In the Taishan area, the combat troops in this area are not only the besieged Goguryeo army, but also many mountain troops who are constantly catching rats. They usually conduct continuous searches in groups of twelve. After they find the opponent, they will kill the opponent. Death, and such searches are becoming more and more, which makes many people feel very dissatisfied. Because doing so will make them very exhausted, they can no longer bear such a situation. If this goes on, they will spend too much time.

"Damn it, the Goguryeo people never got these little mice, and they ran around." A sergeant said dissatisfiedly. Then he had to look for the mice carefully, even though only a few of them had weapons, it still posed a great threat to them.

"Bang." There was a gunshot, which made them very annoyed. They had to lie on the ground. Also pay attention to the source of the gunfire. Most mountain people are hunters. Their sense of smell and alertness are very high, but this still cannot prevent them from casualties. Such things are actually very helpless.

"Ah. Help, help." Unfortunately, this bullet hit a mountain soldier. He yelled in pain, it may be the first time the opponent was shot.

"Stop calling. If you call again, we will kill you." The sergeant shouted loudly. Then he smelled it carefully, he needed to smell gunpowder. Many people are vigilantly waiting for the opponent to shoot again. Everyone is hidden. Jungle combat is very complicated. Even mountain people who are excellent in jungle combat must be careful after entering the mountain jungle. After all, the conditions are all. It is fairer to them.

After the gunshot, everything seemed to die suddenly, and there was no sound at all.

"Bang." Suddenly the sergeant raised his hand with a shot, and an object fell from a tree, and everyone quickly rushed over. And the person who had been hit before had already lost his voice, and it seemed that the guy had fainted.

"Are you still alive?" the sergeant asked, holding his rifle.

"Hit the lungs, it is estimated that he can't survive. But this is enough, and he climbed on the tree to ambush us. If this is the case, he will not be able to escape." A mountain soldier said.

"Knock him a little bit, we have to teach those mice some lessons. Go and see if the one who was shot is alive. Hurry up and send it to the back." The sergeant ordered.

"No need. Sir, it's dead. The bullet hit the aorta, and there was no timely rescue. Dead." A soldier replied.

"Damn it. Torture him to death." The sergeant looked at the dying Ushima soldier and ordered it loudly. It seems that this is the only way to vent their dissatisfaction. The soldiers quickly drew out their bayonets, and their sabers slowly killed each other. They first chopped off each other's fingers, toes, then arms, and then thighs. Ears, this is an extremely cruel method of torture, but the people of Yan have never prevented such things from happening. The dying Ushima soldier was quickly tortured to death, and the mountain people had to carry the body back to their base. For them, this action of catching mice has become extremely passive.

Mountain people's camp. The mountain people are waiting for the meal. This is when they are most excited and only excited. The mountain people who have suffered from hunger for a long time have a persistent pursuit of food.

"Mountain people are extremely sensitive to food. As long as they can eat enough, they can do everything. This is what I like most about them, but it is also the most annoying. Every time they grab food and never know how to maintain order. Importance." War correspondent Song Cai wrote boredly. He has asked many times to follow the mountain to catch the mice, but the mountain people never take him there every time. They think that the arrival of the reporter will scare the mice away. In fact, this is A Gu's order. Because he knows that the officials of the country of Yan and the reporters of the country of Yan are disgusted with killing prisoners, but in the process of arresting, such things are unavoidable. Sometimes, mountain people will get hold of each other boringly. The corpse vented its anger. In a variety of postures, who made these Washima mice run all over the mountains, this is also a kind of revenge. In order to avoid a bad situation for the mountain people, A Gu had to refuse the request of the war reporters, and his reason is simple, safe, because only safety can make these war reporters regress.

"Recently I discovered a strange phenomenon. In the north, our mountain soldiers are digging caves and trenches. I heard that this is the request of their chief, but the mountain people never take prisoners. Those Wadao soldiers may be very good labor. But I have never seen those Wadao soldiers captured back. Most of them saw mountain soldiers coming back. No captives have ever appeared. I asked about such a situation, and their answer was that the captives ran away. Or yes. They were shot and killed because they were always running." Song just wrote.

