South Korea, Xinzheng. Han Shu is also concerned about a series of issues related to listing. However, she did not see the development of the problem from the listing of United Petroleum Corporation, but decided to do so after seeing the prosperity of the Zhao Guo stock market. It takes a lot of courage to make such a decision. Because many things are not as good as they seem.

"My lord, the reason why the Zhao Guo stock market is so prosperous is that they have increased the supply of paper money. This prosperity has a price. First of all, their prices have risen a lot. These are caused by the increase in paper money. It has some positive meanings for foreign investment, but at the same time it also increases the systemic risk. If they stop the supply of banknotes or produce too much, there will be a systemic collapse. We should see the risks. Existence. This is not a good thing." Zhang Liang said to Han Shu seriously.

Han Shu has clearly expressed such an attitude, that is, increasing the money supply, in this way, can invigorate the market, increase foreign investment, and at the same time meet the government’s series of fiscal needs. The stock market has a large amount of money supply. The reasons began to expand rapidly, and the consequence of this expansion was prosperity. There is prosperity, and this kind of consequence does not need to bear any consequences, because they only see the immediate benefits. In that case, this kind of prosperity, from Zhang Liang's perspective, would rather not, because it would bring about a greater collapse.

"I know this, but you should see that Zhao people are copying their industry. According to our intelligence agency in Seth, they are building Seth into the second Zhao State Handan. They will be there. To build more industrial areas, and this industrial area will meet more arms demand in the north, and more industrial demand, which is very unfavorable for us, even though South Korea is located in Xinzheng, Qingcheng, and Queen’s Island, especially It is Zhang Xiongdao who has established a corresponding industrial foundation. However, we need to point out that Zhao Guo's technology in steel production, mechanical processing, and machine tools far exceeds South Korea, and there is no longer a certain gap in production." Shu said worriedly. The rise of Zhao’s speed has greatly surprised South Korea. It seems that South Korea is declining. Although his economy has not weakened, in terms of economy, South Korea’s trade volume and fiscal revenue are still far from Zhao, but the gap between the two Shrinking. South Korea has realized this point. Not only that, they also plan to solve more other problems.

"We need to build more industrial bases to reopen this gap. If Zhao Guoren continue to develop like this, I believe that it will not take long before our situation will be in an extremely unfavorable state. In the face of such a situation, we have no power to change. This will cause us great losses. This loss will make us lose more opportunities. We must not let this happen." Han Shu said worriedly . Zhao Guo is using paper money to stimulate their economic development. This method is currently effective, because there is still a certain demand for arms in various regions, and this situation will continue to continue.

"This." Zhang Liang tried to find a reason for rebuttal, but suddenly he couldn't find such a reason, because he really didn't know how to explain why South Korea's economy was developing so slowly, or because it was driven by Zhao Guo. The reason for the super, in fact, can’t blame Zhang Liang, because when Zhao Guo was immersed in the development of the local industrial economy, the Koreans were carrying out colonial expansion abroad. They occupied Bangla, occupied Zhanpu, and occupied a series of land. Many colonies have been established, and these colonies have established more markets and provided more raw materials for them. South Korea has established large and small trading companies, and they dumped a large amount of cotton all over the place. There are also Chu people, they also do this, or because of the colony. Or foreign trade can bring greater profits, so they don't pay much attention to industry. At this time, South Korea did not make corresponding economic adjustments. Because everything is fine.

Even now, this kind of economy still brings a lot of profit to South Korea, but now Zhao Guoren is grabbing their market, or in other words, they are ready to kill the Korean market and squeeze out the Korean market share. . Therefore, the Koreans are anxious. They found that in industry, or in terms of industrial product competition, their products are in a disadvantageous state. In contrast, they have better industrial products, better rifles, and munitions. As for South Korea, does it provide cloth to solve the problem? This is obviously not enough. Therefore, the Koreans are anxious.

"We also need to do the same. Transfer some equipment and build some factories, so that they can develop. This is extremely beneficial to our economy. We cannot rely solely on trade, because in this case , It means that we lose more funds, which is extremely detrimental to us. We can't go on like this." Han Shu continued.

"But in this way, in the future, there will be some economic problems. For example, after a large number of banknotes are issued, the economy will expand. Once overproduction, it will be compressed in the future. This seems to have an adverse effect on us." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"Don’t worry about it, I think, don’t worry about it too much. Think about it, we have more markets and more colonies. It’s hard for us to fill this market demand. In contrast, Zhao There are not as many colonies as ours, and their situation is naturally not as easy to resolve as ours. Therefore, the situation is still beneficial to us, and we should be clearly aware of this." Han Shu said. When Zhang Liang heard this, he seemed to think there was a certain reason. But he still felt very worried.

"Okay. If we don't do this anymore, we will be completely squeezed out of our market share by Zhao Guoren, which will have a very negative impact on us. In that case, South Korea's economic decline will be a high probability event. Now." Han Shu said. Zhang Liang nodded and agreed. After all, such things are no longer within his control.

Qin State, Xianyang, Admiralty.

"Jeju has agreed to our request. They will maintain a military presence there, and stay on the front line of the small village, waiting for our acceptance. Zhao Guo did not say anything. Although they want to expand, their situation is also different. It's not as good as that. So, they can only wait patiently." Said the Undersecretary of the Navy. The Qin Navy decided to take the initiative and accept the northern area of ​​Wado Island provided by Jeju. Although they will contact the Zhao and Qi Navys, it doesn’t matter to them, because they have got some natural fine ports. This will not have a greater impact on them.

"Well. The next thing is to see the diplomatic negotiations in the Prime Minister's Office. We need a more appropriate price to solve this problem." The Secretary of the Navy nodded and said. The idea of ​​Jeju people selling the northern part of Wa Island came suddenly, but it was not a surprise to the people of Qin.

"This is not a question we are thinking about. What we are thinking about is that we need a navy and we need to control there. Otherwise, the Jeju people will retreat. If ours is too late to accept, we will be occupied by the Qi and Zhao people. In that case, Our loss can be great." The Navy Deputy Commander said with a smile like this.

"That's right, we must not let this happen, otherwise, our situation will become very bad. However, our naval power is still relatively weak, at least, we do not have a formal naval fleet, just There is not even a destroyer fleet. This is very embarrassing for us." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Sir, we can buy from Koreans, while our banknotes are still worthwhile, of course. We can also buy from Zhao Guo. After all, this is a good order, and we can also. To send a signal to Zhao’s navy, a friendly signal. We have no intention of fighting with them. At the same time, if we can get enough warships from the two navies to form our naval fleet, I think we can compare them. , Which is good for us," said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"You mean to learn from the warships of the two navies, so that our situation can be greatly improved?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Yes, sir, I think this is the best way. Because before our banknotes, it didn't cost much to buy battleships from Zhao Kingdom. On the contrary, we can learn some new things from their battleship experience. For example, the construction ideas of the people of Zhao Kingdom. And the construction ideas of the Koreans. We have the technology, but the lack of experience is very important to us.” The Navy Deputy Admiral suggested.

"Yeah. You are right. We do have the technology, but we have no experience in construction. This is very unfavorable for us. If we can change this situation, the situation will become better for us. It is very advantageous, so we still need to solve this problem." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"So, sir, we need to pay attention to this kind of problem. Taking advantage of this is a good opportunity." Said the Undersecretary of the Navy.

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