The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3902: Kill the chicken

Yan State, Qingshan area. The first part of the 7th Infantry Regiment of Goguryeo had arrived here as the vanguard. They immediately unfolded and established a defensive position. The soldiers were digging fortifications nervously, but the Yan army on the opposite side had no intention of interfering at all. They just stayed in the position to watch the further actions of the Goguryeo army.

"This is too dangerous. Go on." Luo Ping lowered and pushed Li Zuoche.

"Why go down here? It's safe. Yan Jun seems to be sticking to the plan. Look at them, there is no intention to attack at all. I think this kind of battle should be very big." Li Zuoche smiled instead. Speaking of.

"My God, if you have an accident, I'm not responsible. You'd better get me down." Luo Ping quickly pulled Li Zuo Cha off. Li Zuoche was also helpless. He really likes the excitement of war, and he feels that he should stay on the battlefield, not in the staff.

"Tell me, what's your opinion?" Li Zuoche asked Luo Ping.

"I don’t know, I don’t have as many as you think, but I feel that the fortifications built by the Yan people on the opposite side are quite strong. I saw some tunnels. The Yan people did not pretend to be them. If that is the case, attack them. Absolutely not good, because a machine gun placed in those tunnels can block the deployment of all offensive formations, and personnel cannot get up. It is difficult." Luo Ping said, shaking his head.

"I think so too." Li Zuoche said.

"We still have to find out the weaknesses of the Yan people, but if we don't try to attack, it's impossible to do this. From the current point of view, we can still do relatively few things." Li Zuoche said.

"I feel, you won't repeat the same trick, attack from the flank to the enemy's rear wing?" Luo Ping asked.

"Well, there are such thoughts, but unfortunately, there is also a cliff over there, and the defense seems to be very tight. The Yan army is stationed there with more troops and offensive. It seems difficult. We must use other methods. The solution is." Li Zuoche thought for a while and wanted to say. Li Zuoche came here to look at the situation with the vanguard. He didn’t want to stay in the command post and watch the report. In that case, it was a very unintuitive approach. For him, it was not the best place for him. What needs to be done is how to solve such a problem, which is the key thing, but it is still more difficult to solve such a thing.

"It seems that at present we can only do this." Luo Ping also said helplessly. Under the huge victory, the Goguryeo army did not advance quickly. Li Zuoche once suggested sending a small group of troops to make up the Yan army, and then attack the Daqingshan position. Unfortunately, the Goguryeo people did not adopt it because they had already Victory was won. There is no need to take risks again. This safe approach has made them lose an opportunity, and everything that follows can only be up to them.

On the opposite Yan Army position, many soldiers are being drawn out. Most of them are recruits or experienced veterans. It is said that they will form a special audience.

"Veteran, where are we going?" Wei Man asked Sergeant Wei, who was also part of the transfer. They didn't know exactly what to do, but this was an order. If it is an order, it must be obeyed. This is the most helpless thing.

"I don't know, but it's not a good thing," the sergeant said. Then the people of other companies were also organized, and more and more people were gathered on the square. There were more than five infantry regiments stationed here, plus various other auxiliary arms, with more than 17,000 personnel. Multiple people. And more than three thousand people gathered here.

"So many people, what are you doing?" Wei Man looked at the people around him puzzledly. A corporal came in to see Wei Man, and then said with a smile.

"Killing, shooting, it's fun," the corporal said.

"Shoot?" Wei Man asked puzzlingly.

"Yes, the officers were shot, the few hapless ghosts who ran back from Matoushan, they really deserve to die. If they can defend there well, we won't have to fight. It is those **** guys that make us have to face Goguryeo. People’s offense, they should be shot.” ​​The corporal said. Not far away, an admiral was watching the gathering crowd. They were all representatives from various units.

"Go. Pull out a few recruits and let them execute the shooting. We need to show them what the deserters are going to do." A colonel said gloomily.

"Yes, sir." A captain saluted. Then he took the guards to choose from among them. Unfortunately, Weiman became the chosen one.

"Come out, it's you." The captain looked at Wei Man.

"Me. What sir." Wei Man was pushed out.

"Stop talking nonsense, follow us." The guard took Weiman and a dozen other people. They don't know what to do. But for them, it may be a bad thing, because usually there is no good thing to do when they are raised individually. Soon they knew what they were facing.

