The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3959: The stupid decision of the Carthaginians

Rest in peace, New Town. Inside the Qin State Embassy.

"This is the suggestion of our Ministry of National Defense. They believe that the Armenians are adopting an aggressive offensive strategy against us. Such a strategy is extremely disastrous for us. We cannot allow such a situation to continue. Therefore, our best way is to change this situation as much as possible." Li Guo said to Li Feng.

"What do you think?" Li Feng asked.

"Our view is to retreat as much as possible. I think you should be stationed at a distance of two hundred kilometers. All troops beyond this line should be withdrawn. We only need to ensure the safety here. After all, there will be Oil, in too many places, of course, there will be more oil, but in a short time, if it is taken, the risk is too great. Once it encounters unexpected weather, the situation will become very bad. Qin does not want to appear once in the country. To fail, be cautious is better than anything else." Li Guo said. The Ministry of National Defense has well balanced the balance of interests between military and economic needs. Such a balance will allow them to solve more good solutions.

"Well, that's correct, but the problem is that our military commanders and other people are not willing to do this. The battle has just begun. Let us end it all at once. We may not be able to withstand such a situation. This situation is too difficult for us to accept. We hope that we can change to another way, for example, we defeat the Armenians?" Li Feng said.

"This is unlikely. You will face greater risks. Our government will not agree with you to do this. You have to know that if you do, it means that you will pay more and more risks. I think The first thing you should consider is the attitude of the supporters of the war, not the attitude of your front-line generals. Although they are confident and good, sometimes they are too confident and will cause a lot of losses. Really, I think Doing so is very unclear." Li Guo was serious. Hearing this, Li Feng didn't think so. Armenians are very weak. If they can't beat even one Armenian, their resting state is really not very good.

Sure enough, as Wei Liao was worried, the Anxi people were full of self-confidence. They thought this was a war without any suspense. They don't need to worry about other things at all. They will do them well. Why should they worry about such things? This is simply superfluous. It is precisely under this kind of thinking that will make the rest of the people fall into a desperate situation.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng, in the Office of the Minister of Defense.

"What do you think about this matter?" the Secretary of Defense asked, touching his chin. He was watching this telegram this afternoon. It seemed that he could see the authenticity of this telegram. The attitude of the mountain people was surprised, or that the change of the mountain people surprised them all at once.

"Sir, judging from the information we have so far, I think we cannot accurately judge the intentions of the mountain people for the time being. However, we can establish the result first, and then push again how we do it. It is better that this is us. A method often used by intelligence agencies." said the Chief of Military Intelligence.

"Then talk about it," the Secretary of Defense said. The Goguryeo people sent a telegram expressing their willingness to be loyal to Goguryeo, but the premise is that the Goguryeo people need to provide some assistance, such as materials, food, ammunition, and diplomatic assistance, and they can control all the Yan people in the encirclement. , Because they have enough troops, they claim that they have more than 30,000 people, and they are very motivated to fight. In fact, they only have more than 15,000. Although the number is still increasing, the distance of 30,000 is far from enough. , But they were indeed a military force that should not be underestimated. They thought that in the entire war, only the mountain people fought quite well, and the Yan people just kept behind their trenches, of course. The fighting style of the Goguryeo people is also extremely bad. They still need to learn a lot, but they are better than the Yan people in economic and military industrial production.

"Sir, we first infer that we do not support it. If we do not support the mountain people, they will continue to join the Yan people’s battle sequence. They are still an important resistance for us to eat and surround the Yan people. But we are against them. Helplessly, the most important thing is that they also threatened our logistics supply line. If they continue to harass, our situation is not very good. This requires continuous persistence on both sides. How long can such persistence be maintained? We don't know yet, but what I know is that this will greatly delay the progress of the war. This is not good for us." said the Chief of the Military Intelligence Department.

"Moreover, as far as diplomacy is concerned, we still cannot promote a suitable condition for us to win all the bargaining chips for victory in this war. The interference of Koreans and Qin people greatly disrupted our subsequent series of diplomatic development. During the negotiations, we reached a deadlock." The Chief of the Military Intelligence Department judged this way.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable, and your analysis is very relevant. To be honest, this analysis is already very high for us. But what I want to know is, what should we do next? For example, continue to analyze and support them, what kind of turn do we have?" said the defense minister.

"If we support it, there will be many things. It is not good for us Goguryeo to take care of things. For example, we can support mountain people to establish their own country, they can expel each other in the name of establishing a country, and we control With the other side’s logistics supply line, through such transactions, we can obtain a lot of resources, and the mountain people can expel the army of the country of Yan. In this case, there is a variable in diplomacy. This variable is the mountain people. If the mountain people belong to the country of Yan. , Then, the whole situation will be extremely unfavorable to us, because they are still a subject of the Yan people. But if they belong to our Goguryeo and obey our Goguryeo, we can resolve this war through a neutral country, many We will all be in an extremely advantageous state. And the people of Zhao are in the goal of resolving this war, and they will adopt such a plan. It is not suitable for us to occupy the north, and it is not suitable for the people of Yan to occupy the north. If we continue to fight, it will be even more inappropriate. In that case, we will become like the people of Yan, and the people of Yan will collapse. We will also collapse. This will hurt both sides. This situation will cause a huge Failure, this failure is unprecedented." said the Chief of the Military Intelligence Department.

