Loma, inside the Carthage barracks. Hannibal is thinking about a major event, which has a lot to do with the current situation, for example, how to end this **** war, you know, this **** war has been going on for a long, long time. But the Loma didn't mean to surrender at all. If you don’t surrender, even if the two sides are tied, Hannibal hopes to quickly withdraw from such a place. After all, such a place is not good for him, and many things still cannot be solved by him. Thing.

Hannibal wanted to withdraw from this war.

"The latest telegram?" Li Wei rushed in and said.

"Oh. What is it, selling artillery? We have no money, and no more money to buy warships. You know, the Senate transferred the troops originally given to me. I went to the south." Hannibal was helpless. Speaking of. He said this to the other party.

In the past period of time, Li Wei received a lot of telegrams. The War Department, the Department of Defense Weapons Bureau, the Navy Department, the Navy Department Weapons Bureau, etc., these departments are sending inquiries or selling weapons, which makes Hannibal He was very disgusted, so he would not accept such telegrams. After all, he himself knows his situation very well. There is not enough money to solve this kind of thing, which will put his situation in an extremely unfavorable state. Under such a situation, it is obviously not to solve this kind of thing. May make them better.

"No. No, it's a telegram from Spain, just sent from Handan, Zhao State. Scipio. A general Loma named Scipio killed the new Carthaginians. The exact number of troops is still unclear. This is news from South Korea." Li Wei said with a telegram.

"Bang." Hannibal knocked off the water glass in his hand.

"This, it's not possible. There are more than 10,000 people there, and they will be well stationed there. How could such a thing happen?" Hannibal said incredulously. This may be the worst situation he has heard.

"We don't know exactly what kind of situation it is, but there is one thing we can be sure of, that is, the situation has developed to a point where it is difficult for us to resolve it." Li Wei said.

"You have noticed such a situation. Under such a situation, if it cannot be reversed in time, Spain will completely collapse. Before we can completely defeat the Roma, the situation will first be unfavorable for us, and we must change. Some things." Li Wei said.

"I don't know why the Zhao State Army, Navy, and Defense Department told you such a thing." Li Wei said that he combined a large number of weapons sales orders and the situation in Spain, but To be sure, Hannibal must change the current situation because the situation is already very bad.

"You mean that we are going to buy a lot of these weapons to solve such things, right?" Hannibal said.

"Yes, the situation is already sufficient to our detriment. If this continues, our situation will continue to deteriorate. We cannot guarantee that the military forces in Spain will be able to regain such a place. For us, Most of them are impossible to achieve. At the same time, we must also oppress the Roma people as soon as possible and let them accept our terms. We can't go on like this. In this way, all situations will be put into an unfavorable state." Li Wei saw that the situation was not good. Hannibal did not have a single-handed general, and the general Loma named Scipio was obviously able to do this, and he was able to solve most of the problems. In contrast, Hannibal's situation is very pessimistic. Their generals there obviously cannot cope with such a situation, which will make their situation even more unfavorable. Under such a situation, if there is no such general to maintain such a situation, the result will be What, everyone can clearly mean this point.

"I see." Hannibal thought for a while and said.

"Do you have any good way to solve this kind of thing?" Hannibal put down the pencil in his hand. He looked nervous, even he didn't know where to put his hand. This puts him in a very unfavorable state, which obviously can't handle such things well.

"The only way is to establish a navy and cut off Scipia's supplies from the sea. However, this situation may not have a great effect, and the establishment of the navy will cost more money. But I think from the perspective of our need for the navy. Such a thing, you know. We need a port, we can't solve anything without a port." Li Wei said.

Hannibal thought about this matter carefully. The fact that Scipio attacked Spain and laid down a new Carthage made him feel unprecedented pressure. This pressure caused them to not be able to solve such a matter well. This situation is very depressing.

"We have the navy to cut off their maritime supplies. What I am worried about is that Lockheed Martin will provide a large number of soldiers if he knows such news. If this is the case, we cannot concentrate on solving Lockheed’s affairs, but with the navy we can carry out fast At the same time, it can land and fight in Spain. This can avoid this situation. The most important thing is that the navy can have large artillery to bombard the opponent’s fortifications. If necessary, we can bombard the city and destroy the new Carthage." Li Wei said solemnly.

"No money, how to solve this problem." Hannibal said about the problem.

"As for borrowing money, as for weapons, we can rent them. If the weapons are good, we can return them to the other party. What we spend is only some rent, but if we lose money, we can buy them. As for money, we can borrow money." Li Wei said so.

"The elders won't agree," Hannibal said.

"If they don't agree to do this, they must accept the failure of the entire war. If they are willing to accept it, they can consider doing so." Li Wei said. Hannibal's biggest problem is that he doesn't get the most support. And the situation fell into disaster.

Li Wei knows that building a navy is difficult, but it is even more difficult without a navy. This situation is already very obvious. If they continue to hesitate in this way, the entire war will really be based on the failure of Carthage.

"Well, I agree with you. We are trying to build a navy, and we can borrow money." Hannibal said.

"Who should we borrow money from?" Hannibal suddenly asked such a question.

"Zhao Guo, only Zhao Guo." Li Wei said.

"Well, well, that's all there is to it," Hannibal said. Li Wei went to send a telegram as he spoke. He knew that such a thing was resolved. But it is still difficult to solve such a thing completely, because the cost of the war will be greater. With the current Carthage’s economy, it is difficult to support such a huge expenditure. The war will become more and more serious. A situation beyond everyone's control is coming.

But there is no way, the Central Plains countries are involved, making the situation more and more complicated.

Qingcheng, South Korea. Bond trading center.

"Damn it, what happened. Damn it, how did Persia go up. What happened? Can anyone explain?" a South Korean investor asked.

"I don’t know. We don’t know what happened. But someone must buy on a large scale. Otherwise, things like this won’t happen. Under such circumstances, many things will become abnormal. Damn me. I think I should go long and buy some," said another investor.

"What?" The people who traded on the floor didn't know what was going on. But what they know is that now is the time to buy on a large scale. Because of this situation, it is extremely beneficial to them.

"Bonds are rising. Under such circumstances, what else can we worry about? So, we can do things like this. No matter what, we should boldly buy in. In this case, our situation will make money. . Whether it’s right or not, it’s right to make money.” Many people say this.

In this way, the market blindly followed suit again. In their view, as long as they make money, they don't care what happens in the market. None of this has much to do with them. In this way, a large amount of money was bought into Persian war bonds again. You must know that this kind of bonds has tended to become a kind of waste paper before. Many people think that they will lose value. However, I don’t know why the Persian bonds went up suddenly. Up. This is far beyond their expectations. As for the reason, the market will explain it later, but not now, what they need to do now. Concentrate all the large amounts of funds. Buy and make money.

The reason why Persian War Bonds rose because they suddenly discovered that there was a new buyer for so many bonds. These buyers are Persians. The government issued new paper money. Paper money and bonds can be linked. Suddenly many people discovered that bonds can increase their wealth. This is a benefit of issuing paper money. Although gold and silver can increase their wealth, it is relatively In contrast, their wealth has not increased enough. So in this situation, many things can still be changed.

This is the reason why Persian bonds have risen, but no one has accounted for these things. What they see is the fact that rise, go long, rise is a good thing, because they have money to make, as for other things, what **** things happen, this It's not their business.

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