The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 976: The nobleman is back

Military will always give way to politics. The Qi Jun general was helpless. According to his ideas, the Qi army is likely to preserve what should be preserved. However, politics often strongly interferes with the military, which leads to many originally correct military plans and phalanxes. Under the interference of politics, an unforgivable mistake was committed.

Now, Qi Guo is making such a mistake. And they are still not clear at this time, the danger is slowly approaching them. Tens of thousands of Qi army soldiers are being attacked fiercely by the Zhao army. Although the number of Zhao Jun is not dominant, Zhao Jun is mobile and has strong offensive ability. Qi Jun will face great challenges.

It will take some time for Qi to see the challenges facing Qi. Because the speed of development takes a long time to ferment. And in the vacuum zone of South Korea and Wei State in the south. Chen Di. A very influential event is happening at this time.

"Wow." There was a sound of a carriage driving on the dirt road.

"Look at these noble lords, they are here again." One has just been "liberated" soon. Chen Di Wei Guoren, who had found a job in the factory, whispered.

"Huh." The noble lords sitting on the carriage looked at the surroundings proudly.

News of the retreat of the new South Korean army soon reached the beam. The nobles who fled at this time quickly summoned their private soldiers and immediately returned to their original fiefdom. However, some nobles who had fallen into trouble, thinking about getting rich overnight, also saw a huge opportunity at this time. They believed that Chen Di belonged to the Wei state at this time, and after the retreat of the South Korean army. Then, this place is empty. Although the original aristocracy still exists, there must be a blank space. So they also began to recruit private soldiers to march towards Chendi. As a result, the nobles in Daliang City recruited private soldiers to march towards Chen Di. They want to regain the territory of their country in a short time.

The local council in Chendi was established soon. Chendi's local government was elected by the parliament. It has just been established. In many local areas, government organizations have not yet been established. The folks basically rely on inherent ethics and local elders' ceremonies to politicize this place. In other words, the retreat of South Korean troops left a large power vacuum. The newly established government is unable to take over the whole place at once.

Thus. Those noble masters who regained the lost land easily returned to their original fiefdom.

"Yes, that's him. Get me arrested." Suddenly shouted to a person in the crowd while driving on the road.

"Stop." At this time, the private soldiers of the nobles with cold weapons rushed forward and grabbed a strong man. Push it to the ground.

"You used to be my slave, now you are still. Don't think you can be at ease when the Koreans come. Tell you, grandpa, if I am in one day, you have to follow me. Even if you die. You have to be buried for me." The noble cried out loudly.

"Let go of me. Let me go." the strong man shouted loudly. The private soldier above suppressed the opponent firmly.

"Why are you arresting me? I am a free man now, and you have no right to arrest me." This time. The strong man shouted loudly.

"Yes, that is, we are all free people." At this time, those who were previously oppressed slaves who were freed by the Korean New Army stood up and criticized.

"Humph." The noble hummed disdainfully.

"Tell you. You are all my slaves." The nobleman cried out at this time.

"Catch me, catch all of them. They are all my slaves." The nobleman shouted at this time.

"Catch it." The private soldier behind rushed forward. The crowd dispersed in no time.

"Run." This time. Shout out loudly from the crowd. Thus. The crowd dispersed under the pressure of private soldiers and self-fear.

"Don't catch me." The private soldier grabbed a man at once. The man struggled desperately to try to escape the other's arrest, but it was useless at all. And more people are running away. Rather than unite and resist.

"Haha. I caught a beauty." And some other private soldiers began to behave at this time. They started to grab some women as their spoils.

"Grab, grab them all for me. They are all our slaves." At this time. The noble shouted loudly.

"Catch it." The aristocratic private soldier rushed forward. But there were still many people on the street, and they all fled all at once.

"Break away." The private soldiers chased people. And the man ran away and returned to his home. They naively think that their simple doors can withstand the capture of these private soldiers. The reality is impossible.

"Boom." There was a crash. The private soldier slammed open the simple door. Rushed directly into the houses.

"Grab him." The private soldiers broke up in a rush. It is necessary to catch the young and middle-aged who are trying to continue to escape.

