The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3961: Zhao Kingdom Mediterranean Fleet

Zhao Guo, Handan, in the office of the son Zhao Jia. After receiving the telegram from Carthage, Zhao Guo attached great importance to it, because this had already challenged Zhao Guoren's bottom line twice.

"Damn Carthaginians, they actually hit our heads. I don't know if they are courageous or crazy." Zhao Jia looked at the telegram in his hand very annoyed and said.

"Prime Minister, we should take some military measures to prevent the Carthaginians from proceeding like this, otherwise they will impose more unreasonable taxes on us. In that case, our interests will suffer heavy losses. I We believe that under the current circumstances, we should immediately order the withdrawal of Zhao’s military advisers. At the same time, let our navy and army in the Mediterranean area enter a state of combat readiness. At the very least, we should also bombard Carthage and blockade Carthage. The series of ships of the Ji people have dealt a more serious blow to them." The Minister of Defense said.

This is a provocation. Faced with such provocations, the people of Zhao must counterattack. otherwise. They would suppress the Zhao people many times regardless. The last time it was because Zhao did not respond in a timely manner, mainly because Hannibal expressed a great willingness for peace, but now, the Zhao people decided to teach them some lessons.

Zhao State Navy Department.

"The prime minister's mansion meant to teach the Carthaginians some lessons, but the question is, how do we do this? Obviously our artillery range is not up to there. If the army is sent to fight, it will require too much force. The navy The Marine Corps needs the strength of an infantry regiment at least, but we are nearby, with only one infantry battalion. This obviously cannot meet our requirements." The Secretary of the Navy said very embarrassingly.

"Yes, sir, this can't meet our needs at all. In such a situation, the only way is to increase reinforcements, but our naval forces nearby are extremely weak, and it is extremely difficult to create a strike. , It seems that we still have to carry out a larger blockade, where we simply cannot further stabilize the situation.” said the navy undersecretary.

"Perhaps, we can think of other ways to solve this problem, but increasing reinforcements is something we must do. We all know that our military strength is weak. In this war, the army arsenal made a lot of money. Military expenditures have also increased a lot. If you want to show the Carthaginians some color, I think that we must increase naval funding, which is very important to us.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

Goguryeo's war against Yan State made a lot of money for the Zhao State Army. They sold all their inventory of weapons and ammunition. Then they made a fortune, and then they bought new-style rifles and artillery. Everyone knows things like this. This makes the Secretary of the Navy very envious. For the Navy, there is no big thing to do in this war. For them, this is simply an unacceptable situation.

Therefore, this caused dissatisfaction with the Navy. Therefore, the navy hopes to find some new contradictions, and then increase naval funding to make their situation better. This can be regarded as a disguised way of increasing military expenditures. But they must first find a suitable opportunity to do so, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to give such a situation, they must first understand this point, otherwise, everything will be difficult to proceed. Everyone understands this.

The indiscriminate increase in military spending by the Carthaginians gave them a great opportunity. With such an opportunity, their situation suddenly became much better. The Secretary of the Navy believed this.

The Thebes, the Zhao State Navy, and the Mediterranean Fleet have their offices here. They say they are a fleet, but in fact, they only have a few speedboat units here. Their superiors have been telling them that there will be warships. There are warships, but until now, they have not seen their warships. On the contrary, they only supplemented some small speedboats, ranging from two to three tons. They can’t carry out long-distance voyages and can only perform some simple ones. Patrol mission.

The situation of the Zhao Kingdom’s Mediterranean Fleet is very bad. To what extent it is not good. They actually work in Thebes. The office area is a medium-priced area. There are a large number of shops here, and the brand of the Zhao Kingdom’s Navy Mediterranean Fleet hangs here. , It seems very different. I thought it was a tavern opened by the people of Zhao State, and on the other side was a place where Zhao State drinks and drinks were sold. Suddenly a piece of the Mediterranean Fleet of the Zhao State Navy appeared in the middle, which made many people think this was a joke.

