Although Hinata used to know that Hanabi trained so hard just to protect the Hinata family and Konoha.

But Hinata didn't understand this before.

Dreams were once too far away from Hinata's life.

But when Hinata really had a dream she wanted to pursue, she understood the meaning of hard work.


In the natural perception, Jue's figure suddenly appeared for a moment, and then disappeared.

"Hanabi, sister still has something to do, you should practice by yourself for a while. When sister comes back, I will check the progress of your practice!"


Hanabi stood obediently, looking at Hinata with her big eyes flickering. She didn't start to practice until Hinata left.

Arriving at the back mountain of Konoha, Hinata waited quietly at the place where she first met Zetsu.

Jue emerged half of his body from a tree trunk.


Bai Jue stretched out his voice and said cheerfully: "Guess what big thing happened in the ninja world recently? This is a super big secret!"

Hinata was stunned when she heard this: "Huh?"

"Shut up, Bai Ze!"

Black Zetsu said in a deep voice: "Hinata, I'm looking for you this time. I need your help with something very important."

"What's up?"

As soon as he replied to Black Zetsu's words, Hinata couldn't help but curiously asked: "Has anything big happened in the ninja world recently?"

Black Zetsu said: "I guess Konoha will receive information soon, about the Fourth Raikage and Orochimaru."

Hinata asked curiously: "The two of them fought? What was the result?"

Black Zetsu explained: "The Fourth Raikage has a violent personality. As soon as he heard that his father was being played by Orochimaru, he immediately threatened to kill Orochimaru."

"The Raikage seems to have convinced the top management of Kumogakure Village a few days ago, and suddenly led a large number of Kumo ninjas to leave Kumogakure Village and search for Orochimaru's whereabouts in the entire ninja world."

Hinata: "..."

"If the Raikage takes action, the Tsuchikage won't remain indifferent, right?"

Hinata suddenly became worried.

Black Zetsu said in surprise: "How could the Tsuchikage and the Raikage join forces to act together? Since the Raikage has taken action, the Tsuchikage is naturally happy to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."

"All right!"

Hinata shrugged helplessly. She really couldn't look at the relationship between the Raikage and the Tsuchikage from the post-World War IV perspective.

"But this matter has little to do with Konoha."

"Hei Ze, what's the matter with you?"

Hei Jue said in a deep voice: "It's about sealing off the corpses!"

"If you want to break the seal of the zombies, you must get the Death Mask of the Uzumaki clan, and the Namen Hall of the Uzumaki clan is somewhere in Konoha. I haven't found any relevant information yet."

Hinata said casually: "You mean Namendo!"

"The Namen Hall of the Uzumaki clan is in the northwest of the village. There are usually no guards there, and no one would have cared about these masks in the past."

"But recently, there are always root ninjas patrolling there."

Hei Jue nodded and said, "It seems that's the right place!"

The Namen Hall of the Uzumaki clan is not an important building in Konoha. At most, it is to commemorate the Uzumaki clan, Konoha's former allies.

Bai Jue said: "If it wasn't an important location, Obito and I could easily get the Death Mask with our abilities."

Black Zetsu calmly analyzed: "But Orochimaru has joined the Akatsuki organization!"

"Danzo is very thoughtful. Orochimaru, who has lost his hands, may not be able to get the Death Mask, but it doesn't mean that the Akatsuki organization can't do it."

Hinata nodded in agreement.

It is impossible for Danzo not to consider the Akatsuki organization. Danzo may have guessed that Konoha's plan to encircle Orochimaru was planned by the Akatsuki organization.

Perhaps Danzo still can't figure out the purpose of the organization's invitation to Orochimaru, but since the Akatsuki organization has needs for Orochimaru, Orochimaru will definitely take the opportunity to put forward conditions.

"It would be really troublesome if the Death Mask was moved."

Hinata frowned and said, "I'll use my Byakugan to check it out in a while. The base of the root is not big, so it's easy to find it if you want to."

"And one more thing……"

Black Zetsu looked at Hinata and said: "I have already cooperated with Orochimaru, and I have come here with information about Kimimaro... However, considering that your identity must be kept secret and you do not have the ability to absorb chakra for the time being, there is no need Talk about resurrecting Kimimaro."

Hinata touched her eyes and said softly: "It should be done soon."

Since absorbing Urashiki's power, Hinata's bloodline has awakened faster and faster.

The power of the Byakugan is getting stronger and stronger, and sometimes Hinata can clearly feel that there is a magical energy flowing into her eyes.

Black Zetsu handed Kimimaro's information to Hinata, and Hinata flipped through it casually.

In addition to Kimimaro's physical data, there is also Kimimaro's ninjutsu data. The content of the information is very detailed. It seems that Orochimaru is not cheating on this matter.

"Jue, I'm currently studying puppetry. If you have time, you can help me investigate the location of the Red Sand Scorpion's secret base."

Black Zetsu nodded with a 'yes', and then said: "Hinata, without further ado, let's take action immediately!"


"Roll your eyes!"

From a location as big as Konoha, Hinata could see almost every corner of the village after opening her Byakugan.

The base of the root has never been a secret to Hinata. Even if there is an anti-sense barrier there, it can only slightly reduce Hinata's visual clarity.

