The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3764: Did you discover it?

Carthage waters, the city of Bertha.

"This is the main city of the Carthaginians. Bertha." Zhao De, captain of the Army of the State of Zhao, put down the telescope in his hand and said.

"Well, we finally got to such a **** place, at least we know that such a place is still useful for us." Li Fang said. Zhao De and Li Fang are both captains of the Zhao State Army. Originally, they only came here to act as observers, but their appointments were temporarily changed, and many of them had their appointments changed. They were dispatched to Carthage. They need to understand a lot of things and everything in Carthage. They are now tutoring the local people’s language, and then learn about the local people’s customs, habits, etc. These are what observers have to do Besides, before they arrived, Hannibal, the troublesome guy wanted them to sum up something. He hoped that they could stay in Carthage and let their army learn some new combat skills. Carthage has great advantages.

"This is what they are talking about Africa." Li Fang said.

"Well, I think so, but our language is not good. Don't want to know too much at the beginning, and we don't know too much about the politics here. Many things are nothing. We can only do it through those second-hand translations. Understand for yourself, it is very unfavorable for us." Zhao De said. Zhao De and Li Fang did a lot of hard work. At least they knew that Carthage was a developed commercial country, they had many colonies, and they had a considerable number of merchant ships and warships. These were important foundations for them to maintain a huge business empire, and their annual financial income. Quite expansive. They sell a lot of goods, metal, olive oil, textiles, and now they can still do arms business. In order to do business, they can cooperate with the Loma people. This is an incomprehensible country, but it is such a country. They still exist.

According to those second-hand translators, the so-called second-hand translators were hired by them and knew some of the Carthage language. They also had some small achievements in language, which solved their great problems in communication, but they There are not many things they know. They know that Carthage is in Africa, and their agriculture is relatively developed, and there are slavery plantations. At the same time, their commerce is also very developed. They have established colonies in many places. For example, Spain, which is a new commercial stronghold, has commercial strongholds on islands such as Sila, Sicily, and Sardinia, and these strongholds are two of them. They don't know where it is, this requires their further understanding.

In addition, they also learned. Before the Loma and Carthaginians had already fought a large-scale battle in Sicily, the result was that the Carthaginians ended the war at the cost of withdrawing from Sicily, and the Carthaginians gave away considerable benefits. For example, land cessation, compensation, and the Loma people won a big victory, what kind of specific, second-hand translation love a few people, they themselves can’t tell, in short, it needs them to get from the Carthaginian population. Some relevant information about this war.

"Our work is about to start. In this situation, this is a big challenge for us, but I am willing to accept such a challenge, and this kind of thing will be challenging." Li Fang approached the shore slowly as the ship , They have to develop a lot of new things, for example, a new understanding of Carthage, these are the important basis for them to carry out related actions.

In the Daqingshan area, the dormitory that Lieutenant Yang Jun entered is actually a nest. This kind of place can keep warm. If there is a brazier, their situation may be better. But this kind of brazier needs to be handled carefully, because one of their officers has died from carbon monoxide poisoning. This kind of tragedy is still happening, and the cold makes their living conditions here become very passive, or in other words, unfavorable. Because this situation is difficult to change.

"Damn it. The situation here is becoming more and more difficult to survive. Our calories are losing every day, and the best way to keep calories from losing is to keep eating, but the **** environment makes our stomachs change. I feel uncomfortable. The toilet is already full. More people settled in the trenches. This resulted in stools, and stools were diluted. This shows that gastrointestinal diseases have been infected on a large scale here. I will try my best. It’s possible to eat some hot food, but it doesn’t work at all, because I found that my stomach is also starting to feel uncomfortable. It’s terrible. We need medicine, we need warm clothing, and the **** environment is completely improved. We need Completely change this situation." Guan Jin said.

"But our logistics supply unit never cares about this, they can't do it at all. For us, the worst part of this time, we can't solve such a problem at all." Guan Jin said in his notebook. Write.

"Not only that, our situation is also undergoing great changes. For example, more and more people are freezing to death. Although a considerable part of them are mountain people, it is inevitable that our people are also freezing to death. Even better-paid officers can’t avoid it. In addition, various diseases bother us. In the trenches, snow has caused a humid environment, and this environment has caused a great attack on the joints. I It feels that I also have severe joint dampness. Because for a while, my entire lower limbs did not feel, and I felt paralyzed. This is definitely a very bad situation, but I can’t change this situation. It’s the fact. , What else can I say?" Guan Jin wrote in his diary.

"We need a dry environment, because there are deaths everywhere, all kinds of infectious diseases. Especially trench disease, which is athlete's foot. This itching makes many soldiers emotionally unstable. They keep rubbing their feet. Fingers. Then the infection continued, and the air in the trenches was extremely dirty. The patience of the mountain people has reached the limit. Today a mountain soldier came in and whispered to me, let us participate in a command battle. Their target is fifty miles in the south. I know where the Goguryeo people gather. I know that there is a coal mine in Dachashan. This coal mine is very small and can only produce 200 tons per month, but this is only the current output. The Goguryeo people seem to be very interested in mining more coal mines here. Confident, plus there is a railway team nearby. It is estimated that there are as many as 1,500 to 2,000 people, but they are scattered. There are 700 people in the coal mine, and the rest are gathered on a channel of the coal mine. They seem to have no intention of gathering together. According to our patrol and reconnaissance reports earlier, the living conditions there are pretty good. At least the Goguryeo people can guarantee that they have a sufficient supply of warm clothing. This is good for them. Said, it is indeed a huge guarantee." Lieutenant Guan Jin wrote.

