"Be careful, don't let those people know that we are sneaking." A Qi army soldier said in a low voice while holding pliers.

"Hold me some." The Qi Army soldier whispered to another Qi Army soldier beside him.

These various strips of linen were wrapped all over the two soldiers. These linen strips can warm the soldiers. They can also provide a certain amount of cover to these soldiers. The soldiers from West Zhejiang are the earliest engineers of the Qi army. Their task is to break down the most damned barbed wire.

Something like barbed wire has a profound impact on the defending side. His setup is very simple. Just one pull can cause a lot of trouble to the attacker. Moreover, after the barbed wire is constructed into a formation. Will pose a huge threat to the attackers. It seems difficult for the offensive side whether it is infantry or cavalry to cross this line of defense.

The first purpose of the early establishment of the Qi army was to destroy these life-threatening wire fences.

Because the appearance of barbed wire allows the defending party to quickly build a fortification for defense. Instead of spending a lot of energy looking for wood to build a variety of defense tools.

"Crack." A sound. A piece of barbed wire was pinched off.

The engineer of Qi State who was holding it carefully put the barbed wire on another section of barbed wire, and then. Repeat the same work several times. A small opening was opened on the barbed wire.

"Go forward." The engineer climbed a few steps forward.

"Hurry up, keep up." Behind the engineers is the fully armed commando. They are the elite troops of the Qi army and the standard tactics of the Qi army. They are the forwards of the entire sneak attack. They know it by themselves. What are they doing.

"Huh." The ground rubbed the linen strips wrapped around them. The linen strips provided them with a good cover.

"Go forward. Go forward," the commando member whispered.

And on the opposite side. Zhao Jun’s engineers are also working hard to cut the barbed wire.

"Wow." An engineer quickly crawled into the trench.

"How is it?" the captain asked.

"The barbed wire has been cut in half. It will be soon below, and our people can enter through the passage." The engineer said with sweat.

"Go go. Go go. Let's go." As he said, the captain pulled out his gun, then shouted under his voice.

"Wow." Zhao Jun's infantry rushed out of the trench one by one. After they jumped out of the trenches, they immediately rectified their formation, lowered their bodies and headed for the offensive road ahead with their bayonet-mounted rifles.

"Hurry up," the captain urged quietly. A soldier was nervously holding a bayonet and dared not jump out of the trench.

"Hurry up." The captain said, holding his own gun and stepped up.

After the soldier swallowed a big mouthful of saliva. His legs tremblingly jumped out of the trench.

The troops of a company of Zhao Jun jumped out of the trench in this way. Their purpose is to launch a sneak attack with the significance of an outpost attack.

"Listen, there seems to be something wrong." Qi Jun's engineers said nervously at this time.

"What's wrong." asked another engineer with pliers.

"It seems that there is a quizzical voice." The engineer said.

"Nothing," said the engineer holding the pliers at this time.

"Listen carefully," the engineer said.

"Let me listen." The engineer said at this time.

At this time, the Zhao Jun engineer on the opposite side. I also felt bad.

"I always feel that there seems to be someone on the other side," said an engineer from Zhao Jun.

"Someone?" Another soldier looked ahead nervously.

"There seems to be someone." The soldier said suspiciously at that time.

"What to do?" Zhao Jun's engineers didn't know what to do.

"I, I don't know." Neither of the two engineers knew what to do.

"It seems that there is a sound." The Qi Army engineer said at this time.

"What to do?" Qi Army engineer asked.

The other engineer just kept shaking his head. They don't know it themselves.

"What's the matter, why don't you cut the barbed wire." This time. An engineer sergeant climbed over and asked.

"There seems to be someone in front." Zhao Jun engineer replied.

"Yeah, what should we do?" The engineer then asked.

"This." The ensign looked forward.

"We can only try." The ensign took the pliers in his hand. Then he waved his arms and threw it out.

"Huh." The pliers flew out with a whining sound in the air.

"Bang." "Ah." The pliers flew out directly, and luckily hit the Qi Army engineer not far away. The Qi Army engineer suddenly had a pain and called out loudly.

"There is a situation." The ensign stared in the original direction and shouted.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." The ensign's loud shout immediately drew a sudden gunshot. But the gunfire did not come from the rear. Their own direction. It comes from their opposites.

"Shoot. Shoot. There are people from Zhao and Yan in front. Shoot." The elite Qi army commando behind Qi Jun shouted loudly.

