Majesty the King. The King glanced at it and handed it to the Secretary General. He is responsible for the organization of information.

"Such a situation is still unfavorable for us. I think you should be clear that defense alone cannot solve all problems." The king said to the Secretary of the Army.

"But in this way, we are bound to increase assistance to Barristan. In this case, it seems unlikely that this can be done financially." The Secretary of the Army said worriedly.

"Of course this is the case, and I know this, but the problem is that we have to do this. I plan to establish a Bari Army or Bari Army in Barristan, and recruit the locals to form a new army. In this case , We can better open the situation and deter the Northern Stan Alliance. They threaten us very much." The king said. Regarding the arrival of Stan, the Northern Alliance, the king thought it was a threat. After all, no one wanted to see a strong opponent near him. King Seth also thought so, he decided to set up a corresponding legion to deal with it. Such a crisis, and after the establishment of the Barry Corps, he can better solve their dilemma, for example, allowing them to continue to play the results they should have. Expand the troops and increase Seth’s military strength. All this is the situation that the king most hopes to see.

"But in this way, our situation seems to be not so good." The Secretary of the Army is very worried about their military expenditures. After all, military expenditures have become very difficult for them, even though Seth's economy has a certain degree. Development, but suddenly expanded into a legion. This seems to greatly increase their military expenditures. But the king seems to have another consideration.

Although reducing expenditure can solve some problems, these problems cannot fundamentally solve the problem of financial difficulties. What they need is to solve this problem fundamentally. There is only one way to solve this problem. The king feels that it is necessary to expand the source of fiscal revenue. Northward expansion is a very good strategic direction. There are Koreans on the south line, and they cannot hit the sea. This determines that their battle results are very short. However, to the north, the space is very large, and the Bari Army is like this. An idea was proposed.

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