"In other words, you were forced." The lieutenant asked calmly.

"Yes. We are all forced. We don't want to come to war. We have an old mother in our family. We also have wives and children. We still have some fields. However, for the past two years. Qi has been fighting. People are constantly being recruited. On the battlefield. Many people have been killed and have not returned. These **** weapons. Killing. As long as they are hit. Basically there is no way to survive." Another soldier said. What the Qi army soldiers said is indeed true. Qi Jun lacked surgical equipment, once the soldier was shot. Basically there is only one way to die. Because no one will take out the bullet. Even if it can survive, it is amputated, or it rots slowly. In the end, he committed suicide.

"Your situation is really bad," the lieutenant replied.

"Okay. Give them more food. I think they haven't eaten for several days." The lieutenant said at this time.

"It's the sir." Some soldiers shook their heads and took out some cans to the prisoners of war.

"Sir, we don't need to do this." A corporal came over and said.

"It's necessary. There are more Qi army soldiers who will surrender. They are just being forced to helplessly." The lieutenant said.

Then the lieutenant reported his report and thoughts to it. Action was quickly taken from above.

because. The battle of the day showed. The resistance of the Qi army soldiers was relatively strong. Especially in this environment. The soldiers of the Zhao Jun were very unaccustomed. There were rubble everywhere, and there were many fragments. Such a harsh combat environment made them feel very uncomfortable with the Zhao Jun soldiers who were accustomed to field battles, especially the resistance of the Qi army. Their resistance is very uncertain, and Zhao Jun himself is not sure what kind of people they will encounter on the way forward. Shoot them at what position. This kind of uncertain street fighting makes Zhao Jun's soldiers very overwhelmed.

It's not just Zhao Jun. Even the Yan army who also invaded the city was not used to it.

"There are bullets fired by the Qi army everywhere. We can only slowly move forward on the ground. Even so, one of our soldiers' heads was opened, and we were shooting everywhere around us, and the bullets were shooting from all directions. Come. I have no way of doing this." A Lieutenant Yanjun wrote in his diary.

"In desperation, I had no choice but to order ours to shoot frantically and repressively at those shooting locations. This way we would feel better, and then we concentrated a certain amount of troops to capture those buildings. Those buildings were full of enemies. Fighting. Very intense," the lieutenant wrote.

In fact, the battle was more intense than the lieutenant wrote. Whether it is Yan Jun or Zhao Jun. They have gone through extremely brutal hand-to-hand combat to conquer a building. Even if they captured this building, the price they paid was high. Sometimes it's time. Qi Jun will ignite large bundles of explosives. Casualties will rise a lot at once.

"According to the latest information we have learned. The soldiers of the Qi Army are unwilling to fight, they are only forced by the officers." A Captain Zhao Jun reported.

"Those Qi army combat units that have lost their officers will soon surrender. I think we have to try whether we can persuade them. It's best to let their officers and their soldiers surrender together." The captain said.

"En." Major General Zhao Jun just nodded.

"I think we can let the Qi army soldiers start a riot automatically. Then they kill the officers and surrender. Our affairs will be easier." Colonel Yan Jun suggested.

"This is a good idea, I think I can give it a try," the major general said.

"Then do it," the colonel said.

Then Zhao Jun and Yan Jun changed some strategies.

"Brothers of the Qi Army. Surrender. The Allied Army provides delicious food here." A Qi Army prisoner who ate after surrender shouted loudly. Because of his full meal, his complexion has obviously improved.

"Brothers. The Allies have delicious food here. There is meat to eat. Every meal has meat to eat. There is also good wine. Qin Guojiu is really delicious." The Qi Jun soldier shouted to his own.

And Zhao Jun soldiers stood behind him, and they looked at the Qi Jun prisoner quietly with their weapons.

"Brothers, don't work for those noble lords. They don't treat us as human beings at all. Look at other allies. We were given meat and drink. The wounded soldiers we surrendered were all people. Help. Look at us. Those noble lords don’t treat us as humans at all. They shoot us with guns at will. Those wounded were killed by our own officers.” The Qi army soldier shouted at his own people. Shouted the direction.

Heard such words. The psychological defense of the Qi army soldiers has been shaken. The continuous cruel battles have made Qi army soldiers wonder if this war is worth their continued fighting.

