The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3933: Carthage strikes

Goguryeo, the outskirts of Heitucheng to the northeast. There is a military fortress here. Originally there was an infantry regiment stationed here, this is the last stronghold to defend the black soil city. The defense was extremely tight, but as the range of the artillery increased, the fortress facilities became impractical. Finally, it had to be abandoned here. Then Heitucheng began to imprison some criminals here, and finally slowly formed a prison, where more than 1,500 prisoners were held. There is no other way. With the wealth of society and the rapid development of society, it is inevitable that some people will take shortcuts, and illegal and criminal things will inevitably occur, such as murder, robbery and so on. So far, there are still a large number of criminals in Goguryeo who have escaped without being brought back to justice. Some people have entered the army. According to the current situation, it seems that the Goguryeo police have no intention to pursue them. The army became the second haven for criminals.

"Crack." The iron gate of the prison made an unbearable noise, and a criminal was escorted in. He was only in handcuffs, not fetters. Murderers will wear fetters.

"Have you made counterfeit money?" a man in the dark asked.

"Yes, can you give me some snacks? The treatment here is very bad." Knowing that the other party asked some questions, the criminal took the opportunity to ask for some food. Life in prison is really bad, especially in the case of war, their food is not good enough. The rice with worms, the prison police even said, this is for them to eat extra meals. They have to eat such things, and vegetables are the worst kind. it's good now. The war is here. The food quota has been greatly reduced. They even said that this is for patriotism, **** it, they don’t have enough food every day, and they have to do a lot of work. Some people are gathered and sent to the front line to build railways and get to that kind of place. , To be able to come back alive, that's weird. Therefore, they can't wait for all the soldiers to be killed.

"Give him some," the man said.

"Answer the questions, you will get benefits, if you don't answer, I will let them give you some special treatment." That man said.

"If you haven't said it, I will provide what you want to know. I have gotten counterfeit money. There is no way. This is the best crime. You can get money easily." The other party said.

"Oh. Can you be very clear, among these banknotes, which one is real money?" the man asked.

"I can give it a try." The other party quickly ate the snack, which was the best snack he had ever eaten. The criminal quickly took the paper money, then slobbered on his finger, and began to touch, touch, and touch. He feels very good.

"No one is true, all are fake." The other party replied.

"Oh. Why is it so determined?" the man asked curiously.

"The hand feel, it doesn’t feel right, the quality of the paper is wrong, and there is a feeling that the handprint feels very positive, but unfortunately, the color used is not very good. My hands are stained with dye. Originally it was top grade. As a result, It’s not a good thing because of the dye, so it’s not a good thing.” The criminal said.

"I want to know, how did you get caught here?" the man asked.

"Greedy. The guys I worked with, they were too greedy. I think counterfeit money should also be obsessed with it and made it real, for example, the paper used, and dyes. As a result, they got some defective products, and then, I was discovered. Originally, this was not my problem. The police found us, but there was no way, so I was caught here." The criminal replied.

It's in his criminal record. They were a gang that made counterfeit money. In his confession, he complained that his accomplices should not use substandard dyes. As a result, he was harmed. If it wasn't for their fuel problem, the police would not let the police notice and then found them. .

"Counterfeit money should be done carefully. For example, you can't make large bills, and you should make old ones, thinking that the old ones can cover up many shortcomings. In this way, all shortcomings can be well concealed. . But they don't do it." The other party said so.

"Yeah. It seems you are very careful." The man said.

"Yes, our business is in the technology industry and we have to be careful." The criminal said. Men seem to appreciate each other. Because they need such talents.

"Can you make foreign banknotes? For example, Yan national banknotes, Korean won, and Qin national banknotes, can you do it?" the man asked.

"Yes. Yes, but it will take longer. The only hard thing to do is Qin’s half-dollar banknotes and Korean won. Their process is more complicated, and many places have undergone special treatment. Some dyes are locally produced. There is no sale, especially Qin's half and two dollars. There is a special material on it, which is not available on the market." The criminal said. The man nodded, if he hadn't been in contact with such a criminal, he would really not know this.

