After an hour, the award ceremony finally ended, which also means that the third year of high school has officially begun....

"Wow, look at this is our champion back~

" Wang Yue said funny, as Wang Yue's voice fell, two boys walked out of the class behind him, one of them seemed to be holding something in his hand, and when the two approached, Ling Feng recognized it as a banner,

"No... No way... It's so embarrassing to play~" Ling Feng vaguely guessed what was going on, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, while Tang Xueqin covered his mouth and snickered on the side, Luo Jiujiu and Xu Heng looked like they were not too big

, "Oh~" The two male classmates held one by one and pulled it away directly, and it was written 'Jinling No. 1 Middle School Champion: Ling Feng'

"Snap ~" Ling Feng directly covered his head with one hand, he felt very ashamed, especially the whispering voice of other classmates around him, no need to think about what they were saying, this made Ling Feng even more ashamed, what is this, if it is a large-scale competition, such as the championship banner of the college league, then Ling Feng will gladly accept it, but if it is the "champion banner" of this baby cup, then it is not necessary, this baby cup This is Tu Yile, and in the entire championship banner, the whole is so embarrassing.

"Okay, okay, you can put it away, hurry up and hurry up~" Ling Feng said while putting his hand down, I don't know why when he saw this banner Ling Feng, he thought of the system's evaluation of himself - baby killer.

"Hehe, Brother Feng, is this shy?"

Wang Yue laughed wickedly, "Roll~" Ling Feng looked at the mean Wang Yue, eager to invite him to eat his 42-size-old sole, but fortunately he finally held back.

“...... Fatty, where did this banner come from? Ling Feng pretended to be calm and

said, "Brother Feng, you said the banner, this was sent by a student just now, saying that this is also a prize~" Wang Yue did not continue to commit slut, but

answered Ling Feng's question truthfully, "..." Ling Feng was speechless, and after thinking about it carefully, he knew that this must have been done by his uncle, 'I didn't expect my uncle to be such a person, I like to play embarrassing, right~'

Tang Xueqin was also happy to see Ling Feng's black face, As clever as she heard what Wang Yue said, she basically understood that it was the principal who did it.

"Hehe~ go in, Xiao Feng~"

Tang Xueqin smiled and then pulled Ling Feng and Luo Jiujiu into the classroom together, all this was seen by Wang Yue, he silently gave Ling Feng a thumbs up in his heart, Tang Xueqin was originally such a cold person, before Ling Feng would blush when holding her hand in front of people, now hold two at once, this is to have a boyfriend and girlfriend at the same time, long insight!

"Lying groove Ling Feng Niu Batch, actually won a championship!"

"What is it called Ling Feng, that's what you can call? Call me Brother Feng!"

"Maple Father

Cow Batch (Broken Sound)~" "Tang Goddess Cow

Batch (Broken Sound)~" "Tang Goddess Cow Batch (Broken Sound)

~" "Squad Leader Cow Batch ~

" "Lololi Cow Batch~"

Luo Jiujiu: How come I am a little wrong?


soon as the four of Ling Feng entered, the students in the class all looked at the four of them in unison, and then the overwhelming praise and praise of everyone swept towards several people.


Ling Feng's four people were quickly surrounded by water,

"What are you doing!"

The iconic voice of the old class made all the students tremble subconsciously, turned their heads to look at the door, and the one standing there was - the old class.

"Go back to your seat~"

The old class said expressionlessly, and everyone had to obediently return to their seats when they heard this, and sat upright with a very well-behaved look.

Seeing that the students had returned to their seats, the old class walked up to the podium slowly, supporting his hands on the podium, only to see him slowly speak

, "I know that Ling Feng won the championship, Tang Xueqin, Xu Heng and Luo Jiujiu also got good results, they have earned a lot of honors for our class, everyone is very happy for them and the class, but you are so noisy, this is a school is not a vegetable market, you look at other classes, which class is like you!" You are really..." "

Old class: The teacher is very happy to be so friendly with your classmates, but the teacher does not like your boisterous behavior ╮(〉_〉)╭

Students: ......

"Okay, although the Pokémon battle is very important, but the cultural class is also very important, now that the game is over, and it's still early before school time, you can't waste time, so let's start the class now" The old class said to himself and silently took out the textbook, it seems that it should have been premeditated.

Students: ......

So the students in the first class voluntarily (forced to helplessly) start the class, and at the same time the other classes are watching movies, which is the last indulgence before the official start of the class, and everyone is very satisfied.

The crowd: No, we are not satisfied! (; `O´)o


"Ahem~ How did you find this?" A quasi-cadre of Team Rocket said unwillingly to the middle-aged man in front of him,

"Hehe~ Do you think I will tell you?" The middle-aged man in front of him, who looked like a dodo, said with disdain

, "Hehe~" The quasi-cadre of the rocket team suddenly smiled strangely, and then said maniacally, "

Then you will go to hell with me!"

After saying that, he opened his hands and made a hugging gesture ready to meet death, while the middle-aged man looked at him like a fool, and after waiting for a long time without moving, he couldn't help but open his eyes

, "What's going on, why didn't it explode?"

He said in disbelief, he obviously put a lot of naughty thunder bombs in the base, how could it not explode?

"Huh~ Still want to pull me to be buried with you? Why are you so big-faced?"

The middle-aged man mocked him with disdain, and then let his subordinates arrest him, and directly knocked him unconscious in order to prevent him from committing suicide.

"Report to the prosecutor, this entire base has been searched" At this time, a subordinate ran over to report, "

Hmm~huh? No, Kuailong took him. "


" "Hehehe, it's too late, Suli shot killed that idiot

~" "Poof~" Sullipai directly used his superpower to kill the comatose Rocket Team quasi-cadre

, "Abominable, then you stay, Fast Dragon Thunder Fist

~" "Roar

~" "Hehe~Tang Grand Prosecutor, we'll see you next time

~" "Poof~"

Sulipai directly used teleportation to take the person away, leaving only the prosecutor in the rocket base incompetent rage.


In the field

, "My lord, why didn't you just solve that prosecutor together?" A member of Team Rocket asked Yu Li puzzled

, "Hehe, his fast dragon is around, I can't do anything to him, it's already a blessing to be able to solve that idiot." You Li said lightly,

"That prosecutor is so powerful?"

"He... He's a quasi-champion-level trainer~"



In the rocket team base

, "damn guy" Tang Xiaotian was sulking alone at this time, "

Roar~ (Are you okay?)"

"I'm okay, Kuailong."

"Roar~ (really?)"

"Of course it's true, it's just a pity that this big fish is gone." Oh no, there's a fish. "


At this time, Liu Xin's family,

"Woooo Woo~Save your son~" Liu Xin's wife Zhou Yu said while crying (┯_┯

), "Isn't I thinking?" I really don't know what that bastard Xie Jiafeng is doing! Liu Xin was also in a bad mood, since his son was arrested, he has been thinking of ways and looking for someone, but everyone seems to be hiding from themselves, and they can't find a single one.

"Knock knock~

" "Huh? Who?"

A sudden knock on the door interrupted Liu Xin's thoughts, which made his already unbeautiful mood even worse.

"Check the water meter~"

"Check the water meter?"

"That's not right!"


" "Supervisor Liu, you... Where is this going?"

I saw that the living room where there were originally only two people was instantly crowded, and Liu Xin was directly pressed to the ground.


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