"This is obviously a lie, and the only thing that can explain such a situation is that there is only one possibility, that is, the mountain people have killed all the prisoners. This situation will form an extremely bad situation." Song Cai He wrote that he wanted to investigate such a thing clearly, but the investigation would bring a lot of resistance, and the high-level would not allow it, which would obviously damage the image of the military of the State of Yan.

Yan State, in the Prince's Mansion.

"The self-righteous guy, who do they think they are?" Prince Dan angrily threw the tele-papers on the ground. He wished to tear up the telegram. And their minister thinks that Prince Dan shouldn't continue to hold such an important position because his emotions are out of control. Facing a person whose emotions are out of control, this is very unfortunate for Yan Guo.

"We continue to increase our troops and add three infantry divisions. We must suppress the Goguryeos and use force to solve all problems." Prince Dan ordered this. This order frightened the Secretary of Defense. Because the country of Yan actually only has three infantry divisions, the actual number of soldiers is close to 30,000 at most. Is it impossible to overwhelm all 30,000? Then the most likely way is to recruit civilians to fight.

"This, prince, this is a bit difficult." The Defense Minister said embarrassingly. Although he is reluctant to say, but, in fact, he still has to do so.

"Say." Prince Dan said.

"Prince, there are not so many soldiers on the front line to call. Really, the situation is worse than we thought. The mountain soldiers have been recruited almost. With the previous losses, we have recruited almost four from the mountain people. Ten thousand people, if they are recruited again, there will be no mountain people to use. The only way is to recruit soldiers from the mainland, and they need to defend the occupied areas, so it will be very difficult for the soldiers to come." The Minister of Defense said.

"Then order a call-up, I support you to do this for such a thing." Prince Dan said.

"However, in this way, fiscal expenditures will increase. Moreover, the recruitment of soldiers, weapons reserves, and a series of problems, we still cannot solve the firepower problem of the mountain people." The Minister of Defense said.

"Minister of Finance, what is going on?" Prince Dan suddenly realized that this might be a financial problem.

"The prince, it is the king, and the king needs to build the royal tomb. The cost of materials has been insufficient. Therefore, our only solution is to borrow military expenses." The Minister of Finance said embarrassingly. Wang Shang's excuse is very big. If Prince Dan wants to gain a good reputation, he must do so.

"Damn it. Alright. I know, you want to find a way to enlist some soldiers into the army." Prince Dan once again pushed the matter to his minister, and his ministers looked at the other people in a very embarrassing way, for them. . This is another drudgery.

Prince Dan can't do anything well, but he always pushes some things to his ministers. Sometimes it is difficult for ministers to complete such tasks. This leads to an extremely catastrophic consequence, that is, Yan Guo's The efficiency of work is extremely low, and many things have been delayed for a long time and cannot be resolved. However, the prince thinks it has been done. What a strange guy.

Loma. Inside the Colosseum.

"What I want to know is, why do you Loma keep using daggers?" Li Fu said boredly with Scipio. Scipio was not on the battlefield. He was waiting, waiting to reach the extreme of Africa, where he thought it was the place to go.

"This. I don't know. What I know is that some soldiers were equipped with daggers, and then they used short swords again. My personal feeling is that the long sword is too long. You know, the long sword brings weight. The improvement of this will greatly affect the flexibility, unless those with exaggerated arm strength are willing to use such a long sword. And people like us, they feel that the short sword is more flexible, so they are more willing to use the short sword. The long sword is too heavy. For us, it is very unaccustomed, of course. There are exceptions. Some strong people will use it on a chariot or on horseback, but it is relatively Said, the long knife is cheaper. After all, war is very costly." Scipio explained.

"Oh. Actually, I think it is a matter of your habits." Li Fu said.

"Perhaps, I don't know this very well either. It's like a musket. We have the same equipment, but it seems that we still can't accept it. It's a process, my friend, don't worry too much about such things." Scipio explained this. Li Fu nodded helplessly, accepting a weapon requires a process, a long time process.

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