With the rapid economic development, a lot of people get rich overnight, which makes many people full of psychological imbalance, and some people start to think of ways to make money. How to make money, all kinds of illegal crimes were quickly done, and Qin also had similar cases, for example, the first occurrence of gold coins. In the early days, a large amount of gold began to be used, and some people began to use lead-zinc ore similar to gold, or other gold-plated materials instead, mainly circulating in some marginal countries, such as Yuezhi, Anxi, and Dawan. They have gained too many benefits. Later, because it severely disrupted the circulation of gold coins, and finally replaced them, the case disappeared. However, the most serious problem was banknotes. A large number of Qin banknotes appeared, but most of them could be identified, because Qin’s market simply had that. Planting paper and dyes, the people of Qin have been strictly controlling the circulation of various dyes and papers. It is not only the Qin Kingdom that appeared, but also South Korea. However, most of the Koreans circulate in colonies, and the probability of reporting cases is very low. The reason is that the living standards of those people are inherently low, and when they encounter counterfeit coins, they will treat them as real To treat. The low level determines the circulation range of banknotes.

"Follow me, I can exempt you from punishment, and the treatment will be improved." The man said.

"Who are you?" the criminal asked curiously.

"Don't ask anything. Keep it confidential. If you say anything, or nonsense, I will let you stay here for the rest of your life." The man said. The criminal nodded, he said he understood. He won't say anything he shouldn't say.

Goguryeo finally implemented the espionage plan. But they only got a part of the financial support, that part of the funds is real, a considerable part of the funds are used to create more funds, they need a new paper currency to replace a large amount of real money, this is a country, The planned large-scale production of counterfeit currency will not only plunge the other country's country into economic chaos, but also greatly save related funds. Goguryeo people need such criminals and talents.

A considerable number of people are gathered, they come from printing factories, dye factories, paper mills, and bank anti-counterfeiting experts. They will enter a country's plan to manufacture counterfeit currency.

Inside the Koguryo Staff Headquarters.

"In the past period of time, there have been no large-scale changes on the battlefield. The people are extremely dissatisfied with this. What they need to see is the results on the battlefield. I want to know. When will we make changes. "Li Lin looked at the generals present with dissatisfaction. They are senior combat planners in the general staff. In fact, most of them are soldiers with traditional concepts.

"Sir, we are formulating a combat plan. A new offensive plan has entered the final stage. We will completely disrupt the military deployment of the Yan people and form a breakthrough on the front." A major general stood up and reported.

"I don't care about this. In short, we have to hear the news of the offensive within seven days. This is the news that all the people are looking forward to. If such news does not appear, our bonds and everything will be affected. I hope the generals can give us a reasonable answer." Li Lin said. His pressure is still great. After the war, the war did not start a large-scale engagement as he expected. On the contrary, both sides fell into and entered a small-scale exchange of fire. The front line was very lively, but the problem was that the front line remained basically unchanged, except Every day outside the occupation of some intermediate areas, it seems that there is not much progress. A large number of fortifications have been built, and for the combatants on both sides, they have fallen into great anxiety.

"Look, this is an order from the chief. We must implement it. The current situation makes us very embarrassed. We don't have too many troops to do such things, but the offense must be launched. Otherwise, everything will be It will form a great passivity." said a lieutenant general. They knew it was such a result. Zhao Guo did not agree with them to attack from the front, but Goguryeo did not have a good plan, they could only attack from the front. On one side is the mountain jungle, on the other side is the swamp, and the roundabout places on the sides are not ideal. In this way, a large number of troops are gathered in the front. It seems that there is only one way to assault directly.

"Then do this. We can try and attack according to that plan." An admiral said. The defense is complete, and the Yan people on the opposite side have built the entire fortification extremely complete. Under such circumstances, a frontal assault requires a high price. It is not that the staff does not know this, but they are unwilling to do so. But the people desperately hope that a large-scale war will stimulate their sensitive nerves. Under such circumstances, a great war has to break out. It can be said that the staff was forced to launch an offensive, which may not be a good result for them, but this is what they must do.

rest in peace. Xindu.

"Oh my God, there are so many people in the army?" Li Guo and two of them were walking on the street wearing military uniforms. What he saw was that there were drafting stations in many places, and there were long lines near them. The team, a large number of young people, and people who are suitable for war are all waiting in line to sign up. Those who pass the preliminary selection must undergo a physical examination. After passing the physical examination, they can enter the military.