Some Qi army soldiers looked at their officers at this time. Because the shooting did happen. Because there are no anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The wounds of many wounded in the Qi army will rot. In the end it was death. And the whole process was very uncomfortable. The wailing of the wounded was enough to scare many soldiers. In order to dispel such thoughts. Officers will secretly execute some wounded, but such executions are nothing new to soldiers. They know what the officers are doing. And they all know that such a thing will come to their own heads one day. But they can't do this. Because they are just soldiers.

Those officers are nobles. In the tradition of the Qi army. Officers have titles, and titles are hereditary. In other words, you don't have any military exploits. You can still be an officer. Even if you are a coward, you are still an officer. And those who have military exploits, although they have military exploits. But they can only get a few small officer positions, which are for the entire combat. Still trivial. Because of this, there are still people who will die.

It can be said that the nobility monopolized everything. No matter how the soldiers behaved, there was no chance of being promoted at all. And also have to pay a heavy price in life. This is also the reason why the fighting power of the Qin Army was so strong before, and the army of the Six Nations could not be compared with the Qin Army. There is no opportunity for promotion, and the nobility monopolizes all power and treatment, and there is a lack of fairness between the upper and lower levels. As a result, the combat effectiveness of the six countries is generally not high. Because of the morale of the soldiers, the desire to fight is not high.

"There is no way out for a fight like ours." The soldier then shouted loudly.

The Qi Army soldiers who were still in the battle turned their heads to look at the Qi Army officer.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. We must continue to fight. Loyal to our King Qi. Only in this way can we realize our value." Then, the Qi army officer picked up his rifle and started shooting in that direction.

"Bang." A bullet shot out.

"Puff." The bullet hit the mound directly behind the Qi Army soldier. The Qi army soldiers were not hit.

"Continue." This time. An ensign of Zhao Jun whispered.

"Say what?" The Qi Army soldier lowered his body and said.

"What do you want to say. As long as you can make your people surrender. Your food is absolutely indispensable." The ensign assured.

"Brothers Qi Jun, see it." The Qi Jun soldier shouted loudly.

"You have to guarantee it." As he said, the Qi army soldier stopped shouting and asked.

"Definitely, call it. Come here. Bring him two cans." The ensign was afraid that the other party was worried, so he was directly given two cans. There are many other soldiers of Zhao Jun of this kind. The rear of Qin State produced a lot of such food.

"Okay. I'll yell now." The soldiers of the Qi army began to renew their psychological warfare.

"Brothers, see it. The noble lords are on fire. I said what he said in his heart. We fought for them so lifelessly, what did we get in the end." Qi Jun soldiers shouted loudly.

"Which one of us has no young or old. We are dead. Who will take care of them." The Qi army soldier shouted loudly.

"Bang. I killed you." This time. The Qi Jun officer became even more angry. Because this can easily shake the military's morale.

Bullets kept coming here. But the soldiers of the Qi army were still shouting.

"Look, the aristocratic master was right by me. When we surrender, we will be killed by them. We are all poor, and we poor people should ignore the lives of their aristocratic masters. Let's kill the aristocratic master and surrender." Proposed this time.

"Bang." The noble officer still kept shooting.

"He was right." This time. A wounded Qi army soldier said strugglingly.

"I want to live. These noble lords, why should we give them our lives?" the wounded soldier shouted loudly.

"You traitor." The noble officer turned his head and cursed loudly.

"I shot you." As he said, the officer took out his gun.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. The officer shot the wounded soldier directly. The head of the wounded soldier was broken into pieces. Brain plasma, blood splattered everywhere.

At this moment, the Qi Army soldiers felt cold.

"Let’s surrender. Kill the officer. We surrender. We have food and drink. The Allies give us quilts. Good food. Good clothes. Surrender, brothers." Qi Jun soldiers shouted loudly. . As if he saw all this made Qi army soldiers rebel.

"Kill." A soldier rushed over when he saw the officer shot his own person.

"Go back. Fight." The officer tried to persuade. But the soldier rushed directly. Fell with the officer.

The other soldiers on the side hadn't realized what was going on.

"Traitor." The officer cursed loudly.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. The soldier was shot.

"To survive. Fight." The soldiers who were standing were relieved at this time. Then pull the trigger.

"Bang bang bang." The other soldiers pulled the trigger together.

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