The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3939: It's okay to win the battle

Zhao Guo, Handan, the stock market just opened in the morning, everything behaves as usual, the stock pulls, rises, and then falls. Then there was a day's decline. At the last moment, they were on the rise, and everything behaved like that for granted. However, many people don't know exactly what will happen. In their opinion, some of these things need more evidence to prove it. For example, why did it rise, what was the reason for the rise, etc.?

"Look, it will definitely be like this today, rising, then falling, then rising." said an investor.

Sure enough, within a few minutes after the opening of the market, it began to fall rapidly. Some people are accustomed to it. They earn a few points every day and take a break. Maybe this will solve their food problem or go there for a little leisure. .

"Look at it, the stocks are behaving very abnormally." An investor kindly reminded. At this time, people noticed that the entire stock market began to fall sharply. All the stocks were falling at an alarming rate, which greatly exceeded their imagination.

"Oh my God, what's going on here? Who can tell me?" A fat investor asked puzzledly, but no one told him what happened. Some people were anxious and numb to follow suit. In, some people started to sell like crazy, because this has surprised them. With such a massive decline, they have eaten at least a few hundred points, and they have earned enough for a month's salary. This makes them very excited. The same is true for others, and more people sell their stocks. Short selling. The entire market became busy all at once, and discarded transaction orders were everywhere. Some people are busy inquiring about the news, but in such a situation, who cares about the news, they don't know what to post, they can only walk with a sense of simplicity, and the guy who makes money ran out. The guys who didn't make money started to increase their positions frantically and pursue them. Maybe they can still eat some meat, or some more affordable things. In short, the situation is still good for them.

News reports are always late, and investigations and related news delivery take a while. Although many reporters work hard, some reporters may release some adverse news in advance, but such news is often affected by various reasons. Restricted to a certain page, they can only be treated as gossip or false news. After all, reporters are responsible for what they have said. Only relevant news reports will release some alarmist news. Under such circumstances, what they can do becomes extremely simple.

"Damn it, if I had known such news earlier, I would have sold short vigorously." An investor threw the newspapers into a ball and threw them away. What else can be done, there is no way, he doesn't have many good ways to solve such a thing.

This is what the newspaper reported. Goguryeo's military logistics supply line was frantically damaged by the mountain people. Two trains full of artillery shells were blown up, and the railroad tracks were blown up by a huge explosion caused by the bombing. This is really a huge amount of violence. This is not very serious. The serious thing is that more transportation and supply vehicles have been threatened to a considerable extent. Because they believe that at least one mountain infantry regiment has been interspersed in the area, and related military experts believe that to deal with mountain people, such mountain experts need at least five infantry divisions to solve the problem. This is for the Goguryeo people. , This is a huge challenge. Because they seem to be unlikely to summon more troops to solve this matter.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"Let’s talk about it, how to solve this matter, the offensive on the front line has made no progress, but the situation in the rear and the entire rear has become very bad. We finally cleared out the mountain people, but now, they actually appear in our From the rear, I want to know where they came from. Did they fly from the sky?" Li Lin was very dissatisfied with the news.

Because the progress on the front line was extremely unsatisfactory, Zhao Guo’s reporters reported on the huge casualties faced by the offensive operations. In addition, their logistics supply lines also suffered great threats. Two unfavorable news flanked them all at once. Knocked down the Goguryeo bonds in a large price range. A heavy setback can be used to describe the current situation of Koguryo bonds. This means that if the war is delayed for Goguryeo, they will not receive sufficient financial funds. Once the financial funds are exhausted, they will not know how to solve this problem.

"This, Prime Minister, I currently think that we should mobilize more troops to solve the logistics supply problem first, and we should quickly mobilize troops to eliminate those mountain people." The Defense Minister said anxiously. He almost jumped up when he heard such news. He learned the news from the newspaper instead of submitting relevant reports from the relevant department. It is strange because the Ministry of National Defense has relaxed its vigilance. They believe that everything will develop as they expected, but As a result, the expected development did not develop. On the contrary, more things that should not be developed were developed. This is far beyond the expectation of the Ministry of National Defense. Therefore, the current situation of the Minister of National Defense is that he is very anxious and very nervous, and everything makes him develop out of control.

