The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3998: Navy development ideas

On the Mediterranean sea, the Zhao Guo destroyer and the Yang are on their way back to Debit. The task is extremely easy, which makes the sailors feel very relaxed, they rarely stand on the deck and enjoy the Mediterranean sun. This will keep them comfortable.

"There is only one destroyer, which is really inconvenient." Yang Jia said helplessly. Yes, their ammunition reserves were not large, and the continuous bombardment made their attack effect very bad.

"Our next stage is mainly to intercept passing ships, bombard areas where ships are concentrated, or destroy port facilities, but most of them are wooden ships, and the meaning of destruction is not great." Yang Jia said helplessly. .

"Well, sir, I think we can transform some merchant ships into armed merchant ships and allow armed merchant ships to join in. In this way, the number of our ships and trade will increase. With sufficient benefits, armed merchant ships can also play a great role. It is very beneficial for us to have a large amount of damage." Zhao Hai suggested.

"This is a good idea." The other party nodded in agreement. In the absence of main battleships. It seems that there is only one way to do this. After all, such a thing still makes a lot of sense to them. This kind of thing can make their situation more favorable.

"Reporter sir, a large number of merchant ships are found ahead, do we move forward to attack?" At this moment, an officer reported.

"Prepare to attack." Yang Jia said excitedly.

"Wait sir, don't worry." Zhao Hai said excitedly at this time.

"Oh. What's wrong? Is there anything we can't do?" the other party asked.

"No, I think these merchant ships may belong to other countries, such as Carthage, or a Korean. If we rashly launch an offensive, we will be in trouble if we become passive in diplomatic relations." Zhao Hai suggested. .

"Well, it makes sense. Go and check it out. What kind of ship are they?" Yang Jia said cautiously. After all, diplomatic relations will become very complicated. His military rank is not enough to deal with such things.

Soon the battleship approached quickly, and they discovered that they were all in the unique Aiji Merchant Ship, which was unique because they were powered by a steam engine and a dual-purpose device for sailing. Because Loma has no coal, they use coal when they go, cross quickly, and use sails when they come back.

"They are all Aiji's ships, this should be able to attack?" Yang Jia looked at those Aiji's ships and said.

"No, sir, you can’t attack. They all seem to be Korean ships. Although they are Aiji people, in Aiji, many Aiji merchants are compradors. They rely on the power of Koreans. If we attack them Is attacking a Korean ship, which will also cause us a lot of trouble. The worst thing is that we don’t know what cargo is on board. If we attack the wrong thing, it will cause great trouble. If you get close to Thebes, you will be detained." Zhao Hai said.

"Oh. I see. They still have such operations. Forget it. Don't do this kind of thing." Yang Jia said.

These Aegis merchant ships are smuggling ships. They are all transport vessels organized by the Aegis Compradors, and some of them are transported by Korean speedboats, but after they have been transported for a certain distance, they retreat. It’s not that they gave little money, but that their fuel was very limited, and they couldn’t meet their **** mission at all. In this regard, the commander of the South Korean Mediterranean Fleet has dispatched larger warships to escort. Their safety has been strengthened a lot. For example, they bought some cannons on their own to deal with possible dangers. This may reduce their risk to a certain extent. In any case, the existence of cannons can still help some.

Qin State, Ministry of the Navy.

"The prime minister has agreed to build more warships, but we should have different views on what kind of warships to build. Let's talk about it." The Secretary of the Navy said at a small naval meeting.

"Sir, I think the warships we build should be large warships, which can increase our military deterrence." Naval Intelligence said.

"Yes, I agree with this." Other colleagues agreed. In comparison, the Qin State Navy is still weak. They only have two battleships that they have purchased and modified. Despite the relevant upgrades and transformations, the problem is that his combat effectiveness is still not very strong. In terms of other warships, such as cruisers and destroyers, they lag far behind other naval powers both in tonnage and in the number of warships, which is extremely detrimental to the State of Qin.

"But I think we should consider the role of the middle warship." The Navy Deputy Commander said at this time.

"Oh. Tell me?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Qin State has some special circumstances of its own. For example, our strategic focus is on the Americas, where the sea area is extremely vast. Therefore, we need warships with larger voyages and faster speeds. Although battleships have certain voyages and firepower, Advantages, but speed is not all of them. The sailing time is still a bit slow. The destroyers need to be resupplied before they can get there. This requires more logistical vessels to ensure that we can do this." Speaking of this, the Secretary of the Navy nodded in agreement with this view, because this view referred to the strategic focus of the Qin State and a series of current circumstances. Faced with such a situation, they still need to do a lot.

"This situation determines that we must have a mobile combat force. His main battleship may not need too much, but the mobility must exist. Perhaps we can make up for this defect in other aspects." The Navy Deputy Admiral suggested. To.

"Sir." Just then, a lieutenant colonel said.

"I think that our warships should be developed in a balanced way, instead of developing a focus like Zhao and South Korea. For example, Zhao's warships are very defensive and firepower. The Koreans are excellent in terms of speed, but their The protection ratio of warships is not too outstanding. They just achieved key protection. On the whole, it is still not very good. We can develop in a balanced way." Said the navy lieutenant colonel.

"Well, given the current technological development, I agree with this view." The Secretary of the Navy agreed. This kind of thing really needs to be handled in this way, because the people of Qin State imported a series of related warships from Zhao and South Korea for research. It is easy for them to come to relevant conclusions, but the question is, what are the things they need to solve at present? How can they do this.

"We don’t want warships to be too prominent, but we want them to have a certain level of performance that will not cause us a greater drag, so I don’t think it’s difficult. It’s easy for us to do this. However, it’s relatively easy to achieve this. In contrast, I think we still have a lot of things that we haven’t done well. For example, we still have quite a few warships that have not been upgraded in a certain sense, and that the development of technology, a certain kind of weapon will Being replaced by some future technologies, we should see this kind of upward space, and we should reserve a certain amount of space for them. After all, the Navy is a technical service." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded. The Minister of Navy visited the aircraft carrier of the Korean Navy during the three-nation naval ministerial meeting, as well as the submarine force and the speedboat force. Although the number of these units is relatively small, their tonnage is also very insignificant. However, the Secretary of the Navy believes that this diversified development often brings different development opportunities. Facing such an opportunity, they cannot rely solely on surface ships to solve problems. In the future, they must leave a lot of Otherwise, everything may cause major strategic disasters. Faced with such a situation, they must effectively solve such problems.

The Secretary of the Navy is thinking about it in this way. It has left a development opportunity. Otherwise, when the large warships are fully developed, they will suddenly find that they lack a weapon that can effectively deal with some special weapons of the other party, which will cause great disasters. .

The views and ideas of the Secretary of the Navy are far-sighted. This vision is bound to bring them great benefits. Obviously this benefit is obvious.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"The characteristics of the development of the Zhao Kingdom’s navy are small warships and medium warships, and we are developing some heavy warships, and the construction cycle is far too busy for the other side. If this is the case, it will create a great disadvantage for us. Although we are in an advantage in the future, this situation will continue." Han Shu said worriedly.

"The king meant to develop a special kind of warship? For example, a cruiser?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Yes, I think that cruisers can be mobilized in time, fast and with fierce firepower. Although there are some shortcomings in protection, these problems are not a problem at all from the view of the Mediterranean. At present, we do lack such a response. Ability, this is extremely unfair to us. We cannot solve problems like Zhao Guo." Han Shu said.

"The problem is that the Suez Canal has only so much transportation capacity?" Zhang Liang said helplessly.

"Let them think of ways to improve, so that our advantage will be even greater." Han Shu said.

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