"Guo Kai and Guo Kai. Hurry up, come on." Zhao Wang looked at Guo Kai who was vomiting blood in fear, while the son Zhao Jia guarded Zhao Wang.

"Father, be careful." Young Master Jia has always regarded Guo Kai as a dangerous person. Such a person should be careful.

"Wang, king, king, no???????" Guo Kai pointed to Young Master Jia. Some unwillingly dropped his arm. Such things make it difficult for Guo Kai to close his eyes.

"The patient may not work." The doctor came in full and saw that Guo Kai had stopped breathing, and checked his heartbeat. Then helplessly shook his head.

"Oh. Let's go." Zhao Wang motioned to Young Master Jia to leave this ominous place. For the hospital, Zhao Wang didn't like such a place, because the place was full of the smell of disinfectant, which made him feel very uncomfortable. Going here is gloomy, which makes him unwilling to accept such a place, this place is for him. Unknown, especially Guo Kai just died. He felt that it was too bad.

"Let's go. Get out of here quickly." Zhao Wang motioned. Then he left quickly. The people around Guo Kai were pretending to cry and wonder how to divide up 150 million Zhao Yuan. This is a huge amount of fortune.

Inside Handan Railway Station. Zhang Er had to leave here. Because Guo Kai died. His patron fell. He still doesn't know whether his economic policy can be carried out or not, which makes him feel very embarrassed. Zhao Guo's situation is not a good thing for him. In other words, the new prime minister may not use his economic policies. In this case, his affairs will become very bad. Zhang Er is an aspiring person. He thinks that he should go and see elsewhere. .

"The prime minister passed away unfortunately. I'll wait." The Minister of Economy said worriedly. He is also just a left-behind minister. After the new prime minister confirms, they will nominate a new economic minister and a new economic adviser. For Zhang Er and the economic ministers, these positions are very crucial and absolutely not. People who use the Guo Kai label.

"Forget it. Let's leave this place as soon as possible. I am afraid that this place will not be able to stay. After all, such a place, for us, has already lost too many opportunities." Zhang Er said.

"I don't know where Brother Zhang plans to go?" the Minister of Economy asked.

"Well, I plan to go to Chu State to give it a try. Maybe my economic policy can find a good position in Chu State. The situation in Chu State is also in turmoil. Maybe there is such an opportunity." Zhang Er said. Zhang Er continues to peddle his monetary policy, which is the only important way he can gain a position.

"Well, Chu State is also a good place with huge development potential." The Minister of Economy said that obviously the Minister of Economy is not optimistic about the development of Chu State, because Chu State is not really an industrial country in the true sense. It is a superficially industrial country, but in fact it is an agricultural country. Zhang Er feels that this place still has great potential for development, and for the Minister of Economy, the role of this place is too small and many places cannot be carried out.

"Then let's go back." Zhang Er said with a smile. Then he motioned to his entourage to board the train heading south with his luggage. This might be a very helpless choice. But there is no way, Zhang Er really has no way, because no one already appreciates his monetary policy.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

In Song Yi’s office, his office is large enough to hold a meeting with more than fifty people, but now, he has only a few people, and the knowledge level is very limited, the meeting has not been said for a long time. To give a decent word, this is simply a huge failure for them.

"It's all talk, talk. How to increase fiscal revenue, but the king is looking at us anxiously." Song Yi asked anxiously at the crowd. Although the front-line war can be solved, the financial problem, if the financial problem is not solved, the economy of Chu will not develop, and the king of Chu can still remove him from his post as prime minister. This is Song Yi's most anxious place.

"That. Prime Minister, our only way is to levy taxes and increase taxes, so that the finances can be resolved quickly." said a subordinate.

"No. The king gave an order. Otherwise, we will increase taxes, and at the same time, we will not allow us to set up different names to collect taxes. This is the death order of the king. Do you know the death order?" Song Yi said unhappily. Taxation, tax increase, these are not allowed. King Chu also knew very well that if Song Yi was allowed to continuously increase taxation, he might adopt the method of exhausting the economy. This would be a blow to the economy of Chu. , Because of the protracted war in Myanmar has put his situation in an unfavorable state. In such a situation. What the king of Chu needed was the healthy development of Chu's economy, not Song Yi's simple and crude method of increasing fiscal revenue. So from the beginning, King Chu suddenly restricted the opponent's further actions.

