At this point, Liu Sheng officially announced the offline ...

After the two of them walked out of the distance, Tang Xueqin suddenly thought of something

, "Xiao Feng, didn't we come to find Wang Yue?

"Wang Yue? Who is that? I don't know, let's go, go and see if there are any opponents worth paying attention to~" Wang Yue

: 6, don't know me again? Very good! ( =_=)

After a few laps, Ling Feng found a few fairly good opponents - Han Kebin of the battlefield No. 004, Long Aotian of the battlefield of No. 011 and Xuzhou of the battlefield of No. 022

, these are the strongest people Ling Feng has seen so far, their Pokémon are all level 13, although the battle between level 1 and level 2 in the early stage of Pokémon is not as difficult as the back, but for high school students, this is still a very difficult thing.

"Xueqin, are you about to start the competition

" "It seems to be

" "Then let's go quickly

~" "Good~"


At the battlefield opposite No. 008 -------------- the dividing line

, Xie Jiafeng had already arranged Liu Sheng's affairs, and was about to find Ling Feng to give him the super gem, but found that he could not find Ling Feng (゚o゚???

"What about people?"

Just as Xie Jiafeng was standing in confusion, thinking about whether to send a message to Ling Feng, he suddenly heard a familiar voice,


"Huh?" Xie Jiafeng looked towards the place where the voice came from, it was

Wang Yue, "Wang Yue~ I didn't say that you don't have to be so angry, you can just call me Uncle

Xie" "No, no, no, this is still good to call you the principal in front of people"

Xie Jiafeng also nodded when he heard this, this Wang Yue does not seem to be like he showed in his office before~ Xie Jiafeng looked at Wang Yue with some meaning.

"Then Wang Yue, what are you doing here, did you see Ling Feng?" "

E~ Principal, I was just in this competition, I am Liu Sheng's opponent~

" "Oh yes? I really haven't noticed..." Wang

Yue: I... Is the sense of presence so low....

Looking at Wang Yue, whose face was stiff, Xie Jiafeng realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing, so he quietly changed the topic

, "Did you see Ling Feng?"

"..." Speaking

of this Wang Yue's face directly pulled down, "See, I originally planned to go and say hello to Brother Feng and my sister-in-law, but Brother Feng took his sister-in-law directly and left, without looking at me ヽ('⌒ ́メ)ノ at all" "Sister-in-law



" "Hmm. "

Xie Jiafeng kind of understood why Ling Feng didn't take Wang Yue with him, you said that the little two people have thought about the world of two, you have to run over to be a light bulb, people can be happy to be strange, 눈_눈"

So I'm waiting for Brother Feng and my sister-in-law to come back now

" "Come back?"

"That's right, my sister-in-law is the second game of No. 007, so I just need to wait for them here

" "... Machine... Wit~

" Xie Jiafeng looked at the battlefield No. 007, now the first battle is underway, and the situation on the field is also very clear, it is only a matter of time before the battle ends, suddenly his afterlight swept to the approaching Ling Feng two,

"Wang Yue~ no need to wait for them to come" Xie Jiafeng greeted Wang Yue

Wang Yue followed Xie Jiafeng's gaze and sure enough, Ling Feng and Tang Xueqin who were slowly coming at the beginning, the good guys and the two came while talking and laughing, looking at this sweet look Wang Yue was even more speechless, he... Maybe he also understood why his Brother Feng didn't take him, heavy color light friend~ ಥ_ಥ

"Eh, fat man, why do you look at me like this?" As soon as Ling Feng came over, he saw Wang Yue looking at him with a resentful face, as if he had been abandoned by some scumbag ("")--gag~ The picture was too beautiful to imagine,

"Brother Feng~ how do you... Let's do it..." Wang Yue launched "Don't Heavenly Mouth" in a vain attempt to let Ling Feng know that his behavior of heavy color and light friends was wrong

, however

, "Uncle ~ What about my super gem?"