"Don't catch him." At this time, an old man tried to stop the lawless behavior of private soldiers.

"Fuck your mother." A private soldier cursed loudly at this time.

"Go to hell." A private soldier waved his halberd to kill the old man.

"No," a female voice called out loudly.

"Puff." The long halberd suddenly pierced the vitals of the old man.

"Ah." The old man painfully covered the place where he was hurt. Fall down.

"Puff." The halberd was pulled out. The barbs of the halberd brought out the various internal organs of the old man's body.

The old man's stomach was cut open, and all kinds of organs suddenly flowed all over the place.

"Father." A young little woman ran out immediately.

"I'm fighting with you." The man immediately rushed forward.

"Go and die." The private soldier who pulled out the halberd immediately inserted the halberd into the man's stomach.

"I'm fighting with you. I'm fighting." The man exhausted all his strength. Waving arms. He wants to fight these private soldiers desperately.

"Haha. We are accompanied by beauties." At this time, the other private soldiers turned their attention to the woman, who was not the opponent of these private soldiers at all. Soon the private soldiers took the woman into the house. And a group of private soldiers swarmed in.

"Puff." The halberd was pulled out of the man. And the man's eyes couldn't be closed tightly.

"Bah." The one who had killed two people in a row spat at the two corpses.

"Blood all over Lao Tzu." The private soldier cursed.

"I went to enjoy the blessing." Said the private soldier carried his halberd and walked into the house.

And the same thing happens in many places. The private soldiers are like bandits, and they don't even care that this place is originally the place of the Wei people themselves, whether they are originally slaves or civilians. Those who go from house to house rush in. The man will be killed immediately if he fails. The woman insulted and took it away. All kinds of property were robbed by them. The local elders were also killed by them. There is no legal restriction, and there is no order at all. The nobles who returned did not stop it at all. On the contrary, he encouraged them even more. He believes that when the Koreans came, they caused him a very serious loss. Now, he finds it back, ten times, a hundred times. This method of extremely amassing wealth. It caused extremely serious damage to the local economic and life order.

When the South Korean new army entered here, it also paid attention to the local economic order of victory and defeat. The South Korean new army, which had received the good military discipline of the Qin army, did not take any illegal actions against the local people. The temporary garrisons of the Korean New Army are far away from the residences of the Wei people. The officers are also afraid of causing a bad influence. The purchased supplies are also paid to local people as compensation.

Even if it is to recruit civilian husbands, the new South Korean army is paid. It is in sharp contrast with the Wei army. Especially these returning private soldiers. They are a world of difference from the new South Korean army.

From the very beginning, South Korean high-level officials considered taking Chen Di into their own possession in the long run. Therefore, from the very beginning, South Korea worked hard to manage a piece of land after its rise. But Wei Guo is different. They think they are regaining their own land. They think that the people on this land after South Korea's evacuation become Koreans. They are now robbing Koreans and killing Koreans. What destroys is Korean things.

The local Wei people suffered a huge disaster.

"Go." An aristocratic private soldier of the Wei State who brandished a halberd in his hand shouted loudly.

And a long line of young people became the first batch of spoils for the nobles to regain the territory. And behind them. The place where they used to live has become a sea of ​​flames. Their homes were ruthlessly swallowed by the fire. In the fire, their parents were brutally killed. The sisters were mercilessly insulted, this is a human catastrophe. They were originally innocent people. When the new South Korean army arrived, they still had their homeland. They were originally from Wei. When Koreans come, they have their own homes and relatives.

But when he regained his so-called lost land, he even burned his home. The relatives are either killed or caught. Either it was insulted. Disasters befall them frequently. They don't understand why they are so cruel.

When the nobles saw everything in front of them, the feeling in their hearts was swept away by the new Korean army hastily. The joy of the nobility is based on the suffering of tens of thousands of people. This self-interested approach has become a characteristic of an era. People’s selfish desires are not subject to any restrictions, nor do they have any responsibility to society. Everything is a manifestation of the selfishness of the nobles. They do not pay attention to the value of the existence of civilians, ignore the existence of civilians, and regard everything the civilians have as worthless. To them. This is a pathological view. This idea led to the tragedy of the feudal era.

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