The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 902: Prisoner of war pit

In the cruel street fighting. Discipline is no longer enough for soldiers to exert their maximum effectiveness. Because this kind of battle makes the soldiers see no hope. On the contrary, what the soldiers saw was that more and more people fell and then could never stand up.

What followed was just like what the Allied forces had discovered in clearing the prisoners of war confessions and cleaning the battlefield. The body of the militia was destroyed. Even after the opponent dies, the corpse must be chopped into several pieces for dismemberment. The revenge was so intense. Even the Allied soldiers who listened to the confession felt a trace of fear. Many women from the Yan Kingdom have also been insulted round after round, and the soldiers on both sides are at fault. Look at the evidence provided after engaging in it. But this is all after the battle is over.

Gunshots were everywhere in Yandu City, and explosions were heard from time to time. The fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce. There was fierce fighting everywhere in Yan. The railway station defended by Qin Jun and Zhao Jun has not been attacked by Qi Jun for the time being. On the way to the Qin concession area, the Qi army was hit hard. A bomb planted in advance killed many Qi army soldiers.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." Time has entered the night. But the battle outside the window continued. Shang Wen stood quietly by the window and looked down at the entire Yandu.

There was war everywhere, gunfire everywhere. The screams of the soldiers being hit can still be heard. Shang Wen looked at the war outside the window with some worry.

"What's wrong. War phobia again." Yingyu walked over from behind Shang Wen at this time.

"It's not fear. It's because I can't tell." Shang Wen's eyes looked out the window blankly.

"I don't know why you are so afraid of war." Yingyu said with a militant attitude.

"Fear of war. War is not a good thing, so many people have died, but I don't know why?" Shang Wen said worriedly.

"Boom." Just at this moment. The door knocked. No one knows what kind of mood this fashion essay will be like. Shangwen saw the war several times. The great power of the weapon made Shang Wen feel explosive. But when these weapons caused huge casualties. Shang Wen felt guilty for a while.

"Come in." Shang Wen helplessly let the knocker in.

"Sir." Entering is a civilian.

"Oh. God. Sir. Please leave the window immediately. There is a war going on here. Sir, you should take your own life into consideration." The civilian said immediately. He said that he pushed Shang Wen aside. Then quickly drew the curtains.

The curtains slowly closed. But the other end of the curtain. The war is still going on. No one can stop this.

In Qin's life. People are always inseparable from the topic of war. The Qin State's martial nature has made the people of the Qin State pay much more attention to war than anything.

"Broadcast the latest situation. A unit of our Qin army severely inflicted a slave riot in the north. Our army beheaded 30,000 enemy troops." In the Xianyang radio news. Qin State’s news broadcast broadcasts like this.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) The people of Qin State took to the streets one after another to express their congratulations to Qin Junxin's victory.

"Our army beheaded 30,000 people. Hahaha." The people of Qin State shouted so loudly. Then he shouted loudly while drinking, and congratulated loudly. People in Xianyang also set off firecrackers to celebrate. When bad news came from the north. The people of Qin State are very worried. Their meat prices have gone up. Now they heard that the front line had defeated the slave riot. In addition, the broadcast also used the word "beheading thirty thousand beheaded", which is no longer used frequently. This made the people of Qin State feel that victory is truly coming.

It was in Xianyang that the people warmly celebrated Qin's victory again. When the meat prices of the people in Xianyang of the Qin State were about to fall. The Qin Army's Third Division, which was urgently reinforced by the Northern Army of the Qin State, was having heated discussions about the prisoners.

"Report." An ensign officer of the Qin Army shouted while standing outside the tent.

"Come in." A lieutenant colonel's staff processed the documents in his hand impatiently.

"Report sir. This is the report of the prisoners of our Ninth Infantry Regiment." The ensign said with his head up high. The reinforcements of the Qin Army quickly rushed to the north under the rapid transportation of trains. They soon unfolded on the northern grasslands of Qin State. With the help of a well-developed transportation network system. They systematically wiped out large and small pastures all over the northern part of Qin. Those slave riots were unorganized. They were like locusts, where they went, grabbed them, and killed them. There is no purpose at all.

And their organization is very poor, often only a temporary boss, other people as soon as they can see that there is interest, they can quickly join. They ransacked pastures all over Qin State for looting activities. But it was this kind of unorganized nature that allowed Qin to use its limited military strength to concentrate and quickly solve it. Although all of them are brave, especially those Huns and Hu people slaves, they are very warlike. In hand-to-hand combat. Qin Jun is likely to be at a disadvantage. However, the Qin Army was able to quickly encircle him by relying on the huge advantages of his weapons.

The slaves were able to fight when they encountered the Qin army at first. But it will not take five minutes. In the face of the powerful offensive of the Qin army, it will quickly disintegrate, and then the cavalry will be dispatched. After wantonly beheading a slave. The slaves surrendered quickly. This is how the Qin Army captured a large number of slave prisoners of war.

"How many people?" the lieutenant colonel asked without raising his head.

"What?" The second lieutenant thought that the lieutenant colonel would ask curiously, but the lieutenant colonel appeared very unconcerned.

