"Maybe it's not called aid. We can become an economic plan. This is proposed by the people of Qin. Such an economic plan can provide us with a lot of economic help." The Finance Minister looked at Li Lin and said.

"Well, talk about it." Li Lin was also interested. He doesn't know the purpose of the other party's doing this, but if he can provide such help, he thinks it is better to accept it, because doing so can give him a great discount. After all, the situation in Goguryeo has fallen into a huge disaster. Maybe in the future, they will lose control of the mountain country. Any kind of hope is possible. That's what Li Lin thinks.

"Qin Guoren's plan is that their bank will provide us with a loan to restore economic construction. As for the bond problem and the huge debt problem, he suggested that we freeze some new bonds and old bonds. In this case, we will To delay this time limit for a period of time in the future, first of all, our economy will develop and the government will have the ability to repay. Finally, after a few years, we will repay these bonds and gradually reduce the passive situation of debt. "The Minister of Finance said.

"This is a very good method, I think it is very feasible. However, in the current situation, I don't know what else we can develop in Goguryeo." Li Lin seems to be very worried about his own economy. If the economy does not develop If it's good, they can't solve many things.

"Prime Minister, as long as we have a lot of funds, most of all problems can be solved in time." The other party said.

"Well, okay, this is a good plan, I agree." Li Lin seemed to have grasped the most precious straw in his life, and he can only do this for now. This showed him the only way to change the economic situation of Goguryeo.

On a special train from Qingcheng to Xianyang of Qin State, the Minister of the Navy of the State of Qin, who had signed the agreement, lay on the backrest to rest. This trip was quite tiring, but it also let them know some things, such as the naval aviation affairs. They visited the South Korean naval aviation and maritime aircraft carriers, which surprised them greatly. He felt that Qin was far behind the South Korean Navy in the construction of naval aviation. In order to catch up with the South Korean Navy, they decided to also build an aircraft carrier for the Qin Navy. In this case, Qin's naval aviation force can be regarded as established.

"Record it, let the Navy Department study it and build naval aviation." The Secretary of the Navy waved his arm and motioned to his assistant to record it. The assistant quickly recorded it.

"Sir, I have a suggestion, I don't know if I should mention it or not," said a lieutenant colonel on the side.

"Tell me, you are in charge of technology, and you should have advantages in this area. If you have any words, just say it, don't leave it alone." said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Yes, sir, sir, I think so. Aircraft carrier technology, if it is promoted and applied at once, will take a long time. However, our current battles still require aviation. We have also discovered that naval aviation poses a threat to warships. It's still relatively small, and most of them are harassment at best. Under such circumstances, we can develop a kind of aircraft that can land on land, sea, and lakes. It has a very large ammunition load and double-shot. , There are more people, and they can stay in the air for a long time. In this way, he has a great advantage in reconnaissance. He can land at sea at any time, perform related rescues, and other things. The most important thing is, After landing at sea, he is a ship. We can use warships to refuel him and continue flying. He can provide us with more maritime reconnaissance reports." The Navy Lieutenant Colonel reported.

"Yeah. This idea is very good. It is a great innovation." The Secretary of the Navy nodded and agreed.

Indeed, the current combat power of naval aviation weapons is not enough to affect the changes in the entire battle situation, especially in terms of weapons. Their threat is too small, their endurance, and the amount of ammunition are seriously insufficient. Larger torpedoes are single-handed. Carrier-based aircraft with engines are already difficult to carry because of insufficient power. They also need aircraft with more powerful horsepower to complete this task, but to increase the horsepower of the engine, in addition to scientific research investment, the easiest way is to increase the number of engines, but in this way, the landing and take-off of the aircraft will be It has a great impact. Under such circumstances, it seems that a dual-engine water reconnaissance aircraft is a good choice, because it can be weakened anywhere, and his range and ammunition load have been greatly improved. It is a great improvement for combat aircraft and battleships. In the face of such a warship, they no longer have much requirements. This is a good flying platform.

After all, at present, the value of flying is not very great. The main task of the aircraft is to reconnaissance and provide normal artillery observation. This is the important meaning of flying.

In Rome, all the Romans felt very dark. Indeed, their army failed again.

In the South Korean Embassy, ​​Li Bao was overjoyed when he heard the news, thinking that this meant that the situation of the Roma people had become more passive. In their opinion, this situation will plunge Lockheed into a huge disaster.

In Fabian’s villa, Fabian has already gone to the Senate, and a more important level meeting is being held. Li Fu and Scipio are collating various materials. These materials were still useful before, but now, This is of no use anymore.

"We still lost this war. The next step, Scipio, the bastard, can come to us." Scipio said helplessly. He predicted Hannibal's military action, but unfortunately, they did not take military action in time, because Scipio's military rank is still relatively low, and he has not been able to access larger-scale combat-level missions.

The situation is extremely crisis. The entire Lockheed Martin feels the arrival of the crisis of war, and many of them don't know what to do.

Zhang Jun can only report the situation here to South Korea. He hopes that South Korea can provide some assistance, at least weapon assistance, to strengthen Lockheed Martin’s city defenses. In this way, their defense effects can be improved. .

Xinzheng, South Korea. The telegram was quickly sent to the Supreme Command, and Lockheed Martin has always been an important place that South Korea has been observing.

"The Roma were defeated again. It seems that they still did not realize the threat of General Hannibal and the performance of their true combat effectiveness." Han Shu said, although they still don't know what is going on on the battlefield, they must be. Under such circumstances, the best way to defeat the Roma is to improve one's skills and use the overwhelming power of technical weapons to generate a great advantage, and to have such an advantage. They will be able to take military action to pose a great threat to the Loma people. The consequences of this threat are extremely serious. The Loma people may not know it, but now they know their situation very well.

"My lord, things like this have made it clear to us that the Roma people have encountered great difficulties, but under such circumstances, we should really give them some help, otherwise, when we provide them with assistance, They can't stand it on their own, and it will have great consequences." Han Shu said.

"Well, we can provide them with some of our old artillery. If necessary, provide some rapid-fire artillery so that they can see the power of the artillery. Besides, I think we should provide a certain amount of ammunition. If you do, you can temporarily narrow the gap between them, but how much the gap can be narrowed is not something we can solve." Han Shu said. The Koreans are trying to support the Loma people, but before the Loma people receive large-scale support, they must bear it on their own. If they surrender themselves, this is not a problem they can solve. Otherwise, this situation is really difficult to handle.

"My lord, do we let our navy participate in it?" Zhang Liang suggested at this time that on the one hand, it can achieve the purpose of promoting South Korean naval power, while also solving other problems, such as letting them The situation has changed a lot, giving Loma people some confidence. Thought of this. Han Shu nodded slightly in agreement, but the support they could give was very limited.

"Then give it a try, but the help we can give him is limited, and we still need to see the Loma people's own choices. If they cooperate with us, we can help them solve more problems, but they can't solve it. With such a difficult problem, it is also difficult for us to solve such a thing. After all, you know some things. Under such circumstances, it is still difficult for us to further solve such things." Han Shu said.

South Korea hopes that after two failures, the Roma people will be seriously aware of the danger of the problem, and then they can quickly take measures to loosen their bank restrictions, and at the same time, they need more help from the Koreans, Zhao Guoren Supporting Carthage gave the greater power, and the greater the threat posed by Hannibal, the more favorable the Koreans would become. This is the attitude of the Koreans, and it is also the thinking of the Koreans. They are eager to open up such a situation.

But the Loma people have now entered an important turning point. If they go wrong, there will be no whole Loma's successor. How the Loma people will choose is a serious choice.

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