"found it!"

Hinata raised her lips slightly and chuckled, "Danzo was indeed prepared. He hid a Death Mask beside him, but that mask was fake. The real Death Mask was worn on the face of a Root Ninja."

Hinata had already seen the Death Mask in the Nanmen Hall with her Byakugan when she decided to join forces with Orochimaru.

As a ninja tool with special abilities, the Death Mask will naturally have its own special chakra reaction.

"Putting the mask on the face of the Root Ninja... Humph! It's Danzo's style."

Black Zetsu guessed: "The guards around Danzo should be very lax!"

Hinata nodded and said: "Yes! There are basically no guards around Danzo."

Black Zetsu said in a low voice: "The mask in the Nanmen Hall is fake, and ordinary people will naturally think that the mask next to Danzo is the real one. If we get that mask, Orochimaru will have to give his soul to the God of Death when he uses the Shiki Fuujin."

"Orochimaru knows that he will die, and thinking about the failure of Akatsuki, he may drag someone to be buried with him before he dies..."

Hinata nodded repeatedly after listening.

Danzo's plan is indeed good. If Obito or Zetsu really gets a fake Death Mask, Orochimaru will definitely die.

Black Zetsu continued: "Leave the matter of the Death Mask to us..."

He turned his eyes to Hinata.

"Although it is no longer beneficial for us to continue lurking in Konoha, this is your own decision..."

Hinata knew what Black Zetsu meant, and said solemnly: "I have made up my mind."

"Then goodbye!"

After saying that, Black Zetsu slowly sank into the ground and disappeared.


With a light breath, Hinata turned around and walked towards the village.

The joining of Orochimaru means that all plans are on the right track. Next, we just need to wait for the Akatsuki organization to collect the tailed beasts and then reap the fruits of the Akatsuki organization.

Back to the Hyuga residence, Hinata sneaked back to her own courtyard.

Seeing Hanabi who was practicing hard in the courtyard, Hinata suddenly jumped out from the corner and pounced on Hanabi who was caught off guard like a hungry tiger.

"Sister, stop making trouble!"

Hanabi looked helpless.

The existence of the white eyes made hide-and-seek no fun.

Seeing that she didn't scare Hanabi, Hinata was so angry that she stretched out her evil hands to Hanabi's armpits...

"Hahahaha... Sister, stop it... Spare my life..."

After playing with Hanabi for a while, Hinata got up contentedly and hummed: "Little girl, how is your training going?"

Hanabi said with a red face: "Sister, I can already condense the meridians!"


Hinata patted Hanabi's head and praised: "Keep it up!"

"Once you get used to the state of Twenty Gods Air Strike, you can use the Twenty Gods Air Strike to use the Air Palm and the Mountain Breaking Strike."

Hanabi nodded repeatedly, stretched out her right hand and quickly condensed a chakra fist. In the vision of the Byakugan, the meridians and acupoints in the chakra fist were clearly visible.

"Look, sister!"

"Although I can't do it like you, I used this move to hit Konohamaru with one punch!"

Hinata asked curiously: "Hanabi, why did you hit Konohamaru?"

Hanabi put her hands on her waist and complained: "Who told him to always use some weird ninjutsu? Even the teacher has said it to him several times."

"He really deserves a beating!"

Hinata said with deep approval: "Hanabi, sister will teach you another ninjutsu. This move is called 'Soft Fist - Kidney Strike'. If you are not happy with Konohamaru in the future, use this move to teach him a lesson."

Hanabi looked at Hinata with a confused look and asked curiously: "Sister, is this move powerful?"

Hinata bewitched: "Hanabi! When you defeat Konohamaru with this move, I guarantee that even your teacher will be afraid of you."


Hanabi said excitedly: "Sister, teach me quickly!"

Chapter 311 The elder sister's philosophy must be passed on by the younger sister

Touching Hanabi's soft belly, Hinata grinned and said, "This move is actually very simple. It is to use the soft fist to attack the internal organs in this area. Many people are afraid of this move."

At this point, Hinata said with some ill intentions: "Hanabi, you can try this move when you practice with father in the future!"

"You will know whether this move is powerful or not when you see father's reaction!"

I don't know what she thought of, but Hinata showed a big smile called "funny" on her face.

"Oh oh oh——"

Hanabi nodded seriously, and almost took out a small notebook to write down this move.

"And this part."

Hinata continued to instruct Hanabi on the combat experience she had accumulated over the years: "The internal organs in this area are called bladder. If you use the soft fist to attack this area... cough cough cough!"

At the end, Hinata herself couldn't say anything anymore. She always felt that the person who invented the soft fist was really dirty!

Hanabi secretly memorized every word Hinata said, but asked with some doubt: "Sister, isn't the heart the most vulnerable part of the human body? Why do we use soft fists to attack the internal organs in these two places?"


Hinata pointed out seriously: "Most ninjas are not afraid of death, and killing the opponent will not make the opponent feel afraid."

"But if we use soft fists to attack these two parts, more than 80% of male ninjas will kneel down and beg for mercy."

After a pause, Hinata asked proudly: "Hanabi, have you heard of Kakashi and Asuma?"


Hanabi said with some admiration: "They are both very powerful jonin in Konoha!"

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