The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3950: Why can I cross the Alps

"There should be no problem," said Li Zuoche, watching the smooth landing of the first regiment of the Goguryeo Marine Corps in the distance.

"Yeah." Luo Ping's face turned pale, his health is not very good, but he still insists on observing the enemy here, after all, this is his duty. Perhaps it was because of the tension, because of the tension, but his condition was much better.

On Yau Magou Beach, the soldiers of the First Regiment of the Koguryo Marine Corps were also nervously strengthening their defenses. It was too peaceful here. The calm made them a little unbearable.

"Damn, is there no **** Yan from here?" A second-class soldier carefully looked around and asked his officer.

"Don't talk nonsense. Be careful about the situation, everyone will go to other places to see." The sergeant arranged for a few people to search nearby. Corresponding military operations have also been launched in the company, and everyone is anxiously waiting for the message to be delivered back. Follow-up troops continue to arrive, and the previous troops begin to search and advance. This situation continued for three hours. After the first group of the Goguryeo Marine Corps had all landed, the tension was relaxed. Then came the 7th Infantry Division of the Army that supported them. Not far from them, yes. The landing field opened up by the Second Marine Corps Infantry Regiment, where the Fifth Infantry Division landed there, everything went smoothly. Except for some accidents during the landing of the Army, nothing major happened.

The Army’s accident is inevitable. After all, they did not receive such rigorous training. Coupled with the deflection of the ocean currents, this caused a lot of confusion in their organization. Fortunately, no Yan nationality appeared. By that night, two Marine Corps infantry regiments, plus most of the Army's two divisions. As a completed login, they still need two days to unload their supplies, so that the entire login activity can be considered complete.

The mountains are on both sides of the highway. A company of mountain people has been waiting here for two days, and they stayed here for nothing.

"Sir, the situation seems to be bad for us. These days, we have only seen the Goguryeo people continue to strengthen the protection of their logistics supply fleet. Their fleets have very few supplies. There are a lot of people to protect. If this continues, we will not be able to Get supplies." Addo said when he found his chief Agu.

"This is indeed the case. Our supplies are not much. This is not a solution. Let's let some of them go back and rest for a while, and the other part will carry out scattered guerrilla operations on the spot, let them look for opportunities." After thinking about it, I said so.

The Goguryeos drew an infantry division to strengthen their defense on logistical supplies. The focus was to abolish small-scale sporadic supplies and to conduct large-scale centralized supplies. Each time it was supplied, more than one regiment must be allocated for protection. It was very troublesome. The team became very long and huge, but it effectively contained the sneak attack by the Goguryeo people. Most of the first shows of the Goguryeo people were conducted in a company. They could only harass, but they could not attack Goguryeo. The human logistics supply convoy launched a greater concentrated attack, which will inevitably lead to a very unacceptable result, that is, the Goguryeo people protected the supply of their logistics convoy, while the mountain people's losses are increasing. The bigger it is, the main reason is that their ammunition supply becomes more and more difficult, because they only have an offensive scale like a company. Such an offensive scale simply cannot eliminate too many Goguryeos, and their threats are reduced a lot.

A Gu also knows this very well. The reason is very simple. The size of his troops is only 1,500. This is the expansion of personnel obtained by the continuous replenishment of logistics. Without such replenishment, they would not be able to do so. this point. This time, going back to take a rest is actually trying to find a way from the people of Yan Guo. Although the Yan people can give less supplies, they are better than nothing. This is the result they only need.

Loma, Seventeenth Army. This is a new regiment that has been revoked and formed. The soldiers come from soldiers recruited in Loma City. This was carried out in accordance with Li Fu's suggestion. Soldiers have military pay and are no longer conscripts. The army also began to set up a military rank system, canceling the previous establishment.

Personnel are being recruited and formed, but Scipio is very concerned about his weapons.

"How about our weapons?" Scipio first came to their quarters to check the weapons and ammunition.

"Haha." Li Fu smiled slightly, then shook his head and said that he was not optimistic. Scipio didn't know what it meant, but he felt that the situation might be very bad, or that, to some extent, it has already determined their situation. Will be in a bad state.

"Don't tell me there is a problem," Scipio said.

"There is indeed a big problem, you can see for yourself." Scipio entered the warehouse of the Quartermaster Department and saw that he felt that his head was a little bigger. The first thing he saw was the old-fashioned artillery. The artillery uses a wooden frame. This type of artillery is extremely cheap, but it is extremely cumbersome to use, and it can’t go wrong. If it goes wrong, it will cause great consequences. lost heavily.

"I’m not mistaken? This is, this is an old artillery? What I know is that you and I have seen it. Hannibal’s army is equipped with iron turrets, and among them there are light rapid-fire guns. I don’t know that the shooting speed is much faster than this kind of artillery, and it’s much lighter.” Scipio said.

"If you are looking at the musket, you may be very disappointed." The other party said. Scipio quickly moved over after hearing it, and at this sight, he was completely stunned.

"Why is it like this? They are all old-fashioned flintlock rifles. This rifle is only used by the second-line Carthaginian army, but we are still importing it and plan to give it to the first-line army. This is for my army to use. Suicide?" Scipio looked at his quartermaster with incomprehensible eyes.

