Under the pressure of Qin's economy. South Korea had to choose to take the initiative to withdraw its troops. The situation is extremely unfavorable for South Korea. Because, once Qin adopts these economic measures, the Korean economy will be in a slump.

first of all. Qin Guo will substantially increase the price of raw materials. South Korea’s light industrial production will surely suffer severe damage. A large number of leather processing factories and various leather production factories in South Korea are all leather raw materials imported from the north of Qin State. South Korea has to rely on Qin's raw material exports because of its narrow territory.

Secondly. Qin Guo substantially increased bank loan interest rates and repayment rates. If this phenomenon occurs. Then there will be a phenomenon of large-scale closure of factories in South Korea. Once this phenomenon occurs. Then there will be a new economic crisis in South Korea.

At last. Qin will adopt a trade war. This kind of trade war will substantially prohibit the entry of Korean products into Qin. Qin's products and raw materials are also prohibited from entering South Korea. Thus. The situation in South Korea is even worse. This is not a good thing for South Korea.

"We have to take the initiative to retreat. Otherwise, after Qin State takes these actions against us, our situation will be very bad." Zhang Liang said.

"Retreat." Han Shu said helplessly.

Facing the huge economic pressure of Qin State. South Korea has no choice, but South Korea has planted the seeds to return to the area. Although the upper echelons of South Korea are unwilling, they still have to withdraw from the area.

Before the retreat, South Korea had already made preparations for the retreat, but the time really came. They are still unwilling. After all, the occupied land, withdrawing at the last time, is still unacceptable to them when they come. It's not just that they are unacceptable. It’s hard for even those Koreans

"According to the latest news, our new South Korean army will not as well return to the homeland. They will withdraw from the newly occupied area by our army." A South Korean newspaper wrote in the public media. The Korean people did not understand it very much after hearing such news.

"We won the battle ourselves. Why, we can't occupy those new lands. On the contrary, our people have to retreat without getting anything. This is really unfair." The enthusiasm of the Korean people in discussing politics began to rise. stand up. Because of everything in this country, they began to have any connection with them. This allows the Korean people to actively participate in political activities.

However, because of this news, the Korean people began to feel a little dissatisfied with the South Korean government. Especially Han Fei is the prime minister of the government. They think Han Fei is too weak. South Korea should quickly occupy the land they have sent troops to participate in the battle.

"Our country has developed so fast. We should get our own living space." A very excited Korean citizen shouted loudly. His shouts can be heard among the Korean people. After the people around heard such an answer. They all agreed. For them, South Korea has risen, and a new South Korea has surpassed any country that can actively attack their country before. For example, Wei Guo, now Wei Guo can't compete with South Korea. The good news from the front line boosted the morale of the Korean people. The victory of the people over South Korea has become a habit. This was a good thing for South Korea, but now it is becoming a bad thing because the Korean people cannot understand why South Korea has to retreat after winning. This is very incomprehensible to them.

However, officials quickly explained this.

"Excuse me, is our army really going to withdraw from Chendi?" a South Korean reporter asked leaping forward.

"Excuse me, is this news a rumor? Our army is going to occupy the entire Chen area." Some reporters still believe that this is a distant one. This press conference is to clarify the facts.

The South Korean official spokesperson sat down calmly. Take out the prepared manuscript.

"Excuse me...". The reporters still kept asking. The South Korean spokesperson did not reply.

"Please be quiet for the reporter," the spokesperson waved. At this time, the reporters slowly stopped asking questions. For them, the puzzle will be revealed at this time.

"Yes, the rumors in the newspaper." The spokesperson said slowly.

"Our official explanation, this thing did happen." The spokesperson said silently. After the reporters heard about it. There was an uproar immediately. No one made a sound.

"Boom boom boom." It was also at this time that the reporters began to press the button of the camera's flashlight in their hands. They could not accept this fact for a while.

"Why. May I ask the spokesperson why?" all the reporters asked.

"Just be quiet." The spokesperson waved his hand.

