The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3918: King Qin supported the war

Chu, Pengcheng, and Song Yi’s prime minister’s office has become the busiest office, because every day there are many bigwigs and parliamentarians who come to protest or ask the government to provide more military purchases. They are willing to produce more. Weapons to fight and so on.

"Don't let them come again for this kind of thing. I'm very upset." Song Yi said to his assistant. The constant reception of these big guys made him feel very upset. Because these bigwigs demand increased military orders, this seems to be the most effective way to boost the economy. Domestic demand will not increase too much all at once. This is a factual question. Because civilian use has been suppressed within a certain range of space, in the face of such a situation, Chu can only solve all problems by expanding abroad and stimulating the demand for war. This seems to be the best way to solve all problems.

"Yes, Prime Minister." The assistant nodded and agreed.

"Is there anything else I need to deal with?" Before Song Yi became prime minister, he was eager to be prime minister, but after becoming prime minister, he himself felt very regretful. The reason was that he was tired and wanted to deal with everything. Give yourself a vacation. Never be harassed by these things.

"Minister Zhang Er went to the country of Yan. Perhaps the country of Yan can bring large military orders, but these military orders need to solve many problems, such as financial problems. If these problems cannot be solved, we will not be able to solve this situation." The assistant said so.

"This is a bank matter. Myanmar, is there any news in Myanmar? Don't lose anything." Song Yi said.

"Prime Minister, the front line of Myanmar has performed very well. Their combat situation is very positive. Everything is moving in the best direction, and everything is okay." The assistant said.

"Oh. So, I just need to solve the problem of industrial orders, and everything can be solved. Right?" Song Yi asked his assistant.

"Yes. Mr. Prime Minister," said the other party.

"Well, very good, I will solve this problem, but I need to take a break, take a break, do you understand what I mean?" the other party said. Song Yi hopes to give herself a vacation, a real vacation. Therefore, he does not want any disadvantages. There are relatively few things now, and other things can be handled by his minister, who can concentrate on solving all the problems. But he had to rest first, he was too tired. He feels that being prime minister is not a good thing either. But too tired, it's just talking, a man can't be without power. Although he says that he is a little tired now, in fact, he still desires power, because power can bring him pleasure and it is really a complicated animal.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The investigation report is meaningless. The Ministry of National Defense, other military officers, and related civil affairs reports are very confusing." Shang Wen shook his head and said to Meng Yi.

"There is no way, and I don't know how to deal with such a thing. In many areas, our people have not been there. It will take time to investigate, but in many areas the Shabbats themselves cannot control it. In such a situation Next, being able to submit such a report is enough to explain the problem." Meng Yi said.

"There is also the continuous pressure from banks and enterprises. They believe that we should continue to strengthen support for rest and create the second month's life." Meng Yi said.

"Well. I see. You said, are we really going to fight a war?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"Yes, we must fight a war, perhaps, the country needs such a war." Meng Yi said.

"No, I don’t think about this, what I think is, what is the meaning of this war, we just saw the need for war, but we still don’t know what the purpose of this war is, and we rushed it under such circumstances. War will inevitably have a great influence. Faced with such influence, we cannot do many things successfully." Shang Wen said.

"I feel that if you do this, you will be very impatient. This impatient approach will inevitably have an adverse effect on the Qin State. We should be responsible for this. For example, a very limited war. In this case, we can Keep the limited scale within our acceptable range." Shang Wen said.

"This. Okay. I agree to do this. If we do this, we can have some solutions." Meng Yi said. Meng Yi is very clear about what Shang Wen means, and the development of countries in the world has far exceeded Meng Yi and Shang Wen's expectations. In particular, Zhao's indulgent war behavior greatly stimulated Zhao's industrial development. Under such circumstances, many of their projects have been well resolved. Their industrial technology has been upgraded and the industry has expanded. They have established corresponding industrial enterprises in Goguryeo and Qi. Among them, they have mastered the large scale of these enterprises. Part of the shares, and these shares can be easily cashed out in the market. In Zhao Guoren's view, investment in industry is definitely a new era that can be used. Many new industries are constantly investing in them, and they will earn more funds in the world.

