In the state of Chu, Burma, Xiang Yu brought his commando team out of the jungle, and they had just returned to their camp.

"What are they doing?" When Xiang Yu returned to the camp, he saw many soldiers gathered together and looked at something. That is the notification information of the barracks, usually some important notifications will be in that place.

"Sir, I'll go and see." A second lieutenant took his equipment and quickly took a look, and quickly returned to report.

"Sir, I said it above. It seems to be collecting pornographic films. We won't burn any pornographic films we seized in the future. All must be collected. It seems that it can be exchanged for money." The ensign reported.

Hearing this, Xiang Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, because when they came back, they had just burned more than two thousand catties of Yapian. The cumulative number of Yapian Xiang Yu burned may have exceeded 50,000 jin of Yapian. And now, they gave such an order. This made him very annoyed. These War Department guys didn't know what they were looking for. They will find a way to do such a thing after a great loss has been caused.

"Sir. We don't need to burn it anymore," the ensign suggested. Xiang Yu is really crazy. His subordinates respect him very much. Although Xiang Yu is not very old, he has killed more than one regiment. Every time a tribe is destroyed, all the people in the tribe will be killed. This is very simple, but also very bloody. They don't know why their chiefs do this, but they do. Sometimes, don't annoy their chief.

The above-mentioned collection of a large number of pornographic films by the Ministry of Chiefs did give many soldiers a way to make a fortune, because most of the previous pornographic films were collected and burned. This thing cannot be used by itself. At most, it is used by military medicine to make anesthetics, but it can be used. How much narcotics, this thing is still addictive. Once contaminated, the consequences will be very serious. Therefore, the officers strictly controlled the problem of Yapian's smoking. But this still aroused the curiosity of some soldiers. Yapian is spreading quietly among Chu Jun.

This was originally a boring war. The slaughter, blood, and excessive stimulation made the soldiers extremely numb and empty. This is also a sequelae of the war.

Zhao Guo, Handan, Office of the Minister of Defense.

"This is a report we sent from the Seth. The Seth plan to attack Kurdistan. This is what we call Northern Stan. This is a more confirming result obtained after our full investigation. The nation is too complicated.” The deputy minister said in a report submitted.

"Is there any benefit to attacking there?" the Secretary of Defense asked.

"They say they can get more markets and expand into more extensive areas. We don't know all of these. However, what we know is that if they do this, they can drive more military expenditures. The banks especially hope to do this. Because doing so can bring them great benefits." The Minister of Defense said.

"Banks, **** banks, they never think about problems from a military or political perspective. They think that any war can be involved. If we are divided in this area, then the question of Carthage will be It will become extremely serious. From the perspective of national strategic security, Zhao’s colony is extremely scattered. Such a scattered colony is not conducive to our large-scale integration." The Minister of Defense is unwilling to allow Zhao’s funds to enter. The reason for these regions is very simple, because these regions cannot connect the interests of the State of Zhao. The worst thing is that the ethnic composition in the above-mentioned regions is extremely complex, whether it is the intelligence department of the State of Zhao or the other military of the State of Zhao. The observation team was unable to provide an accurate piece of information to confirm the authenticity and complexity of the area, which means that Zhao Guo will have a big problem that cannot be confirmed on this issue.

In fact, not only the Kingdom of Zhao, but the Koreans also don’t know how many tribes and various Stan countries exist in those areas. Many countries reappear, but at the same time they are connected to other countries where they do not exist. The complexity is It is far beyond any of their periods, which makes it difficult to maintain consistency in diplomacy and military affairs. As a vacuum area, all countries did not actively participate in it. They chose to retreat and were unwilling to do so.

"Well. Well, we may need to wait some time for this matter to know the specific situation." The Deputy Secretary of Defense said. Everyone kept silent about this area. Too complicated. Because they don’t understand, they think it’s complicated.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Look at this." Shang Wen handed a report to Meng Yi.

"Goguryeo?" Meng Yi asked after looking at the title.

"Yes, Goguryeo. To be precise, a series of noticeable things happened in Heitucheng. The situation of the people in Goguryeo is very complicated. They took extreme measures and used new bonds to recycle old bonds at a low price. We The bank of Zhao Guo had already distributed a large amount of bonds to the people of Goguryeo, and the people of Qin were also the first to do this.” Shang Wen said.

"Not only that, they even allowed their Ministry of Finance to issue a lot of paper money. You can think of how bad the situation is. Inflation hit all their savings all at once. The Goguryeo people have just experienced an event. The war, now, and the situation after the war will make their situation more embarrassing. I really don’t know how they should get through such a difficult situation. They were already on the edge of a mistake, and now they are wrong. Under such circumstances, I really don't know how long they can last." Shang Wen said, shaking his head. After watching it, Meng Yi was also very shocked. Because these two policies are persistent errors. This will make the situation of Goguryeo even more difficult.

"Do we help them solve such a problem?" Meng Yi asked.

"Yes, the stable Goguryeo is of great help to our situation. If he continues to be turbulent, this is not a matter of a country, but a series of things. Goguryeo, the mountain country, this new country, and Yan Kingdom, the three countries, will overthrow the entire northern Liaoning region, and to their north is our eastern region, where we will be the first to be hit. On the contrary, if their situation can be stabilized , I believe that the situation will help us a lot. A stable northern Liaoning region is the region we need most.” Shang Wen said.

This is not Shangwen’s sympathy, but the need for economic development. Originally Shangwen wanted Qin’s bank and Zhao’s bank to develop these two countries. However, Shangwen obviously underestimated the speculative nature of the banks. Crazy speculation on the Koguryo War Bonds completely ignored development issues, and as a result, it directly caused such a situation development.

The development of the bank itself is not a mistake, but if it is excessively tilted to speculation, the situation will seriously evolve into another situation. This situation is that many things cannot be resolved in time, which leads to this and that. The occurrence of this situation.

"Our bank has been overly inclined to speculative performance. As a result, many things have changed their tastes. I plan to reintegrate banks and come up with an integrated assistance plan to provide a large amount of loan funds. As for bonds, First freeze. After freezing the debt, first restore their economy and let them set up a bank to restore their financial stability and order as soon as possible. This may bring some benefits to these countries. Otherwise, this situation The command becomes worse and worse, and finally becomes more difficult to solve. Everything will form the final indescribable situation." Shang Wen said.

Meng Yi recorded that he thought Shangwen’s ideas were feasible and constructive. After all, many countries would not consider the problem in this way. They considered more about how to obtain more benefits. This is like It is the same as the bank, full of speculation. The taste is extremely strong, which makes many people feel very uncomfortable.

"For the specific plan, we still need the support of the bank. Three countries, Yan Kingdom, Shandi, and Goguryeo, the funds needed are not a small number. In addition, there is rest in peace, and the rest in peace is in the process of withdrawing troops. However. Judging from the reports of journalists, they do not think that such a withdrawal will have positive value. Because in their view, retreat is a retreat, and retreat is more negative, but offensive is different. They do not understand military The level and strategic value are not very beneficial to us." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"I understand such a thing. Sometimes, we are really helpless, but when we encounter such a thing, we can only do this." Shang Wen said.

"This matter, let the Ministry of Defense explain as clearly as possible. If we don’t explain it, our situation is still very bad. I think so. What we need is time, not the so-called result. This is What we are going to do at present, the specific situation is like this, alright. Let's solve the matter like this." Shang Shangwen said. Meng Yi nodded to express his understanding. Under such circumstances, they really need something like this to solve this kind of thing.

Sometimes, the news media will not interpret some information responsibly, and such information will create a lot of ambiguity in readers' minds.

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