The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4010: Support Zhao Guo.

Qin State, Xianyang, Admiralty. Most things in the future have a lot to do with maritime trade. Under such circumstances, Wang Jian gradually focused his work on the navy. After all, there will be more and more competitions around the navy in the future. In this regard, Qin seems to be a layman. Wang Jian believes that Shang Wen has a lot of foresight in major strategic decisions. He seems to have seen the great convenience brought by maritime development for a long time, and he does not seem to be interested in Qin's land expansion.

"Zhao people are paying attention to a focal point, and this focal point is Malta. What do you think of such a thing." Wang Jian was like a student in the Admiralty to ask such questions.

"Yes. Sir, it is Malta. According to the information we have collected, if the Zhao people occupy the island of Malta, they will control most of the Mediterranean. If there is another traffic point in the Mediterranean, Malta. His position will be very, very important, and he will directly lead to a change in the entire strategic situation.” The Secretary of the Navy demonstrated on the sand table. Wang Jian nodded after looking over it. It seemed that the people of Zhao had expected this situation a long time ago, and the island of Malta was the best point for them to seize.

"But I look at this island and it seems too lonely. It seems that such a lonely island is difficult to achieve strategic support. It must have mutual support from other regions. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to complete such a thing." Wang Jian Looked at the sand table and said so.

"Yes, if the situation in Spain is added, I think the problem will be resolved greatly, but Spain is still too far away. The best places are related locations in Italy and Sicily, otherwise. , A mere Malta does not mean much.” The Secretary of the Navy said of Austria. Malta is of course very important, but at the same time he also needs the support of other wings. Without such support, it will be difficult for them to accomplish such a thing. Under such a situation, they must need a problem that can be resolved as soon as possible. Solve this solution.

"Yeah." Wang Jian nodded and agreed with this view. But this still requires Zhao Guoren to make relevant plans. If their plan can be implemented accurately, the situation will become more favorable.

On the island of Malta, the Armed Merchant Ship Vaud quickly docked. They landed quickly and there was no counterattack on the entire coast of Malta.

"Brother, there seems to be no one on this island?" Li De said to his brother worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. Just rush up and get it. rush up and make a fortune. rush. rush." ​​Li Wu yelled frantically. The sailors of Aiji, the Carthaginians who just took refuge in, they seem to know the people on this island. The secret of wealth, their crazy impact, and their extremely heavy rapid-fire guns were all carried by a dozen of them to charge wildly. It seems that the power of wealth will stimulate them very much.

The destroyer "Young's". Yang Jia stood on the deck, they were ready to launch the final attack.

"Sir, look over there." At this moment, Zhao Hai ran over with a telescope nervously.

"What?" Yang Jia asked puzzlingly.

"Look at the chief over there, it seems to be ours, armed with a group of businessmen." Zhao Hai said excitedly.

"What?" Yang Jia excitedly picked up the telescope in his hand and looked at it. This look shocked him. It was really like that. An armed merchant ship relied on watching and quickly launched an offensive. It seemed that they didn't care about life or death. Indeed, they really didn't care about life or death. All they cared about was how to complete the command of the capture as soon as possible. Then robbed one's own belongings.

"I think that 80% of them are caused by desperadoes and some merchants who want money and don't want their lives." Zhao Hai put down the telescope in his hand and said.

"These **** businessmen, they know they will cause a lot of trouble for us." Yang Jia said angrily.

"Sir, it seems that we have to revise the plan. You see, when they landed, they did not receive a major attack. This shows that the Carthaginians have given up part of the defense fortress. If we shoot again, it will cause Waste on shells." Zhao Hai said.

"So, what do you mean?" Yang Jia asked.

"I mean, hurry up and land on the beach. We will attack from another point. If necessary, we will carry out artillery attacks and occupy a place. When we encounter places that need to be attacked, we will use red flare and signal flags to mark them. Currently only This method can be adopted. Otherwise, when Carthage saw that we were preparing to attack, they suddenly surrendered to the merchant's armed forces. In the end, we became helpers instead." Zhao Hai said, actually The next sentence from now on is that all the spoils of war will become theirs. Instead, they get nothing. This is the most tragic place, when I think of it. Yang Jia also has such concerns. After all, occupying the island is an honor, but the personal gain is their own. If this happens, their situation will be really bad.

