The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3846: The miserable Guo Kai

"Corruption, what's going on outside?" Guo Kai asked seriously such a thing, his hands were shaking and his face looked gray. No one knows what to say. Or in other words, they don't know what to do when they encounter such a thing?

"Corruption, what is corruption? Tell me." Guo Kai said loudly.

"The prime minister. Take care of yourself." An attendant said worriedly.

"Tell me what's going on, what's going on? It must be Zhao Jia's child? Isn't it? I just know it, it must be this guy. If I say I am narrow, he can't go there. Oh. I said. It must be them. Stabbed this matter to the newspaper. Right, I knew that he would definitely do it. This person, if he didn’t do this, he would definitely not give up, hahaha. Hahaha. I knew, I know this kid." Guo Kai said loudly. Everyone has panicked. Some people have already called a doctor. Obviously, such a situation will definitely cause major problems.

"Children Zhao Jia, I can't be the prime minister, so don't even think about being the prime minister." Guo Kai stood up and said forcefully.

"Puff." Just then. Guo Kai suddenly vomited blood and fell into the wheelchair, and everyone was frightened.

"Quick, quick, save the prime minister, doctor, ambulance, quick." Everyone hurriedly surrounded Guo Kai's side, but they just didn't know what to do? This makes them very at a loss. Such things are also very helpless, who made them meet such a prime minister.

Inside the Zhao Wang Palace.

"Unexpectedly, this Guo Kai was so embezzled and received more bribes than the widow’s income. The widow’s property was less than 80 million yuan, and this Guo Kai turned out to be almost the widow’s two. Times. Unreasonable, unreasonable, doesn't it mean that Guo opened this Zhao country." Zhao Wang said angrily. He didn't expect that the Guo Kai he trusted was so corrupt. He was even more angry that Guo Kai's wealth exceeded it. How can this make Zhao Wang accept such a fact. This is the most unacceptable thing Zhao Wang.

"Jia'er did a good job. It seems that this prime minister can't use outsiders." Zhao Wang suddenly said such a sentence.

"It's too shameful for Guo Kai. Come here. Check Guo Kai's property." Zhao Wang suddenly gave such an order willfully.

"My lord, no, no, if you do this, it will definitely cause panic." The doctor hurried forward to persuade him.

"Why not? He Guo Kai has embezzled so much, shouldn't it be right? In this way, I, Zhao Guo, may not be Zhao Guo." Zhao Wang said angrily. For Guo Kai, he was angry. There were too many things that were angry and he felt too unfair. He usually draws money and deducts money. He didn't expect Guo Kai to have more money than him. How could Zhao Wang be mentally balanced? This is definitely not something that cannot be tolerated.

"My lord, this is absolutely impossible. This way, everyone’s property will inevitably panic. What the minister knows is that Prime Minister Guo originally had some property. Such a large-scale investigation will inevitably all be confiscated. In this way, everyone is at risk because they lack too much security. The reason why Zhao Guo is able to develop at present is because Zhao Guo protects the safety of private property. If this matter starts, I am afraid it will be bad. Clean it up," the doctor persuaded.

"Yes, my lord, in this way. Everyone will oppose it." A minister stood up and said.

"Yes, Majesty, Prime Minister Guo has no credit, and he has worked hard. For the sake of the prime minister's hard work, leave some fortune." The ministers said one after another. Wang Zhao saw many ministers pleading for Guo Kai, but he didn't even know what to do. These ministers do not have such good intentions. In fact, they are more selfish. Think about it, many of them may have tens of millions of dollars in gray income. If they also have an incident one day in the future, the result will be how is it? The situation will be very bad. The prime minister has been ransacked, their fate may not be as good as the prime minister. With the idea of ​​thinking for themselves, they felt that it is better not to kill everything when doing things, so they thought of pleading, hoping that when they have such a day in the future, they will also have a good result. In fact, these officials around King Zhao are more corrupt than Guo Kai. At any rate, some of Guo Kai's income can be used for investment. In other words, Guo Kai has investment income, but these officials, their income is only Relatively less, they naturally do less. Under such circumstances, their income is naturally less, especially during the period of rapid industrial development. Seeing factory owners become more and more wealthy, they naturally hope A place where you can get some money. Corruption is naturally more serious.