"As for the reason, it is very simple. We South Korea is a peace-loving country. We South Korea is working hard to build our own country. Our country needs peace. Likewise, our opponents. They also need peace. Peace is for all of us. They are all very precious and precious things. Therefore, the Queen believes that we in South Korea should return peace to the world." The spokesperson said.

And some reporters wrote in records one after another. However, this explanation is obviously not very convincing. They believe that there must be a lot of hidden information in the middle. This hidden story is big news. The reporters are obviously unwilling to give up the opportunity for the big news. They believe that this news is likely to make their newspaper famous overnight.

"Prime Minister, this is a telegram from South Korea." Shangwen's train had just left Handan.

"Let me see." Shang Wen said.

"En. It seems that our South Korean side has done quite well." Shang Wen said. Speaking, Shang Wen forwarded the telegram to his assistant.

"Look at this, what do you think?" Shang Wen asked.

"En." The assistant picked up the telegram and checked it.

"I think we should help South Korea at this time. After all, South Korea took the initiative to withdraw its troops." The assistant said after reading the telegram.

It turned out that the content of this telegram was that South Korea had agreed to take the initiative to withdraw its troops, but the prerequisite was that Qin had to ensure that South Korea would retreat in a decent manner. Obviously, South Korea also understands that their rash retreat will inevitably bring serious consequences, especially in terms of political influence. South Korea is absolutely not dominant, which is very unfavorable for South Korea.

In this regard, South Korea’s strategy is to seek help from the State of Qin, so that the State of Qin can give enough face to South Korea and allow South Korea to withdraw its troops in a decent manner.

"That’s right, I also think it’s necessary to do so. The ties between Qin and South Korea are getting closer and closer. If we don’t agree, then South Korea will be driven to ruin, even if we take such measures. We may not be able to control South Korea. Once South Korea refuses to retreat, we have no way of using force. Similarly, our businessmen have suffered heavy losses due to our own economic and trade war. This is a countermeasure that hurts both sides. If Qin takes the initiative to adopt a trade war, it will be beneficial to Qin at the beginning, and South Korea’s economy will suffer heavy losses, but in the long run. Qin's economic structure will undergo major adjustments, and the cards will be reshuffled. Because there is no market, those old things must find new markets. The economy is a double-edged sword. It can hurt others as well as yourself.

This is what Shang Wen is trying to avoid now. Because it's no good for both sides to tear their faces.

"Then let's start." Shang Wen said.

"Okay." The assistant knew very well that the prime minister was doing everything possible to prevent Qin from entering such an embarrassing situation.

Although Shangwen is on the train now, he can send orders to the mainland of Qin by telegram, so that they can cope with the press conference in South Korea at the press conference.

"Wow! Wow!" Qin State's spokesperson stepped onto the podium under the spotlight.

"Qin's prime minister's office recently spoke on the news. Let's start." The spokesperson said while standing on the stage.

The reporters sat down calmly and recorded something.

"First is the external news." The spokesperson said.

"Qin's ally, South Korea, has publicly announced that it will take the initiative to withdraw its troops from the newly occupied areas of Wei in order to give people a quiet, peaceful and peaceful environment." The spokesperson said.

"Wow." The reporters kept pressing the button, and some reporters focused on recording all the news words they could record.

But some news reporters shook their heads. It means that they do not pay attention to the news, or that they have no interest in the content of the news. They believe that nothing happened in South Korea.

"Qin State agrees with the actual actions taken by South Korea. Because this will avoid territorial disputes between South Korea and Wei State, and at the same time, it will also help the two countries to a large extent in the future peaceful coexistence environment." News The spokesperson said.

"Qin State, for all peace-loving actions. All peace-friendly actions, he very much agrees." The news said while looking at the speech. For this, these are all the words they have prepared in advance, and these words are very useful to them. Because they can fool those who don't know why.

But Qin Guo reporters are not interested in this matter. Their interest is in all matters related to Qin State. such as. A series of battles that took place in the country of Yan, the north, and on various fronts. These are the things Qin reporters care about.

It can be said that Qin reporters always only care about their own country's affairs, and they do not care about other things, because it has nothing to do with them.

"Next is Qin Jun's actions in the north." The spokesperson continued.

"The rebellion in the north has been well quelled," the spokesman said.

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