"I mean, how many people have you captured?" the lieutenant colonel asked impatiently.

"Oh." The ensign was disappointed. But continue to say.

"Nine thousand eight hundred and twelve people," the ensign said.

"So much. We don't have a place, and we don't have so much food for these slaves." The lieutenant colonel put aside his work at this time, stretched his waist and said.

"The more than 10,000 people sent by the 15th regiment yesterday have not eaten a bite of rice. We have killed more than a hundred people. They are just a little quieter. If we don't give them food again, I guess we have to kill them all. They can solve the problem of prisoners." The lieutenant colonel looked at the ensign and said.

The second lieutenant looked at the lieutenant colonel in surprise. He was very surprised when he heard the news. He did not expect that prisoners of war would become a disaster.

"Your regimental commander is also true. Wouldn't you kill all these slaves and prisoners of war?" said the lieutenant colonel.

"Learning from the 2nd Battalion of the 13th Regiment. They solved all the captured prisoners on the spot. Only the number of killed enemies was reported, not the number of prisoners," said the lieutenant colonel.

"In this way, you have solved a lot of trouble for us." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Report." A sergeant hurriedly shouted outside the report tent.

"What's the matter?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"Serious riots have occurred in the prisoner of war camp. We can't stop it." The sergeant said nervously.

"Damn it." As the lieutenant colonel said, he picked up his gun and walked out of the tent.

"You are causing us trouble." The lieutenant colonel said impatiently.

The second lieutenant watched the lieutenant colonel leave.

In the center of the Qin Army station, there is a huge natural dry lake. This lake can accumulate water in summer, and then several nearby rivers will divert part of the river water to form a huge lake during heavy rains. Said huge. Actually not. Because huge is relative. However, this dry lake has now become a place where a large number of prisoners of war are held.

Qin Jun surrounded the lake with several layers of barbed wire. Machine guns, searchlights, and some flares from time to time. Under the illumination of the flares. It was finally possible to see the densely packed slave captives under the dry lake. All the prisoners captured in the ambush were escorted here. They were thrown directly from the river bed. And those slaves couldn't climb up. The soldiers of the Qin Army can use bayonets to kill the slaves who try to climb up. The assassinated corpses were thrown directly into this huge "prisoner of war pit".

"What are they doing?" the lieutenant colonel asked with a whip.

"We just put in a little food, they had a serious looting." The captain on the side explained.

"Damn it. We throw grenades, they can't eat it or not," the lieutenant colonel asked.

"This." The captain beside him was speechless.

"Take a good look at these prisoners of war. Waiting for the order above." The lieutenant colonel looked at the densely packed prisoners of war. Said with a headache.

The Qin Army's Third Division was chattering about this issue.

"These slaves are our property. You cannot kill our property." said a local councillor representing local rights.

"But these slaves were thugs before. They burned your pastures and slaughtered your cattle and sheep. Some people lost their lives for this. Can these also be called property?" A major pointed out these slaves bluntly. It's a prisoner of war.

"But you can't solve them all on the spot," the local councillor of Nanotube protested.

"You have to use this method to treat thugs." The major insisted on his opinion.

The military was divided into two factions in dealing with prisoners of war. One faction wanted to protect these slaves. They believed that they should have a good relationship with the local ranchers so that they could make a fortune.

This is the idea of ​​the officers. They can take these captives as slaves. Sell ​​again. In this way, a considerable amount of foreign express income can be obtained. This income can be obtained from the slave ranchers. The rancher has a pasture in his hands. However, all their slaves rioted. Then the military can use this gap to make a fortune in the war.

The slave owners naturally knew this truth, but they would rather go to court to solve this matter than entangled with the officers. The two parties could not agree on a consensus due to price issues. This group of officers mainly want to make money.

And the other party. They are the officers with real power, but they are worried about the huge security risks brought by prisoners of war.

The Third Division currently has about 100,000 slaves and prisoners of war in its hands. These prisoners of war were all concentrated in that huge prisoner of war pit. But Qin Jun's surroundings are still unsafe. The number of slaves is about one million. The Qin army's strength is too limited. They cannot kill so many people. In order to deter each other, they need to take all extraordinary measures. Especially around them, there are still a large number of slaves still doing thug-like activities outside. If they accidentally kill someone. The Qin army will be defeated by the front and back attack.

Consider these issues. Tu Sui, the commander of the Third Division of the Qin Army. He was directly transferred from the observation team to the position of the division's commander. He decided to take extraordinary measures to solve this problem. His solution is. Kill. Kill all the slaves. In order to completely solve this big problem.

"They are thugs. For us, they are a huge safety hazard. We must solve this safety hazard." Tu Sui said at this time.

Everyone around calmed down and looked at the supreme commander.

"There are more than 100,000 prisoners of war, and we only have less than 12,000." Tu Sui's Third Division still has some units that did not follow up quickly, such as the medical guarantee unit. These units are all logistics units, and they have a lot of supplies. But Tu Sui's fighting force has already begun.