"You all have guns. You are the firing squad now. For those who fled against the order, the harshest punishments will be used, understand?" the captain said. Everyone nodded blankly, they didn't know that they were already very nervous. It was murder. After hearing this, Wei Man knew what they were going to do. They were all recruits, and many people had never killed.

Guns. They fired three rounds of bullets when the recruits were training, but they were very excited and didn't remember what it was like. But now, they kill people with their guns. This feeling makes them feel very uncomfortable. I really don’t know what they are. Why did the chief give such an order.

Soon, the protagonist was dragged out. Yes, it was dragged out. There were six prisoners in total. They were all commanders, chiefs of staff, and staff officers of the Matoushan Headquarters. They were the first to escape. Originally they thought they had taken a life, but now it seems that their ending is still very tragic. They regret it now and regret that they shouldn’t abandon their troops. They should withdraw their troops, even if it’s a battle. It's also better.

"Did you see it? Those officials should end up like this. They couldn't stand up with scared legs, and they were dragged in." A corporal said to the sergeant. The sergeant just looked at those people indifferently.

"If we run away, this is the end." The sergeant said this after watching for a long time. The corporal shook his head, and he found it boring to talk to the sergeant.

Wei Man was holding his rifle nervously, his palms sweating. Holding the rifle tightly with both hands, they were about to shoot a colonel, a combat staff officer on the dock. The opponent's military rank markings and so on were taken away. There were blood stains on the shirt, and traces of the beating could be seen in some places. Obviously, the person who beat him had no scruples.

The colonel was dragged in. All six people are like this, they may have known the result in advance, their faces are pale and spiritless, in the words of the sergeant veteran, their faces are lifeless. They were powerless, as if they had no bones, and the gendarmes who escorted them felt very annoyed. Some people still used black hands from time to time. Unfortunately, they were unconscious, as if their souls had been taken away. The biggest official was the major general, and the major general kept shaking, and then the officer above said something, but Wei Man didn’t hear it, because he was thinking about a question, if he was the major general, would he be caught when he escaped? Shot like this, if that way, it's too difficult. Soon, the major general was arrested and then tied to a pillar. That is the place of execution. The major general's body had no bones, like a pile of rotten meat tied to a pillar. The military police tried to tie the opponent to look better, but the major general finally became ugly. In desperation, they can only give up.

The major general bent over. With his head down, no one knew what he was thinking. What Wei Man saw was that the major general's hand was trembling constantly, and he was very scared. The firing squad consisted of five people. They came in line with rifles. One soldier was not at the right pace, and everyone looked stiff. Then, when they heard the order, they raised their guns, prepared, and pulled the bolts. A soldier pulled all the bolts down because of excessive force. This made some soldiers present feel very funny, but Weiman and the others couldn't laugh because there was nothing funny about it. On the contrary, they were very serious and nervous. The sound of the bolt pulling out of the gun made the major general's **** pee in fright. He was already incontinent. It is estimated that the opponent can be scared to death without being shot. A military policeman came to help, solved the problem, and then continued execution.

Everyone, raise their guns, aim, and shoot. All in one go. No more accidents.

"Bang bang bang." Two bullets were shot off. Three bullets hit the major general. It is a pity that none of the three bullets were hit to be returned, one hit in the leg, and two hit the shoulder. The major general was struggling in pain, and this execution made the opponent suffer more. Seeing such a situation, the captain motioned a gendarme to go up, and the gendarme took out a pistol and fired a shot at the opponent's head, ending his sad sound.

Then came the colonel, and Weiman's team went up. Wei Man didn't know whether his pace was right, or whether he was nervous or not. He didn't know how to get on stage, he just knew, he slowly raised his gun and pulled the bolt. The colonel asked to cover his eyes, but no one agreed to such a request.

The colonel closed his eyes helplessly, but he failed. Because of fear, he opened his eyes in horror, Wei Man looked at each other's eyes, fear, endless fear, pity, and more regrets.

"Bang." There was a gunshot, and Wei Man pulled the trigger. I don't know who fired the gun. One shot hit the opponent's head. The opponent's head was knocked out in half, and Tian Ling Gai flew out.

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