"Puff puff." "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at this moment the soldiers of the Zhao army are lowering themselves and advancing. They didn't think of it at this time. The opponent will launch the same offense all the time. This is too sudden. Suddenly the soldiers of Zhao Jun didn't even think of it.

"Ah." The soldier walking in the front was knocked to the ground. The engineers themselves did not carry weapons, some of them were just a pistol, and the rest were all tools. These tools can only be considered weapons if they are thrown out.

"Hold your head." Without exception, the engineers on both sides chose to hug their heads. Protect their own heads from the other's bullets. The Qi army commando is advancing on its stomach. Although they were a little surprised at first, they did not expect that the other party would launch a surprise attack tactic.

"These **** infantry." The engineers on both sides cursed loudly. But the battle started in an instant.

"Ah." Zhao Jun soldiers were knocked down by a sudden shot.

"Puff." A bullet passed directly through the chest of a Zhao Jun soldier.

And more soldiers did not know what to do, they became the living targets of the Qi army.

"Get down. Get down quickly." The veteran behind reacted at this moment. He immediately rushed to press the recruits to the ground.

"Shoot. Shoot." The Zhao Jun officer lay on the ground in a hurry. The moment the gunfire sounded, the officer thought of how to survive. After lying down on the ground. After they felt safe, they began to organize a counterattack.

"Bang Bang." The officer fired his pistol and fired two shots.

"Damn it." A Zhao Jun veteran was shot in the arm and blood kept flowing out. His rifle was thrown aside. Next to the gun was a soldier of Zhao Jun who was shot and killed unfortunately. Unfortunately. The bullet passed directly through the soldier's neck and was hit by an artery in the neck. The blood kept flowing out.

"Get down. Get down." The veteran kept shouting loudly. Some soldiers of the Zhao Jun stood still at this time.

"Bang." A soldier even shot back bravely.

"Puff." A bullet passed straight through. He was hit by the soldier and fell to the ground.

"Get down. Get down." The veteran shouted loudly.

"Tututu. Tutu." The Qi army assault team took out a killing weapon. Submachine gun.

"Bang Bang." The pistol also began to greet the Zhao Jun soldiers intensively at this time. Zhao Jun's tactics are very simple, it is to form a rain of bullets in a short period of time to suppress Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun was suddenly attacked by his opponent. And then suddenly he was shot by the opponent's intensive bullets. The soldiers of the Zhao Jun didn't react at once.

"Damn it. Qi Jun actually ran into us." Not long after the captain crawled out of the trench, a rain of bullets flew over. He had no choice but to lie still.

"Bang Bang." The captain could only shoot in vain with his pistol. Because he doesn't even know what specific direction his opponent is in.

"Sir. Sir." The lieutenant lowered himself and ran over.

"Sir, we were attacked by the enemy." The lieutenant said, panting, lying next to the captain.

"Damn it. I know." The captain replied anxiously.

"It's not that we were attacked by the enemy. We bumped into one piece. Didn't you see? The enemy planned to attack us," the captain said.

"Then, what shall we do? Sir." the lieutenant asked.

"Organizing a counterattack, we covered each other and retreated to the trenches." The captain said.

"Yes. Sir," the lieutenant replied.

"I'm going now." The lieutenant immediately got up to give orders.

"Woo. Puff, puff." The bullet directly penetrated the back of the lieutenant who had just gotten up.

"Little...damn it." Before the captain's caution was finished, he changed his words to the **** thing.

Because the lieutenant's chest was smashed. The bullet directly penetrated his chest.

"Come here." The captain looked at the lieutenant, and immediately called a private on the side.

"Sir." The soldier crawled over tremblingly as he said. His weapon did not know where it went.

The captain glanced at the trembling soldier, and he didn't know where his weapon was dropped. In response, the captain originally wanted to scold him loudly. But he still suppressed the fire.

"You. See the second row. Tell them to cover one row to retreat and shoot. Then tell the third row to cover the second row. To alternate cover and retreat to the trenches." The captain said loudly.

"Do you understand?" the captain shouted.

"En." The soldier just nodded blankly.

"Damn it. Go ahead," the captain yelled. At this time, the soldier crawled stiffly. Climb in the other direction. This direction turned out to be the direction of Qi Jun.

"Over there. Not here." The captain shouted.

But the soldier still crawled in that direction.

"Damn it," the captain cursed loudly.

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