It is true that the Mediterranean Fleet of the Zhao State Navy can only work here, because of their serious shortage of funds, which makes it impossible for them to solve many things. This is true of their chief, and so are more soldiers.

"Damn flies, this place is really disgusting." A captain annoyed with a newspaper and drove the flies flying around. The flies here are beyond their imagination. They are really bad. If you don't care about these people, they really are. Will be killed by flies.

"Sir. I have collected a piece of new intelligence. I think that in response to such a situation, we can quickly launch military operations. Such military operations will be more beneficial to our situation in the Mediterranean." Lieutenant Commander Zhao Hai, he is an excited, energetic, and energetic man. Because the naval officers who came here have basically given up their promotion channels. There is no funding, no large warships, and no attention from the superiors of the Admiralty. Under such circumstances, they really doubt what else they can make their officers do. Therefore, under such circumstances, their only option is to provide for the elderly. Of course. If you have a relationship, you don't need to sit in the office. You can go to other places to carry out smuggling activities. As long as you contact domestic smugglers and local smuggling gangs, many profitable businesses will come every second.

Here, there is a second lieutenant who runs the Yapian business. He does not know where he met a relative of Qi. The relative of Qi seems to be very powerful. They are constantly looking for resources from other places. Ship transportation is very difficult here. A large number of Korean merchant ships are extremely busy. They transport a large amount of tea, white sugar, brown sugar, and all kinds of daily necessities, from mirrors to cloth, even the most basic shoes. Socks are available, and they dumped them on a large scale here, and the local handicraft industry has been completely destroyed. They have no chance of survival at all.

In this way, it means that a large number of ships cannot transport more materials. Even if they are transported out, they will be full. Koreans are thieves of cultural relics, especially the government. They have been blocking the pyramids of the Egyptian pharaohs for a while. Everyone knows what kind of activities they are doing in that area. The tomb robbery, the tomb robbery organized by the government, on the surface is the so-called civilization study, in fact, they are turning the pyramid of the Egyptian pharaoh upside down. A large number of cultural relics were transported out, and not only that, each ship would be full, and then left here and sent to South Korea. If necessary, they may dismantle the entire pyramid and transport it back to the country. Only lunatics would do this, but the Koreans did.

"There is no crazier behavior than this." A Zhao Guo officer said after hearing such a thing.

"Tell me, what did you find?" their commander, a lieutenant colonel, put down the Korean newspaper in his hand, and picked up the sugar-filled black tea.

The newspapers are from South Korea, and most of them register for business matters, advertisements, rental and sales of shops, and various souvenirs. Black tea comes from Korea. The combination of black tea and white sugar greatly stimulates the production of Korean tea, which makes their profits very large.

"Island of Malta. Sir, this is what we found. It is in the core area of ​​the Mediterranean. If we occupy there, we can have a suitable military port. Our Marines can be stationed there. The battleship will have a good combat effectiveness, sir." Said Zhao Hai, Lieutenant Commander.

He is an ideal military officer. When all the officers are smuggling and doing business, even his chief is a pimp. Here, he can spend a small amount of money to buy some local women. The locals are very poor. Coupled with the use of Yapian, the prices of women are generally very low, and then they organize these women. Put it all over the place and earn a lot of money, and their chiefs still do. The officers below naturally did a lot of these things.

"Malta? Oh. I know. I know there. It seems that the scenery there is pretty good. If I can, I can go there for a while. It must be much better than the **** Thebes." The lieutenant colonel said. .

"Sir. I think so too. We should go to various places. I heard that Loma is very rich. We should go to Loma and see Shiraz. The women there are said to be very beautiful." Many officers stood up like this. Speaking of.

"Really good, blue eyes, tall man. Zhao Guo's men like such a woman very much, very conquering." said their commander, lieutenant colonel.

"Hahaha." Many people laughed. And Zhao Hai looked at his chief impatiently. He felt that his chief was doing very wrong, and at the very least it would make their situation very biased. Because this is the headquarters of the Mediterranean Fleet, not a place to discuss women.

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