"The disparity in military strength is really too big. If it's not big, maybe I won't do it. But the problem is that this ratio is really too big. We don't know what's going on around us yet." Sui said firmly.

"The enemy's situation is unknown. Moreover, the order I have received is to quickly resolve the slave riots in the north. If we have these slaves, then we will spend more people to detain these prisoners of war. That point, we simply can't detain them. So many people live." Tu Sui analyzed.

"If it is released and given to the slave owners, who knows. Will these slaves continue to riot." Tu Sui said. And everyone around was watching his reaction.

"So, for the sake of Qin's safety. In order not to leave hidden dangers, all these slaves will be dealt with on the spot." Tu Sui announced the final plan. As he analyzed himself. If these prisoners of war are kept, it will inevitably bring huge security risks to the Qin State, and the Third Division is likely to be defeated by these slaves. In order not to let the opponent lose. He decided to start first. Kill all prisoners of war. To avoid future troubles.

"Everyone obeys the order." Tu Sui issued an order at this time.

The "" command is all ready under intense planning. A **** massacre began.

"Wow." A nervous troop mobilization sound came. A company's Qin army was mobilized.

"All stand at attention," a captain shouted loudly.

"In an uproar." There was a neatly standing voice.

"Everyone listens," the captain shouted loudly.

"The first row, the left wing screen, the second row, the center. The third row. The right wing. The mortar platoon is behind the screen," the captain ordered.

"Start action." The captain quickly issued an order.

"Wow!" After an order was given. Qin Jun quickly unfolded the order.

"Punch." There was a sound of flares hitting the sky. Under the illumination of the flares, the Qin army like this company was unfolding around the huge prisoner-of-war pit.

"Kacha." The base of the mortar was suddenly placed on the ground.

"Wow." Then, the artillery skillfully placed the barrel on it. They are waiting for the order to launch. A gunner has put the mortar in his hand.

The machine gunner has deployed the machine gun, ready to shoot. The bullet has been loaded.

"Sir. Do we need to think about it one last time?" the staff officer on the side asked.

"No." Tu Sui replied very firmly. He believes that this is of no use.

"We must do this." Tu Sui said.

"Yes, sir," the staff officer said.

"How are our troops preparing?" Tu Sui asked.

"There are still three minutes to open fire." The staff officer said from the side.

"Okay, wait a minute," Tu Sui said.

Actually this time. Qin Jun was already ready. All people are spending a period of restless and peaceful time nervously. What was not at peace was the heart of the soldiers of the Qin Army. They know what they are doing. And the calm is. It was so quiet in the last three minutes. It's so quiet that the world seems to have stopped.

"Puff puff puff." Three dull voices came. Three red flares flew into the sky.

"Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Pop." Then there was a burst of gunfire. The mortar shell flew out in a beautiful curve. It exploded in a huge prisoner of war pit. Large tracts of slaves were blown to death.

The machine gun can see beams of light flying out. Bullets shot at them frantically. More are rifles. Although the speed is slow, they can shoot without aiming.

"Puff puff puff." And behind the rifleman taking turns shooting with the rifle in his hand. Qin Jun arranged a large number of bombardiers to drop hand grenades, and some companies even prepared explosive packs. Items such as iron nails were wrapped in explosive bags and dropped directly into the pit of prisoners of war.

"Ah." There were a lot of screams from the prisoner's pit. Many slaves were hit by flying bullets, and the flying grenades directly killed them. Qin Jun's crazy behavior made these slaves only passively accept.

"Damn slave." Tu Sui took a binoculars and looked at everything that happened in the prisoner's pit with great interest. A large number of slaves were killed. A large piece of grenade exploded. The machine gun bullets knocked over the slaves in pieces.

"Yes. That's it. Kill all those slaves." Tu Sui looked at the massacre scene excitedly. A shell directly exploded a slave into pieces. Splashes of blood are flying everywhere. The slave was beaten to death by a five-point bullet. The internal organs flow everywhere. But Tu Sui didn't feel **** at all.

"Crazy man," the staff officer behind whispered. Because not only did Tu Sui watch with relish with the telescope, he actually shouted loudly. Can't wait to carry a machine gun on the slaves frantically.

"Be quiet," said another staff officer on the side.

"Commander Tu led a regiment to slaughter the Huns during his time as a colonel. The Huns were killed at that time. There were corpses everywhere in this gully, and the corpses filled the gully. That blood flow. Yes, it has really become a river." The staff officer on the side said.

The staff officer who scolded Tu Sui was stunned. It seems that Tu Sui slaughtered prisoners of war not once or twice. No wonder it's so sick. And the staff officer thinks. Soldiers should not participate in such things. But Tu Sui considered another matter. Only by killing these slaves can the current situation of the Third Infantry Division be completely and safely relieved. If this situation cannot be resolved, then the Third Division will not be able to complete the order issued by King Qin.

They came here for the safety of the entire North. For the safety of Qin's north. Qin Jun had to slaughter his opponent so cruelly.

Pieces of slaves kept falling down. But Qin Jun's barrel still ejected a lot of flames, and among these flames, there were still a lot of bullets flying around. The massacre lasted all night. Until dawn.

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