The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3836: Let them send ammunition

State of Zhao, Handan. In the back garden of Guo Kai’s mansion, Guo Kai was pushed by medical staff to walk in the garden. By doing so, he can recover from his illness. After all, he needs a quiet and peaceful environment, but Guo Kai’s mood is still not very good and low. This is the most worrying thing for doctors.

"This kind of situation is very bad, and the condition needs to be reversed in time, otherwise, the next time, it may continue to be paralyzed." The doctor said helplessly.

"I can't help it. The prime minister is in such a situation. Although it is still, I think it won't be any longer." The Minister of Finance said embarrassingly. They have now become the left-behind government. The Minister of Finance handles Zhao's affairs temporarily, but only maintains the status quo. For other things, they can do very limited. This is the only thing they can do right now.

"This, I have nothing to do. After all, the patient's condition is like this, and I don't have a good way to solve this problem. You know, many times, it is still very difficult for us." The doctor said helplessly. Such a big man, it is down to say. Everything is gone with the fall. Sometimes, you will sigh with emotion as to what you are doing, but if you do this, only the person concerned will know what is going on. Others, how can they not know what to do.

Just then. A large-scale leaflet appeared in the sky, and it was flying like snowflakes in winter.

"This is?" the doctor asked puzzledly.

"Hurry up and get the Prime Minister back. I am worried that the condition will deteriorate suddenly, in that case." The Minister of Finance has already started. The doctor is not good to say anything. He soon knew what it was. It's a leaflet, a leaflet for running for the prime minister. To run for the prime minister's position, many people are very desperate. They keep propagating. Now the entire broadcast is full of this kind of voice, and some normal channels are interrupted. Those lawmakers desperately promote themselves. They claim that they can help them solve many, many problems. In fact, who knows what will happen to them? Anyway, this kind of thing is no longer something they can solve.

The falling leaflet belongs to Zhao Jia. He is also the most capable member of the Prime Minister's post this time. He has such strength, his identity, status, and he has greater financial support. Many banks and large enterprises have expressed their support for them. Because his propaganda policy is in line with their requirements.

"We need to expand Zhao's market and expand Zhao's living space. It is no longer possible for Zhao to develop in such a small space. Zhao needs its own space to solve all problems." This is Zhao. Jia said this in a propaganda. This has left a deep impression on many parliamentarians, entrepreneurs, and bankers.

In contrast, other rivals appear to be much more moderate. Most of them are people in their 50s and 60s. They have served as ministers of King Zhao, or important officials in a certain position. Their age and state first give people the impression that they are very old and they can't do anything. They don't have that much strength or energy to solve so many things. They seem to be peaceful and old, and what Zhao Guo needs is a young and powerful task, not an old man, who can do nothing and be old. Their slogans are also unattractive. They seldom use the words reform and change, because they dare not spread rumors too much and cause dissatisfaction among entrepreneurs and bankers. They can only use the words change and improvement, because such words are mild, but this This kind of gentle attitude is not enough to make people notice such a situation at once, because many things they urgently need to reform, instead of doing nothing in the face of such a situation, their attitude towards these old men is, Damn bastard.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"Zhao Jia's remarks are very dangerous." Shang Wen said after reading the telegram.

"Expand the living space, how to expand? For now, there may be some places that can be expanded, but once the expansion of the market enters a stagnant state, this situation will become very passive, because they are bound to be incompatible with the original Vested interests have great contradictions, and this contradiction will become more and more difficult to control. We all know such a situation, which may be the worst thing for us." Meng Yi said .

"Yes, this is what I worry about, but this kind of thing seems to be changing towards this situation. It seems that we need to contact some countries to deal with such things, etc. I think it may be more Early." Shang Wen thought for a while and said. Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen. He didn't know what Shang Wen thought of, but he knew that Koreans were more anxious.

South Korea, Xinzheng. The situation seems to be becoming more and more unfavorable for them.

"Zhao Guoren, son Jia, what does this guy want to do?" Han Shu looked at the report in his hand and said.

"A report showed that his campaign speeches were very offensive, such as expanding living space. This kind of words is obviously very offensive. If such remarks are allowed to appear, the situation may lead to We have become extremely passive. Should we intervene or change the results of the election through other means." Zhang Liang proposed. He believes that a moderate Zhao country is good for South Korea. The previous Zhao country is good for South Korea. The threat is not great. But the problem is that Zhao Jia's remarks can easily cause panic in the wider range, and this panic will shock everyone.

"This kind of thing cannot be changed. We can suppress a Zhao Jia, who knows whether there will be a Li Jia, Wang Jia or something in the future. This is a historical trend. You and I know that these things cannot change anything. "Han Shu said, shaking his head. Obviously, South Korea's intervention will not bring any benefits.

"Then, we have to do nothing. After all, some things are difficult for us to change. We can only influence, not change this situation." Han Shu said.

Taishan area. In the temporary garrison of the mountain troops.

"Those people, like mice, run around, they run out from time to time. These days, we have been catching mice and we are very annoyed." Addo complained.

"Yeah. I see. This can also exercise your fighting time. Although it is tiring, it is a good combat opportunity. You must grasp it. If you can't even catch a mouse, how can you kill each other." A Gu said so.

"Yes." Ado nodded to express his understanding.

"Don't think that rats are not fighting. Sometimes, fighting like that is more cruel than we think, you know? We must not take it lightly, so we should be more careful about such things." A Gu said.

"Yes, sir, I understand. I'll go and clean up those mice." Ado said. A Gu nodded. The Washima cannon fodder sent by the Goguryeos caused some trouble to the mountain people because they broke through the opponent's defense line and caused a lot of disorder. And this chaos comes from the fact that these Japanese people don’t know where they are heading, they just run randomly, who knows where they will go, the mountain people have to divide into several search teams to search for them, kill them, and then a little bit. Continuously reduce the search area.

The defensive position of the Goguryeo people.

"Buzzing." The planes in the sky flew over, lowered their altitude, dropped their supplies, and flew away. Or throw down the newspaper or something. In this way, it can boost their morale. From the current point of view, the senior leaders of Goguryeo have not given up on them, but they can't get out. They can only rely on this method to maintain the current situation.

"Stop, who?" a Goguryeo soldier shouted nervously, holding his rifle.

"Bang. Bang. Mountain people. Shoot." An officer shouted nervously. The soldiers took up their weapons and fired continuously there. Such shooting would take a long time to stop.

"Stop shooting, stop shooting, it may be your own." Yang De shouted loudly.

"Stop shooting." Zhier next to Yang De reminded Yang De as much as possible that it might be a Japanese. But they still shoot, it seems that only this way can make them even more crazy.

"Okay. Stop shooting." Yang De shouted loudly. The gunfire of the Goguryeos gradually ceased. They looked at the possible situation ahead, because they knew that the mountain people would run out all of a sudden.

"It's ours. It's from Wadao." Zhier said excitedly. Because he saw the Wadao people jumping and running over with his hands raised, it seemed that he was very excited.

"Not good." Zhier looked at it, because many Wadao people died at their own guns, and the rest ran over in a panic. They raised their hands to show that they were not hostile. The Goguryeo people looked at them with a disdainful look. After all, they are more burdensome.

"What about these people?" An officer looked at the Japanese squatting on the ground. They were short in stature and not very strong. Although they were running pretty well, they were of no use at all, because in combat, they estimated that there were five people. They may not be able to beat the mountain people, because the Goguryeo soldiers still need three people, and their situation may be even worse.

"Let them transport ammunition, maybe their situation can be better." An officer looked at the people and said helplessly.

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