"Quickly, log in, log in." Yang Jia shouted loudly. The soldiers quickly entered the landing position. If they were a little slower, they would lose a lot of loot.

The fact is indeed as they expected, the Carthaginians have actually given up resistance, and more people are no longer willing to participate in such things. In their view, their situation will suffer a larger scale of offensive loss operations. Under such circumstances, their operations will only become more frantic.

The Zhao State merchants' armed forces on the Wude were progressing very smoothly. They basically did not encounter much resistance along the way. Even if it was used, they used a rapid-fire gun. The attack quickly unfolded, and the opponent's defense instantly collapsed, and even the Carthaginians became excited, because they were all tempted by money.

The power of greed by money is really surprising.

Three hours later, the entire territory of the island of Malta was occupied by Zhao people. As for the treasury, property, and various trophies, the army and the merchant armed each took what they needed. As for who gets more and who gets less, there is no conclusion. After all, the entire island is robbed frantically. How much is robbed is his own business.

The news was quickly transmitted to the country via wireless telegram.

Zhao Guo, Handan, Zhao Jia's office. The Secretary of the Navy came in quietly, his steps were light, because he was so excited, he almost jumped up with excitement. This is the news of the Admiralty’s occupation of the island of Malta.

"Prime Minister, we have an important telegram to tell the Prime Minister you." The Secretary of the Navy said excitedly.

But when he saw that something was wrong, the Secretary of the Navy looked at the sitting economy, the Secretary of Finance, and the two seemed very sad. The Secretary of the Navy didn't know what was going on.

"Fa, what happened." The Secretary of the Navy's tone changed.

The Minister of Finance did not look up, just raised his eyelids and glanced at the other person, then stood up quietly, Zhao Jia's face was also ugly.

The Secretary of Finance took the Secretary of the Navy to a corner.

"Wang Zhao, died" said the Minister of Finance.

"Click." The Secretary of the Navy dropped the telegram to the ground, and he was also shocked when he heard such a news. He really didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing, he really didn't expect it, because the previous newspaper reported that Zhao Wang's body was still in good health, why, how could it disappear all at once. This is too unexpected. Although Zhao Wang's body was not as good as before, they were shocked when the news was actually reported. After all, this kind of thing far exceeded their imagination.

They had been prepared before, but things came too soon.

"I know what you want to say, but things came too fast, and we didn't figure out the situation. The prime minister was shocked when he heard the news, but now the prime minister is thinking about the problem, are we going to the palace? After all, this Times are very moments," said the Minister of Finance.

"I understand." The Secretary of the Navy nodded and said. The cabinet represents the interests of entrepreneurs and bankers, while the royal family only represents the interests of a small group of people. The palace is their base camp. Once the other party takes action, , It is easy to take at this time, but son Zhao Jia has no reason not to go, which is prone to accidents.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Wang Zhao, unexpectedly." Shang Wen didn't know the word mortal. He also didn't know what this meant, but it seemed to be a special term that had some relationship with death.

"Yes, even though something like this happened long ago, it still happened too suddenly." Meng Yi said.

"It seems that we can only send a special envoy." Shang Wen said this, he just treated it as a general diplomatic event.

"No, what I worry about is, Zhao Jia, the new King Zhao must be Zhao Qian. This has a legal basis, but the question is whether King Zhao will look for the other party to execute the other party. The stability of the State of Zhao is very important, after all. They are related to the development of the situation of the Goguryeo people." Meng Yi said.

"Well, let's let the other party go with them. In this way, the problem may be solved." Shang Wen said.

"Well. It seems that this is the only way to go now. After all, such a thing still needs to be solved for a large part of the matter." Meng Yi said.

"Should we support the State of Zhao?" Shang Wen asked, and Meng Yi nodded. A stable state of Zhao that can't be fooled is good for the State of Qin.

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