"No, we absolutely cannot do this. If we do this, we will suffer great losses. At present, our troops have not yet completed the final training. We have only three infantry divisions in our hands, three, according to Zhao Guoren’s estimation. Yes, we need five infantry divisions, five, it is impossible to achieve the required combination of forces." The Secretary of the Army strongly objected. The Secretary of Defense panicked. But he hasn't panicked yet. He knows that they still have enough reserves in their hands to solve many problems in the future. However, solving problems does not mean that they should be allowed to solve what problems are found. They should calm down.

"Our logistics has already had problems, and we must solve such problems," said the defense minister.

"No, our military strength is insufficient, and there is still a big problem with combat effectiveness. How do we solve such a problem. Obviously this is impossible." The Secretary of the Army said.

"Putting such troops into the encirclement and suppression of mountain people. I think this is extremely unrealistic and extremely irresponsible. I am opposed to this. What we should do is to make such troops urgently need to maintain training. Even if the situation is resolved, we can only guarantee limited transportation supplies, but it is impossible to eliminate them completely without five infantry divisions." The Secretary of the Army said.

"But if we do this, it means stopping the offense." Li Lin also said anxiously. He wanted to get an optimized plan, especially a plan that can completely solve everything, such as resuming the offense and allowing them to The troops entered a state of combat. He could not see such a situation happening, because doing so would mean that their offensive would directly affect the issuance of bonds, which meant that the financial situation of the Goguryeo people would enter a huge passive and catastrophic environment. , Encountering such a thing, everyone will become irrational.

"Prime Minister, I think we should be calm at present, at least we should not be anxious." Seeing that the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army were so nervous, the Minister of Finance persuaded him. He also saw that the Prime Minister's mood fluctuated greatly. What he needs is to calm down and stabilize his emotions. Only in this way can he solve other problems. Otherwise, the decisions he makes are wrong and have a great impact.

"Prime Minister, I think we should calm down at the moment. For example, we can stabilize the situation as the main goal. We don't make any adjustments to the army. We just mobilize an infantry division to stabilize the current situation and prevent the situation from getting worse. Is it?" The Minister of Finance came up with a compromise plan. The Secretary of the Army heard this as a search for compromise. He nodded and agreed.

It is still possible to take out an infantry division for defense, or to rectify the logistics supply line. Although their combat effectiveness is still relatively weak, they can come up with a better plan to stabilize the situation.

"At the same time, I hope that the two ministers can imagine ways to completely reverse the current situation. The offensive on the front line can be regarded as a stop. After all, we don’t have too many shells to attack. For us, this is also considered a thing. Good thing.” The Minister of Finance was actually distressed too. He was distressed when seeing a large number of shells being shot out one by one. Those were not shells, they were all money, and all that was shot was money.

The offense is suspended, it means. Their financial losses have temporarily stabilized the situation, which is also a good thing for them.

"Prime Minister, we need a plan to completely turn the tide of the war, not make things worse. Our situation is still very good. The situation is not out of control. The decline is not necessarily a bad thing. We should express confidence in bonds." The minister said so. After listening, Li Lin nodded and expressed his agreement with this view. They should indeed have confidence in their bonds, if they had no confidence in their performance. How do they solve the problem? This is a big problem. Therefore, in such a situation, they need to be calm, calm, and calm again.

Under the impact of the huge decline in the bond market, the senior leaders of Goguryeo lost their composure for a while, because it meant that they had gone to a large and stable source of financial income, which was not a good thing, but they temporarily recovered under the persuasion of the Minister of Finance They have gained confidence, but how to solve this kind of thing specifically requires military victory to lay such a foundation, which requires them to pay greater military victory to solve this problem. How to obtain such a military victory. There are currently two options.

The first is to break through from the front, they will continue to attack, which means that they will need to consume more ammunition, troops, and more logistical supplies. This kind of consumption may put their finances into an absolute state of financial constraints, which is not a good choice for the Goguryeo people, but they are currently in a state of one-minute devilishness, which means, They will be in a state where everything must be completely resolved. It seems that this is the only good choice.

