Goguryeo, Heitucheng, Goguryeo War Department.

"The Yan people have added two new mountain division designations again. The appearance of these designations means that at least four infantry divisions of the Yan people have appeared near the Daqingshan defense line. This will put us under a very heavy pressure. If there is a sudden outbreak of war, our situation may not be able to deal with such a situation." A navy lieutenant colonel said to the Army Undersecretary with concern.

"I've noticed this kind of thing. But the problem is that we don't have so many troops to deploy there. You are all aware of this situation. The Yan people may take the initiative." The lieutenant colonel Speaking of.

"I know, but the situation is that it is impossible for us to mobilize too much force to solve this problem. You know that for such a thing, we do not have enough troops to solve this problem. A large amount of labor is used in railway construction projects, factories, and In all kinds of places, only mobilization and partial mobilization can have a certain amount of force. Although we are very worried about this. In fact, we do not have that much force to provide you. In this situation, I think You know better than I am." said the army deputy commander.

"Boom, sir, can I come in?" Outside the door, a lieutenant colonel of the Zhao State Army stood outside and knocked.

"Yes. Mr. Yang." The deputy commander of the army nodded, and the other party had already entered. This is Yang Sen, a senior military adviser sent by the State of Zhao to Goguryeo. His role is to help the Goguryeo people to solve the problems they encountered in the battle of Yan Kingdom, including a series of preparations before the war. These are all things he has to do.

"Mr. Deputy Chief, I am here to report on the militia and the formation of the army. I think that Goguryeo currently needs at least three permanent infantry divisions. At the same time, we need to target those who are retired and suitable for combat. The military training in order to be able to carry out rapid expansion during the war. What I know is that the Yan people have expanded four infantry divisions, and more combat units are still being established. What I am worried about is if this situation continues to develop. If we go down, the people of Yan will be prepared, and we will find it difficult to deal with such a situation." Yang Sen said.

"Well. We are just worried about this. Intelligence shows that not only four infantry divisions have appeared, but more troops will exist in the future. Those mountain people don't know where the Yan people recruited so many troops. "The Army Secretary shook his head and said.

"So, Mr. Deputy Chief, we have to recruit at least three infantry divisions, as well as some special operations units, such as artillery, engineers, communications, etc. My plan is like this. Three infantry divisions will have three combat units. There is a temporary unit. The temporary unit is those recruited militias, or personnel suitable for combat to conduct military skills training. Their time will not be too long, so that their combat skills will be improved to a certain extent. And in combat At the time, and after a period of time, we recruit another batch to enter. Then we can select one of the basic units and expand it during combat. A large number of temporary unit combat personnel will be based on this, so The advantage is that the combat effectiveness of each of our units can basically maintain a certain combat capability. This is the best and the most acceptable plan for Goguryeo. In this way, we can avoid economic posts. Deploying a large amount of manpower while also maintaining a certain level of combat capability. Such a situation is most beneficial to us." Yang Sen said.

"Well, I personally agree with such a plan, but the question is, if the Yan people continue to increase their forces and cause trouble at the border, how should we deal with such a situation? They currently have two infantry divisions there. "The Deputy Chief of the Army said worriedly.

"This requires other plans to cooperate with the implementation, otherwise, we will not be able to achieve this." Yang Sen said helplessly. As for the specific provocation of Yan people, this is not a situation that he can personally change. This requires them to accurately judge the specific situation of the other party to deal with such a situation, which is not what they can deal with. This requires the cooperation of all departments to proceed.

Love several countries, in the headquarters of the Zhao State Navy stationed. Hannibal is like an officer working here, coming in and out of here many times a day.

"How is it? Is there any response to my situation?" Hannibal asked an officer at the telegraph office. They can access the first-line telegrams, although some advanced telegrams need to be translated.

"Yes, there is good news." A second lieutenant said helplessly. They already hate such a guy. After all, this guy has too many problems. And it's very troublesome.

"What good news? Tell me, I really want to know what kind of good news will happen." The other party asked curiously.

"This is the situation. The Banking Association plans to organize a group of people to visit here, of course. There will be a lot of people, not only the military officer group, the advisory group, but also the economics. I think these people may help. You solve a lot of problems, but most of them are people from the bank. I don't know how many problems can be solved for you." The ensign said.

"That's great. This can solve a lot of our problems. You know, we need so many talents for many things. No. I mean, the opinions of people in this area." Hannibal said. He knew that the best way to make Carthage strong was to accept advanced concepts. These changes in the way of thinking would have a great effect.

"However, I heard that our officers are a little worried, they don't know what your attitude is?" The ensign whispered at this time.

"Welcome, absolutely welcome, we absolutely welcome them, trust me, I will let the Carthage Council help them." Hannibal promised.

"Okay, but you'd better make some preparations. For example, prepare for some habits of stationing foreign envoys. The State of Zhao may consider maintaining diplomatic relations with you." The ensign said. Hannibal nodded in agreement. In this way, he could strengthen the ties with Zhao Guoren.

