"Persevere, must persevere." Rockenf said before taking the phone in his hand. The staff had been reduced by half, and Rockenf organized them into a squad of officers and put them into combat operations. His guard battalion had been dispersed. There are no reinforcements.

"If the sir continues like this, our situation will not be able to proceed further." The staff officer said worriedly.

"I know. But we have to persevere. This is the first wave of offensive operations. I know the situation is a little different, so in this case, the only thing we can do. We can only withstand the first wave of the enemy's offensive." Luo Kenff said so.

In order to withstand this wave of frenzied attacks by the rebels, they invested in the final reserve team.

"Sir. Report from the forward positions. The offensive enemies on all fronts have withdrawn from the battle." said a staff officer.

"How many people are there?" Rockenf asked.

"Preliminary statistics of casualty reports show that at least half of our division's casualties are reported." The staff officer reported.

"That's good. Very good. It's done very well." Rockenf sat on the ammunition box. The staff then began to prepare reports to report to the headquarters, and the cost they spent was too great. Can you continue to fight under such circumstances? They also don’t know whether such a price is appropriate.

"Sir. The Korean Air Force has already taken off. They flew to the enemy's head and began to shoot and attack. But how long it can last depends on the determination of the officer above." The communications staff reported.

"Well, I know. The current situation will still be extremely beneficial to us. The ground forces, I want to know how the ground forces are doing. Under such circumstances, how should the situation resolve such things." Rockenf Speaking of this.

"There are already two infantry divisions approaching, but they are at least two days away from us. It is impossible for our people to hold on for such a long time, sir, we need to deal with such a situation as soon as possible. Otherwise. , It is difficult for us to solve such a thing." The staff officer said.

"I see. Establish a few more lines of defense in the rear, and you can retreat to the second and third lines of defense." Rockenf said.

"Tell the troops that you must stick to it, you must stick to it. Nothing but." Rockenf said firmly. The staff nodded helplessly and left here. This is for them. This is a huge test.

Headquarters of the Persian National Army.

"Issued a commendation order to the Rockenf Infantry Division to encourage their military action. At the same time, promote the Rockenf Infantry Division to the Infantry Army, and Rockenf as the commander. Not only that, but also to supplement their troops and tell them, How many troops they light up, I will give ten times, a hundred times more, so that they must stick to it." Tupley said.

"Sir, do you issue a quick attack order to the supporting troops? The pressure they can bear is too much." Li Pu suggested.

"Yeah. Fast offense. In addition, let the armored vehicle unit start the offensive. In this case, they will solve the problem. That's it. Let them do it." Tupley also took the armored vehicle unit that he had just retired. Must be invested in it. The situation must be effectively controlled. Only in this way can their situation become more favorable.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"Listen to this." Meng Yi turned on the radio, and Shang Wen listened to the message transmitted by the radio.

"I know that the State of Qin is entering a period of rapid development. In the past period of development, the results have far exceeded that of any period in the State of Qin. It can be said that the contribution made by Prime Minister Shang Wen is huge. I appreciate it very much. As for the future post of prime minister, I think I cannot surpass this kind of height, this kind of height is too high. But I can only make some appropriate adjustments??????. "Feng Quji said so on the radio.

"What do you mean?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"This altitude puts Qin at the best stage in its history. Judging from recent charts and analysis such as curves. Our situation does not seem to be that good. Therefore, under such circumstances, our situation is very good. It's not good." Meng Yi said.

"In other words, Qin's development will experience a phased decline in the next stage, right?" Shang Wen said.

"Yes, you know, I am worried about such things. This is simply a disaster for us. Under such circumstances, what we can do. It is already very unfavorable." Meng Yi said To.

"Do you know how the outside world analyzes the next prime minister?" Meng Yi said.

"I don't know." Shang Wen said, shaking his head.

"They believe that it takes at least two prime ministers to get out of your shadow. Because this height is too high. The impact is great. Therefore, for a prime minister of their generation, it is difficult to get out of such a huge impact." Meng Yi said so.

"Haha." Shang Wen smiled slightly.

"We have developed the State of Qin on such a basis. This is for us. This will have a great impact. To what extent will such an impact last. This is a huge impact for us. Challenge." Shang Wen said.

"But these things are not what we have to do." Shang Wen said. Because of Shangwen's outstanding governance. Qin's economy has continued to rise in the past period of time. Qin has experienced the fastest development in a historical period. This height is difficult for many people to surpass in a relatively short period of time, and it may decline. This is for successors. This is extremely unfair. Faced with such a situation. Many people feel that they should continue to let such a situation develop.

But their successors have found it difficult to continue to develop at such a high level. They need a buffer and an accumulation, which will inevitably lead to the pressure of economic downturn. Under such circumstances, the pressure of the next prime minister is very huge. It can be said that no one has such an ability to make their situation into a situation with Afo.

No one, and it is precisely this kind of height that makes all Qin people feel that it is difficult to surpass. Once they leave such a helm, will they still have this kind of development motivation? This will allow their situation to continue.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"It's no longer possible for the elderly Feng Quji to take on such an important task as Qin's prime minister. If he assumes such a prime minister's post, I think Qin's economy will definitely decline." Han Shu said.

"My lord, this is not a certainty, but a certainty, because in Qin and the whole world, it is no longer possible to find out the important task of Prime Minister Shang Wen to develop such a situation. Because no one can deal with such a situation. Under such circumstances, many things will become difficult to deal with. This is not only a development for us, but also an impact on us." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. You are right." Han Shu nodded and said.

"This is a very high, very high height. Such a height will make us feel terrified. No one has the ability to reach such a height. We have risen to such a height under the influence of such a high height. If the State of Qin ceases to rise in this way in the future, will we also fall back suddenly." Han Shu said.

"This is certain. The economy may be in a temporary decline. In this way, many things are difficult to deal with." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. This kind of thing will come sooner or later, just like the moon, round and lacking, this kind of thing, this is something we can't solve. Under such a situation, what can we solve?" Han Shu said. Asked.

"The time to come will come sooner or later, we can only respond like this." Han Shu said.

"In the Indian side, although there is no danger for the time being, the situation is developing too chaotically and suddenly. Although this is an accident, we must not treat it as an accident. At present, we have too many forces concentrated in Persia and the Mediterranean. . If something unexpected happens there, it will have a great impact on us, and we absolutely cannot happen to this kind of thing.” Han Shu said.

“This, I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult. It seems difficult to rely on the local army to accomplish such a thing. We may also need to mobilize some garrisons to get there. After all, once a situation arises there, it will have a great impact on us.” Zhang Liang thought. I wanted to say so.

"Yeah." Han Shu hummed and thought for a while. She felt like doing it.

"Okay. How many troops are needed? I can only give six infantry regiments troops to solve this problem." Han Shu said.

"I think it should be enough." Zhang Liang said.

"If this is the case, mobilize the infantry regiment nearby and gather there in the name of training exercises. In addition, some local troops will also begin relevant training and assembly. Under such conditions, it will be possible to solve such problems. Become advantageous." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, that's it. The key is that our military strength is still insufficient, and we cannot conduct large-scale conscription. If necessary, we still need some more mercenaries to solve such things. If the military expenditure is too high, The impact on the economy will be even greater. In that case, disasters will come early, and we can’t do this. This kind of thing must be done in moderation.” Han Shu said.

"Yes. King." Zhang Liang nodded and agreed. He knew that this was all meant, which meant that they would be under greater pressure. In order to avoid the financial crisis caused by the war, they had to make some prudent choices. In this situation. This can only be done.

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