Qi State, Laizhou. Inside Lou Jing's office.

"This kind of thing, I hope it won't happen again. Because it will greatly increase our conflict with Chu, and Qi's development is far from reaching the point where the conflict can be resolved." Lou Jing held the telegram in his hand fiercely. The lesson to the Secretary of the Army, in fact, these are things done by the Ministry of the Army itself, which made Lou Jing very annoyed.

"Sir, we absolutely guarantee that this kind of thing will never happen again. After all, this kind of thing, I didn't know how long, these things were made by my subordinates, and they have little direct relationship with me." The Secretary of the Army said so.

"I hope so." Lou Jing warned with his hands behind his back. The War Department has always expressed dissatisfaction with this prime minister, because after he came to power, Qi’s financial funds were clearly inclined to economic construction, which caused serious losses to the interests of the military. Unlike the state of Chu, the interests of the state of Chu’s military. This can be achieved through external expansion, but the situation in the War Department is extremely miserable. They do not have many large colonies, only a few strongholds. Moreover, the Admiralty has received a large number of military orders before, and their naval development has been greatly satisfied, not as miserable as their situation. Therefore, this action was completely decided by the Ministry of War without authorization. But there is also serious dissatisfaction behind it. Lou Jing knows this very well, but the problem is that it is not yet an important time to expand the conflict. Because this time has not yet met such requirements. But the officers of the War Department don’t think this way. They think about how to make their own situation more advantageous, rather than making their situation more advantageous. This is a big difference, but the military doesn’t care at all. These ones.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"My lord, this is a new combat objective change forwarded by the front line. I think it is a bit risky, but you can try it." Zhang Liang personally handed a telegram to Han Shu.

"Thebes, this seems to be the capital of a few people you love?" Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

"Yes, my lord, this is the capital of Aijiren, and our offensive target is Thebes." Zhang Liang said with certainty.

Soon Han Shu picked up the telegram and it seemed that the content of the telegram was correct. They were going to attack such a place. As for why, it was entirely because of the ideas of the officers. They believed that it was for them to procrastinate. , It is simply a disaster, because many soldiers feel very disgusted with such a situation, instead of this, it is better to attack Thebes directly. But the problem is that this is not in line with South Korea's initial strategy. Han Shu couldn't explain it clearly. This is obviously a pirate fight, mainly Carthaginians, but now it has suddenly been transferred to the Aiji government, which makes Han Shu really unable to transfer. However, Zhang Liang saw the relationship between the need to combat pirates and the attack on Thebes. The slow progress in combating pirates has always been due to an important factor in addition to the growth of South Korea’s own military power. , That is, loving a few people, loving a few people is abomination to Koreans, although they did not express such an emotion, but the problem is that they are in essence abomination of Koreans, so in everything that is detrimental to Koreans Under circumstances, they will decisively support, and they will oppose what is good for South Korea. Therefore, in the pirate family, their attitude is to support the behavior of the pirates as much as possible. For example, a large number of pirates and sailors are composed of a few people in love, and some supplies are provided through the coastal areas. These are significant proofs that the people in love are supporting piracy. The Koreans occupy the coastal areas, but only An accidental and indirect severing of the connection between Aijiren and the pirates. It can be said that this is not an active military action. However, the Koreans are now actively attacking Thebes, which is equivalent to a strategic level. When it comes to the relationship between the two, it was extremely vague before.

And what Zhang Liang wants to talk about is such a situation, and they hope to achieve their goals in this way. Soon Zhang Liang explained the relationship between Aiji and pirates, because the existence of this relationship led to the slowness of South Korea's fight against pirates. right now. South Korea has already figured it out. It is necessary to support such offensive behavior.

"But the question is, will such an offensive be risky? What I know is. Our military strength is inherently weak. Once we attack the opponent’s capital, it will cost a considerable price to launch an offensive. This is for us. Say, this is a difficult thing." Han Shu said worriedly.

"But my lord, if we don't do this, it will be difficult to expand our influence, and the attitude of loving a few people is extremely ambiguous. Our current need is to expand our influence, and to attack as much as possible. The value of the strategic goal is to combat pirates. We don't know the situation of piracy at all, but if we fight against Aiji, our situation will be much more obvious, because we know where the Aiji is, and to strike Aiji is to fight pirates. "Zhang Liang suggested.

"Well, in that case, we will fight pirates and let our Shazhou cavalry try it. If it doesn't work, we can still support. At the same time. We should also pay attention to such a thing. That is to coordinate some armies well. The affairs of the Ministry of the Navy and the Ministry of the Navy, if they are allowed to perform abnormally, the situation will be very wrong." Han Shu said worriedly. In South Korea, there is also a general staff, but the general staff is just a place for making military plans. In terms of specific strategies, they have not expanded properly, and they have no more commanding power. Because South Korea lacks the need for large-scale operations, unlike Qin, there are many areas that need to be controlled. In this way, Qin will definitely need to make overall planning on the staff. This is an extremely mentally exhausting matter. But South Korea does not.

South Korea has only the Navy and War Department. These two departments at the same level can control their own position very well in normal times. But in the face of such a large-scale operation, it is difficult to rule between the two.

