The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3935: war of the Damned

"Boom, boom. Boom." The explosion of artillery shells kept coming. The soldiers spent their last time in the trenches. The trenches were still very depressed. The soldiers ate all their candy. But that's it, many people vomit. Because follow the order. There is another news that they are about to attack. Many people feel that time flies too fast.

"Sir, are you nervous?" a second-class soldier asked Corporal Li Jiu, who was promoted to Corporal three days ago. I think he knows how to repair firearms. This is very important to the army. If they can repair firearms in time and put them back into battle, this will bring them great benefits.

"No. I'm not nervous." Li Jiu replied. But the shaking legs have betrayed his current nervousness. He was very nervous. Before, he only shot in the trenches. It took a long time before he got used to this situation. But now, they have to leave the trenches to attack. , The ghost knows what will happen to them. The first attack is still the Washima soldiers, and the second wave is the Goguryeo people. If the first wave of attack goes well, they will not pay a heavy price, but there are accidents, and they are very likely to happen, in order to face Such a situation. He had to put away his nervousness. But this is of no use at all.

"Sir, what did you do before joining the army?" the second class asked his officer. The corporal is enough to serve as a squad leader, or a deputy squad leader, but unfortunately, he does not have any position now.

"Before, before." Li Jiu began to recall what he did before joining the army. He has a talent for mechanics. Originally he wanted to be a worker, and then through his own study, he could learn more knowledge. He wanted to go to a technical college. If possible, it would be better to report to a university. , And then it’s okay to study abroad. If he comes back, he will get a job with a good salary. Facing such a job, he will get better development. It is a pity that he is the youngest in the family, Li Jiu, because he is the youngest child in the family. There are many children in the Goguryeo family because of the high mortality rate. However, with the increase in economic development, their situation has improved greatly. But it is a pity that, as the youngest son, he still has to go to war. Originally, this was what the older brothers did, but they had their own jobs. They didn't need to fight when they worked in the factory. The rest were older sisters. Most of them are married. Goguryeo women can get married at the age of fifteen. Most of them get engaged when they finish elementary school, and then they can get married after graduating from junior high school. It's crazy. But this is the fact. Only a few wealthy people can stay in high school or college. In a poor place like him, he can only learn by entering the factory and entering the technical college through self-study, thinking that people with excellent academic performance will provide better learning opportunities to learn. Li Jiu wants to be such a person. Unfortunately, everything is gone for the war.

"I. I want to study and enter the classroom, instead of being in a place where there are cannonball dust everywhere, I should sit in the classroom, in a bright classroom, and then learn more and more knowledge, such as learning geometry, physics, Related mechanical knowledge. Instead of holding a rifle and fighting here." Li Jiu felt relaxed after recalling this.

"Sir, I believe you will, and I want to say that too. What I know is that the military will provide such opportunities. If they perform very well, they will enter the military academy to study. Now they are fighting, and talents in this area are lost. It is very heavy, and we have combat experience, should be promoted." The other party said.

"What's your name?" Li Jiu asked.

"My name is Ajiu. The youngest one in the family." The second-class soldier replied.

"It's a coincidence, my name is Li Jiu, you and I know you." Li Jiu said.

"Yes, sir. But sir, I think we should work hard together to enter the military academy, because that place can exempt us from many things, such as tuition, and a lot of military expenses." Speaking of.

"But there is no machinery in it, you know, I like machinery." Li Jiu said.

"Sir, I think the development of machinery seems to be very limited. Sir, the future is electrification, you know, this is the second technological revolution. It is said that electrical equipment is already used in many places. This is a big trend, sir. I think that, driven by such technology, the development of machinery in the future seems to have fallen into a certain state of stagnation. They need electrical to provide a brand new opportunity to develop. Sir, you can read books in this area." Speaking of.

In fact, there are still quite a few people in the Goguryeo army who are semi-illiterate. Why are they semi-illiterate? It is because they have also gone to school. However, many people do not study well, and when the government recruits personnel, some people are deliberately recruited. People who are not very good at learning will be recruited. This is to ensure a better development of the social elite group. It is a pity that Li Jiu and Ah Jiu are restricted because of their educational background. They became the object of being recruited, and the two of them were just guys who didn't have a junior high school diploma and were recruited. The reason is tuition and fees.

