"Do you know why they will support me?" Hannibal asked Li Wei after he got off the horse. Li Wei shook his head and said he was unclear. He didn't know why these things would support Hannibal, or what happened in New Carthage to make so many soldiers support him.

"Because I can bring victory, they see victory in me, and victory can improve their treatment, with so many treatments, it means that their economic situation will become more favorable." Hanni Ba said so. This is an inconvenient truth. Soldiers fight for money. If there is no money, they would not do it. Doing so will make them even more crazy.

"I understand." Li Wei nodded. In the final analysis, military payment is related to military payment. Under such circumstances, the military actually chose Hannibal because they wanted more opportunities to make money. They did not want to live a poor life. That kind of life would only make They became even poorer. The soldiers would never agree to such a thing. They saw this kind of courage in Hannibal. In other words, Hannibal was a general who could change the fate of all of them. They chose Hannibal, it was a choice. To lose their own destiny, this is very important to them.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"Cheers." Li Lin finally relaxed. Zhao Jia's appointment as the prime minister of Zhao Guo means the victory of Goguryeo in diplomacy. Although there is no clear sign that Zhao Guoguo changed their diplomatic strategy, they believe that, Zhao Guo's son Jia will not give up Zhao Guo's interests in Goguryeo.

"The success of Zhao's election is bound to affect the current international community. We in Goguryeo should take advantage of this opportunity to perform well and take advantage of it. This is an important opportunity for our Goguryeo to re-emerge. We should work together. That's it." The other party said so.

"Yes, Mr. Prime Minister, we will redouble our efforts." Ministers said one after another. They can finally sleep peacefully. Because a lot of bonds in society are in their hands, if the people of Zhao Guoren really ignore them, it means that they will lose a lot. This kind of tragic situation will make them collapse, but fortunately, there is good news.

"But, Prime Minister, we still need specific support. We cannot end everything because of Prime Minister Zhao’s election. We also need specific support, diplomatic, financial, and military support. We all need it. Otherwise, we The situation may be extremely bad, and we cannot let this situation continue." The Finance Minister said worriedly. He hopes to get concrete support instead of such an empty and blind victory. It seems that the Minister of Finance has kept a clear head.

"Yeah. You are right. What we need is such an improvement in the situation, but we still need to do a lot of things to change this situation. The most important thing we need to do is patience. Change, after all, sometimes, everything still needs inertia." Li Lin explained. It seems that he feels that inertia can make a big difference. The change of inertia requires the intervention of new forces.

"Prime Minister, new telegram. Zhao Guo's side." An assistant cautiously stepped forward and handed in a report. The telegram is in the report.

"Oh. Is there news from Jinlan? It's too soon." Li Lin felt very surprised, but he felt that it might bring them good news. No matter what, they should accept such good news. Soon Li Lin saw the long-awaited telegram message.

"Oh my God. Thank God." Li Lin said and handed the telegram to the other ministers to see. And he kept thanking this and thanking that.

"It's too fast. Prime Minister Zhao Jia is really amazing, and it has brought us a lot of surprises. This news is great for us." Others said one after another.

"Yes. This kind of information is simply a huge encouragement for us, and this encouragement will make a huge change for us." The Minister of Finance said after reading the telegram. Jin Lan said in the telegram that Prime Minister Zhao Jia had already verbally promised that they would help Goguryeo. At the same time, he also explained some things at the celebration, such as the prejudice and arrogance of Ambassador Yan Guo, but such behavior has made The son Zhao Jia was very annoyed. From this point of view, the relationship between Yan and Zhao will become very stiff. This stiffness will bring them great difficulties.

Yan State, in the Prince's Mansion.

"Petition? How can tax reduction be possible?" Prince Dan said angrily. In order to increase fiscal revenue, Prince Dan had to increase business taxes again, which annoyed many merchants and shops. Many shops have already closed, and such closures are still going on. All of this was triggered by Prince Dan's unauthorized collection of taxes. Prince Dan didn't learn anything about this. In his opinion, such a thing was normal. And they are for the country.

"People of Yan people, people of Yan people should have a strong patriotism, patriotism, understand?" Prince Dan shouted at the Minister of Finance. The price of Yan Guo’s bonds continues to fall, which means that in the future, the government is unlikely to obtain a large amount of funds through financial means. The continuous increase in the royal family’s expenditures of the Yan King and war expenditures will make the Yan government. His financial situation was in complete collapse. He felt that the Yan government should go bankrupt. In other words, bankruptcy was certain, but he didn't know when it would be bankrupt. Faced with such a situation, no one can solve such a problem.

"Yes. Prince, patriotism has nothing to do with tax increases," the Minister of Finance said in a low voice.

"I think that we should learn from Ambassador Zhao's actions, and he has shown great integrity. Such diplomats should be reused and reused. We should unswervingly carry out such a task. Things that Yan needs to change A lot." The other party said so. The Minister of Finance feels very tired, because he can no longer change many things.

Yan Guoren has entered a state of bankruptcy, and these Prince Dan can't see it at all, but he is still taking away the final liquidation funds of Yan Guoren's bankruptcy stage. This means that the last assets will be taken away, which will make Yan Guoren collapse. of.

