Myanmar. Before Ling Ming is the darkest moment, under such circumstances, the soldier's field of vision is usually very limited. For combat operations, this is extremely inconvenient, but it is also a huge advantage. The advantage is that their actions will have great concealment.

After resting for a while, Xiang Ji decided to attack, after all, they had already arrived here. If they don't do anything, it really makes it difficult for them to accept such a result. He decides to attack, no matter how many people there are on the other side and how big their advantage is.

Xiang Ji’s plan was like this. Three mortars were placed on the front of the camp. They had to attack first. Their goal was to attack all the buildings. Such an attack would cause a lot of chaos. Before the bombardment, they would sneak attack on the commanding heights. Xiang Ji led twenty people from the back mountain to the front, occupying the central commanding heights. There, they would set up two light machine guns. They were also equipped with submachine guns, which the artillery might hit. They, but Xiang Ji didn't care. He believed that under such conditions, they would launch a larger-scale offensive and the offensive effect would be very good. They will send out signals, flare. This is the signal that the artillery is starting to attack.

And on the east and west sides. The other two groups, a group of twenty people, they will also attack. They will occupy the tower and build a machine gun on it, and at the same time set up a machine gun below, so that they can maintain a strong firepower to shoot. This kind of firepower shooting Sustainability will be very large. Triangle, Xiang Ji must form a triangle to shoot all cottonmen.

"Be careful at the beginning of the action," Xiang Ji said. Then the three groups left separately. Xiang Ji's group had the greatest difficulty, but Xiang Ji didn't care at all.

"Let's go, our time is running out." Xiang Ji said to a second lieutenant. Then they disappeared into the night. And the cotton camp is quiet, many of them are immersed in beautiful sleep, their loot is a lot, there are a lot of guns, which means that their strength has expanded a lot. Many people are having the same dream, which makes them very realistic. They think everything will become real.

In the camp of the Burmese assault camp, Zhong Limei was awakened by a nightmare. He dreamed that Xiang Ji and others were ambushed. The cotton people are very cunning. They will set up ambushes in unexpected places. Xiang Ji and others can't predict such a situation. Despite their desperate resistance, they have lost their first opportunity. Under the circumstances, their difficult resistance will soon be disintegrated. Seeing the fallen corpses, Zhong Limei was awakened. He felt that this dream was very real. He touched his forehead, it was all sweat, his whole body was sweat.

"This is a dream." Zhong Limei said. But he felt that this dream was too real. He felt that he should do something, otherwise, he felt uneasy. After all, what he thought in his dream might really happen. Zhong Limei felt that he should talk to the Chief of Staff as soon as possible. , Can change some situations, but he looks at the sky, their chief of staff may not get up yet.

The night was a good cover for the military operations of Xiang Ji and others. The sentries on the east and west towers were quickly killed by them. The cottonmen won victory, and their joy made them relax their vigilance. Such relaxation has brought catastrophic results, which means that their losses will be very heavy. Unfortunately, all the cottonmen are here. In my sleep. The Chu army soldiers quickly took control of the two towers. They built machine guns and rearranged their positions. They were waiting anxiously for the signal. They were unwilling to wait, because waiting meant that they would have an accident. Under such circumstances , Any accident will happen.

"How is the situation?" the mortar team leader asked carefully. An artillery sergeant shook his head.

"I see." The captain looked worriedly at night. Although he could not see anything, he still wanted to see the flare, which was their order to attack.

"Swish." Just then. A red flare flew into the sky, looking very abrupt, but very bright, like a star in the night, giving people strength. Faith, and direction.

"Fire." The captain suddenly became excited, and he knew that he would definitely succeed, and he would definitely succeed.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The mortar quickly dulled, followed by a crisp sound of cannon.

"Boom" shells kept hitting the cotton camp. It is as colorful and dazzling as the firework bomb exploded on the ground.

"Boom. Boom." The Cotton Man screamed and ran out, many people didn't even know what happened. The leader was not there, and some men ran out full of them, some of them didn't even take the weapon, which shows that the attack came very suddenly.