"This." The Secretary of Defense hasn't really thought of this. It seems that his own men need to analyze a lot. This is natural. The Chiefs of Military Intelligence have more and more information, and they naturally know a lot of things. If they can't even handle such things, the result will be very passive, and the problem they need to solve is such. For them, this is no small challenge.

"Very well, write a report and submit it to me. I need to report it to the Prime Minister immediately to know that this may be an important turning point for all wars and ending wars." The Minister of Defense said. Others also nodded their heads in agreement, this kind of thing is too important to them.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"Let us help them solve this kind of problem. It's a joke." Han Shu looked at the telegram and threw it aside. This kind of thing is definitely not something she wants to solve.

The people of Yan people bite the north to death. They would rather give up some areas, but they would not give up all the northern areas, but the Goguryeo people want to get all the areas, even though their war is on the verge of victory and it has not been completely completed. Victory, because the Koreans and the Qin people were involved in the war, the Goguryeo people would never act rashly when they had not yet figured out the bottom line of the other party diplomatically.

"Master Wang, I have a suggestion, or a preliminary idea, which can be implemented." Zhang Liang suggested at this time.

"Oh. Talk about it, maybe it can change the current situation." Han Shu said.

"My lord, I think that at present we can solve this matter like this. We can establish an intermediate country between Goguryeo and Yan. This country is not from Yan, nor from Goguryeo, but from mountainous people. Let them become one. The country, in this case, this will form an intermediate buffer zone, and as long as the people of Yan people win the recognition of this intermediate buffer country, I think everything will become very advantageous." Zhang Liang said. Since both parties cannot make concessions, they can only come up with a plan in which both parties make concessions. In this way, all problems can be resolved. This idea coincides with the mountain people's own thinking, but the key issue is the attitude of the mountain people and the country the mountain people belong to. If they belong to the Goguryeo people, the situation will instantly become unfavorable to the people of Yan.

"Well, this is a good plan, you can try it. But what I know is that the plan that Qin people came up with is to use finance to solve this problem. This idea is also good. You know, we have not opened many places currently. The market, such as Yanguo and Goguryeo, is also a big loss for us. If we can alleviate such contradictions, and then further solve all the problems, I think that everything will be completely complete. The solution?" Han Shu said.

"Wang Shang's meaning is to also use financial methods to promote this matter?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Yes. In this case, everything can be solved." Han Shu felt that his ideas were very good. In this way, the situation becomes extremely favorable.

Carthage. Ambassador Zhao Guo Yang Zhang. I am writing a telegram to report to the country what I have said and seen, and what I have said.

"The Carthaginians are extremely shameless. They should be punished." Yang Zhang wrote extremely angrily.

The Carthage Senate received the latest news. Hannibal successfully crossed the Alps. They have entered Italy. They will enter Rome. This is exciting news. With this news, many people donated money. Things, they expressed their support for Hannibal's acts of war, and they thought it was time to teach those **** barbaric Romans. But the problem is that to support Hannibal, a lot of funds are needed, and financial funds are not very good. The senators in the Senate were extremely stingy. They believed that under such circumstances, the Senate decided to solve this problem.

They decided to levy the tax, but the object of the tax was not the Carthaginians, but the Zhao people. This made Ambassador Zhao feel very angry. This is a Carthaginian war, and the Zhao people are very supportive of their war. , They sent a large number of officers to act as advisers. In a very short period of time, they acted as good instructors, and some were still very good commanders. It can be said that the Carthaginian army was able to The most important factor for a great improvement is the support of Zhao Guoren. Without the support of the people of Zhao, Carthage would need to spend a lot of effort to resolve all wars.

But now, the stupid Carthaginians actually levy commercial taxes on the people of Zhao Guoren. Such taxes are extremely unreasonable. This practice directly annoys the people of Zhao Guoren. Many Zhao Guoren’s businessmen have left after earning a lot of money. Here because they have been treated with extreme justice.

"This is the unfair treatment the people of Zhao people are currently facing. The people of Zhao people must give the other party severe punishments, otherwise, they will pose a greater threat. Under such circumstances, for example, let the Carthaginians realize this. Threats.” Yang Zhang wrote solemnly. He wrote all the unfair treatment suffered here on the telegram. He hoped that the Zhao government would send troops to solve such problems. At least he would also teach the Carthaginians' rude behavior, because before, he would do it every day. Received a large number of complaints from businessmen. They believed that the powerful Zhao people actually encountered unfair treatment in Carthage, especially when they supported the Carthaginian war, but suffered such a situation, which made them very annoyed, and they agreed that Only when Zhao Guoren’s artillery was aimed at the Carthage Senate, they would realize how big a mistake they had made. Now is the time to teach them some lessons. The Carthage Senate sat down with an extremely stupid decision. They really didn't know whether they had thought about this issue in detail when they made such a decision.

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