The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3863: Division of troops

In Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion, Shang Wen wears glasses and looks at the briefing in his hand. These are a series of dynamics in the media of Yan and Zhao, as well as diplomacy.

Because of looking at the document for a long time, Shangwen’s eyes developed a lot of nearsightedness, and if the time is too long, the eyes will become astringent. The doctor’s advice is that Shangwen can rest well, but this seems unlikely, and There were other bad reactions in the body, such as the waist, and his spine started to be bad after sitting for a long time. There is no way to solve this. Therefore, the solution is to read the report for a period of time. Shang Wu would lie on the sofa, or simply walk around with the documents. But this can't alleviate my illness at all. ,

"This is simply a battle of words. It looks like two **** yelling before the street fight." Shang Wen really couldn't stand the briefing and threw it aside. He felt that if he continued to read it, it would be A waste of time.

"I think so too. The people of Yan State have produced a lot of evidence to prove that those places were occupied by the Goguryeo people before they arrived. However, the people of Zhao State believe that these are all forged evidence, because Yan State cannot provide more evidence. There is a lot of evidence to prove that those places belong to them. If they provide a document according to the logic of the people of Yan, Goguryeo can also produce more documents to prove that the previous place is also Goguryeo. The two sides blame each other for this. The evidence does not exist. Or it is forged. In this way, both parties become meaningless." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"I don't think there is any meaning in either aspect." Shang Wen said, shaking his head.

"Yes, I think so too. Under such circumstances, they can make so many accusations. It seems that further escalation is inevitable. The people of Yan have already issued threats and they demanded that the Goguryeo people quit. Taishan and Qingshan areas, otherwise, they will take military action to expel them." Meng Yi took out a newest telegram to Shangwen. Shangwen put it aside after reading it.

"The Goguryeo people have increased their troops. It seems that the Goguryeo people will definitely start fighting at the advice of the Zhao people. We can pay close attention to their next move. This war is inevitable. These wars of words, we can Don't care anymore. Let our ears and eyes, relax." Shang Wen said. Obviously. The war of words between the two countries made Shang Wen also very troubled.

Inside the staff. Wang Jian and Yang Duanhe are also concerned about the future war. Wang Jian seemed to be in good health. He lay on the sand table from time to time, and stared at the sand castles from time to time, with small flags constantly watching.

"Okay. This war has not yet started. We have done too much work on the sand table, and it is useless." Yang Duanhe said.

"Hehe, I think what you said is wrong." Wang Jian said.

"If we can fully predict the course of this war, maybe we have a brand new harvest." Wang Jian said.

"The Goguryeos are enlisted. Three infantry divisions, and a heavy artillery regiment, twelve 120-mm artillery guns. In contrast, the artillery of Yan State will lag far behind. Once it starts fighting, I think the situation will be very unfavorable for them, you know, how bad this situation is. The people of Yan people didn’t equip those mountain people with more artillery, even throwing cannons and mortars. They were not equipped with weapons. It is said that Prince Dan also issued a special order to equip the mountain soldiers with relevant weapons to increase their firepower. However, their Minister of Defense did not get the relevant funds at all. The defense expenses were paid to the construction king. The mausoleum went up. In desperation, the Minister of Defense could only take some of the inventory to deal with. As a result, those weapons were useless for a long time, and most of them were weapons left over from the previous battle. Now they have been given many weapons. Improper maintenance. As a result, the damage was severe and it can no longer be used." Yang Duanhe said.

"Well. Mountain people, very good light infantry, but unfortunately, the opponent they encountered this time is not something that light infantry can handle. If they form a battle line, the battle will enter a stalemate. It is a huge disadvantage to the whole situation. The mountain people may not be able to withstand such a situation. But if they adopt some flexible tactics, I think they still have some hope of victory." Wang Jian looked at the sand table and said.

"I don't think so." Yang Duanhe said, shaking his head.