"The mountain people can't stand it anymore. Our **** government can't do anything. What they can do is to collect the dead bodies for us after next spring. One company has suffered more than 40% of casualties. This We still didn’t endure any battles. Even though from a diplomatic point of view, attacking the Goguryeos would put us into a state of war. Maybe we didn’t, but we might not do so. But I still think we should join the battle, because if we join the battle, We may continue to survive, but if we don’t participate in the battle, we won’t get anything. In the end, we will be frozen to death by the weather. There is no choice, because the government’s supply operations have failed us too much. Well, we decided to do it like this. I decided to take part in the operation of the mountain people. What I didn’t expect was that the number of mountain soldiers who participated in the operation this time exceeded two thousand. I don’t know the exact number. In short, many of them are all. Organized spontaneously, it seems that the bad weather has helped us make the right choice, hoping that this choice can extend our lives and allow us to continue to live." Guan Jin wrote.

"Sir, sir, it's time for us to act." A mountain second-class soldier ran in nervously and reported.

"Okay. Soldier, I know. I'm here." Guan Jin put away his notebook, put it in his briefcase, and joined the battle with his rifle and pistol. Guan Jin also participates in the battle. In combat, a rifle is far easier to use than a pistol.

In the camp, many mountain soldiers were excited and dragged their tired-looking bodies forward. There was nothing to say along the way, and the eyes of many people showed the light of killing. A strange atmosphere gathered in this team. Kill, suppress, vent. It seems that only in this way can their unequal emotions calm down slowly, but now, everything is not the time yet.

They moved slowly, and a killing was being staged.

Qin State, Xianyang, Shangwen's office.

"The people of the Yue family are unwilling to fight now. They ask for more mercenaries to be recruited in Tocharo, not only in Tocharo, but they also hope to recruit the same mercenaries to fight in Rest." Meng Yi said to Shangwen. .

"This is their business, and we can agree with them to do so, but for this kind of thing, I personally think that they should be allowed to do such a thing well. After all, this kind of thing still needs to be resolved for them." Shang Wen said so.

"Yeah. I agree with this, but there are still many changes in the current situation, such as rest in peace, whether there are so many troops on the Tochara side, and in addition, on the Indian side, the South Korean side also told us a new one. The situation, this situation is like this." Meng Yi said.

"The Koreans plan to let the Indians change their tactics, or the purpose of their campaign, to siege and annihilate instead of purely defensive operations. In this way, the problem of the Holy Fire can be resolved to the maximum and resolutely. But the problem is , Their War Department is very worried, whether the Indians can do this, I think, sir, you understand that they can’t do this at all, and we know this very well, because the Indians can only be passive They have done some defensive operations in the field of offensive operations. Therefore, this kind of behavior is extremely unworkable. It is not only that we are not optimistic, but even the Koreans think it is impossible." Meng Yi said.

"Hehe, the Indians have also launched offensives, but their fighting significance is not very great. Now, their situation has become very bad. It is okay for them to build fortifications for defensive operations. Let them attack. This is totally unacceptable." It is not just that various departments are not optimistic, even Shang Wen is not optimistic about such things. In his opinion, such things are simply a joke.

"But we can let the Koreans experiment. If the Indians can also fight, we can change this view. However, the war needs a strong economy to support. According to my understanding, the Indians seem to lack this. In terms of possibility, I want to know how they solved this problem?" Shang Wen asked curiously.

"It's Koreans, and the Koreans provided them with more funds. In this way, they will be able to fight. Under such circumstances, they will naturally become active, but only if Indy has to bring them There is enough profit, what this profit is, how to achieve the purpose they should have, these are still not clear to us." Meng Yi said.

"In this case, the explanation is clear. It seems that all countries are carrying out large-scale water release activities. If this is the case, the turning economy will become crazy." Shang Wen said.

"It's not just Koreans, but also Zhao people. Zhao people have established diplomatic relations with Carthage, and Carthage has shown a sense of active offensive. This makes us feel very dangerous. We have heard of them before. They have already contacted the people of Zhao Guo. They hope to get a lot of funds from Zhao Guo and then help them to expand and prepare for war." Meng Yi said.

"It seems that the consumption of war has become very large. The world situation has become extremely unstable." Shang Wen said worriedly. He knew that Carthage would definitely attack the Romans as they did in history, and the Romans needed another support to reach a balance. This balance may be the possibility of Korean intervention.

"Have you noticed?" Shang Wen said worriedly at this time.

"What?" Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen.

"I think the current situation seems to be forming two large military groups. Once such a military group is formed, I am worried that a larger-scale war is inevitable. This may solve all problems in general." Shang Wen worried. Speaking of.

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