Leng Yuexi: It's normal to have accidents during the battle, but if something really happens to Ibrahimovic, then it's normal for me to take revenge, rest assured, the school's medical facilities are very advanced~ (*・ω・) ✄

Ling Feng: ... 6

Leo Road: ... 6


"Eevee lost the ability to fight, and Leo Lu won, so the winner is

Ling Feng's classmate~"...""Dedicated

~" Ling Feng directly gave Xu Heng a thumbs up, "Must~" Xu Heng

returned Ling Feng's orchid finger~ Although he didn't know why he made this gesture

~"..." The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched, he really didn't know what to say, "

Not bad~"

At this time, coach Qiu Ze came over, looking at his appearance, he knew that he should have seen the battle

just now, "Coach ~" × 5

"Eh~ Don't worry about me first, didn't you two fight against each other just now, or send your Pokémon to treatment first~" Qiu Ze waved his hand to let Ling Feng and Leng Yuexi go to treat Pokémon first,

"Okay~" ×2


"Xu Heng? Gee~" Qiu Ze walked to Xu Heng and looked him up and down, and at the same time he secretly sighed in his heart

, 'There is a kind of book anger in vain, but it's a pity that it's a girl~'"

What happened to the coach?" Xu Heng always felt that the coach was thinking something very rude but there was no evidence

, "It's nothing, just thought of some next training~" Of course, Qiu Ze can't say that he complained about his mother in his heart, of course, this sentence is also true, although the original plan was not only to train Pokémon but also to train these students, but when Qiu Ze saw Xu Heng's orchid finger, he decided to increase the amount of training to implement military training, how can a good young man be girly, There's nothing masculine at all!


" Qiu Ze couldn't help but shiver when he listened to Xu Heng's whispering voice, feeling a layer of goosebumps on his body,

"Can you talk well!" Qiu Ze shouted loudly

, "People have always talked well~

"..." Qiu

Ze clenched his fists, he really wanted to punch the guy in front of him who didn't know what gender, but he still held back,

"Then you shut up for me!"


Qiu Ze was relieved to see that Xu Heng finally didn't speak, what kind of stuff is too scary, he plans to chat with Tang Xueqinluo for a long time to understand what is the situation of this Xu Heng, although it is very happy to chat with the girl, but for some reason suddenly can't hear Xu Heng's whispering voice Qiu Ze's heart feels a trace of regret,

'!!' Qiu Ze found that something was wrong, 'No, I must like girls, my sexual orientation has always been normal, how could it be

that Xu Heng suddenly changed, it must be an illusion, it must be an illusion' Qiu Ze constantly comforted himself in his heart, for a while he had no interest in staying any longer, just casually found an excuse to leave, but before he left, he still took a deep look at Xu Heng, and he didn't expect that this look just made the two look at each other,

" Plop ~ plop

~ " "Plop ~ plop ~ "

The inexplicable heartbeat of the two accelerated, Qiu Ze immediately turned his head and left, walking very resolutely, but from his back can be seen his panic.

What Qiu Ze didn't know was that he just glanced at Xu Heng before leaving and was seen by the second daughter, Tang Xueqin didn't feel anything, but Luo Jiujiu was different, her small head instantly gushed out a large number of indescribable color waste, especially the flustered look after the two looked at each other and Xu Heng's red face made Luo Jiujiu inspired, and after she returned home, she began to start her first beautiful novel "The Secret That Male Coaches and Male Students Have to Tell", This novel has circled her a large number of fans, and she has also gone further and further on the road of beautiful literature, of course, these are all afterwords.


“emmm... Xu Heng, what's wrong with this? Ling Feng asked Tang Xueqin with a strange

face, when Ling Feng and Leng Yuexi came back, they saw Xu Heng standing alone with a red face, not knowing what

he was thinking, Luo Jiujiu directly rushed to answer, but she added a little more oil

and vinegar, "..." × 2

Ling Feng was okay, because he knew that the truth must not be exactly as Luo Jiujiu said, she must have added oil and vinegar, but Leng Yuexi didn't know ah, so she really believed it, This had a great impact on the young Leng Yuexi.


Ling Feng looked at Leng Yuexi, who was in a state of shock, and the corner of his mouth twitched, 'Good fellow, Luo Jiujiu really dares to say, Leng Yuexi, you really dare to believe it!'

" "Leng Yuexi, don't listen to Luo Jiujiu's nonsense, there is nothing between the coach and Xu Heng, but I don't know why Xu Heng became like this after the coach glanced at Xu Heng just now before leaving." Tang Xueqin was also speechless, she didn't expect Leng Yuexi to be so easy to fool, so she said what happened just now and glared at Luo Jiujiu, who was covering his mouth and snickering.

"Hehe~" Luo Jiujiu didn't care at all about Tang Xueqin's glare at him, but tried to fool through.

"What do you mean?"


Ling Feng should go to the assembly~" Just when several people were chatting hotly, Xue Qing came over to remind everyone that they were going to gather

, "Oh, well, this is coming~" After Ling Feng replied, he turned his head and saw Tang Xueqin and the three of them staring at him in unison,


How... What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?" Ling Feng asked puzzled,

"What is your relationship with that Xue Qing?" Why did she call you?" Luo Jiujiu took the lead in helping Tang Xueqin ask the doubts in his heart

, "..." Ling Feng was speechless, "How do I know, Xue Qing is my opponent when I was 50 into 25, and there is no intersection other ah~"

Tang Xueqin

: 눈_눈 Luo Jiujiu

: 눈_눈 Leng Yuexi: 눈_눈 Ling Feng: Leng Yuexi, what is your situation?

Leng Yuexi: Hey~(∩❛ڡ❛∩)

"Forget it, let's go~" Tang Xueqin stared at Ling Feng for a while and gave up without seeing anything,



"What about Xu Heng?" Qiu Ze had already calmed down at this time

, and Ling Feng and the others found that Xu Heng actually did not follow,

"... Didn't you call? Luo Jiujiu frowned and asked Ling Feng,

"I thought Xu Heng heard it~ And why didn't you call it?" Ling Feng said unpleasantly

, "Okay, okay~ Let's both say two words less~" Tang Xueqin opened his mouth to stop the two from continuing

, "..." Qiu

Ze was speechless, what kind of students are these, this directly ignores me

, "Forget it, I'll go~" Qiu Ze said helplessly, "You guys warm up with your own Pokémon first

~" "Good~"×30


"Okay, assemble!"

A few minutes later, Qiu Ze returned with Xu Heng,


"Very good, this is decent~" Qiu Ze looked at the people who gathered quickly and were satisfied, and after everyone stood up, he continued

, "First of all, Hu Yu has left the school team!"


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