William looked at Joniva, and after receiving the promise, he took Ling Jiuxiao one step ahead.


Then Ling Jiuxiao and the chairman of the Xiou Alliance held talks in the office, but since the participants in this meeting were only the two of them, no one knew what they discussed, only knew that after the meeting, Ling Jiuxiao left with a smile, while the chairman of the Xiou Alliance sat in the office with an ugly face.

"Lying groove god horse thing?"

Ling Feng looked at Ling Jiuxiao and Sha Naiduo who suddenly appeared and was startled,

"I'm not a divine horse or a thing.... Ah, I'm your daddy. After

Ling Jiuxiao found himself punished by Ling Feng's words, he directly let Ling Feng experience the love from his old father.

"Wow~ Why do you and mom like to hit me on the head?"


" "Ahhh!"

"Mom, what are you doing~

eh~" "Knock~

" "Ah!"

Ling Feng wanted to question Xie Yingying, but looking at her threatening expression, Ling Feng decided that the adult would not remember the villain and chose to forgive her.

"Wife, don't fight, it's even more stupid to fight if you're not smart in the first place."

Originally, Ling Feng was still very moved to see Ling Jiuxiao holding Xie Yingying, but after listening to Ling Jiuxiao's words, his originally moved expression instantly stiffened.

'Gan, give me back my touch!'

" Ling Feng shouted in his heart, his face expressionless.

"Okay, okay, you are busy, you go, I still have something to discuss with your mother."


'Shh~ I have something to discuss with your mother~Cut, who doesn't know if you're going to do something bad?'

Ling Feng thought unpleasantly, and at the same time sighed, 'Sure enough... Parents are true love, children are just accidents!'


A few days later,

"Nao, my parents still have breakfast in the room?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said, he hadn't seen them since the last time his father said that he had something to tell his mother, and the key was that they didn't go out, staying in the room every day, and didn't come out for breakfast.

"Shanai~ (Yes, we will bring breakfast to the head and lady later.) "

What's wrong?"

Ling Feng saw that Nai Xu's face was strange and became curious

, "Shanai~ (It's nothing, it's just that the consumption of supplements has been a bit much recently.) "

Make up... Product?"

Ling Feng understood in an instant, and then he was speechless, alas~ I just hope not to make a human life, but Ling Feng still thinks that his sister is better.

Ling Feng quickly settled breakfast and went out, today he was going to Hangcheng to participate in the opening ceremony of the high school league, but he couldn't be late.


"Wow ~ a lot of people~

" Looking at the crowded airport, Tang Xueqin and Luo Jiujiu exclaimed

, "Of course, let's not mention that Hangcheng is about to open a high school league, even if there is no high school league, there will be no fewer people who come to Hangcheng to travel at this time period."

"I know, but I didn't expect that there would be so many people who left early."

"Do you think you're just a smart person? Which of the people here now is not a 'smart person'?"


Jiujiu was speechless by Ling Feng's words, indeed, there is nothing wrong with leaving early, the problem is that everyone is early, and there is no wrong peak travel at all.

"Okay, don't talk, we should go~"

At this time, Qiu Ze beckoned everyone in Jinling No. 1 Middle School to leave, after all, it is not good to stay here.


"This is where we're going to live?"

Looking at the luxury hotel in front of him, Ji Ji Bao said... That's it?

"How else do you want to give you the whole villa?"

Qiu Ze said angrily,

"I think so."

Ji Jibao said

with a serious face, "you~"

Qiu Ze resisted the urge to hit people, and led everyone into the hotel with a black face.

"Alas~My villa wow~My villa wow


Xu Lei~" "Xu Lei~" "Xu Lei, what are you doing, eh, don't want it~Hmm~"

Everyone really didn't expect Ji Ji Bao's obsession with the villa to be so deep, this is almost to the room, still chanting, thinking of the surprised look of the waiter just now, the rest of the people felt speechless and humiliated.

In the end, he really couldn't stand it, and directly asked Xu Lei to force Ji Jibao to shut up, and the world was quiet for a while.

Qiu Ze pretended not to see it, and he was talking to everyone in the first middle school about the afternoon's itinerary.

"Gather in the hotel lobby before 1 p.m. to attend the opening ceremony, the opening ceremony lasts about three or four hours, and there is a party at 8 p.m., you can go if you want, and if you don't want to go, you can also go out by yourself or go back to the hotel to rest."

"Okay," ×16

said and everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

"Xueqin, are you nervous?"

Luo Jiujiu held Tang Xueqin lying on the big bed of the hotel, Tang Xueqin looked at Luo Jiujiu helplessly, this girl had to run to her room to discuss the competition, the result... Oh, woman.

"Then it must be nervous, you also know the situation of our Jinling No. 1 Middle School, if there is no results, our school will definitely be pushed to the forefront again."

Tang Xueqin said worriedly,

"But.... We have this guy Ling Feng, it shouldn't be a problem to enter the final four. "

Oh? Are you so confident in him?"

Luo Jiujiu saw Tang Xueqin looking at himself with a smile, Luo Jiujiu's little face blushed, but he still said truthfully

, "Although I don't want to admit it, Ling Feng is really strong, he is the strongest among my peers I have ever seen."

"Yes, Xiao Feng, he.... Really strong. Tang

Xueqin agreed with Luo Jiujiu's words, and then the topic of the two girls ran to Ling Feng?


"Let's go~ go to the opening ceremony~" "


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