The personal behavior of the officers of the Qi army was clearly seen by the Qi army on the second line of defense. And Shang Wen also saw this amazing scene.

"My God." Shang Wen said with emotion.

"Okay. That's it. We want to be like the centurion. Come here. Prepare explosives. We want to blow up those iron boxes." This time. A Qi army officer suggested so.

As soon as the Qi army officer finished saying these words, all Qi army soldiers took a step back unconsciously. Then they all looked at each other. They are really afraid of such a proposal.

"Hurry up. Take the explosives. If you don't, make a decision." The officer threatened.

"The war dead, wives and children. We will raise them for you." The officer continued to encourage.

"Boom boom." The tank of the Prince Yan's army was still advancing. They have crossed the first line of defense of the Qi army. Qi Jun's defense was easily opened with a breakthrough.

"No, I'll go first." Seeing the hesitant soldier, the officer first set an example. Then some diehards also followed out. The war depends on the bravery of the soldiers. The role of an officer is to inspire the bravery of the soldiers.

"Robo. It will launch an offensive against Bomb. It's too tragic." Shang Wen was still immersed in the personal behavior of the Qi Army officer just now.

In this regard, Qi Jun is also embarking on new moves.

"There is only an army of more than 300 people. Do we need to transfer so many people?" The Qi Army commander who commanded the Qi Army yelled loudly. He was very annoyed at the way his people panic when they saw Qin Jun's new weapons.

"Order our left and right wings. Go forward. Outflank their back lanes. Then completely annihilate them. Send offensive from behind. Defeat them." The Qi army officer commanded loudly.

"Here." Qi army officers replied after receiving the order. With that said, they clasped their fists and left to mobilize their troops.

Although Yan Jun has new weapons as the spearhead of attack. But they have two fatal weaknesses. One is that their military strength is very limited. They add up to less than 300 people. But their opponents are as many as tens of thousands. The most terrible thing is. They even took the initiative to launch an offense. Hundreds of people took the initiative to attack tens of thousands. It's not that such a thing didn't happen. But what happened was a bit too exciting.

The second weakness is their proactive attack. This kind of offense seems a bit eager to advance. They did not attack on the left and right wings. And as they attacked more smoothly, their left and right wings became more exposed. And they only take care of offense. And ignored their safety on both wings.

"I think the Yan army is about to fail." Li Zuoche said after watching the Yan army's attack.

"Why?" Shang Wen asked strangely.

"The Yan army attacked too fast. They are small in number, but they have a weapon advantage, but this advantage is a forward advantage. His two wings are not very safe. If I were Qi army, I would let Yan The army attacked to our center, and then attacked from the two wings. In this way, the Yan army is over." Li Zuoche said.

"Ah." Shang Wen looked at the analysis of the young man in front of him with some surprise.

Although Shangwen believes that his side has the advantage of weapons and can get a greater victory. However, Li Zuoche's analysis made Shang Wen's self-confidence begin to collapse. He also believes that Li Zuoche's explanation is correct.

"We'd better be careful. Let's hide inside the fortifications and take a look." Li Zuoche pushed Shangwen behind a safe fortification. Shang Wen continued to check the next occupation with the telescope.

The chariot unit of the Prince Yan's army is progressing very smoothly. The infantry of the Yan army began to gradually disrupt the rigid queue, and they fired autonomously from time to time. Shoot the things that they think are the most important.

"Bang." The Yanjun infantry and the chariot covered each other, and the chariot suddenly exploded with amazing power.

The power of the coordinated battle between Butan and Tan lies. The infantry provided infantry cover for the tanks and reduced some of the tanks' dead ends. The chariots conquered some difficult fortifications and provided necessary firepower and armor cover for the infantry. It was this kind of coordinated combat that gave the Yan army a difficult tactical advantage.

"Charge." A group of Qi Army soldiers charged frantically holding explosives bags rushed out. Looking up was a Qi Jun officer with a disheveled hair, and his exquisite leather armor highlighted his importance.

"Tutu. Tutu. Tutu." The machine gun on the tank began to fire frantically at them. Because the other party is holding dynamite bags. The tank shooter of the tank immediately realized the huge threat of the opponent. Because one of their tanks was scrapped like this before.

"Shoot. Shoot." The colonel on the tank yelled. Order the infantry behind to shoot at the Qi army soldiers who charged wildly.

"Quick." Major Yan Jun shouted loudly. Because the opponent is getting closer and closer to them. No one wants to be bombed to death by such a person who cares about life and death holding a dynamite bag.

