"System, open the system mall, I haven't seen it, I don't know if there are props to erase memory


" "Ding~ The system mall is open..."

"Why do you always have the feeling of playing games" Ling Feng complained┐('~';) ┌

【System Mall】

[Poké Ball Area: Normal Poké Ball: 200 points Super Ball: 600 points Premium Ball: 800 points Deluxe Ball: 1000 points Master Ball: 10000 points...].

[Elf Item Area: Silver Powder: 1000 points ... Tooth of the Deep: 2000 points ... Mandatory exerciser: 3000 points ... Light powder: 4000 points White vanilla: 4000 points Preemptive Claw: 4000 points Calming Bell: 4000 points ... Proof of Kings: 5000 points ... Dragon's Tooth: 50,000 points Learning Device: 100,000

points ...] [Elf Egg Zone: Green Caterpillar: 500 points Spiny Tail: 500 points ... Pichu: 4000 points ... Nidoran: 5000 points ... Little Fire Dragon: 10,000 points Jeni Turtle: 10,000 points ... Flying Mantis: 25000 points ... Mini Dragon: 100,000 points ... Lightning Bird: 1,500,000 points ... Lokia: 10,000,000 points ... Arceus: 100000000000

points] [...]


System, how many points do I have?"

"Ding ~ The host has 1100 points

" "... , Then what do you mean by showing me so much that I can't afford it!" ('Δ ́)!"

The system mall is like this, the host can earn system points first, and then buy them, or draw a prize. "

How to say the lottery" (゚o゚;

" 1000 points for the low-level lottery, 10 times for 9000 points, 10 times for the intermediate lottery, 5000 points, 10 times for 45000

points, 10000 points for the senior lottery, 100000 points for ten times, 100000 points for the god-level lottery once, 900000 points for ten times


can only draw one low-level lottery ah~"╮(╯_╰)╭

"Ding~ No, there is also a high-level lottery given by the system oh dear!"

"Disgusting ~ system, don't disgust me, first give me a low-level lottery" Ling Feng said with a look of disgust,

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Lotom Guide" "Lotom

Guide??? Can this thing also be drawn?" "

Ding~ Yes, the host (=^^=) system lottery can draw any item, of course, limited to items in the elf world

" "Okay, it's not bad, the next is the high-level lottery, the three Qing and four emperors, the heavenly emperor Haotian, the queen mother Niangniang... Bless me to draw a good thing, give me a "Ling Feng also fought in order to draw out a good thing, and asked for almost all the immortals he knew

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining a law fragment"



The giant golden monster has been stuck at the peak of the quasi-heavenly king for several years, Ling Feng knows that it dreams of breaking through the heavenly king, and now there is finally hope, which makes Ling Feng feel very excited, "Ding~ The giant golden monster is now the peak of the quasi-heavenly

king, and only a little bit of the power of the law can break through to become the heavenly king, this law fragment can not only help him break through to the heavenly king, but also improve its foundation to a certain extent." "

Great" Ling Feng was originally a little worried that the giant golden monster could not break through, but now that he had a systematic explanation, his hanging heart had finally let go. Over the years, the giant golden monster has been frantically exercising himself in order to break through the heavenly king, watching the giant golden monster always get a wound, Ling Feng is honestly very distressed, and now the giant golden monster can finally get his wish.

"System View My Panel

" [Host: Ling Feng

] [System Points: 100

] [Ability: Eye of Exploration, Never Forget, Super True New Physique

] [Item: Magic Candy×10 Master Ball×1 Lotom Guide Law Fragments

] [Pokémon: Giant Golden Monster (Flash) (89), Dumb Beast (15), Leo Lu (1)]

"Kang Jin~( Who is this blue dog?)"

As soon as Ling Feng heard the voice, he turned around and saw the giant golden monster carrying the dumb beast, and the state of the dumb beast didn't seem to be very good.

"Dumb beast, what's the matter" Looking at the dumb beast, Ling Feng, who was motionless, asked a little strangely

: "Kang Jin~ (nothing, just came too excited, just had too much fun,)" The giant golden monster didn't blush and flickered without a heartbeat, "Kang Jin~ (is it, little brother)

" "Dull ~ (is... Yes)" (x_x;

) "Really fake, I feel that you are fooling me together" Ling Feng Fox said suspiciously, looked at the giant golden monster and then looked at the dumb beast

"Kang Jin~ (By the way, master, you haven't said who this blue dog is)" The giant golden monster quickly changed the topic

"Oh, you said this" Seeing that he couldn't ask why, Ling Feng didn't ask anymore, because he believed that the giant golden monster would not do anything bad for the dumb beast, and heard the giant golden monster ask again, Leo Lu changed to the giant golden monster and the dumb beast, "This is your younger brother Leo Lu, it has just been born now, when it wakes up, you will officially get to know each other, you are both brothers, take good care of this younger brother Oh"

"Kang Jin~ (rest assured, we will treat it well)"

Stay ~ (I will also protect it)

" "..." Looking

at the big grinning giant golden monster and the tired dumb beast, Ling Feng felt relieved, and silently sighed that this is my Ling Feng's cub.

"Okay, dumb beast, don't you rest in the luxury ball first, I'll ask Shanaiduo to prepare a small nest for you later" Ling Feng felt distressed for the exhausted dumb beast, so he let it go to rest,

"Stay ~ (okay)

" "Kang Jin ~ (what about me?)"

After taking back the Dumb Beast and Leo Lu, looking at the giant golden monster like Erha, Ling Feng felt a headache ( ́; (;'), why is Daddy's giant golden monster so calm and calm, but its cub is like an erha, Ling Feng said that he was very speechless and did not understand.

"Giant Golden Monster, I have a good thing to give you," Ling Feng said with a smile

, "Kang Jin~ (What?)" ⊙_⊙

"System, take out the law fragment" Ling Feng said silently in his heart, as soon as the law fragment was taken out, the giant golden monster stared at it deadly, although it didn't know what it was, but its intuition told it that this thing could help it take that step.

Looking at the giant golden monster staring at the law fragment in his hand, Ling Feng also chuckled, "Giant golden monster, didn't you always want to break through the heavenly king, now the opportunity comes" After speaking, Ling Feng handed the law fragment to the giant golden monster, and the giant golden monster swallowed the law fragment in one mouthful, and then a light cocoon gradually formed on its outside.

Ling Feng watched this scene quietly, he understood that the giant golden monster was undergoing transformation, and when it reappeared, it would be when it became a heavenly king.

Sure enough, after a period of time, the light cocoon slowly moved, and as the movement became larger and larger, cracks gradually appeared on the light cocoon, just like when the elf egg hatched.

With a roar, the giant golden monster also took that step, and the light gradually dissipated, revealing the silver-white body of the giant golden monster, and after several years of hard work, he finally became the king of heaven today.

Heavenly King Giant Golden Monster, join it!


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