"Yeah." Wang Zhao seemed helpless. He couldn't help but listen to the opinions of the ministers. Otherwise, Wang Zhao would not be able to get around.

"My lord, my lord." Just then. A waiter hurried forward, Zhao Wang was very disdainful of this, he thought that such a panic was really sorry for the waiter.

"My lord, Prime Minister Guo Kai was out of anger." The servant said anxiously.

"Furious, **** off?" Zhao Wang looked at the waiter in surprise, the waiter was also very anxious, he didn't know how to say such news.

"Hey, Guo Kai still has merit in Zhao Guo. At least, Zhao Guo's current rapid development is inseparable from him." Zhao Wang suddenly softened.

"Forget it. Investigate Guo and just collect some illegal gains symbolically. You can't do too much." Zhao Wang suddenly felt soft.

"Let's go, go see Guo Kai, how come this old guy fell ill all of a sudden. Really." Zhao Wang said helplessly, shaking his head. All the ministers nodded their heads and expressed their approval, killing Guo Kai completely, which would bring them different troubles, and such troubles would bring them great disadvantages. Therefore, in this situation, the ministers are united. However, this also made them feel bad about the son Zhao Jia, because they felt that this was caused by the son Zhao Jia.

In a secret club in Handan, Zhao Jia is fully relaxing here.

"My son, good news, good news. Guo Kai, the old boy, is out of anger again." A thin subordinate came in and reported.

"What? What's going on?" Zhao Jia was also very surprised when he heard such news, but he was more interested in how Guo Kai was so angry. For him, this is the most exciting point.

"That's it, son, the old man Guo Kai heard the roar of the people at the gate and smashed the door, he asked about such things, and as a result, he was asked about the course of the matter all at once, and the old boy couldn't be angry. The blood rose again, and it is said that the last excuse was broken. He vomited blood on the spot. Everyone around him vomited all over his body." The subordinate exaggerated the report.

"Oh, it sounds like, this old boy, it should be over." Zhao Jia felt very comfortable in her heart, or cool. It was so cool that he felt that this matter seemed very untrue.

"That's it, son, these people are such a virtue, we should give them a little bit of color and let them know how good we are." The subordinates said angrily. It seems that he himself has been greatly wronged.

"Huh, that's how it should be. I know these people are such a virtue. The melee guy." Zhao Jia said.

"Go and ask the doctor if Guo Kai can survive, otherwise, this old boy will survive, and we will have a hard time." Zhao Jia asked worriedly, even though he was angry with Guo Kai, let him It's cool, but if he can't kill the opponent, it will still be a big trouble for him. What he knows is that he will attack again, which makes him feel very tired. After all, this is not a thing, so Keep doing it, it will cost him extremely heavy.

"Small has already inquired clearly. Once this kind of disease occurs, it will be difficult to proceed, and it may kill Guo Kai this time." The other party said.

"Oh. This is really good news." Zhao Jia said with a smile.

"Yes, go to the finance department and get some bounty. This is a good thing. In the future, you should do it like this. Good. Good." Zhao Jia said with a smile. For him, Guo Kai is finished. This old guy is dead. There is no chance of turning over completely.

The Palace of the Prime Minister of the State of Qin.

"It seems that it's over. Zhao Jia completely defeated his opponent. It seems that this opponent is even worse than we thought." Shang Wen said helplessly when he heard that Guo Kai was upset again. He knew that this disease should be quietly recuperated. And Guo Kai's state seems impossible to achieve such a goal. And if this disease recurs, the possibility of life will not be saved.

"Yes, I have consulted the doctor. They said that basically the patient can prepare for the funeral. It seems." Meng Yi shrugged and said helplessly.

"There is no hope." Meng Yi said.

"Well, it sounds very sad, but also very helpless." Shang Wen said.

State Zhao, Handan, in the staff.

"How many people can be armed with this amount of money? But, the last life is gone. What's the use?" Li Mu shook his head and said. For Guo Kai, he believes that fate is making fun of people. Guo Kai embezzled a lot of money, the amount was scary, but what was the result? In the end, he fell out of anger. It is difficult to get his life back with such a large amount of money. Maybe he will give money in the end, and give a lot of money to save his life, but what is the result? The end is still so bleak. This situation has to be said to be a lesson. Li Mu felt that Guo Kai was too smart. In other words, too greedy for money.

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