"This. Doesn't this make us difficult? If this does not increase taxes, how can this fiscal revenue increase? Can we still make money by ourselves." One of the subordinates said.

"Yeah, the king is embarrassing us too much. We don't have such skills. I don't know if there is such a person in various countries. With such a person, I must dig it up and let him make money." Another subordinate said .

"Yeah. You are right. We have to find someone. We can't figure out a way. Maybe someone else can figure it out. You can go look around and look for them. If there are such people, we must find such people. Talent come, understand?" Song Yi gave a new order.

"Yes. But the Prime Minister did this." The subordinates still complained, and asked them to find someone, who they would find, they didn't know what to do.

"Go find someone, if I see someone, I will give you the position of minister." Song Yi said generously.

"We understand this." The others nodded and said. This is also an inspiration to them.

The streets of Pengcheng. Xiang Ji is listening to his classmate's report to him.

"Qin Guo Investment Bank promised to give us funds, but the premise is that we must have a victory. Moreover, the scale of funds is a little small, only 25,000 Qin Guo half two dollars. This is still not enough for us." His classmates said worriedly because the funds were too small.

"The trophies have been given to our soldiers. What should I do?" Xiang Ji asked.

"This, there are other things, such as land, or other things that can be mortgaged. In short, there are many valuable things, mainly from what point of view. You know, the thinking of those bankers, they always I can see that there is other money to solve these things." The classmate said. ,

"Well, I'll leave the rest to you. The matter of the victory of the war. Leave it to me, but I need some weapons. These weapons can only come from the State of Qin. I need to order some from the State of Qin." Xiang Ji is not interested in economic matters at all. What he knows is that as long as he has sufficient funds to ensure his logistical supplies during the war, he doesn't care about what happens. None of this has anything to do with him.

"I'll take care of this matter, but can we really win?" his classmate asked.

"I have a lot of confidence. It's easy to defeat them," Xiang Ji said. His classmate nodded, and he had no choice but to believe it.

Xiang Ji carefully studied the combat situation of the Burmese army. He found that it would be difficult to adapt to the special terrain and climate of the south if Chu army soldiers were used. For this, he could only recruit a large number of more people. These more people, as long as With sufficient military salary, they can greatly stimulate them to fight, and they are more adapted to the humid and sultry climate in the south, and they can play a greater role in jungle operations. Therefore, in order to increase the special combat capabilities of the commando, he decided to recruit a group of special Vietnamese soldiers, which was a huge encouragement for them.

In fact, there is one more important thing to consider. That was military expenses. Xiang Ji didn't have more money for the soldiers of the Chu Army. Their military pay was higher, and the more people with the same funds, more people could be recruited, and they performed better. This is Xiang Ji's consideration.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Guo Kai is dead." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"Yeah." Shang Wen didn't feel surprised at all, because he had known such a result a long time ago.

"Huh, a character has ended his own era." Shang Wen said.

State of Zhao, Handan. Li Mu could only shook his head helplessly when he saw such news. Such a big man ended everything he had.

Guo Kai robbed the prime minister's power for money, and once the prime minister's power was lost, his wealth could not be guaranteed. The power in his hands is the guarantee of his wealth, but. Life cannot guarantee that his power will be further stabilized. This is fate, and this is a destined thing. Guo Kai tried to make money, but it ended up with such a result.

Fifty kilometers north of New Carthage.

"Wow. Boom." The shells roared, and the Celtics curled up in the trenches. They watched the shells bouncing on top of their heads motionlessly. Big.

"If this goes on, we will exert enough pressure. I just don't know if the other party can withstand such a great pressure." Li Wei said while looking at the Celtics. He hopes that the other party can surrender as soon as possible, so that their situation can change a lot. Hannibal was also paying attention to this situation. The Celtics refused to surrender. He had already dispatched two officers to negotiate.

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