"Bang." "Bang." The Yan Army soldiers behind began to shoot at the Qi Army soldiers who rushed to the chariot frantically.

"Puff. Puff." The intensively fired bullets hit the Qi Army soldiers who rushed forward. The soldiers of the Qi army were beaten with several big blood holes in their bodies. But their charging position is too fast. They were so much that when they were killed. The body fell in front.

The man in front fell. The people behind quickly followed. Qi Jun still maintained this high-speed charge.

"Puff. Puff." Bullets kept hitting the body of a Qi army soldier in the front. But Qi Jun soldiers were covered in blood everywhere, and the bullets had beaten his body to nothing. But that's it, the soldiers of the Qi army still charged stubbornly.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded. The black smoke billowed, and there was a red blood mist in the black smoke. The explosives on a Qi army and a Qi army soldier behind were exploded by bullets.

"Boom." Then there was another loud noise.

The front Yan Guo tank was suddenly blown up. The rivets flying around, and various armor fragments hit the side to make a "tinting" sound. The above armored combat vehicle members also have different levels of hands. Even Major Yanjun, the commander of the armored fighting vehicle. His arm was also hit by a flying rivet. The rivet passed directly through his left arm to form a blood hole.

Even in the face of such fierce shooting. The soldiers of the Qi army still erupted with a tenacious will to fight, the existence of this fighting will. Li Zuoche, who was watching from afar, not only sighed, Qi army soldiers have always fought forward like this.

"Boom." Then there was another loud noise. One of Yanjun’s tanks was blown into a huge fireball again. The difference this time is that the Yan Army's tank and armored machine gun turret was blown up. The person above must have been blown up. Because of such a huge explosion, the infantry who followed were also affected.

The flying turret is more than one foot high. The flying turret fell behind the Yanjun infantry attack formation. Yan Guo's soldiers avoided in a panic. The soldiers of Yan Jun still mumbled in their hearts. It is time for them to begin to lose their confidence that they can win. Because even with such powerful weapons as tanks and armored vehicles, it is difficult for them to conquer the opponent's defensive positions.

"Tututu. Tutu." The entire chariot was instantly enveloped by thick gunpowder smoke. The smoke severely blocked the view of the commander on the tank. In desperation, they could only blindly shoot at the front, while killing the soldiers of the Qi army who were trying to get close to launching a meat bomb attack.

At this time, the soldiers of the Qi army had already given up the second line of defense. With the help of smoke, they began to ran towards the last line of defense in large numbers. But they ran into trouble, that is, some barbed wire was temporarily placed on the last line of defense. These barbed wire fences made these soldiers suddenly feel some difficulties.

"Puff. Puff." Although the flying machine gun bullets did not have eyes. But it is more accurate than those intentionally fired bullets. Especially those soldiers who were caught by bullets, they became the living targets of Yanjun's machine gun bullets.

"Fight. Free our capital of the Great Yan Kingdom." At this time, the major saw that he was about to rush to the last line of defense. With the last little distance, they can liberate their capital of Yan State.

"Go forward." The soldiers of the Yan army were temporarily morale high. After all, how long it took them to attack this place.

"Boom." Smoke billowed from the huge engine. Chaoyan all set off.

"It seems that our reinforcements are coming." At this time, Shang Wen saw that the Yan Army tanks and armored fighting vehicles could reach Yandu as long as they broke through the last line of defense. He deliberately looked towards Li Zuoche. It seems to be saying, look, you are wrong.

But Li Zuoche disagrees, he is still watching the development of the war. Qi Jun would not give up the last line of defense so easily.

"Bang bang bang. Bang." The third line of defense stubbornly fired at the armored tank. The bullet hitting the tank had no effect at all. The bullet hitting the armor can only make a futile "ding-ding" sound. The soldiers of the Qi army still shot.

"Haha. Those stupid soldiers of the Qi army. They also fired shots. Shooting is useless to us." The major of Yanjun hid in the turret and said, listening to the popping of bullets.

"Boom boom." The tank drove up again. The tank tracks easily crushed the barbed wire that looked like a nightmare for the infantry, and the bodies of the killed Qi Army soldiers were cruelly crushed into a muddy flesh. Blood-red flesh, blood becomes the lubricating oil to lubricate the track. The infantry behind stepped on these lubricants to advance.

Some Yanjun soldiers wanted to vomit. But they still controlled themselves. They still slowly adapted to this environment. And their training results are slowly taking effect.

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