Not far from the Prince's Mansion is the seat of the local government. Here, a large number of Yan people gather here, not just here. The same is true for the tax registry.

"Sir, give us an explanation, we really can't pay such a lot of taxes. Otherwise, we won't be able to survive." A Yan nationale said worriedly.

"I also know that you can't live anymore. But I have to live, too. This is a death order. If it can't be fulfilled. I'll be shot. If I shot it, you won't have to pay taxes, and you will let them shoot us. Right." said a government official. Taxation is a death order issued by the officials above. They can only obey it. If you don't obey it, you can't. Otherwise, they will die a lot of people. Under such circumstances, the problems they can solve are actually really limited.

"This." Some people worried.

"I know you are difficult, but the country is even more difficult. We all bear it a little bit, maybe after a while, it will pass. Everything will be fine for everyone." The official persuaded.

"In fact, we are not having a good time. We have to pay more taxes, but there is no way. This is the country's destiny. We Yan people must combine with this country's destiny. The country's destiny is good. Our destiny is just fine. Now. Everyone, go back. Go back.” The official persuaded. Many people are very helpless, but they can't do anything about it. Under such circumstances, what they can do is too limited. For them, this is simply a huge disaster.

Seeing the officials doing this, some people knelt down with excitement. They told of their pain, such as aggravating a sick mother, a baby waiting to be fed, money is needed everywhere, but the government has to continue to levy taxes, and their money has been exhausted. , They no longer have extra money for this country.

Weeping, sorrowful weeping, but what's the use of more weeping, it's no use, under such circumstances, what they can do is very limited. This is a disaster.

"My daughter-in-law left me with two children. They are very cute. However, my daughter-in-law has no milk at all and needs milk, but the money at home has been exhausted. I can't live anymore. I can only borrow it from you. I borrowed it." A young man said to a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man's hands were lowered and his eyelids seemed to close.

"There is no way, this kind of thing is impossible. You know. There is no way. The state levies taxes, and everyone has no money. Unless the country does not levy taxes, otherwise, it is impossible." The middle-aged man said. .

"This. What about this?" the young man asked worriedly.

"I think we can only protest. There is no way. If you don't protest, you won't be able to live. Who knows what will happen." The middle-aged man said.

"Yes, but it's useless," the young man said timidly.

"It's useless, and it's hard to be forced to death by the government." The middle-aged man stood up and said. It seems that he has decided to do this.

Many people don't know what to say. They don't know what to do. Under such circumstances, the government simply did not allow them to survive because the government took too many things in their hands. This is a man-made disaster. A man-made disaster.

Qi State, Laizhou.

"The friendship between the State of Zhao and the State of Qi must go on, because the development of the State of Zhao is very important. The development of the State of Zhao has a great protective role for the State of Qi. At present, there are still many places in the State of Qi that have not developed. Under the circumstances, it is natural to maintain a good diplomatic relationship with Zhao Guo. This diplomatic relationship is an important foundation for our future development." Lou Jing said. Lou Jing was very accurate. He saw that Qi can't develop if it develops alone, because Qi's development requires a lot of capital, technology, and various material support, and can support it. Only Zhao Guo did this, because Zhao Guo satisfies the above conditions. This has made many economists very dissatisfied with him. They think that Lou Jing's policy is very simple, that is, to follow Zhao Guoren's butt, and Zhao Guoren farts, he thinks it is fragrant. Qi people became increasingly dissatisfied with Lou Jing.

But Lou Jing is not at all, the reason is simple. Because Qi State lacks too many things. Moreover, education and technology are far from keeping up with the development of the times. If it were not for the development needs of Zhao, Qi would not have such an opportunity.

"Yes, Mr. Prime Minister." The assistant took a note and said.

"I know that many people are dissatisfied with my economic policies, but if Qi can develop and have enough financial funds to solve education and economic infrastructure, I will let them do it. But the problem is Qi. China has too few talents in this area." Lou Jing said. Lou Jing was unwilling to have general knowledge with them, because their knowledge was superficial and difficult to explain the situation. It's useless to care about these with them.

"Prime Minister, I understand all of this, but if we follow Zhao Guoren in this way, is it a bit passive? This is not a good thing for us." The assistant said worriedly. He felt that Zhao’s economic policies would definitely affect Qi greatly. If there is a mistake, or if there is a big mistake, what will be the result? This will seriously affect their future development.

"Tell you, maybe it won't take long before we can see our own effects. This kind of thing is not as simple as we think. You know, sometimes, the situation looks very complicated, but in fact, It's just that we haven't seen the effect it should have." Lou Jing explained.

The assistant didn't understand.

"War, war will break out in the future. We have obtained technological development, and we have obtained military orders. In some important technologies, Goguryeo’s technology is not yet mature, so they need our help, and our industry will have A new development opportunity, this opportunity, is what we have been waiting for. This is a rare opportunity," Lou Jing said. The assistant nodded. Perhaps he would understand why Lou Jing would be so willing to wait. The reason is simple, because he has foreseen a foreseeable result. There may be a large-scale war in Goguryeo, and the war will drive a large part of the demand. This kind of demand is an opportunity for the country.

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