The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4149: Wu Tingbu Rebellion

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House. Meng Yi quickly entered Shangwen's office with a report.

"This is Koguryo's diplomatic report. We must deal with such a matter as soon as possible. If it is not handled properly, it will seriously affect the occurrence of a series of things after us. This is very serious for us. One of the things." Meng Yi handed a report to Shangwen as he said.

"What's the matter?" Shang Wen asked before opening the report to view it. He didn't know what would happen to Goguryeo, because the situation there was still better.

"Kidnapping, our Qin investor has been kidnapped. Not only our Qin, but also Koreans. At present, the Koreans have put pressure on them, and our diplomats have done so. However, the results received have not It's not very good, anyway, the situation has not yet reached our expectations." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded and said after reading the report quickly.

"The impact is indeed great. If the public security of Goguryeo drops a lot, it means that our public security situation will be greatly disadvantaged. Under such circumstances, many of our things are difficult to unfold. "Shang Wen said.

"Yes. The situation is not just these, there are more things. For example, some of our situations will be in a state that is difficult to deal with, and such a state will be difficult to proceed. Under such circumstances, many things Everyone will be in an unfavorable state, and the impact of investment will be very, very large. However, it is not enough for us to put pressure on it." Meng Yi said.

"I really don't know why the other party's law and order suddenly became so bad." Shang Wen said. Of course Shang Wen didn't know what happened in Goguryeo, but the impact of the kidnapping of Qin people was very bad, which would pose a great threat to the safety of Qin investors. This situation must be resolved.

"Do we have any good solutions?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"The best way is to let our police go, but they can only investigate the case, but they want to solve the problem completely. It also needs the Goguryeo people to come by themselves. They must pay attention to this. Otherwise, we are not too Good way." Meng Yi said.

"Well. I agree with you, that's it. We can let them do such a thing, what do you think?" Shang Wen asked.

"Well, yes, Goguryeo's law and order?" Meng Yi asked.

"We should trust them, they will solve such problems by themselves. Because we have been pressured enough." Shang Wen said with a smile. If pressure continues to be put on the Goguryeo government, the Goguryeo government will definitely collapse. Moreover, for them, investment is very important. If such a thing happens, it will inevitably turn their investment into pornography, in order to avoid this happening. The only way is to solve such problems as quickly as possible, although there will be great difficulties. However, this is the best way to solve the problem.

Goguryeo, in the Prime Minister's Office.

"I don't care what happens or what the price will be. In short, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible. Otherwise, our situation will be extremely disadvantaged. The people of Qin and the Koreans have been constantly We have been protested diplomatically. If we can’t solve this problem, in the end, what we will lose is our own financial strength, no matter what? All the police forces must be mobilized. Both gangsters and gangsters will be caught, not enough. If you want to mobilize the army, you must solve all these things. You know?" Li Lin shouted loudly. Although catching thieves is a matter for the security department, especially the police department, letting the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs listen to it is obviously a matter of paying more attention to it.

The situation started everything in an instant. The occurrence of the kidnapping incident has had a very bad political impact. This impact is that a large number of foreign funds feel that their own security has been greatly threatened. Under such circumstances, they decided to take prompt measures to solve the problem. As for how long the problem will be solved, this is not something they can figure out.

On the streets of Goguryeo, a large number of police forces were mobilized for a while. The Goguryeo people in Heitucheng also felt panic. They had never encountered such a thing. This is a difficult situation for them to resolve.

Persia. National Army Headquarters. It was night here, but it was still brightly lit. The battle on the front line is not going smoothly. The third line of defense barely defended. This is the last line of defense. Once it is broken, nothing can be done. This means that all conditions will have a huge impact. Under such conditions, everything will be in an unfavorable situation. No one knows what the situation is, but they can be sure. The thing is that the National Army government will collapse. Korean bankers don't want to see such a situation, but this situation has affected the trend of their bond prices and fell. There has been a significant decline, and they must stabilize this last line of defense.

"Have you been defensive?" Tupley asked Li Pu worriedly.

"Sir, we have transferred two key infantry regiments. They have played their due role, plus the reduced strength. The Persian warlords have no strength to attack again. The situation has stabilized." Li Pu is confident. Speaking of.

"It's just that if we do this, our counteroffensive force." Li Pu said worriedly. He has always emphasized counter-offensive and counter-offensive among the officers of the Persian National Army. He may be the only officer who emphasizes counter-offensive among all current officers. Because they have just defended their defense, it is just a joke to start the offense at this time. So, for Li Pu. He has to carry out such a thing under great pressure.

"Forget it. The counter-offensive matter, and then consider, the most important thing for us at present is to stabilize the current situation as soon as possible. This situation produces a lot of pressure on us. Faced with such a pressure, it will constitute us. It's a very big threat. We can't do such a thing, and this situation will be completed as soon as possible." Tupley said.

"Yes, humble job, understand." Li Pu said helplessly. Hearing this, he felt that the other party might not give up counterattack. Because the Persian National Army simply cannot mobilize more troops to carry out such tasks. This is a matter of great pressure. Faced with such pressure, they will also become very uncomfortable.

"Does the Korean flying team affect the results?" Tupley didn't want to be entangled in this issue, and their exhausted heart already made them no longer want to entangle in this issue. This question is too tiring. Too tired. Tired he couldn't make many changes in things, and because of this, he began to become uncontrollable. He wants to divert this annoying problem through other topics.

"Sir, the impact is not very big. After all, they are just shooting some important targets and the army. The impact may not be very big." Li Pu said. The report of the Koreans also said the same. They only attacked some company-sized troops and bombed some artillery positions and logistic material centers, but the effect of the bombing was not very good. They believe that the destructive power is only 15%, and the damage effect is not too great.

"Oh. I see. You guys get ready to go." Tupley said, waving his arms. His hopes were dashed. I originally thought that the appearance of the air force could greatly affect the opponent's offense, but I didn't expect that such a situation would arise. Faced with such a situation, this made their situation difficult to resolve.

"Yes, sir." Li Pu said helplessly. Then left here, the situation on the front line was very unfavorable. This has greatly affected their military operations.

"Sir. Emergency. Emergency." At this moment, a staff officer came in with a telegram and said. He didn't even report. Obviously the content of intelligence is very, very important.

"Puzzling, it's not good to panic like this." Tupley criticized harshly.

"Yes. Sir." When the staff officer saw Tupley who was angry, he stood respectfully.

"Okay. I know you are also difficult to suppress. But such things will affect our decision-making." Tupley said helplessly. Then he asked someone to bring the telegram in his hand.

"Sir, according to our intelligence, the Truth warlord, Wu Tingbu has rebelled. They think it is their commander-in-chief who has weakened them too much. Therefore, they expressed their willingness to accept our adaptation. They have more than 20,000 troops. , Can be organized into an army, in this way, the strength of our army can be increased a lot.” The staff officer said.

"Yeah." Tupley trembled with one hand. Li Pu saw it with his own eyes, and he knew that this news was very good news for them. It is quite normal for Tuple to have such a reaction.

"Very good, what do you guys think?" Tupley asked. In fact, he is exercising restraint, restraint, if not for his own restraint, he can jump right now. Solve everything.

"This, we think, we have to give them the greatest support." The staff officer said.

"Well. Support is to be given, but things must be understood. Let the Koreans know the news first and find out what is going on as soon as possible. We must seize this opportunity." Tupley said.

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