For the sake of Iwagakure, Ohnoki had to hire Akatsuki to do things for them.

Ohnoki used the reputation of Iwagakure to accept some extremely difficult tasks, and then hired Akatsuki ninjas to perform the tasks.

In this round trip, Iwagakure did not have to pay anything, but completed the tasks excellently and received a lot of task rewards.

Including during the Boruto period, Hinata had seen on the Internet that Ohnoki seemed to have turned evil...

In fact, Hinata did think about hiring Akatsuki to assassinate Ohnoki at a high price. This person simply couldn't stand seeing others do well.

But Tsunade was right. What if Akatsuki got a huge sum of money and took action in advance?

In a day, Hinata's head was almost broken, and she couldn't think of a good way to solve this matter.

"I must practice hard!"

Hinata also felt the pressure. With Hinata's current strength, she could only be helpless in the face of Dust Release.

And Ohnoki can fly.

After returning home, Hinata locked herself in the room, thinking about what to do about this matter.

Since it can't be solved by force, it can only rely on intelligence.

Hinata recalled whether there were similar things in her previous life that could be used as a reference.

"But how to do it?"

Hinata actually thought about it, saying that she could only lend the Nine-Tails Chakra to a few people... but the Sand Village actually knew the truth.

The Sand Village was beaten so badly in the Konoha collapse plan, and it might secretly leak some information to the Rock Village.

It doesn't matter who is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki between Hinata and Naruto. What matters is that Hinata can pass the Nine-Tails Chakra to others for use.

Hinata touched her chin...

If the Sand Village really has secret intelligence exchanges with the Rock Village, then Hinata is not actually in danger, and the danger is the Hyuga clan.

"What a trouble!"

"I shouldn't have done this if I had known!"

Hinata turned over and got up, and hurried to the bedroom of Hyuga Hiashi, and started knocking on the door.

After a long time, Hyuga Hiashi opened the door with a bang and asked with a dark face: "Hinata? It's so late, what's the matter with you?"

Hinata said anxiously: "Yes! Father, I have something important to tell you."

"Wait a minute!"

Hinata Hiashi turned and went into the house. After a while, he came out dressed and said lightly: "Come to the study with me to talk."

Hinata said apologetically: "Sorry! I disturbed you and mom's good things!"

Hinata Hiashi asked in shock: "Hinata, do you know what we are doing?"

Hinata's face was embarrassed, and her mind turned, and her face blushed as she explained: "Yes! I know a little! I went to see the big sister with the lecherous fairy before, and I saw him and those women... um!"

Hinata Hiashi: "..."

Damn Jiraiya, Hinata is only twelve years old!

Chapter 174 Hyuga Hiashi's family status +1

In the study, Hinata and Hyuga Hiashi knelt on both sides of the desk.

Hyuga Hiashi brewed a pot of tea, poured the tea into the teacup with an elegant movement, and gently pushed it towards Hinata.

"Hinata! What's the matter?"

Hinata nodded seriously, and wanted to say it directly, but when she saw that Hyuga Hiashi had already brewed the tea, she took a sip of the teacup.

"Hot, hot, hot..."

Hinata stuck out her tongue and fanned herself with her hands.

Hyuga Hiashi: "..."

Hyuga Hiashi covered his face, feeling helpless.

Although he had a premonition that he would hear something very important from Hinata tonight, seeing Hinata like this, Hyuga Hiashi couldn't be serious at all.

After a long time, Hinata put down the teacup and sat down again.

Putting on a serious look, Hinata's eyes were heavy and her face was gloomy. She said in a tone of telling a ghost story: "Father, our Hyuga family may face a major crisis."

Hyuga Hiashi also felt the solemn atmosphere and asked in a deep voice: "What major crisis?"

Hinata said seriously: "The Sand Village knows my information. If the Sand Village and the Rock Village secretly communicate, the Rock Village will shift its attention from the Nine-Tails to our Hyuga family's Byakugan."

Hyuga Hiashi breathed a sigh of relief and said lightly: "I have considered this before!"

What the hell?

Hinata was completely confused. I thought about this for a whole day before I thought of this. Now you tell you that I have thought of it a long time ago?

Hyuga Hiashi continued: "The existence of the bird in the cage itself is a kind of protection for the Hyuga family's Byakugan."

"Although some branches believe that the 'bird in the cage' is a curse to enslave them, from ancient times to the present, the existence of the 'bird in the cage' has actually always been to protect the Hyuga family."

Hinata also quite agrees with this.

There are too many people in the ninja world who want to seize the Byakugan. The existence of the caged bird can indeed protect the Hyuga family to a certain extent.

And Hinata has another guess about the ‘caged bird’.

One of the ways to open the Samsara Eye is to merge a lot of Byakugan to force it open.

Could it be that someone in the Hyuga family knew about the Samsara Eye in the early years, so in order to prevent the Hyuga family from killing each other, they developed the ‘caged bird’ curse seal and established the system of the main family and the branch family.

It’s just that with the passage of time, the meaning of many things has also changed.

The caged bird in the past was really to protect the Hyuga family.

But the bird in the cage now is just to protect the Hyuga clan and the Hyuga clan's Byakugan.

Hinata asked blankly: "So our clan is actually still very safe?"

Hyuga Hiashi nodded: "Yes!"

"As long as you stay in the village, you won't encounter any danger."

