The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4669: Cooperate with Chu people

Gaul Foreign Trade Zone.

This is an area negotiated by the Roma and Gaul. In this area, there are no tariffs and people can trade freely here, of course. When finally leaving, there will be some stamp taxes on ticketing, and the number ratio is not very high. Such a low tax policy has attracted Gauls, Roma, Spanish businessmen, and more Aiji and Korean businessmen. Come here to trade.

"Gauls need a lot of things, weapons, knives, axes, iron pots, daily necessities, lamps, and even shoes. They also need them very much. We can only provide them with such things to meet their needs." Loma Said the businessman Sko. He was originally a bankrupt little businessman. He still owes a large sum of money to the bank, and he can't afford the money from the bank at all, and slavery is impossible. Loma abolished slavery. And he is a citizen of Loma, and the law protects his freedom in this respect, and finally they sent him to Sicily, Scipia. Maybe he can need such a person who can do business, so he represents the army of Loma Sicily. He came here to do business on the one hand, and the military also needs business. Instead of setting up a market here, it is better to directly participate in it. Every day there are warships and transport ships unloading cargo here, which then turns into a large amount of funds to support the development of the Loma army on Sicily. Sco's task is to operate here, make money, and do business as soon as the money comes. This is for the army, and the army is his backer.

I don’t know if it’s because he is running from time to time, relying on the army, he actually repaid the bank arrears. He is now at the beginning of zero. He has to accumulate a lot of money for himself, because only in this way can he develop rapidly. Become the most beneficial an important foundation. This is currently his most important point. This will have a great impact on him.

"And we can transport these things, Loma is producing these things, and the Gauls, they need such things, this is trade." Sco said. South Korean businessman Zhang Youcai came here to do some business. The market in Aiji is chaotic. He is a businessman who has nothing to do with Aiji. To do business in Aiji, you must have a military background. Unfortunately, many of his relatives are related to the military. It doesn’t matter. Some of them have only served as soldiers, they just served in the military normally, and in Aiji, the military can make a lot of money. The navy and the army there do this, because only with this They can only get the cheapest goods, and they can use the military background to transport them to Sila, Loma and Spain. There is no background and it is not easy to do business there. Zhang Youcai is very depressed because he has lost a lot of money. With this kind of money, he is very annoyed in such a situation, but there is no way he can. He must find a new market, otherwise, he will not be able to go back.

In a difficult situation, he organized a batch of goods and transported them to Sicily by bribing military personnel. Then, the local Loma soldiers received him very politely and arranged ships to be transported here. Zhang Youcai felt that the opportunity to make a fortune was here. As long as he does some things well here, he can make a fortune. He believes in this. Therefore, he is full of confidence in his performance. He even feels that many things can be carried out well. In such a situation, he is indeed very eager to develop. In this case, many of his things will become extremely beneficial.

"So, what do the Gauls use in exchange? I saw them using Roma banknotes and our won." Zhang Youcai asked. The Korean Won is a very strong currency. In the Mediterranean, there are only two types of Central Plains currency that circulates very quickly, one is Korean Won and the other is Zhao Won.

The Korean won is concentrated in the hands of the Roma and A few people. Of course, the Silas also use it, but most of them believe in gold coins and silver coins. Foreign banknotes are not used very much. Qin’s half and two coins have limited influence here, because Qin’s trade volume is relatively small, so Qin’s influence here is not much, which is why Shangwen has not participated in it all the time. Li Si always wanted to participate here, so he chose another way, actively constructing railways and influencing them through railways. His idea is great, but the cost of land transportation is relatively high. However, there are still more markets for channels.

"Timber, slaves. Or soldiers, do you see them? Those Gaul soldiers." Sko said and pointed to a recruiting station where there were a large number of people queuing, all Gaul fighters, they looked very strong. But also unruly. The Gauls are barbarians. They don’t have much currency. Not only that, but they also have some problems. For example, their products are very small and low-end, which puts them at the low-end of a scissors trade. In the region, there is no alternative, they can only sell some resources, such as a large amount of forest resources. But these simply cannot meet their needs. The only way is to sell their labor. And the lives of soldiers fighting.

"Those people come from some tribes. By serving as soldiers, we pay them. They can get paper money and buy the goods they need. This is very cost-effective. It is also one of the reasons why many tribes do this. Lockheed Martin needs a lot. Many soldiers rely solely on ourselves to supplement the vacancies of infantry. It is too limited. Moreover, Loma also needs to establish a navy. Many artillery units in the army need people. Those Gaul soldiers are the best infantry. We need them. "The other party explained. In this regard, he is very capable of accepting such a situation.

"Well, I understand. In this way, our situation can be improved to a greater extent, right?" Zhang Youcai said. This can be said to provide them with a greater convenience, because the Gauls themselves do not have much currency. If they cannot provide currency, their situation will be very bad.

"Yes, but none of these can greatly expand trade. This is still a big trouble for us. Under such circumstances, we still need great development, because only this way A development of the United States, a lot of our situation can get better.” Sco said. Because he is very clear that this is not a long-term effective method at all, because the number of soldiers required by the army is still extremely limited, and they still need to do all kinds of things by themselves. For them, this is a relatively big trouble.