"My lord, I propose to set up a supreme command. Let the command manage the two departments in a unified manner and let them collaborate. In this way, we can achieve a balance between tactics and strategy." Zhang Liang suggested To.

"The Supreme Command?" Han Shu found it interesting.

"Very good, we will set up the Supreme Command. Under such circumstances, we must effectively manage the resources in our hands so that the resources in our hands can maximize our role. Otherwise, they will cause us Great influence, the best way to reduce this influence is to set up a department with the highest support rate." Han Shu said. This is how the command headquarters was established.

Seth, Babylon. The prosperity here is rising little by little. The dilapidated streets have not yet been cleaned up, but some shops have already started trading. Tea, silk, and sugar from the south have been sold here. In the outskirts of Babylon, more handicraft factories and some machinery factories have begun to work. Although their factories were still very simple houses, in order to support the construction of the factory, the king gave up his palace outside Babylon to the factory for construction. Under such circumstances, their development speed was naturally completed quickly. . These are inseparable from the support of the king.

"Seth, there should be such a speed of development. If there is no such speed of development, it will have a great impact on us." The king changed into civilian clothes and inspected Babylon. The development of commerce means an increase in commercial taxes. , And commercial taxation will greatly increase fiscal revenue.

"Your Majesty." Zhu Li whispered. He also wears the clothes of the locals to make transactions. This is an assessment of Seth Country.

"The North has begun to agree to purchase more arms and weapons through our procurement. In addition, they also need more combat materials, and these materials can be purchased through us on a large scale." Zhu Li said.

"Yeah. This means that our finances have been further resolved. This is a very good thing." The king is in a very good mood. The relationship with the Koreans is easing, and the Koreans acknowledged the current situation. Seth’s territorial sovereignty, and at the same time dispatched diplomats to improve the construction of the Embassy in Seth. Zhao Guo has already built an embassy here, and Qi Guo has also built it. The arrival of diplomats means the improvement of international relations. This is a very good thing for them.

"Yes, Your Majesty, in this way, many of our soldiers can be resolved. Our factory has a large number of products waiting to be sold. Although we can't fully produce it, we can assemble it. We can import a large number of products from Zhao and Qi. Parts are assembled. After these weapons are sold, we have considerable profits." Zhu Li said.

"Well. You do this. What we have to do is to let the economy develop and make our situation better. We need such an opportunity. If we don't do it well, we are too sorry for the broken Seth. Said the king. Obviously there is a responsibility to the king. The whole Seth showed a period of rapid rise. During this period, the entire Kingdom of Seth was rapidly becoming Zhaohua.

For example, foreign countries have reformed their education system and government system. The official language of the government is Zhao Guohua, and the official script is selected as the official script, and the lower case is the official second script. The education system is based on Zhao’s apprenticeship system to provide factories with a large number of technical professional apprentices. These apprentices will get free education opportunities. At the same time, after they are promoted to a certain technical class, they will also provide more benefits. The treatment has never been before. The slaves who have just been liberated, the freedmen, need such a promotion channel too much. In the government office, as long as you understand the Central Plains dialect, you can get a larger-scale appointment, not only that, but also your social status and wealth. You will also get a big promotion. During this period, the whole society is entering a kind of rapid ascent. Even a person like Zhu Li can feel it.

"Those military students are ready. When can they leave?" The king asked Zhu Li at this time. The king couldn't wait to make his army very strong. It is because the increase in military power can give them more voice. Without such a voice, no matter how much they say, it is of no use.

"Soon, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Zhao has approved their application. As soon as a telegram from the embassy arrives, they can leave." Zhu Li said.

"Well, let them get on the ship as soon as possible and wait on the road. We will speed up here. These military commanders will play a greater role in the future. This is an extremely important point for us. We cannot Waiting like this is too long for us." said the king. Zhu Li recorded it and let them implement it as soon as possible.

Chu State Army Ministry, the spokesperson is explaining the rumors in the Qi State newspaper.

"In this matter, according to our understanding, those are the savages of the savage tribe. They launched an offensive against the Chu country. The more people, the more people are just security guards who provide protection. They are not regular troops." That Chu The spokesperson of the National Army explained this.

"At the same time, I need to point out that this time it was the barbarian tribes who took the initiative to attack us, not we took the initiative to attack them, because they have caused a lot of abuse on our plantation economy. Such a thing has happened many times. In desperation, we can only protect our safety by hiring Vietnamese security personnel. Under such circumstances, those barbaric tribes still attacked us, but in desperation, we just fought back. What we thought was that we My Vietnamese friends inadvertently chased to the Qi people’s area, but what we can guarantee is that they are the first to attack." Army spokesperson said.

"I believe that many people are well aware that before we take root there, there will still be many similar things happening. Our people have been greatly harmed. They are not only physical, but also spiritual. Injury, we just guarantee our own safety interests. That's all." Army spokesperson said. In this way, the Chu State Army Department successfully diverted its attention, because they raised this issue to a national issue. They turned from the strong to a weak, because they needed sympathy. This was their trick. Sure enough, the news reporters did it. Close, they think there is nothing to watch next. Obviously, this is no secret anymore. Because many places no longer have the value of news mining.

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