"Although Konoha will bear a certain amount of pressure, your affairs will not only attract the attention of other ninja villages, but also deter them."

"If you can only pass the Nine-Tails' chakra to a few people, it will be meaningless for them to attack you. But if you can pass the Nine-Tails' chakra to thousands of people, they will not dare to attack Konoha again."

Hinata scratched her head awkwardly. What she had been worrying about all day turned out to be so simple?

As expected, I am a fool with only strength.

Hyuga Hiashi looked at Hinata, his eyes slightly soft: "Are you unable to sleep because you are worried about this matter?"

Hinata sat down obediently and nodded vigorously.

Hyuga Hiashi was silent for a moment, and then continued: "The deterrent power of the tailed beast does not lie in the ability to pass chakra to other people, but in the power of the tailed beast itself."

"It is better to give the power of the Nine-Tails to one person alone than to divide it equally among a thousand people."

"The reason why those ninja villages care about this is because they have never seen it before, and suddenly heard about it, so they think your threat is huge."

"But when they figure out the key, your threat will no longer exist."

Hinata was relieved when she heard this. She was almost suffocated by the pressure today.

Hyuga Hiashi's face suddenly became serious, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Hinata!"


Hinata looked up at Hyuga Hiashi.

Hyuga Hiashi said with a stern face: "The reason why I didn't tell you about this is that I hope you can learn enough lessons. Before doing anything in the future, think about what consequences this matter will bring!"

Hinata rarely refuted Hyuga Hiashi's words, and listened attentively.

Hyuga Hiashi looked gloomy and continued, "You have a very high talent, which is almost unprecedented in the Hyuga family for hundreds of years..."

"The development of the Ninja Clan can be traced back to a thousand years ago."

"In the past thousand years, how many powerful bloodline families and secret families have been submerged in history. Even Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, who founded Konoha Village, have become the past..."

"You are the heir of the Hyuga Clan. It is good to be strong, but if you act recklessly because of your strength, it will only bring an irreparable disaster to the Hyuga Clan."

Hinata listened seriously.

After reflecting on herself, Hinata also felt that she had been a little too inflated recently.

Especially after being able to borrow the power of the Nine-Tails, although Hinata didn't say it, she was almost lawless in her heart.

Today, when Hinata learned that Ohnoki was targeting her, her first thought was to destroy the Iwagakure Village, and she even released the Nine-Tails and hired the Akatsuki organization to do things.

This idea is indeed a bit too dangerous.

Seeing Hinata accept his teachings humbly, Hyuga Hiashi was also relieved.

Hinata is only twelve years old this year. Hyuga Hiashi is not worried that Hinata will do something wrong, but he is afraid that Hinata will not listen to the teachings and make mistakes again and again.

So Hyuga Hiashi thinks that Iwagakure Village has done a good thing. If it weren't for Ohnoki targeting Hinata, Hyuga Hiashi is really worried that Hinata will use her power to do evil one day.

Hyuga Hiashi continued, "Hinata! The reason why our Hyuga family has been able to survive to this day is not because of our bravery and aggressiveness."

"The bird in the cage is the biggest umbrella for the Hyuga family, and the Byakugan of the Hyuga family is the power for us to establish bonds with other ninjas."

"They need us, and we need them..."

"It is this mutual need that is the reason why our Hyuga family has been able to exist until now."

Hinata nodded seriously, "I remember, father! Thank you!"

Hyuga Hiashi reached out and touched Hinata's little head, and said lightly, "Hinata! I will always be proud of you."

Hinata's eyes were a little moist.

What's going on? Why did you suddenly become sentimental?


Hinata nodded heavily and chuckled: "Me too, thank you for sheltering me from the wind and rain."

Hinata Hiashi slowly stood up and said lightly: "Okay, it's getting late, go back and rest quickly, you have to go to work at the fifth generation tomorrow morning."

Hinata said "Yeah", got up and followed Hinata Hiashi out of the study.

Chapter 175 Hinata grew up overnight

In the Hokage's office, Tsunade looked at Hinata with an incredible face.

"Hey~Hinata, you are not late today? Did the black cat that blocked your way yesterday get up late today?"

Shizune walked in front of Hinata, leaned down and pinched Hinata's little face, and said in surprise: "You are not Hinata, right? Tell me, who are you and why are you pretending to be Hinata?"

Hinata said seriously: "Big sister, Shizune sister! From today on, I will be an honest person, do my job properly, and never make trouble again."

After going back last night, Hinata thought a lot.

Even though Hyuga Hiashi seemed very confident when he spoke last night, Hinata also knew that both Konoha and the Hyuga family would have to bear a lot of pressure for this.

And all this is because Hinata carelessly leaked the information that she can use the Nine-Tails Chakra.

This includes the last attack on the Sound Village.

Although the Sound Village is Orochimaru's village, it is also the armed force of the Land of Fields.

As a Konoha ninja, Hinata rashly attacked the Sound Village, which was equivalent to a declaration of war by Konoha against the Sound Village, and also a declaration of war by the Land of Fire against the Land of Fields.

Of course, because it was Orochimaru who launched the Konoha collapse plan first, the Land of Fields had no position to blame Konoha.

But other ninja villages would not think so.

They would automatically ignore the fact that Orochimaru provoked the war, and would only use Konoha's attack on the Sound Village as an excuse.

Unknowingly, Hinata has caused so much trouble for Konoha.

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