The second is Li Zuoche's plan. This plan requires the Goguryeo army to go deep alone. This usually means facing huge sacrifices or more disadvantages on the battlefield. Success will completely change the stalemate situation on the battlefield. If it fails, Goguryeo may lose more initiative. They are all considering the pros and cons. But the risk is too great. If any detail is not done well, it will cause a big failure, and no one can bear such a failure.

Yan State, the frontline. Wei Man can finally sleep peacefully. He has been running back and forth for a few days, transporting ammunition, and carrying the wounded down. He is no longer afraid of the corpse. Because he had seen all kinds of corpses, some of them had their heads knocked off and lacked arms. Broken leg. At the beginning, he could not sleep well, because when he closed his eyes, he dreamed of all kinds of wounded soldiers and corpses. He felt that something like this would happen to him, he could feel the pain, the fear of death, but then, maybe he was too tired. He could actually fall asleep. He was not afraid of the corpse anymore. Maybe I'm used to it. Because there is nothing to be afraid of.

The extreme point of being afraid is not being afraid, because you suddenly discover that fear is of no use at all, thinking that it will not bring you any benefits. On the contrary, it will leave you in a state of extreme anxiety. It always exists, so you don't know how to face it. All, Wei Man is now asleep calmly. Maybe it's really tired.

"This kid, yes, he is bold enough to fall asleep," said an veteran.

"Well, many people are scared and can't sleep. Yes, but we finally got quiet. The situation on the battlefield is tiring enough for us. Those Goguryeos will no longer attack. If they continue to attack, I think we are going crazy. I really don't know why they go crazy like this?" a corporal said.

On the battlefield, everyone is enjoying the rare silence, peaceful tranquility, allowing them to think about many things, but because of the fierce battle process, let them completely relax, they began to think of ways to solve other things.

Yan State, Prince's Mansion.

"I said, we have to persevere, persevere, and now it's fine. We finally persevere. This kind of thing is a huge victory for us, and we should be very happy for such a victory. "Prince Dan said.

When the entire Goguryeo attacked, the Yan army almost caused more than 10,000 casualties to the opponent. Among them, most of them were killed, because the bodies of Goguryeo people were everywhere in front of the Yan people's position. Densely packed.

"Congratulations, Prince Congratulations, Prince Congratulations." The Minister of Defense felt that his face was light, after all, this was also a victory.

"Yeah. Congratulations, yes. The mountain people's practices are also very good. We should give them rewards and let them continue to work hard. They are directly interspersed behind the enemy. This is a great military operation, sure enough. , I did not misread the one called A Gu.” Prince Dan said excitedly. Such a victory was enough for his name to be written into the history of the Kingdom of Yan. He thought it was a great victory.

"This, Prince. Under such a victory, do we reduce some taxes and let the people join us and celebrate together? In this case, it is also a very beneficial move for us." The Minister of Finance said carefully. He knew that the problems in Yan's country were quite serious, and it was too serious for them to solve all the problems. They need to release such pressure. The advantage of this is that it can greatly avoid greater economic losses.

"No, we can't reduce taxes. We haven't completely defeated the Goguryeo people, you see. We will soon have a huge victory. In this situation, we still have a little bit to beat the enemy. It’s the last possibility to go down. Therefore, under such circumstances, we cannot reduce taxes. We must have more funds to solve this problem. Do you understand what I mean?” Prince Dan asked.

"This." The Minister of Finance was a little embarrassed. He wanted the prince to know that their situation was no longer optimistic. Under such circumstances, they need a solution that can solve the complete financial problem. It is good to slow down the antagonism between the people and the government. He wants the prince to understand the significance of this. But the prince was completely immersed in the great martial arts. They defeated a country and were about to win, but his people would not be happy anymore.

street. A businessman from Yan State looked at his own newspaper, which was obtained in the embassy area. Because many Yan people already look down on newspapers. Only diplomats in the embassy can afford such a newspaper.

"Assholes, a bunch of assholes." The businessman scolded after reading it.

"Hey, brother, what does the newspaper say?" an old man asked politely.

"Yan's **** won the war. But the victory has nothing to do with us. We still suffered heavy losses. We still lack more funds. These **** officials. They will ask us for money." Scolded.

"Bah, something," the businessman scolded.

"Yes, bah, something, winning a battle has nothing to do with us. Fuck it." The old man also cursed like this. The entire economy of Yan State has been dying, but the war is still going on.

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