Goguryeo implements compulsory junior high school education, which means that many people can go to junior high school without paying heavy tuition. And high school has to pay. In the school management model, there is another item that can be collected, which is tuition and miscellaneous fees. This fee has a relatively large operating space, so the tuition and miscellaneous fees have different standards. However, A Jiu and Li Jiu cannot get the graduation diploma because they cannot pay the tuition and miscellaneous fees. They are in a special treatment in the records. Objects, they were unfortunately sent to the front line. This situation is very common, many children, and many people cannot further complete their studies. They actually have good grades, but because of the **** diploma, these people are drafted into the army. Sometimes society is so unfair, and they have so many stories to describe. Unfortunately, the battle is coming. They are going to enter the **** battle.

"Boom. Boom." After the fierce shelling. The cannon began to stop bombarding, and everyone knew that they would go back to death.

"Everyone, get bayonet." The officer waved his arm and ordered. The soldiers pulled out their bayonet and placed it on the bayonet seat. When the bayonet was installed, they knew that their destiny had already been doomed. If they do well, they can solve all the problems. If they do not do well, they will get nothing. Who knows what they will get. Damn war, they cursed like this in their hearts.

"Swish swish swish." A sharp whistle sounded in the front trench, and the Washima soldiers launched an offensive over there. Such offensive conditions reflexively caused some soldiers to make a charge.

"Quiet, calm down. Calm down." The officers and non-commissioned officers grabbed the reflexive soldiers one after another, they were too nervous. They heard the whistle and thought it was the sound of their charge. Fortunately, the officers and the non-commissioned officers stopped them in time. Otherwise, the large-scale charge would unfold and the consequences would be disastrous. The first wave and the second wave would form a very big impact. The large, dense attacking group will then be ruthlessly shot by the opponent's machine gun.

"Get ready," the officer ordered. They are holding a new shield, which can protect the steel plate of the whole body. They also welded some covers on the top of their heads. I don’t know what is the use of doing this. The steel plate can also protect them from bullets to a certain extent. But the problem is, action. Inconvenience, the entire steel plate exceeds 30 kilograms, and the soldiers cannot fight at all. If they hide behind, they are most afraid of being bombarded by artillery shells, thinking that the steel plate cannot withstand the attack of artillery shells.

Some tactics of positional warfare let Goguryeo learn a lot of things, such as soldier defense, blasting, the combined application of engineering and military technology, and so on. Although these preparations are relatively adequate, there is still no guarantee that they can solve such problems well, because war will inevitably make their situation much more difficult.

"How is the front?" Ah Jiu asked worriedly. Li Jiu carefully climbed on it and looked at it. He couldn't see anything. He just saw a large group of Wadao soldiers cautiously step into the smoke covered by the artillery, and then saw nothing. He doesn't know exactly what will happen. He hopes that his side can achieve a breakthrough. After all, this is something that can be resolved with good news.

"Tutu. Tutu. Tutu." At this moment, the sound of the machine gun sounded very rhythmic. These are all veterans can shoot. This shooting method will stabilize the machine guns and their ballistics as much as possible. It will become stable, and the accuracy of shooting will increase terribly. Almost every time a machine gun fired, some people fell. Hearing the sound of machine guns, Li Jiu was very worried.

"Sir." Ah Jiu looked at his officer nervously.

"It's okay." Li Jiu took out his water bottle. He twisted it several times without opening it, and then simply gave up the possibility of drinking water. Tension will make them thirsty, and many people touch the kettle unconsciously. They no longer care about the rules of warfare. They feel thirsty now because they are nervous.

The front line was very fierce, and the gunfire never stopped. Once it became very fierce, then waves of small climaxes began to appear. This seems to indicate something.

"Swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish." At this moment the officer blew the whistle for the second attack. Some people haven't reacted yet. They looked at their leader blankly, as if the whistle sound had nothing to do with them.

"Strike, fast, strike." The officer shouted loudly, and pushed them to the front line hard before they reacted, and then they climbed up the trenches one by one. Now it was their turn to attack.

"Puff." The one in front of Li Jiu just got out of the trench and was hit at the center, and then fell under the trench. Before he could take a look, he was pushed to the front by a second lieutenant officer, and then he rolled out of the trench with his body low, right. He got out of the trenches. He believed that by doing so, he could keep his life safe to the utmost. In this way, he would be considered safe. The result is really good. He was not hit, and then said that Ah Jiu also learned to roll out. They rolled to a low-lying place nearby. Such a place can greatly guarantee that they have a certain degree of concealment.