"Tutu, tutu. Tutu, bang." Gunshots, the sound of light machine guns came quickly, and many cottonmen were killed before they knew what was happening. More people were killed because the shells kept falling and the exit was blocked. They had no chance to escape. Under the cover of the explosion, people who did not know the truth were still running towards the exit. They They thought it was safe, but they were suddenly killed by a flying bullet, and they realized it. There was an error in their situation.

On the commanding heights of the mountain, Xiang Ji looked at all this with excitement. Everything was as he expected. The beaten cottonmen fled everywhere, but they couldn't escape because they had already set up an ambush and waited for them. It must be a **** slaughter.

"Tutu. Tutu." The machine gun kept blazing out of life-threatening tongues. Almost every time it fired, a life would fall to the ground, and the cottonmen charged forward regardless, they hoped to be able to open a passage. In this case, Their tribe can survive. This is their only hope. But such hope was completely extinguished. The mortar bombardment caused more serious casualties to them. The blockade of machine guns and rifles prevented them from opening the passage of life. When the fire was shining, some of them were red. Red. Many people close their eyes in this situation.

It's finally dawn. Zhong Limei had been waiting outside the camp for a long time. Lu Ding, their chief of staff, was not sleeping well. He needs a woman to fall asleep, because this can consume his excess physical strength and make him feel very tired, and then go to sleep. This is a very special way to replenish energy. Their chief had tried Yapian, but he didn't feel good, so he didn't take it.

"Sir, sir." Zhong Limei couldn't wait. He feels that waiting for a long time will waste some time for his life. If Rugou is like that, he will regret it. Therefore, he feels that some actions must be taken. If necessary, he thinks it is all right to sacrifice his official position. of.

"Okay. Okay. I'm up." Chief of Staff Lu Ding said under Hutcher. He was untidy, dressed in slippers, naked to the top, and his underwear was still wet. Who knew what they did last night.

"Sir, I feel bad, Xiang Ji's commando may be ambush. I think." Zhong Limei said.

"Ambush, who, Xiang Ji, my goodness, who ambush him." Lu Ding suddenly became sober a lot, he was frightened. Because he knew that Xiang Ji's identity was very noble. If the other party had an accident, his head could not be kept. For his own head, he felt that he should also do something.

"No, sir, there is no ambush. What I am worried about is that they will have accidents. You know, cotton people like to ambush. If they encounter accidents, I wonder if we will send some troops to respond to them. I am willing to go personally. Take a look." Zhong Limei said.

"Yes, yes. Yes." The Chief of Staff Lu Ding was still in a cold sweat, and he was taken aback. If such a thing really happened, his responsibility would be great.

"Yes. You are right. You should do this. In this way, you take the rest of you. Act immediately, act immediately, and respond to it. If there is an accident, you must ensure that the officers come back. Remember. Special. This is Xiang Ji, there must be no mistakes, do you understand?" the other party said.

"Yes. Officer." Zhong Limei had to obey the orders of his officer. This is what he hoped. Soon, the troops were assembled, and they set off after a little preparation. And Lu Ding also had no desire to get a good night's sleep. He felt that why didn't he come up with something earlier, so that he might be able to avoid a larger loss. Come to think of it, he felt that he was utterly stupid.

In the cotton camp, the battle is over. Two hours of **** massacre, a tribe of more than 700 people, they killed more than 600 people, even some of the children did not let go, and some people took refuge, or luckily left here and ran into the jungle. .

"Bang." Xiang Ji took a pistol and fired at the body of a cotton man. They are very cunning, they will pretend to be dead, and then suddenly attack, which makes them very disadvantaged, because a soldier's neck was bitten off in this way. This annoyed Xiang Ji. He issued an order to kill, and for these cotton people, there is no possibility of being soft-hearted.

"Kill, kill them all, don't let them go. If they don't come out, they will blow up and burn them." Xiang Ji issued such an order. Soon the soldiers began to burn everything here.

"Boom." There was an explosion, and the gunfire of resistance went out. The last man of this tribe was also killed.

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