"I think it may be because it is cheap, or that such weapons may have met our needs. In the eyes of those veterans, but in fact, such weapons are still far from meeting our needs. You know it is What kind of situation, we need to do quite a lot, many times, the power that such a weapon can exert is also very limited." Li Fu said.

"Well, you are right." Scipio didn't know how to build his army. They all saw it. The musket forces formed by the Carthaginians were all equipped with rapid-fire guns.

In contrast, the firearms formed by the Roma had already fallen behind the Carthaginian army when it was first formed. He didn't know what meaning such a backward army could play in frontal combat. This has greatly exceeded his personal expectations.

"This is an extremely meaningless thing. I think you understand what I'm talking about. This kind of thing has fallen behind for us. Let us fight with weapons like this, it is better to let us die." Scipio is now very dissatisfied with the Senate, and perhaps they will only do so after they have seen the huge failure with their own eyes.

"Anyway, you have already started such a thing. I believe that you will definitely achieve such a goal. I think you should take good care of such a thing. It is better than nothing before. Since we can't be in the gun Technically superior to the opponent, we can use other methods to solve other problems. Rather, tactics, as long as we use tactics, we can achieve the same goal. Believe me, this will definitely be able to persist. Or achieve the same effect. "Li Fu persuaded. It seems that they still need to spend some time convincing the Roma Senate to let them understand that this war is far from everything they already control. This war is already an important issue that they cannot solve.

In the Alps, the Carthage army is crossing the Alps. They finally rested, what they most want to do now is to drink a sip of hot soup to warm their bodies.

"Come on, drink this, I think you will feel very good." Hannibal came in with a pot of hot soup. They used Zhao Guoren’s new army tank. This is a tin made of iron sheet, which can be used for drinking water or cooking. In short, there are many uses, and many people like these jars.

The hot soup is made of canned food, some beef jerky, and some unknown vegetables. The Carthaginians like this kind of food, with bread, enough for them to eat several meals.

"How is it?" Hannibal asked Levy.

"Yeah. But such a march is much harder than we thought." Li Wei said.

"This is a matter of course. Many of our soldiers are unwilling to face such a situation, but fortunately, we selected elites for this march. They have a firm will to fight, and that is, they are all rich. Remuneration, without such generous remuneration, I don’t think they would do such a thing.” Hannibal reluctantly said of such a thing. In order to encourage his soldiers to march, Hannibal paid the highest price. , If they take down a city in Loma, they will allow them to rob for three days and three nights. All soldiers can take everything they want. This reward is extremely amazing. It is also because of the amazing that more soldiers will participate. They like this kind of reward, and this kind of reward can make them burst out of unprecedented morale.

Only relying on such things, their situation did not continue to deteriorate.

"How long can we leave the Alps?" Li Wei asked such a question.

"It’s not clear. We estimate that it will take 20 days at the longest, and 15 days at the shortest. This may be the hardest time for us. Fortunately, we have hot soup to drink. Thank you for your meat. Canned food. We really can't hold on without these." Li Wei said. In the past, they needed a lot of logistical supplies to fight. If the logistical supplies were not smooth, their food would be very poor. For example, under such marching conditions, they might only have a small number of people able to eat meat food. Most soldiers eat barley or some bread. Sometimes the food is too long and difficult to swallow. Soldiers often infect various gastrointestinal diseases, and this disease They will also infect each other, which is not a good thing for them.

So, crossing the Alps, in the view of the Romans before, this is an unbelievable and difficult thing to accomplish. You can think about it. When crossing the Alps, the soldiers' food supply is a big problem. In history, when Hannibal crossed the Alps, there were 90,000 people, but after passing, his number quickly dropped to less than 30,000. In addition to the soldiers’ fighting will, another important factor is that the food and their logistical supplies are extremely bad.

But now the situation has changed a lot. The Carthaginians have canned food, the treatment of soldiers has been further improved, they have better food, and naturally they have the strength to fight for a long time. This is for them. This is a good thing, and such a good thing will encourage them to fight on a larger scale.

"We should be thankful for the canned food," Hannibal said.

"Thank you for the canned food." Li Wei said. It is canned food, which makes their food have a great change. Canned fruits and vegetables provide necessary vitamins. They can open the canned food and heat it on the fire. Canned meat provides the necessary heat source, and it is also important for them to maintain physical strength. The source, although the taste is bad, but this kind of food can make them fill their stomachs, which is the best result. In addition, there are a lot of candies, which can relieve tension and fatigue. If they don't let it, it will make it difficult for them to maintain such a situation. This is their most important thing. If it weren't for these things, maybe Hannibal couldn't pass through such an area at all, maybe they would have been wiped out when they crossed. In addition, those who crossed were all elite troops, which greatly facilitated Hannibal's command. Although they are small in number, the supplies provided by the troops are extremely sufficient. This threat to the Loma is not at all reduced.

There is also an important factor, that is, the season they crossed is very suitable, just in the summer. If they encounter a cold winter, they will not be able to defend the Alps. This is a disaster for them.

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