State of Zhao, Handan, Admiralty.

"Gibraltar, who do we entrust to complete such a task? Although it can be entrusted to the commercial expedition, the funds are very limited. I think it is better to entrust the naval officers to complete the task." Said the navy colonel.

"Sir, I think that this kind of task can be completed by the new navy officers. If it is done well, it can be regarded as a feat. They need a chance to practice." The navy colonel suggested. The Department of the Navy saw that the Department of War was sending a large number of their redundant officers to serve as the officer corps and advisory corps. They were very envious, because the problem of officer swelling is also present in the navy. Because it is a peaceful environment, both the navy and the army raise officers but not soldiers. However, as there are more and more graduates from military academies, many young people are applying for military academies because they can provide more free learning opportunities and also assign jobs. But in doing so, the army and navy officers will suddenly increase.

In order to deal with so many naval officers, the Navy Department also needs some plans to send officers overseas, not just as simple as military attaches, but they also need to do a lot of things, such as expeditions. There are many such officers, and they can accomplish a lot. There are many things to accomplish this kind of thing.

"Well. Can they do it? We give them such a task, but the problem is, ships, we don't have enough ships for them." said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"Sir, we have old ships that we can give them and serve as training ships. At the same time, we can send an expeditionary army to expand. In this way, we can solve many things. For example, if they explore, our regular navy can be behind. Accepting these areas, anyway, for them, it doesn't make much difference." The colonel said.

"Well, I admit that what you said touched me. After all, we also need to solve this problem. For us, we need such an opportunity too much." said the Navy Deputy Commander. So the Undersecretary of the Navy issued such an order. A group of naval trainees should not be sent to explore places full of risks. For them, such a thing is a relatively good task.

Thebes. A hotel opened by a Korean, this hotel is actually a headquarters, Zhang Chen thinks he is already the commander of a war zone. Although his rank is only a major general, he knows that as Aiji's influence further expands, his military area will expand further, which means. Their military area will be further expanded. For Zhang Chen, another general will be added to his shoulders.

"Sir." A lieutenant adjutant came in and said, but soon a Jew rushed in. The other party was dressed in a very special way. Judging from these clothes, one can tell the difference.

"Oh. What's wrong. My friend, so excited." Zhang Chen saw Judas coming in. He was a businessman who made a fortune through trade with Koreans. He was still very famous in trade with Korea.

"Damn the Northern Alliance, according to the news from our country, they discovered that the other side was using a machine gun. I want to know where this weapon was provided to them. This poses too much threat to us." Speaking of.

"Oh. I don't know about this. What I know is that there is no bullet from here to there. I can promise." Zhang Chen said that the attitude of the Koreans to the Jews is to take advantage. Because Jews do business, their business network in Asia Minor has played a big role. For example, many products are sold through their hands. The Jews saw this, and more and more Jews joined this kind of business. However, for the Jews, he himself does not have a lot of good feelings, because the other party always tries to get what you want in your hands. Get it by deception, sometimes, they are unwilling to spend a penny. For example, in this area, the loan sharking relationship between Jewish businessmen is theirs. Not only that, but also the love of a few people who borrow their funds. This has caused their business to be very popular, and they are trying to do business with the bank. Create a loan relationship so that their trade can begin. Not only that, but they also thought of a good way, such as borrowing a large amount of money from a Korean bank, and then changing hands to borrow out in the form of loan sharks. This is simply crazy. the behavior of. So, from this point of view, the Jews are greedy, but they are also smart.

"I hope that South Korea can find out such a thing. Their presence has put a lot of pressure on our security. Some of our countries are being attacked by them. Under such circumstances, our situation will become worse. Different. We will be in an unfavorable state, which will affect us too much.” Judas said.

"I know this very well, but the problem is that we have controlled it here. But there is another hole, the source of weapons imported from Seth to the Northern Alliance Stan, we can't control them, I think you know this. "Zhang Chen said. He knew exactly where those weapons came from.

"So, I hope you can block the source of those **** weapons, they have a great impact on us." The other party said.

"Well, I know this, but I still need the approval of the domestic government to do this. You know, the power of Zhao and South Korea are equal." Zhang Chen said. Hear this answer. Judas was helpless.

"We can export more weapons to you, but you need patience, because the Suez Canal and the transportation capacity issues, these need us to solve." Zhang Chen said.

"Well, we will think about it. But we don't have much money to buy such many weapons, and our officers are not many, their combat capabilities. In short, our security issues are very unoptimistic. , Your Excellency General should understand our current situation. This is a huge disaster for us." Judas said.

"This, we understand. We know this very well." The other party said so. For the Jews, Zhang Chen believes that there is no need to worry too much, because they are very smart, and their smart brains can solve all problems, can they? This is the best way for them. So what they need to solve is not very difficult.

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