Zhao Guo has entered a prosperous era of Zhao Jia. In this era, wealth is accumulating rapidly and swiftly. Millionaires suddenly become multimillionaires, and more people will become millionaires, and people’s wealth is like a flood. The increase in transit is an extremely crazy accumulation of wealth. And this crazy accumulation of wealth has greatly stimulated the nerves of the people of Qin. They used to get rich like this, but now they need to develop such an opportunity, or in other words, they need to solve all the problems and then develop. What they need is such an opportunity. War can provide such an opportunity. Therefore, they desperately hope that the Qin government can solve such a matter. This kind of urgency immediately stimulated the people of Qin, which made them impetuous. Regarding what happened after the war broke out, they would not care at all. On the contrary, they frantically encouraged the government to go to war. This is a completely irresponsible attitude. Perhaps only Shang Wen and Meng Yi can stay awake, but what is the effect of staying awake? The whole country is being stimulated by the war.

Inside the Xianyang Palace.

"The pressure on the prime minister will be very heavy." King Qin said to Feng Quji.

"My lord, the state of Qin does need a war at present. Although the cost of the war is gradually increasing and the consumption of ammunition has increased a lot, the main force in this foreign war is not the Qin army, but rest. How about the safety of rest? It can threaten the State of Qin," Feng Quji said.

"Yeah." King Qin nodded his head. He saw it in the same way. However, King Qin himself was not happy about starting a war rashly. King Qin used to think that the people of Qin are now rich and difficult to fight. But now it seems that he was wrong. The people of Qin were still very warlike, and became crazy warlike. This kind of belligerent atmosphere made him very satisfied.

"It is Qin who participates in the Sabbath War. The Qin government will inevitably buy a large amount of bonds. The war is won. It is easy to say, but if it fails, the result will become a huge burden. The bank, Can companies withstand such pressure?" Qin Wang asked.

"The king, the minister believes that Qin will definitely be able to withstand such pressure. Regardless of the outcome of the war, the rest of the world has stimulated a series of needs of Qin. From arms production, transportation, and other aspects, they all enter the rest. The best time. King, take Zhao Guo's entry into Goguryeo as an example." Feng Quji said.

"Although Goguryeo and Yan Kingdom have not formally started war, after the battle started, the assets of Goguryeo nationwide actually belonged to Zhao Guoren. Zhao Guoren purchased a large number of bonds and shares of Goguryeo enterprises, and these shares became shares through stock exchange. Some assets of Zhao Guo’s company are then listed through such a way of converting shares. As a result, Zhao Guo’s enterprise scale has expanded by several times, and their assets are seriously undervalued. This is also the rapid development of Zhao Guo’s market. The most rapid development situation." Feng Quji said. To serve as prime minister in Qin State, one must learn some economic knowledge. For example, Feng Quji could put forward his own economic theory point of view at Xianyang University of Qin State, although this point of view has not been confirmed. But it was enough to make him the prime minister.

His view is that the government should actively spend fiscal revenue, use fiscal debt, and fiscal expenditure to expand the government's guiding role in the market economy.

"Well. Do you mean that Qin can imitate Zhao and use economic methods to invade Rest?" King Qin asked.

"Yes, after all, Rest is too far away from Qin State. Yueshi has proved that such a method is feasible. Although Qin State does not have Yueshi government, Yueshi has become the protector of Qin State. But rest is not yet, and Rest is still for Qin. The country’s threat is relatively great. Under such circumstances, Qin country should pay attention to rest in peace.” Feng Quji said cautiously.

"Yeah." King Qin nodded in approval. This allowed King Qin to see another way to expand, using economic methods to control other countries, which could indeed bring greater economic benefits to the State of Qin, and the State of Qin could directly avoid the threat of war. But what everyone knows is that Qin also needs to bear the risks of bonds. Although these risks can be removed before the bonds are dangerous, this will inevitably lead to a further escalation of the contradiction. However, King Qin has obviously been taken away by Feng Quji. Convinced. He felt that Qin really needed a war. In this regard, King Qin expressed his support.

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