"You know the temper of the Prince Dan of the Kingdom of Yan. They didn't even take down Taishan, so they asked not to give up Taishan and let them give up the land they occupied. I think it is really impossible. In this way, mountain people Being restricted to a certain area, the flexibility of light infantry cannot be used. In this case, the bombardment of artillery will cause them a lot of trouble. The opponent's infantry is well-trained, even the mountain people are very accurate in marksmanship. , But it is also unable to play an effective offensive. Under the bombardment of artillery, this war is very difficult." Yang Duanhe said. The current infantry tactics have become very simple. That is artillery bombardment. The infantry charge, the infantry and the artillery work together. In such combat situations, it is difficult for you to have a greater role to give play to your advantage. This is also an important reason why Yang Duanhe is not optimistic. Because Yan State lacks the experience of resisting large-caliber artillery and has more positional warfare.

"It seems that this is indeed the case." Wang Jian nodded. Accepted Yang Duanhe's suggestion. If that's the case, the mountain people are in a very bad situation. After all, they are commanded by some old-fashioned Yan people. They will not use relevant tactics flexibly. On the contrary, they are more obsessed with maintaining a stable Front. The way of the mountain people does not work with the people of Yan, and most of the mountain people are in the lower-level military officers, and they are in a state of obeying orders.

Myanmar. In the jungle, Xiang Ji's troops didn't know how long they had advanced, and they stopped to rest until the Yueren scouts in front reported that they had stopped to rest.

"Damn, these guys, it's really not a thing. They went so far." Xiang Ji stopped and let the soldiers eat. They could only eat some cans, biscuits, and drool. The water had to be treated specially. Otherwise, you will get sick.

"Cao Jiu, what's wrong with you? Tired. Get up and eat something." Xiang Ji looked at Cao Jiu, and when the opponent marched, he became procrastinated. He is weak, everyone sweats, he doesn't flow, his face is pale and his lips are dry.

"No. Are you sick?" Xiang Ji asked anxiously.

"No. No." Cao Jiu opened his eyes tiredly and said. It looks like he is really tired.

"Don't laugh. You must be sick. I know you guy. It must be so. Oh my God." Xiang Ji put his hand on the opponent's forehead, fever, high fever, it must be sick.

"Doctor, hurry up, doctor come here." Xiang Ji tried his best to lower his voice, but the voice was still heard by the people around him. This is not conducive to concealment, and soon a doctor stepped forward. He looked at the condition.

"We must find a place for treatment as soon as possible. I can only give him some medicines and then give him some saline. But we must treat them as soon as possible. Once the condition gets worse, we can't do anything." The doctor sees It depends on the situation.

Xiang Ji hesitated. The previous battle situation has not yet become clear. Those cottonmen are estimated to be able to reach their camp one day, and then it will take a few days to return. If they encounter some accidents, they may be very disadvantaged.

"I'll let one infantry squad go back without two infantry squads, can you?" Xiang Ji thought about it and decided.

"This. Sir, the strength is too weak." An ensign officer next to him said worriedly. There are already more than a hundred cottonmen they have encountered, and they have comparable strength, but if they attack the other's camp again, it may be very disadvantageous.

"I can't take care of these. We can't watch the wounded show up. It's so decided." Xiang Ji said. And Cao Jiu grasped the opponent's hand weakly, but could not speak, as if to say, don't care about him.

"Relax, I will never give up anyone, no one can give up." Xiang Ji said.

"Go and check, who else is, let them go together, let them be careful on the way, don't encounter an ambush. Don't be anxious, but also be careful. Arrived safely, understand?" Xiang Ji said to the doctor.

"Yes. Sir." The doctor looked at the patient and nodded and said. Xiang Ji could only arrange in this way. He couldn't watch his companion die like this, otherwise, it wouldn't make any sense to win, but the problem was that under such circumstances, he made such a choice.

But others expressed concern. Because their troops are inherently insufficient, and the number of opponents is dominant, who knows how many people there will be in the entire cotton camp, two hundred, three hundred, or more, they can't confirm at all. In this situation, they only Can wait blankly for possible results. This is not good news for them.

However, Xiang Ji cut two classes at this time. They were really worried about their shortage of manpower, and they should not divide their troops in the future. Even though they think so. But Xiang Ji is the chief after all, maybe he has his own way to solve this kind of thing. With such uneasy thoughts, they must follow the cotton man to move on, otherwise, they will get nothing.

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