The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4686: Persia situation

Qin State, Prime Minister's Mansion, Li Si's office.

"Persia's railway orders are still increasing. This is a good thing." Li Si nodded after looking at the report submitted by his assistant. The Parthians still strengthened their combat readiness. Many railways were built for military purposes. The people of Qin are very clear about this, and Li Si also understands this, but Li Si needs this, because only by continuously expanding railway orders can he meet Li Si's needs like this and only in this way, their situation can be extremely improved. , This is where they are most advantageous at the moment.

"The prime minister, what I am worried about is that if they build so many railways, are they going to fight again?" the assistant said worriedly, because most of the documents sent were focused on such things. Under circumstances, many of their things can be done in such a situation, and if it were not for war, naturally such things would not happen.

"Regardless of them, even if they fight, they will not be involved in such issues. What we are concerned about is that the economic value brought by these military orders, there are still many places where Qin needs to make money at present, not only these. There are other places that we also need to look for. We can’t spend too much energy on a rest, but the rest have done better things for us, because they help us open more channels for us, as long as we By controlling such areas, most things can be solved." Li Si said.

"Prime Minister, the Ministry of National Defense has sent some reports. They believe that it should be necessary to strengthen the military force in the Western Regions. After all, the Anxi people have become a regional hegemon in the local area. How should Qin respond to such a hegemon? This is a question that Qin Guo must think carefully about at present, because if we can't handle such things well, it will cause us a lot of trouble as a result." The assistant said.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable. We should really pay attention to such things. Otherwise, we won't have such things." Li Si nodded and agreed.

Li Si is looking for a new military partner. In this case, a large number of military orders will arrive in their hands, which is extremely beneficial to them. Li Si was concerned about these issues, and for the others, he believed that there was not much necessary connection with Qin State, and Qin State naturally didn't need to care about it.

"However, we are creating more markets for them. What I know is that the Koreans and Chu people are carrying out so-called weapon assistance, and the assistance is small, and the number of weapons purchased subsequently will be very large. In such a Under this circumstance, what they want to do will naturally become much more advantageous. Such a thing should indeed be done by us." Li Si said. This question need not be too tangled.

State of Zhao, Handan, Prime Minister's Mansion.

Li Si of the Qin State can boldly sell some weapons and bring in more military orders, but Zhao Jia is unwilling to do so. The reason is that he does not want to cause greater war damage, but the problem is that the more Zhao Guo avoids it in this way Problems, but the more problems are inevitable. Because the times need them to do so.

"The Qin people have caused a very bad influence, especially in Persia and the Mediterranean. The influence of weapons is very large. The Koreans have caused a big weapon gap in the Mediterranean, especially in the navy. The Koreans Aircraft carriers were used in the Mediterranean, and Carthage did not have many good ways to deal with aircraft carriers, and we were also helpless.” The Minister of Defense said.

"In addition, the same is true in Persia. The Qin people exported a large amount of army equipment, from artillery, to armored vehicles, armored combat vehicles, and a large number of weapons and equipment have arrived there. This poses a great threat to Persia and regional force The balance has been broken. The two sides have been fighting in the border areas recently, and a large-scale war seems to be unavoidable." The Defense Minister said.

Zhao Jia didn't say a word, as if these were different from Zhao Guo. Zhao Jia felt that the State of Zhao must not enter a state of war, especially in these regional conflicts. They must not participate in them. Participating in them will cause them a lot of trouble. Such a situation is for them. , Very unfavorable.

"Seth also feels this kind of worry. If they can't effectively fight against the Parths, they will be invaded by the Parths. Therefore, they also need to upgrade their armaments and introduce related production lines. Use more armored combat vehicles on a large scale to deal with it." The Minister of Defense said.

Zhao Jia is still worried. But he did not express his opinion. His attitude towards war is still opposed. Because of this attitude, his situation is not too favorable.

"The Prime Minister, if we can get such an order, it will have a very great leading role for our military enterprises and other related enterprises. We need the help of such enterprises. This is for us. There are great benefits." The Minister of Economy persuaded.

"I understand what you mean, but this will have a great impact on Zhao's economic development. If Zhao is transferred to military production in large numbers, what will happen? This will cause us a great deal. Impact, such an impact is definitely not something we want to accomplish. Therefore, under such circumstances, we cannot do such a thing yet.” Zhao Jia said.

The Minister of Defense and the Minister of Economy looked at each other. They didn't say anything, because Zhao Jia had already decided things, they couldn't undo it at all. This will make Zhao Guo lose such orders for nothing. In the eyes of most cabinet ministers, Zhao Jia's performance was timid. It's no wonder that Zhao Wang would openly state in the newspaper that Zhao Jia lacks the courage that a prime minister should have. It's a coward. coward.

Zhao Jia does not need others to understand. In his opinion, he did this to avoid war, rather than doing some unfavorable things, many things, he believes that he has done a lot and there is nothing wrong with it. He did all these things correctly.

Although the cabinet did not understand it, they still felt it was a pity to see the large order lost in vain. After all, this can drive a lot of demand from Zhao, as well as production.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

A military factory specializing in the production of bullets.

"Prime Minister, at this time we have just introduced the production line, we are debugging, I think it will not take long before it can be quickly put into the market, which will be very beneficial to our development." The director said Introduced.

"Well, yes, you have to put into production as soon as possible. In the future, more military orders will come to us. Under such a situation, many of our things will become much more advantageous. This is the case now. The situation is really favorable for our development." Song Yi said.

The factory director is unlikely to know the decision of the Chu cabinet, but he can see some problems from many details. In the past, they produced bullets basically every day, and they would not produce more or less. Work started only a few hours, basically in a state of semi-stop.

But this time, the continuous operation of their factory was unable to meet the demand. In addition, they still had many things to do. For example, they had time to work overtime first, but they never worked overtime before, which directly led to The machine runs continuously, but even so, it is difficult to meet such a large demand, not only these, in his area, the situation they manufacture can not meet such a demand.

So they began to introduce new equipment, which meant that the factory had to do a lot of work. With such a little judgment, he was very clear. He knew that there was only one result of doing this, and that was that they developed as soon as possible and solved more In fact, only in this way can they properly handle such things.

Song Yi doesn’t care about what a small factory manager thinks. What he thinks is that these ammunition will be transported to peace as soon as possible. In addition to part of the aid, they also need to produce a large number of various weapons and prepare to sell them. Persian, but he doesn't know if the Persians need these things. Recently, he has also paid attention to the development of the situation in Persia. If there is a conflict in Persia, the demand for these weapons will become very large, but if there is no demand, it seems that their production is not very meaningful.

He has only one mind now. That is, the situation in Persia has become turbulent. In this way, the demand for arms can increase rapidly. Unfortunately, such an idea cannot be satisfied for him at once.

He doesn't know how to look at military issues, but what he wants to know is how many military orders they will get after Persia encounters a war. These have a lot to do with them.

Song Yi is concerned about this problem. The products produced by the military industry are one aspect, but they are sold at a good price. This is also a kind of art. Under such a situation, he will naturally get better. There are many development needs, so in such a middle-aged situation, they still need to do a lot.

After the inspection, Song Yi went to care about the situation in Persia. He wants to hear about the development of the local situation, whether there is a war, if there is, he will support the Persians without restriction, because the Persians will use oil for trade, or more trade.

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