"Puff, ah. Puff." The guy who crawled out from behind was not so lucky. They think this scrolling is really ugly. They actually wanted to climb out of the trenches. As a result, their huge upper body became the best target. The bullets directly penetrated their bodies. They had just climbed out of the trenches and then fell back into the trenches.

"We are quite lucky." Ah Jiu said, because he saw their commander, a second lieutenant platoon leader, who had just climbed out of the trench, and a bullet hit his hat directly, and the head underneath was hit. . There is a small hole in the forehead. Then he fell directly into the trenches. It's a pity that their chief was killed in this way.

"Go forward, fast, forward. Forward." Their platoon leader was killed. But there is also a company commander, who is also very cunning. He lowered his body, and many people moved forward quickly. That became the best target. Lowering his body can reduce the probability of them being hit with the greatest loudness. He jumped to Li Jiu. In the trench between two people.

"Quick. Go ahead, you two." The company commander waved the warming pistol in his hand, and the two looked at their commander. For a moment, he really wanted to assassinate the opponent with the bayonet, so that they wouldn't have to attack. But under the threat of the opponent's pistol, they had to move forward. This is really the **** sir.

They had to move forward. After moving for a certain distance, what they saw was a large number of corpses, Wadao people, Goguryeo people, all, soldiers, officers, their corpses all falling together. Most of them were killed by machine guns.

"Swish." Bullets kept coming. The two had to be careful to hide behind the trench, and their company commander followed behind. It seems that they will really run away.

"Damn it." Ah Jiu scolded when he saw his chief. But they were helpless. The other party was their company commander, so what else could they do.

Sometimes people become very obedient after encountering many setbacks. For example, the Goguryeo and Wadao people paid a very heavy price. A company of more than two hundred people was killed by half. They only learned to hide and hide. Those bullets are really terrible. Unfortunately, the price they paid was too great.

In the trenches of Yan Guoren, Wei Man panted and carried the ammunition box up. They have delivered ammunition more than fifteen times. But the machine guns continued, and the water in their kettles was collected. Now he felt smoke in his throat. Just want to drink a sip of water.

"Damn war, let us run back and forth like this, run, run to death." Wei Man said dissatisfiedly.

"Crow's mouth, bah bah," the sergeant scolded.

"Sir, we are all transporting such a large amount of ammunition, it should be enough. If this continues, our losses will be very large. Under such circumstances, we must find a way to solve this problem." Wei Man Speaking of this.

"Okay. Our situation is pretty good. Didn't you see? The attacking Goguryeo people were all killed by machine guns in front of the position. They were brave and very capable of fighting, but what happened? They weren't killed yet. Many people, you are still alive, it is considered good. Therefore, in such a situation, you are content." The sergeant said. Wei Man thought it was the same. He came to the battlefield, and he knew that death here is easy. Sometimes people will be killed if they are not careful, and people who are careful will also be killed. This is fate.

"Tututu. Tutu." The machine gun was still thinking. The people of Yan country desperately set up the machine gun here.

"Hurry up, get some water, and get another machine gun. Go." A major officer ordered loudly. Wei Man looked at the sergeant, and they quickly went to get water. They can finally drink enough.

At this time, the Goguryeo people were in a very bad situation. They were at an unprecedented cost of casualties.

"Go on. Go on, ah." The officer shouted loudly, encouraging his soldiers to charge. One soldier held a shield and moved forward. The bullet hit it and made a clinking sound. This sound made them feel great. pressure.

"Ah. Puff." The man behind was killed as soon as he left. They fell to the ground motionless, this kind of situation has become accustomed to them, because there are their corpses everywhere, and there are many more such corpses for them.

The barbed wire is in front of the machine gun position. They blocked all the way forward, many Washima soldiers fell on the barbed wire, their limbs twisted sickly. They were hung on a wire fence, and the corpse lost its support and became like that.

"You two, go ahead. Quickly." The officer ordered. Ah Jiu and Li Jiu looked at each other, and they felt that doing so would be lifeless.

"Follow me." Li Jiu thought about it. He picked up the shield and threw away the rifle in his hand. It was useless at all, holding the rifle. You can't take the shield at all.

Li Jiu was lying on his stomach, carrying a shield forward. Ah Jiu did the same, but they still had to hold explosives. They have to blast the wire fence before they can move forward.

"Dinking." The machine gun quickly noticed this. They paid close attention to them. The bullets hit them intensively and made a clanging sound. It seemed that it would not take long for the bullets to penetrate.

"Damn it, who can do such a job. It's strange if you don't kill it." Li Jiu cursed like this. But the war is still going on.

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