"Yes, many people want to participate in the battle. Because fighting can bring great benefits." Li Feng said.

"If necessary, I think women can also participate in the battle. Really, they can do it. Trust me." Li Feng continued.

"Woman. Oh. My goodness." Li Guo said with a smile. He couldn't believe there was such a thing.

"You Qin Army still has female soldiers. Why can't we rest people have female soldiers? They can still kill people, and sometimes they are more powerful than men." Li Feng said with a smile.

"It's true. If they are snipers, we'd better be careful." Li Guo said with a smile.

In order to win the war against Armenia, the Parthians carried out a large-scale recruitment of troops. They were very confident in this war. They believed that they could win the battle. Many people would actively participate in the battle. Many people have no careers. They hope that going to the battlefield can solve some of their survival problems. Moreover, they are not afraid of death in the war. For them, the trophy is the most important thing.

Spain. The Carthage army is gathering. The first part of the engineering units, infantry, and cavalry units have formed a battle group and have left here. The army is arranging equipment and preparing to leave here.

"Everything we have is in preparation. The engineer cavalry and infantry will form a small battle group, and they will open a passage to Loma for us." Hannibal said to Li Wei.

The Carthaginian army organized two engineer companies, two infantry battalions, and a cavalry company into a battle group, commanded by a lieutenant colonel, and asked them to open up roads for the army and detect the enemy's situation. In this case, their marching Speed ​​can be faster, which is a good thing for them, at least their fighting will get a lot of price. This is a process they must go through.

"Well, I am worried that it is still the Loma people. I feel that they will spy on us somewhere and launch a large-scale counterattack. This feeling is very bad." Li Wei said.

"I think you have too much heart. They only have a few thousand people, and their condition is very bad. Under such circumstances, they seem to have lost the ability to fight back. We should not worry about it this way. What we should care about is , Our expedition to Loma." Hannibal reminded.

"Although I don't want to say that, I still feel that this is a bad feeling. They seem to be waiting for us somewhere to make a mistake." Li Wei said. He looked around specifically, but no one seemed to be watching them around.

"I think you are sick?" Hannibal looked at Li Wei's reaction. He was a little nervous, which made many people unbearable.

"No, I don't look at this issue in this way. What I think is that there must be something in the middle. I think it is better for us to pay attention to something. Under such a situation, we are careful and there is always no mistake." Li Wei said so.

"I think we should pay attention to the expedition to Loma. Loma." Hannibal looked at Li Wei and said. Li Wei is in a very bad state. He felt that he should be allowed to rest, but he felt that he could not do without a staff such as him for the time being. After all, such a combat state made him worry.

"No. I don't need to rest, we can first detect the situation. Don't worry too much about anything." Li Wei said.

In fact, Li Wei's feeling is not wrong, because at a high place, two pairs of eyes are staring at everything in the Carthage barracks.

"What do you think? It seems that the Carthage army is going to march, but where to go? We don't know." Scipio said while looking at the busy Carthaginians below.

"I feel that their target is not us. If it were us, they would first send cavalry to conduct reconnaissance and search. Rather than let a small battle group leave here, have you seen it? The Carthaginians have engineering troops, their The engineer and the vanguard left together. What does this mean? This means that their situation is aimed at other places. Under such circumstances, where will they go? There is only one possibility, and it will be the most difficult for them to move toward the road. There is only one place to move forward, and that is the Alps. After crossing that mountain, they will have a new strategic goal, and they may want to attack your homeland." Li Fu said.

"It's impossible, it's difficult to climb over there." Scipio asked incredulously.

"Yes, I can't believe this, but the problem is that such a thing does happen. Can we explain anything?" Li Fu said.

"You see, the Carthaginians are very well prepared. Most of the attackers are elite troops, and there are very few servant troops. This must be their main force carrying out a large-scale attack, or a large-scale expedition. If If they attack us, they will strengthen their defenses and then spy on our situation, but now Carthage has not done so. There is only one possibility to explain this situation, that is, their target is not us, but more strategic The Roman homeland of value, where too much wealth has gathered.” Li Fu analyzed in this way.

"Should we send them a letter, report to our Senate, so that they will be prepared." Scipio said.

"It's best to do this, but we must also be prepared to prevent them from killing a carbine. Once they kill, we will be destroyed." Li Fu said.

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