Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The Loma people ran for their new dictator, a man named Fabian. I heard that this post is the highest level post." Meng Yi said.

"Well, I know this, but what I am worried about is that even after the Loma had elected their dictator, they would not be able to face the crazy attack of the Carthaginian army in time. Their situation will be much more complicated than we thought. ." Shang Wen said.

"Well, but I think the main problem lies in the finances and taxes. If this matter can be solved well, I believe that the problem is not very big. After all, many things depend on their fiscal taxes." Meng Yi Speaking of.

"Loma is still an agricultural country. They are not an industrial country. They cannot produce a huge output value. Because of their output value problems, they have directly caused a big problem in their financial situation. Under such conditions, the only thing The way is to improve their new economic pillars as much as possible, such as industry and commerce." Shang Wen suggested.

"This requires them to carry out comprehensive reforms, and such reforms may have great far-reaching significance." Meng Yi said.

Lockheed Martin’s problem is no longer a simple fiscal and taxation problem, because everyone understands that the war wants to be resolved quickly, and it is an inevitable problem to solve fiscal problems, and fiscal needs to borrow money, how to return the borrowed money, if according to their current From the perspective of the financial situation, it takes more time. If they save more time to repay these bonds, this is what they have to do. After all, war will consume more of their fiscal revenue in the coming years to achieve this point. If they can't do this, then everything will cause greater passivity. This is the situation they are currently experiencing.

As for how the Loma people reform, this is not a matter for Shangwen and Meng Yi to resolve. There are still many things they need to solve.

Central Italy. The Carthage expeditionary army became even more frantic. They were like a group of hungry wolves looting the Roma farms at once. Not only did they rob and kill, they also found it very exciting to set fire to them. The billowing smoke made many soldiers hysterical and crazy.

Li Wei watched this tragic scene happen, and the Gauls looked at the heads of the Roma with no mercy. They even kicked each other's head away, and if they were crazy enough, they would be kicked by the other's head as a kick.

"I think we should prevent such things from happening. Once such things happen too much, it will be difficult to stop." Li Wei persuaded again. He believes that the most important thing for an army is to have more good military discipline. If military discipline is not done well, nothing can be done.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this, you know, we haven't paid them military pay for months. With interest, and our promise to them, if I can't do this, things will happen in the future. It will be difficult to get used to it, I'm sorry." Hannibal said.

"I think you were kidnapped by them." Li Wei said.

"They tie you to a tank that has been consistently earning high profits. If the tank suddenly becomes unstable, they will disintegrate and become even weaker." Li Wei said. To.

"I think so too." Hannibal admitted this honestly. He didn't deny the occurrence of this situation, and he would not refuse such a thing to happen, because everything is an inevitable result.

"Okay. This topic is too heavy. I think we should say something else, for example, we can talk about the dictator." Hannibal said.

"I know that Fabian is an old man who is slow and steady, doing things extremely calmly. I don't know what kind of results such a person will bring to Lockheed Martin. But I know, if they can solve this problem In terms of things, it may be possible to reach such a point." Hannibal said disapprovingly.

"From the perspective of the character of the military commander, I think the situation is a bit bad, we can analyze it carefully." Li Wei said.

"We have already won several wars in succession. Under such circumstances, what we can do is very limited. You know this." Li Wei said.

"But our victories are based on risk every time, that is, our danger level is quite high, but the question is, have you seen it?" Li Wei said.

"The Loma people are learning their lessons, and many of them are actively paying attention to the changes in this situation. The Loma people are changing, and they have chosen a more secure person who will not make mistakes, or is He made too few mistakes. It is difficult for us to catch each other, do you know what I mean?" Li Wei asked.

"You mean?" Hannibal asked.

"Yes, the other party has no mistakes, or there are few, which gives us very few opportunities. Once the rhythm of the war suddenly falls to the level of the situation between the two sides, the result can be imagined. Our rhythm will be Falling into the same rhythm as them, under such circumstances, it is almost difficult for us to proceed. This will be a huge disaster for us." Li Wei said cautiously.

Hannibal did not give any answer. This possibility is very high. In his impression, he remembered Fabian as an old man. He felt very stable. Just think of one. People, he will not do too many complicated and dangerous things. The previous commanders all have more or less various malpractices. This malpractice directly leads to the occurrence of a situation, and these conditions This gave him a great opportunity for combat, but now, this combat opportunity is getting smaller and weaker, which directly affects Hannibal's combat. Such a situation would cause great instability to Hannibal.

This is a brand-new crisis, because he can't catch the fighters, it is difficult to speak up, and it will inevitably lead to a bad situation.

In Rome, Fabian is trying to borrow money from the Bank of Korea to relieve Lockheed Martin’s extremely serious financial crisis. However, this move was met with collective opposition from the Senate. Under pressure, Fabian chose another way to solve this problem. The question, this question is. He chose a compromise plan. He reluctantly obtained agreement to obtain a part of the loan from the Bank of Korea, and this part of the loan was within the financial capacity of Lockheed Martin and could be repaid in the future. Because Fabian needs to strengthen their fortifications, it seems difficult to complete such a defense under the current situation. They need barbed wire, dig a lot of trenches, and most importantly, artillery. They need a lot of artillery. Without artillery, they will It is difficult to complete such a military deployment because it will require more power.

In Fabian’s villa, Fabian put the brewed tea aside. He wanted to take a break. He felt very tired. He had never been so tired before. When working, he still couldn't feel such a situation. But after the work is over, he has to face this and other situation positively.

"Oh. It's coming." Fabian said when he saw Zhang Jun's arrival.

"My policy is to stabilize the current situation and bring down Hannibal." Fabian said while lying down.

"We have studied this strategy and it is correct, but the problem is that the current situation may be unfavorable and you will personally suffer a greater loss of reputation." Zhang Jun said.

"My personal reputation is nothing. As long as Lockheed Martin's interests remain, I can solve all problems." Fabian said.

"No, I just analyze the problem from the current perspective. Although the strategy is correct, it does not meet the requirements of some people. According to the current election plan, they will not accept such a strategy. Moreover, this This strategy is somewhat passive and negative." Zhang Jun said.

"I know that it costs a lot to consume the enemy, and we have paid a lot of tragic casualties at this price. But we don't care about it, because we can do it." Fabian said.

"What I mean is that the people may oppose you, and after a period of time in the future, it may prove that your view is correct, but you still have to pay a heavy price." Zhang Jun said.

"I understand that if we want to solve it quickly, we need huge finances to support all our military operations, but the cost of such military operations is too great. In many cases, we cannot afford it. You know that such a situation has formed. What will happen next? Our situation is still difficult to change." Fabian said.

Fabian also has its own difficulties. The Senate also has its own bottom line. This bottom line is that Lockheed Martin cannot be put into bankruptcy, but if you want to solve the war problem quickly, you must put Lockheed into bankruptcy. go with. This is to achieve the so-called unbreakable situation. The response to this situation will create a great sense of pressure. Faced with such a sense of pressure, all veterans are unwilling to face it.

"But the Senate will not agree to our plan, which will inevitably affect our next military operations, unless we can have a military operation to solve our financial crisis." Fabian shook his head and said, such a cyclical rhythm, let He became elusive. Finally had to give up such a thing. This is the problem becomes more complicated and will not be solved.

Zhang Jun looked at Fabian. He felt that Lockheed Martin needed such courage. Without such courage, it would be difficult for them to solve this kind of thing.

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