Xie Jiafeng choked when he heard this, very speechless, originally thought that Ling Feng would first ask for a warm talk with himself, but it turned out that he wanted super gems, this big nephew can't ask for it≥_≤

"Take it and take it~ It's really true, is it possible that I will also smuggle you" Xie Jiafeng handed the super gem to Ling Feng with a confused expression

, "Xiao Feng, how can you think of Uncle Xie like this? 'O ́)o

Ling Feng saw that his daughter-in-law and children had spoken, so how could he say no, and immediately apologized

, "Uncle ~ I'm sorry

" "..." 눈_눈

The three people chatted hotly, completely ignoring Wang Yue who was performing "Don't Heavenly Mouth"

, Ling Feng: Who is Wang Yue, I don't know~ Tang Xueqin: I don't know, I don't know~ Xie Jiafeng: I don't


Wang Yue

:6, the family doesn't know me anymore, right!ಥ_ಥ

On the ------------ field

, Nidolang fell on the battlefield and lost his ability

to fight, "Nidolang lost his ability to fight, and the flying mantis won the victory, so the winner was Xue

Qing" "Wow ~ Little sister is so beautiful~

" (✪▽✪) "Sister Qing ~ Niu Batch ~ (broken sound)

" "This flying mantis is so strong!" Ծ‸Ծ

"Flying Mantis Bull Batch


Xueqin noticed that the battle on the field was over and planned to prepare for the field

, "Xiao Feng, Uncle Xie, I'm going to play

" "Xueqin come on

" (ง •̀_•́)ง"Come on"(ง •̀_•́)ง

"um~"ヽ(○^ᄌ^)ノ ♪

The two watched Tang Xueqin walk towards the field, Xie Jiafeng proposed

to leave, "Xiao Feng, I still have something to do and leave first

~" "Let's go~

" Looking at Ling Feng's unconcerned look, Xie Jiafeng also twitched the corner of his mouth, helplessly said

, "You boy..." ╮(〉_〉)╭

Xie Jiafeng shook his head and left, and glanced at Wang Yue before leaving, this guy is still addicted to his own world and can't extricate himself,

"Gee~ this Wang Yue, real cow~"


On the field

, "Ice and snow, ice gravel blockade the wooden palace operation, freeze-drying to solve it

" "Wooden palace, quickly..." Before he could say it, the wooden palace had already been hit and lost its

ability to fight, "The wooden palace lost its ability to fight, and the ice six tails won the victory, so the winner was Tang Xueqin's classmate ~

" "

I go, the goddess Tang is so strong, the battle will end so quickly!"

My sister

is so beautiful~""Tang Goddess Saigao

~""Ice Rokuo is so cute~

""I still think its trainer is a little cuter (dog head)∪・ω・∪

" "Hmm? (~_~;)


Tang Xueqin walked straight to Ling Feng's side without taking care of the students on the sidelines

, "How about it, sister is not handsome" グッ! ๑•̀ᄇ•́)و✧

"Xueqin you are handsome" ( ́. ✪ω✪。 ')

"Hmph~" ๑乛v 乛๑

Hehe Ling Feng's face was not red and his heart did not beat

, old class: When did I say that I could leave school, leave it to me... I'll talk for a few more minutes (hours)

"Honor Du fake toot" Tang Xueqin expressed doubts, "Of course it's true

" Looking at the serious Ling Feng, Tang Xueqin decided to believe

him once, "walking

" So the two of them once again dropped Fatty Wang

, "Xiao Feng~Wang Yue, why is he still talking to himself here~

" "Don't pay attention to him, he's been talking for a long time and don't know what he's talking about" -_-||

"Oh good" So there was an explosive post on the campus confession wall [Shock! A fat man was talking to himself on campus, whether this is a distortion of human nature or a decline in morality

!"( ́-ω-')

Wang Yue: 6, yes, buddy is going to be on fire (play Nima! The following omit two thousand words... Dog head ∪・ω・∪)


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