"I think you can develop more resources. Many places rely on resource sales to achieve the purpose of making money. As long as we open factories, they can transport a lot of resources. For example, I think you can set up a The arsenal, in this case, can also meet your own needs." Zhang Youcai suggested. After doing this, he contacted the country to transport a set of outdated factory equipment. It would be more beneficial to do it here. Cheap labor may also have more resources. In this way, their situation will become much more advantageous.

"Well, I agree with this." Sco believes that this is the long-term effective solution to the problem.

Qin State, Xianyang, Yingyu can do nothing. Shangwen has actually become the actual helm of the bank. In addition to some riskier technology investments, Shangwen invested some funds in some other countries' fields. In this way, investment risks can be diversified to a greater extent. After all, they still need funds. For example, in Weiman's private gold mine, they need more gold to replenish their foreign exchange reserves. With a lot of money, he can re-develop new enterprises and steel enterprises can enter a greater degree. These are all very important to him, and if this is not done, it will cause him a lot of trouble. Such things are definitely not something they can easily deal with.

Shangwen has also seen some new reports. For example, investing in the country, the munitions factories there are very enthusiastic, many Qin State military factories have invested in them, and they occupy a large proportion, and the people are backdoor listed through the exchange of stocks. , Got some financial development, and these are all things Li Si did.

Li Si relied on military industrial enterprises and the support of the army to come to power. He naturally tilted these policies to military industrial enterprises. This is very important to him. He needs to give those companies some explanations, profits, and more development. Otherwise, no one is willing to support him as a prime minister. What he needs is such a result. Without such a result, he cannot do many things. To. This is what they need to do right now.

"Damn Li Si." Shang Wen said after reading a report quickly. The Parthians' military strength has been greatly developed, and they are armed with the heavy equipment of seven infantry divisions. In each infantry division, there is a heavy artillery regiment, which is equipped with 24 howitzers with a caliber of 150 mm. These howitzers can easily blow down the opponent’s field fortifications. Not only that, they are also equipped with aircraft and armored vehicles. These weapons are provided by the people of Qin, and the people of Qin are still helping the other side to produce, important steel companies, machinery The processing is done by the people of Qin.

This also shows. Why do the Anthians have the confidence to treat the Persians because they are not afraid of each other at all. They even feel that they have done a lot of things very well and beneficially. This is simply a disaster for the Persians.

In this way, the balance of regional armed forces was completely broken. But Qin's military industry companies are very excited, because they still have a large number of orders to support this, and their economic development has been greatly helped. The most important thing is that the people of Qin also imported a lot of cheap oil from the Shah, and the amount of oil is very large, more than three times the amount of oil imported by Qin before. This allows Qin to be completely independent of South Korea's oil imports.

This may explain a problem, and that is why Lee's attitude towards Koreans is so indifferent. The reason is that he doesn't care about this at all, and the basis for the Koreans to provide a lot of oil is gone. The people of Qin can fully meet their needs by importing the oil of the Shah people. This approach is very dangerous, because once the Shabbats cut off the oil supply, it will cause them a lot of trouble. In that case, the Qin State would completely limit the oil supply of the other party. But Li Si didn't care at all, because he got more things he wanted. As long as these things exist, his situation will be more developed. Li Si doesn't care about these at all, because he doesn't need to worry too much about many things.

This is simply a stupid behavior, but Shang Wen has no way, because this is the decision made by Li Si. Such a basis also determines the changes in Qin's foreign policy, and there is no alternative. In this regard, Shang Wen has no way.

Shang Wen can only think carefully about the investment of banks. He feels that the way out for banks in the future is to invest in technological innovation on the one hand. At this point, Shang Wen concentrates on investing in some mechanical computers, because there are already such things. The idea that the South Korean Navy is developing very fast, but when shooting. Especially when shooting large-caliber artillery, a large number of complex calculations are required. At the same time, various weapon tests also require such a large number of calculations. Computers seem to have the conditions for emergence. In fact, relevant researchers have proposed Theories in this area, as well as subject research. Shang Wen decided to invest in this area. This will allow them to occupy the technical commanding heights. In addition, it is the development of radio technology.

People need faster and more stable communication methods, and radio is still unstable. It seems that this problem is better, as for nuclear physics research. Shangwen didn't invest a lot. The reason is that the theory is not perfect enough, and it seems that Zhao Guo has made a big breakthrough in the state of exploration. The technical investment in aviation also needs to go on. But these are still unable to meet the investment needs.

Shangwen set his goal on Chu, and he hoped that Chu would be able to provide more investment convenience. In this case, their situation may become much more advantageous. This is the situation he hopes to see and the development potential of Chu. Very large, if there is no development in this area, it will become extremely difficult. This is what they need to see at present. Without such conditions, it would be more difficult to develop. This is what they want to notice.

The Chu market is indeed very large, but if you want to cooperate, you still need to see the attitude of the Chu people.

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